Originally posted by SeaMonkey
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Please start signing your posts with your real name, it is absurd to talk to a fiction.
I told you I would not write to you again, but you keep on posting and posting and writing and slamming and ....
You are right on with some of your points, so learn us sompin'. Teach us to be better engineers, get us out of the rut. Contribute man, contribute. You act and sound like you are an authority, so be one. Suggest the alternatives that you so eloquently write about. Why do you continue to write things that have no "real" meaning, just to say that we are in a rut. That should be obvious, really. This has been going on for 2 years before JB and 1 year after JB, and JB did contribute a thing or two. Would you be willing to actually build something and/or contribute?
How does one get out of a rut? Test, test, test, but then again if one doesn't understand what one sees and the results one gets, then that is all mute. Make a freakin' contribution and quit telling us we are in a rut....stating the obvious is folly.
My contention is that this is all about resonance and none of know that much about it, so why don't you in your intellectual superiority educate us on what resonance means. I'm not even being snide with the previous sentence, you seem to want to help, (maybe just the newbies), but it is the builders and the old timers that want this to work more than the newbies. So, help the old timers and you WILL help the new guys, but not with the crap you've been spouting.
You seem to like putting down Dave, or Matt or me, or whomever, but this is doing nothing and you are trying to play mind games. I know what you are and others will finally decide this too if given enough time. You could help those who have built the TS while others just watch and wait for someone to tell them they "have it". Is that what you are also looking for? Perhaps, you can help, but do you have it within you?
Are you willing to suck up your ego? Are you willing to put an idea forth? Do you have any...I think you do, don't be so afraid. We won't tell you you are an idiot for trying....trying is the name of the game in an adventurous game...is this not a game?