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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Hi Matt
    I have on my hand #18 and #17 AWG wire enough to make the little tesla switch while waiting the other order to be ship will these wire work or not since i have the transformer disassemble and ready to wind.

    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


    • All you can do is try. Make the output wire 25% longer. If the wire is too fat you may have some heat issues.



      • Hi folks, Hi cfta, thanks for the explanation and information.
        Though i have a question, is there any other way to pulse the two transistors, etc., i looked up 555 circuits and the closest thing i found was i think called a bistable or flip flop circuit.
        Or could a stamp type circuit be salvaged from anything.
        Thanks, i really would like to try the small setup, because i have everything else except this stamp type circuit and you probably guessed it, very little funny money. Thanks for any help.
        peace love light


        • Carroll.
          I just have to laugh, and I have to tell you this. I was playing with a large transformer that has three wires coming off one side and only two on the other, so I unwound the tape and discovered that there were two wires twisted together and soldered to a common black wire. I unsoldered them and checked with my meter and discovered I had just what you are describing. I happened to glance at my second radio shack transformer and realized that it looked the same...3 wires coming off the 12 volt side, so I took it apart to make sure. I had just sent Luther an e-mail to tell him not to unwind his transformer when he called me to tell me he had communicated with you and I shouldn't unwind MINE. I already had, to check how the wiring went, even though I was pretty sure. I didn't want to be wrong, and I wasn't. And my warning to him was also too late because he had already unwound his. BUT, this is how we learn.

          So I bought a third transformer at Radio shack and will go ahead and rewind the one I disassembled. I saved the wire I took off it so I know exactly how much will fit back on it

          I now know that the BIG transformer I have will work because it too is a center tap. And that will save me a LOT of work when it comes time to build the larger one.

          Thanks so much for sharing this with us. I hope you are right, and more people will build this. If people can't be bothered to replicate this now, I don't have any time for them whatsoever. I don't even want to hear them speak.

          Last edited by Turion; 10-04-2011, 10:01 PM.
          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


          • You guys get ready now. Your gonna have, to at some point, wind a transformer.

            So don't get lazy. Its OK to go this route on this version, but the next phase is different.



            • @Skywatcher

              Check your messages I PM'd you.



              • Transformer circuit

                Hi guys,

                It sounds like some of you have got a good handle on this but for those that don't understand transformers yet here is a picture for you. Just follow the directions I posted earlier.

                Last edited by citfta; 10-06-2015, 09:14 PM.
                Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                • Matt,
                  Don't worry, we're not lazy! I've disassembled two now, and am working on rewinding the second. The first is done and ready to go as soon as my blasted parts get here. I guarantee I will be up ALL night the day they come in. Hopefully TODAY still, but if not, then tomorrow. I ordered Friday night late, paid for the two day shipping, but it wasn't shipped until Monday morning.

                  No Radio Shack in San Jose has any transformers left. I bought them out. Their supply arrives next Monday. Of all the Radio Shack stores here, only ONE is large enough to carry that item in inventory.

                  “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                  —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                  • To Hoppy@OverUnity Research .com

                    Hi Hoppy

                    I see your getting my messages. Good work man. I am little confused as to why you chose to use a solenoid instead of a transformer. But none the less you got it running up pretty quik. I'm real impressed.

                    I would be interested to know if your solenoid is a complete closed loop like transformer. I notice frequency is really high. Generally my stuff usually tunes out much lower. Between 50hz and 200hz.

                    I did say the thing will lose power over time. You would hard pressed to find a TS that didn't. But if measure your batteries not while they are running but before you make a run and after with rest period you will see a very insignificant amount missing.

                    Also if the MJL's are heating alot you may want to try a little more robust switch if you have one. I am sure you are capable of figuring that out.

                    I appreciate anyone who is looking into it.

                    I gotta say again Nice Work


                    • Thin v. Thick wire for transformer


                      Conventional thinking would have us making these transformers out of the thickest wire we could to reduce resistance.

