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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • Matt
    ...product of patent opportunity arrises.
    Quite frankly im amazed at this statement and kinda stunned! For an intelligent and well researched person as yourself im surprised that your falling in to this obvious trap of thinking that somehow you could actually successfully secure a patent on a device such as this or even mass produce a device which allowed you to make a good profit?
    Why do you think we dont have cheap efficient devices in wide spread use today? Answer is simple. Major wide-spread suppression. I know of 3 people personally just in new zealand alone who attempted patent applications and who were silenced. One guy 3 years back using sonics to crack hho from water to power his car... Visited by men in suits and scared quiet. Another guy in 1970s with water powered car attempted patent rights in germany.. Shut down. And Bruce Cathie recently working on hho tech also visited by suits and shut down. Matt, how old are you? Do you understand whats happening in this world? Any device that acheives even more than 75 percent efficiency is automatically confiscated under national security patent law! Thats a fact. To date over 3000 such patents have been gagged and used for military purposes by US, UK, NZ, AUS etc goverments. Stanley Meyers work is used in certain US tanks to this day. Greed is half the reason were in this fix now. You think if you came up with a device that eliminated the need for power plants the corporate energy controlled govt and media would allow you to produce it? Of course they wont. The only way we are ever going to see a change in this world will be if people like you refine and then make available the info released for free simultaneously from multiple sources so as to make it impossible to stop the knowledge of a devices manufacture be made public. There is no other way. Its time for a new way of thinking and sharing on this planet otherwise were screwed!!! I cannot stress the importance of understanding the huge organised suppression of all free energy work on this planet. We cant get ourselves out of this situation by using the same kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Im sure you have put months or even years of efforts in your work and expect some kind of payment back for it.. But the payment will be far greater than any monetary value if we succeed in changing the world dont you think? People who go into this thinking they are gona make money are wasting their time. This is about freedom.. Not money.


    • 3ts

      This will allow to put any battery into a charge or discharge or rest position.
      and a lot more.

      William Reed


      • Matt, may i ask, what device are you referring too, a self runner or the efficient version many have built?

        We are building the efficient version and have a course coming up to honor your hard work, what version are you talking about bro? What am i missing? sorry for not keeping up been very busy working with cancer patients ATM



        • Originally posted by Awakekiwi View Post
          Quite frankly im amazed at this statement and kinda stunned! For an intelligent and well researched person as yourself im surprised that your falling in to this obvious trap of thinking that somehow you could actually successfully secure a patent on a device such as this or even mass produce a device which allowed you to make a good profit?
          Why do you think we dont have cheap efficient devices in wide spread use today? Answer is simple. Major wide-spread suppression. I know of 3 people personally just in new zealand alone who attempted patent applications and who were silenced. One guy 3 years back using sonics to crack hho from water to power his car... Visited by men in suits and scared quiet. Another guy in 1970s with water powered car attempted patent rights in germany.. Shut down. And Bruce Cathie recently working on hho tech also visited by suits and shut down. Matt, how old are you? Do you understand whats happening in this world? Any device that acheives even more than 75 percent efficiency is automatically confiscated under national security patent law! Thats a fact. To date over 3000 such patents have been gagged and used for military purposes by US, UK, NZ, AUS etc goverments. Stanley Meyers work is used in certain US tanks to this day. Greed is half the reason were in this fix now. You think if you came up with a device that eliminated the need for power plants the corporate energy controlled govt and media would allow you to produce it? Of course they wont. The only way we are ever going to see a change in this world will be if people like you refine and then make available the info released for free simultaneously from multiple sources so as to make it impossible to stop the knowledge of a devices manufacture be made public. There is no other way. Its time for a new way of thinking and sharing on this planet otherwise were screwed!!! I cannot stress the importance of understanding the huge organised suppression of all free energy work on this planet. We cant get ourselves out of this situation by using the same kind of thinking that got us into this mess. Im sure you have put months or even years of efforts in your work and expect some kind of payment back for it.. But the payment will be far greater than any monetary value if we succeed in changing the world dont you think? People who go into this thinking they are gona make money are wasting their time. This is about freedom.. Not money.

          I am forty years old, I have spent 6 years and and lost track of how many thousands of dollars maybe hundreds of thousands, working on this thing. I have published and discussed 100's of methods of running it for variety of reasons. And to date I have had nothing in return for it from the free energy community. Not even a on going effort to try to keep up by anyone with a budget.

          Now thats not to say there are not people I will share with I have decided not to share outside of a very small group.

          And despite all the rhetoric about suppression and world changing tech, and rewards based on freedom, there are plenty of people who will help via funding as long as the info isn't in the public domain.

          So I'll make you an offer. My next build has estimate of about 18000 dollars worth of parts. You get me that money and I'll post the whole thing for you to replicate.
          Because sir I am telling you I am tired of swinging a hammer to make less and less of living, and tired of spending every extra dime earned from blood, sweat, and tears , just so some small group of people can just ride along side cheer for me and badger you to death for information that is just elementary.

          You help foot the bill and I'll stay open source, simple.. And if your not willing to that then screw it let it stay suppressed.

