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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
    Ya that will do. Its just "Incase" thing. Like I said the Hong fa's are very temperamental. They won't put up with much. You might run that thing 100 times then POW, no switch. I have used them alot.

    Hmmm. Interesting. So have you found the Hongs to be unreliable, or have they popped because of user error, or changes to the system? I got these ones cause the local store had em, but they are $50 a pop. If we can achieve the same thing with a $5 mosfet then that is where I'll start researching. The local store only has 30v/100A ones, I wonder if the higher voltage ones you suggested would be more robust....

    "Once you've come to the conclusion that what what you know already is all you need to know, then you have a degree in disinterest." - John Dobson


    • Originally posted by dnewkirk View Post
      Hey everybody,
      This is my first post on energetic forum, so I know you’ll forgive me for stating the obvious. I’m happy to see so many selfless folks on this forum who are willing to mentor others. They give of their time and energy to help them become successful regardless of their background and training. Thanks for being safety minded and saving others grief over the pitfalls you have already experienced. I have blown up too many stamps, PICs, transistors, etc in the past from ignorance and simple mistakes. So thanks for saving others the headaches and dollars from the get-go.
      A few pages back, Matt said that life was getting busy. I think a lot of us are sensing it. Things are happening rapidly globally. Political and cosmological events will eventually affect us all. You can only have so much fuel to run a generator; and solar panels become useless when the skies are filled with dust. I know that around my neck of the woods, the power grid is getting to be unreliable with more and longer outages. So I think Matt’s gift of this TS configuration is more apropos than we might imagine. Now please step back while I jump off of this soapbox.
      I’ve received the 3KVA transformer and have ordered some of the parts (saving up more dough to get the rest of what’s needed). I was thrilled with my replication of the small Matt Jones TS. I’ve attached a file to present my results and some pics. I hope to get up to speed so I can become a meaningful contributor. Thanks again guys. --Dennis
      That is really nice to see Dennis. I appreciate you sharing.
      I am glad you are happy with your results as well. But I can tell ya now if you just watch this thing run a few times and start looking at the batteries as well as the potential on the AC output of the transformer you'll find that sweet spot for you load and 69% will become a thing of the past.
      Keep looking. I am happy to know ya.



      • Originally posted by dnewkirk View Post
        Hey everybody,
        This is my first post on energetic forum, so I know you’ll forgive me for stating the obvious. I’m happy to see so many selfless folks on this forum who are willing to mentor others. They give of their time and energy to help them become successful regardless of their background and training. Thanks for being safety minded and saving others grief over the pitfalls you have already experienced. I have blown up too many stamps, PICs, transistors, etc in the past from ignorance and simple mistakes. So thanks for saving others the headaches and dollars from the get-go.
        A few pages back, Matt said that life was getting busy. I think a lot of us are sensing it. Things are happening rapidly globally. Political and cosmological events will eventually affect us all. You can only have so much fuel to run a generator; and solar panels become useless when the skies are filled with dust. I know that around my neck of the woods, the power grid is getting to be unreliable with more and longer outages. So I think Matt’s gift of this TS configuration is more apropos than we might imagine. Now please step back while I jump off of this soapbox.
        I’ve received the 3KVA transformer and have ordered some of the parts (saving up more dough to get the rest of what’s needed). I was thrilled with my replication of the small Matt Jones TS. I’ve attached a file to present my results and some pics. I hope to get up to speed so I can become a meaningful contributor. Thanks again guys. --Dennis
        Dennis, this is great work. Nice recording of the test and documenting.




        • Hi Matt, thanks for your patience.

          Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
          I gave you recipe. I told you what to look for. I told you the speeds. Other peoples are working. So far yours hasn't and now you want to give advice.
          Based on past experience that behavior is very suspect to me. I am hoping you are not that way but I would really appreciate you more if had you tried first what I told you to use and not what you felt was better.
          I did like You say in Your PDF (except low freqs because have not a low-freq transformer yet).
          You say that it's not need to absolute copy your setup, but principles, so I've built it as I feel better (schematic in this post).
          "Iron just wont run at these frequencies" Was along the lines of what you said.
          I said this about high frequencies, 2000Hz+, at such frequencies efficient of standard iron core begins to lower. For low (50-100 Hz) frequencies I need more windings, otherwise high current thru windings will destroy transformer and / or transistors. Where am I wrong?

          So I do not understand why now you want help and explanation. Isolate your problem and then I can help you.
          Can You tell me what is my setup problems (except high frequencies)?
          My setup:

          pulse generetor signals is 12V.