                      I'm confused by your referring to using thinner wire.

                      Had confirmation from Future yesterday replacement HONGFA's are on their way.




                      • Hi Matt,

                        Currently getting together the parts to build the "small one".

                        Is it detrimental to use an off the shelf transformer as suggested (12 -0 -12 to 240v) ?

                        Do you consider this may impact on the end result?

                        I know it is the easy way out, but for a quick setup, this seems possible.

                        Going with the transistor switch and using 4 x MJE13007 (out of PC PSUs) - I
                        found these hold up well, especially on tesla coils and driving flybacks.

                        Thanks, Garry


                        • Originally posted by linesrg View Post
                          Conventional thinking would have us making these transformers out of the thickest wire we could to reduce resistance.
                          I'm confused by your referring to using thinner wire.
                          Had confirmation from Future yesterday replacement HONGFA's are on their way.
                          All I was thinking Richard was it might just control the current a little bit better and help reduce the heat. I can't remember all the specs you gave but I remember the Ohms were really low. You may be driving transformer into complete in just one pulse. Then you have to turn it all the way around. Thats alot of reactive energy and could account for the heat issues you were having.

                          Originally posted by garrypm View Post
                          Hi Matt,
                          Currently getting together the parts to build the "small one".
                          Is it detrimental to use an off the shelf transformer as suggested (12 -0 -12 to 240v) ?
                          Do you consider this may impact on the end result?
                          I know it is the easy way out, but for a quick setup, this seems possible.
                          Going with the transistor switch and using 4 x MJE13007 (out of PC PSUs) - I
                          found these hold up well, especially on tesla coils and driving flybacks.
                          Thanks, Garry
                          No you can use it. But 240v your getting into some high voltage, so basically if you do it be careful. You need a load to drive as well.



                          • I was saddened to hear of Steve Jobs passing today, but a quote from him seemed quite appropriate for what is going on here:

                            “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life,” Jobs said. “Don’t be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.”

                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                            • Hi Matt,

                              Thanks for the reply to my previous question.

                              I have accquired all the parts and hope to build the setup over the weekend.

                              The transformer is a 12 -0 | 12 - 0 to 240.

                              To keep the cost down, I have opted for 4 x 12v SLAs

                              I already had the Arduino (freetronics ELEVEN, 100% compat) and spent this
                              evening understanding how to drive it - tested with LEDS. All good.

                              The schematic from the PDF for the Darlington setup is what I am going for.

                              May I ask about the type of diodes used at the top of the circuit.

                              Thanks, Garry


                              • Here is my Matt's TS replication, now it's working.
                                I use 4x small 12v 1.3Ah lead acid batteries, small 7W (at 50Hz) iron transformer which I rewire with about 60 21AWG turns primaries and 75 turns of 20AWG secondary.
                                As pulsing device I use generetor on TL598 IC which is analogue, so simply turning the potentiometer I can change frequency from 60 to 21000 Hz, also duty cycle is tunable. Having the oscilloscope I can see the frequency and waweform. Generator is made on separate PCB.
                                My scheme using two mosfets (IRF540N, which are 100V, but I recommend 200v IRF640 because of high spikes what in my case reach 80-90v - near the maximum) as switching, driven by pairs of BJT's BD139/BD140 each.
                                Why mosfets? They has very low losses because almost no resistance (0,04 Ohms) in switched-on mode.

                                I have tested this batteries in parallel thru 10w 12v bulb and found that they discharged after 3.5 hours.
                                Sometime ago I've built classic 6-switch TS on mosfets without transformer and it was discharged thru same load (10w bulb) by the same time (3.5 hours).

                                Now my Matt's replica is tested.
                                Though I calculated transformer for 200-250Hz, I found than best frequency is about 800-1000 Hz (max output voltage and min battery voltage drop, i.e., load).
                                Attached Files
                                Last edited by Sobakin; 10-06-2011, 02:14 PM.