          If you guys need anything you know you can PM me or email me. As long as there is working effort in your group, I'll help. I just do not want to play school teacher to bunch of people who do cannot move further then the 5 hour alarm battery.



          • Amazing

            I shouldn't be surprised anymore but I still am. Someone comes along that has contributed nothing so far and has the gall to criticize someone who has shared so freely with everyone just because they want to keep some things private. Awakekiwi how long have you been reading on this forum? Not long at all I bet since this is your first post. If you knew any history at all about this forum you would see how out of line your post is.

            Matt spent countless hours on the Lockridge device thread working out a way to rewind a scooter motor to make it much more efficient. He freely shared all that info. Some worthless piece of garbage took that info and posted it on his on website and tried to sell the info for how to do it.

            Jetjis also shared how to make diesel fuel out of plastic waste and someone did the same thing to him. So there is a very good reason to not share everything.

            Go back through this very thread and see how much Matt has freely shared and all the free advice he has given. You owe Matt an apology for posting about something you really don't know anything about.

            Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


            • I think the alarm battery people are important too,


              • Originally posted by alvarohn View Post
                I think the alarm battery people are important too,

                Its good place to get started but you have to move past that to see the real value and get the full effect, and in that lies the problem.
                I have shared enough anyone can get started. And there are enough people to help you get far enough along that I should not be needed anymore.

                This is the last I am going to post here on this matter.



                • Originally posted by rosehillworks View Post
                  This will allow to put any battery into a charge or discharge or rest position.
                  and a lot more.

                  Interested in a few more details on that circuit. Transistor types? Also not sure what you have at the very bottom center of the pic. Looks like a bridge rectifier with only two connections. Any other details?
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • Gratitude

                    Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                    Its good place to get started but you have to move past that to see the real value and get the full effect, and in that lies the problem.
                    I have shared enough anyone can get started. And there are enough people to help you get far enough along that I should not be needed anymore.

                    This is the last I am going to post here on this matter.

                    thank you to all for your comments and i appreciate all the hard work done and time/monies spent and dedication. It is absolutely an individuals choice on how much they choose to share and keep. Ive spent approx 15000 on my projects so far and will publish results in full once im satisfied with the end product being easily replicatable and effective. It will be freely available to all as i have chosen that way. Also my points still stand as far as the futility of attempting patents and copyright.. From experience it is truely a dead end path. I have chosen complete openess and sharing in my endeavors due to discovery of immutable spiritual laws which also help facilitate success. Those who take ideas for their own benifit unless given permission always end up worse off one way or another as experience has shown. Yes i am new to this forum.. I have a message to pass on re: patents and the control structure on this planet and the appication of suppression which i give talks on. Anyone may email me if they wish to know more. Thats all from me. Best wishes to you all on your journeys


                    • Hi again, just wanted to quickly add that their is a way to make a lot of money from a successful device as many have done so.. Its not a way i would choose for good reasons. However if profit is your motive then accepting a bribe from the control structure to stop all work (usually several million) is one way to go.. Once you have their attention thats usually the first offer made, then if refused they usually threaten after that, shut down websites etc and finally act on the threat if you refuse to comply. Many have accepted bribes. Most recently a german man who invented a solid state pyramid device that generated electricity.. He was shut down after been paid out and his websites closed. However he was tricked into accepting a massive development grant which turned out to be legal scam where he unwittingly sold the rights to his invention to a corporate entity that had no intention of going public. So be carefull in all dealings with those offering sponsorship unless you know them well. Thanks again for your time all!


                      • Originally posted by Awakekiwi View Post
                        Hi again, just wanted to quickly add that their is a way to make a lot of money from a successful device as many have done so.. Its not a way i would choose for good reasons. However if profit is your motive then accepting a bribe from the control structure to stop all work (usually several million) is one way to go.. Once you have their attention thats usually the first offer made, then if refused they usually threaten after that, shut down websites etc and finally act on the threat if you refuse to comply. Many have accepted bribes. Most recently a german man who invented a solid state pyramid device that generated electricity.. He was shut down after been paid out and his websites closed. However he was tricked into accepting a massive development grant which turned out to be legal scam where he unwittingly sold the rights to his invention to a corporate entity that had no intention of going public. So be carefull in all dealings with those offering sponsorship unless you know them well. Thanks again for your time all!
                        Look A**hole you miss the point entirely so I will spell it out for ya.

                        Venture Capitalists who will FUND research projects WILL NOT fund research that is in the public domain. They are only interested in patentable material that can be turned into a product. Like wise if I were to open a public R&D company I would be under the same terms to my investors.

                        So let me get real simple about it since you are so caught up in your HIGH AND MIGHTY persona.
                        If I wanted to build something that was outside my budgets ability, I have to raise money. The open source community does not provide those funds. I am limited by only so many option to further my research and understanding of targeted project.