          • Originally posted by Bit's-n-Bytes View Post
            Dennis, this is great work. Nice recording of the test and documenting.
            Thanks folks, Matt, Bit's for the nice comments. I'm already salivating about building the 'Big One', but that's only after simulating everything on the smaller ckt. I think it's a perfect test bed for trying out all the enhancements like adding extra 'kickback' diodes, ADC input for battery voltage, battery swapping switching, and anything else that can move this little wonder towards the self-sustaining dream realm. I'm getting together some garden tractor batts that are true flooded wet cells to compare with the performace of the AGM batts. I'll be searching hard for the sweet spot. When I get something exciting, I'll document it and post it. --Dennis


            • Originally posted by dnewkirk View Post
              I was thrilled with my replication of the small Matt Jones TS. I’ve attached a file to present my results and some pics. I hope to get up to speed so I can become a meaningful contributor. Thanks again guys. --Dennis
              Thanks for report, great work!
              Did You these tests to fully discharge batteries (to 11V, for example), and/or with bigger load?
              Last edited by Sobakin; 10-18-2011, 04:01 PM.


              • Originally posted by dnewkirk View Post
                I was thrilled with my replication of the small Matt Jones TS. I’ve attached a file to present my results and some pics. I hope to get up to speed so I can become a meaningful contributor. Thanks again guys. --Dennis
                Thanks for report, great work!
                Did You these tests to fully discharge batteries (to 11V, for example), it may need to swap batteries after discharge one pair, and/or with bigger load?


                • Originally posted by Sobakin View Post
                  Did You these tests to fully discharge batteries (to 11V, for example), it may need to swap batteries after discharge one pair, and/or with bigger load?
                  Hey Sobakin,
                  No, I did not fully discharge the batteries. These were well used batteries from a bank that was replaced in a medical UPS system. I made several charge/discharge cycles and chose what I thought were the most reliable ones to use for testing with my small setup. I didn’t want to jeopardize the remaining cycle life of these used batteries, so I never discharge below about 60% capacity, gel cell or AGM type.
                  Capacity ----- 0% -- 20% -- 40% -- 60% -- 80% -- 100%
                  Gel voltage * 11.54V 11.88V 12.18V 12.48V 12.78V 13.02V
                  AGM voltage*11.64V 11.88V 12.09V 12.30V 12.51V 12.72V
                  *Open circuit voltage is measured after the battery disconnected from load or power source for at least 24hrs.
                  I charged all four of the AGM batts and then let them rest for a day. I paralleled the batts and connected a 6W bulb. The starting voltage under load was 12.93V. I let it ride until the discharging voltage reached 12.47 volts. Then I recharged the batts and repeated the discharge cycle on the TS setup. The time to discharge to the same average voltage was 69% longer than on the batts alone. Yippee! At this point I knew that Matt was offering everyone a gift. Just be willing to do what he asks of you to prove the concept. Once you get that to work, then you can try your own materials and methods for further experimenting.
                  Did I need to swap the batteries? Yes. During the discharge run, I did not want any one of the batts to drop below the 60% capacity. When either bottom battery (B2 or B4) approached that level, I swapped the top and bottom batteries. When the average voltage level for all four batts reached 12.47v, I terminated the discharge test and recorded the time.
                  Bigger load? I could run up to about a 14W load, but that was pushing it. Two things to ponder about this. One is the fact that the little xfmr was originally designed for about 2 amps. It was a 120VAC stepdown to 25VAC center tapped secondary. Had a #28 AWG primary and #20 AWG 17ft bifilar secondary. I removed those windings and then rewound it as trifilar with 38 foot long primaries and a 47.5 foot long secondary; tight, flat side by side. Finished it with sore thumbs. When I reinserted the laminations, I had two missing (which I butchered on removal). It probably didn’t help with the saturation issues, but I still got results. The other thing is the batteries I was using. I don’t yet know for certain, but I’m thinking that they might have been limited in providing enough instantaneous current when pulsed. That’s why I am going to invest the monies and purchase new flooded cell lead acid batteries and then test again to prove it.
                  So that is all I can tell you about for now. If you can, try to search from whatever source is available to find the materials which closely match what Matt has described in his shopping lists. Set it up as instructed, do all the preliminary checks, and then prepare to be amazed. I’m hoping that when enough experimenters have shown us their successes with the small TS, then maybe Matt will help us to reach the ‘brass ring’ ! Good hunting, Sobakin.