                        So out of FEAR (Like your fear) of being suppressed by some fictitious secret society and or government agency, I am supposed to just drop all my work and wait until I can afford to not only fund it but give it all away for the betterment of humanity.
                        I heard Miss America talking about world peace too and that was inspiring, but very much a view of a narrow minded very sheltered person such as yourself.
                        And I am willing to BET MONEY that you will not PM me your name address so I can either come visit you or you visit me so you can actually call me a sell out to my face like you imply in your above statement. See You have no spine. Your a slug that can type.

                        And it to bad your just one of many.



                        • Hi folks, Hi matt, you are contradicting yourself, what do you fear by sharing freely. Your words.
                          I am supposed to just drop all my work and wait until I can afford to not only fund it but give it all away for the betterment of humanity.
                          It does seem counter intuitive and maybe even paradoxical to just share freely anything we are able to, though I assure you, it is the only way to see these technologies out to the light of day.
                          One can easily rationalize away the principles of sharing freely because they have set up these control structures to give a fairly convincing illusion, that charging, profiting and placing conditions upon sharing is the only way to survive, is it, or have small groups of people over time created systems to reinforce this mind set within people.
                          As individual expressions of the one source, we can't the walk the walk for others, though we can certainly offer wisdom, though it is our individual choice to absorb it or not.
                          peace love light


                          • @Sky

                            Name one thing that was developed in the Open Source Community and is in wide spread use today that is not software, patented or produced...

                            Thats all you gotta do....

                            And mind yourself Sky because I went out of my way to make sure you had ample opportunity to be a part of the people I do share with. But you still just let the chance roll on by, like most you let me down.



                            • Lamare and Matt

                              Thanks to both of you for sharing your information and knowledge on this thread. The resources and other info links are much appreciated in getting my head around the entire subject of RE and the research angle. Takes time to overcome thought processes ingrained over a long time. Look forward to becoming more involved in the simple replications as the season progresses and time permits. For the short term I will continue to lurk and learn.

                              All is very fascinating to this old dog.

                              Thank you!!!


                              • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                                Name one thing that was developed in the Open Source Community and is in wide spread use today that is not software, patented or produced...
                                Bread, beer, wine and lots of other foods.
                                Hammer, nail, nuts, bolts, fork, knife, spoon.
                                The wheel.
                                Soldering iron.

                                Agreed, these have been developed a long time ago in a different society.

                                What has happened is that money has slowly changed from real, physical stuff that had intrinsic value and was purely a means of exchange into something that is nothing but numbers on paper sheets and computer screens, which primary purpose is no longer a means of exchange, but a means to control society meanwhile maintaining the illusion that those numbers on computer screens they call money actually adds anything useful to our society.

                                Our society has changed from a society where small communities were mostly self-sufficient into a global society wherein almost no one is self-sufficient and spends their time and effort earning numbers on a computer screen in order to pay of the debt created by a financial system that issues money that not only does not have any intrinsic value, but is an IOU by someone to the financial system, controlled by TPTW, the same PTW that "invest" huge amounts of numbers on computer screens into the manufacturing and deployment of weaponry and "circusses" such as sports, movies and TV shows to keep the people ignorant and busy.

                                It is within this environment of global financial tyranny that almost every human being on earth has to struggle to make ends meet, while we actually have the technology and the means to end poverty and environmental destruction and establish peace on this planet.

                                However, change is on the horizon. We have now reached the point where all the dirty secrets behind the financial tyranny have been published and the good guys within the US military, those that remember they swore an oath to protect the US constitution and their people against all enemies (foreign AND domestic), are about to arrest the crooks that caused so much pain and destruction. This has been extensively documented by David Wilcock on his website Divine Cosmos.

                                Until the time that TPTW are out of the way, we have to walk the middle road whereby we on the one hand do what is necessary to keep ourselves and our families afloat and on the other hand do what we can to contribute to our common cause of ending environmental destruction, the suppression of free energy technology and the exploitation of our brothers and sisters all across the planet.

                                That middle road is not the same for everyone and we all have different challenges to overcome. And, yes, it is "a fairly convincing illusion, that charging, profiting and placing conditions upon sharing is the only way to survive", but as long as the majority of the people believe in this illusion, there is a reality attached to that illusion. Stupid as it may be, if you do not have enough numbers on your computer screen to buy food and pay your mortgage, you will experience real poverty and real non-illusive people WILL kick you out of your house....

                                And if you are able to get some extra illusionary numbers on computer screens by patenting some ideas, which enable you to go faster and put this stuff on the market: why not?

                                After all, one of our common goals is to put free energy on the market, exactly because once it does the illusion meets it's Waterloo.

                                My advice for taking this road would be this: just make sure to have an insurance policy by making sure the results of your hard work cannot dissappear in the event you run into an "accident". One way to do that is to create an archive with all your important data on your computer and use strong encryption, which protects your data with a password. (gnu gpg is a good program for that, and truecrypt as well). Spread this digital safe on the internet and/or to some people you know. However, give the password only to a few people you really trust, which may or may not have a copy of the digital safe. Then, in case of an emergency, all you need to do is publish the password in order to release your data to the public, which may contain multiple gigabytes of information. WikiLeaks also used this "insurance policy" some time ago.