                  • Hi Matt,
                    With your help and your patience for my silly questions some times and with the help of Carroll and David I manage to run my little Matt Tesla Switch . you cannot imagine how glad i am .thank you Matt, Carroll and David and all those whom asked for question and I learn from the answer not to do the same mistakes they did i have been working on SSG circuit for while with different setup but this is different.
                    I was afraid to run the circuit but finally I did it and here it is working so pretty.
                    I will give some marks i have notice on my replication which is working for more than 3 hours and still.
                    1. My transformer as you know i litz the wires and i noticed that its super quiet and cold (not even worm).
                    2. I started with
                    Batt 1 =12.80
                    Batt 2 =12.78
                    Batt 3 =12.83
                    Batt 4 =12.82
                    Those reading are before I hook the Batteries to the circuit
                    3. The transistors MJL21194 and the diodes are cold (no worm at all)
                    4. I am using 12v 10w load and my best pulsing program was at
                    PULSOUT 1, 3000
                    PULSOUT 2, 3000
                    5. I was playing with the tuning by changing the code and find if i make the pulsing for pin 1 more
                    than pin 2 then 3 start charging more and batt. 1 starts to lose some 0.22 volts and vice
                    What do you explain that. And i forget to tell you that my batteries are all new and fully charge
                    and this was the first time running.
                    But i think it’s working very well so far with the code
                    PULSOUT 1, 3100
                    PULSOUT 2, 3000
                    I am just waiting for 2, 4 to discharge to swap the batteries and do the test again tomorrow
                    Attached Files
                    Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane


                    • @Ehsan

                      I am really happy for ya. I am happy all of you decided to pick it up and give it try.

                      I love seeing the results come in. I am really you guys all take an interest in trying to make it run better with what you have already built.

                      I am Sorry I do not have much time to just start throwing out clues and the thing you need to move on. But even If I told my exact formula it wouldn't be the same for ya. Its so much better to produce the results your looking and understand through experience.

                      Again I am just tickled by all this, Keep it up.



                      • Originally posted by ren View Post
                        Hmmm. Interesting. So have you found the Hongs to be unreliable, or have they popped because of user error, or changes to the system? I got these ones cause the local store had em, but they are $50 a pop. If we can achieve the same thing with a $5 mosfet then that is where I'll start researching. The local store only has 30v/100A ones, I wonder if the higher voltage ones you suggested would be more robust....

                        Sorry I missed this. I am not saying they are prone to failure. They are temperamental little things. Once you realize how to treat them then you can push them real good. The just need a little extra safety measure. And you do not want to go much over 1 khz with them.

                        But you can get results with them. I personally haven't used the 30 volt 100 amp version but I have used 200 volt 40 amp and the 50 volt 80 amp. Both real robust as long as they did not get any abuse. First time you make a little mistake POW. LOL

                        Don't be scared and second guess yourself just buy a fire extinguisher. LOL I am just kidding.



                        • ehsanco 1062

                          Good to hear you finally got it running!. We were rooting for ya.

                          I ordered my #14 magnet wire today so I can get my large transformer wound. Can't believe that in the Silicon Valley there is no supplier of magnet wire and I had to order it off the internet. What is the world coming to!! Already have everything else, so looking forward to having the big one done, and will be ready for when we go to the next step.

                          I still have lots and lots and LOTS of things to do with the three setups I have built and have up and running. I am running two setups on 3.5 amp hour batteries, one setup on 7 amp hour batteries. I haven't been satisfied with any part of what I have done, and am looking for ways to make all of it easier and simpler. To that end, I am looking at building some circuit boards to replace the mess of wires I have. Always wanted to try that detail soldering and see if I was any good at it! LOL

                          “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                          —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist


                          • Hi dnewkirk,
                            thanks for answer,
                            I got added evidence that frequency is most important.


                            • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                              I am looking at building some circuit boards to replace the mess of wires I have. Always wanted to try that detail soldering and see if I was any good at it! LOL


                              This may make your life easier:

                              PCB "Fab-In-A-Box" ... The 8min circuit board system



                              • Originally posted by Turion View Post
                                ehsanco 1062

                                Good to hear you finally got it running!. We were rooting for ya.

                                Hi David
                                ya indeed you wer[QUOTE=Turion;162823]ehsanco 1062

                                Hi David
                                Yes indeed you were.
                                I also got this morning my #10 AWG wire and when I looked at it I was just like what the hell !the wire is too strong to warped only wire how about three wire so i think i did mistake by ordering 10AWG wire I should order 14 AWG which i couldn’t find in the place where I make my order and here in Sweden nothing you can find the wire ,the transformer ,the 1 farad capacitor ,basic stamp so i order all these parts from USA and I pay for shipment and taxes in USA and I also pay taxes here when I receive the order for example I pay today for only the 120" wire 67$ can you imagine and i pay 128$ for shipping the transformer and i pay here 75$ so only the transformer cost me 270$and the wire 200$ i just mention these number because i remember you said before big one will cost 600$ i wish it will cost me that number i thing bill will be over 1100$ and i am satisfied with that if i can do it right.

                                Thanks David
                                Attached Files
                                Take the wisdom even from the mouths of the insane

