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Use for the Tesla Switch

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  • hi

    Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
    my setup dod not work, but that is because I used resistive load instead of inductive load and way too much of it for batteries of the capacity I had. Back then I did not know much about electronics, my fiend, a radio electronic expert, helped me with the circuit. Anyway, this was the full circuit:

    I would be glad if someone tested it properly
    hi jetijs,
    after watching your excellent work on tesla switch,are you able to get excess energy out of batteries???? by using this circuit???


    • Matt,
      You have a PM if You care?
      Great effort shown so far , don't let them put You down: You've done well IMHO.
      Best regards,
      Stevan C.


      • I sent a email to the address in the PM.



        • Like many, I have read thousands of posts over the last year or so and still have not seen a working solid state tesla switch tutorial that can be emulated.
          I have limited knowledge of electronics- and although I can write programs for a computer or picaxe chip, It is a waste of my time to work on circuit diagrams that are usually theoretical, or incomplete... - in as much as component values or coil construction (turns and gauge), for example, are not fully detailed or explained.
          I am sure there those of you out there that have working examples. maybe the MIB are an issue.
          I am not looking for handouts or to sponge of someone else's work . I am working hard to update my electronics knowledge but it is a difficult slog.
          Is there anyone that can point me to somthing that I can build that actually works?


          • Hi all,

            I have studied some stuff on parametric variation this week, which may give some clues on the timing of the Tesla switch, which may also be intented as a parametric oscillator device with electrolytic capacitors.

            Posted this on the parametric variation thread:

            Originally posted by lamare View Post
            Found a better way of downloading the books from the University of Michigan. First, I downloaded images, but I can also download the books in pdf format, albeit page by page, which gives a much better quality. It doesn't like downloading more than 1 page a minute or so, so it took quite some time to download the three books by Platt, Lynn and Blackwell.

            So, I updated these three books on my server and also added Minorsky's "nonlinear oscillations" from 1962, which appears to be an excellent book and includes some of his work om parametric excitation based on Mandelstam and Papalexi:


            Further, it seems to me that the circuit known as "the Tesla switch" is also supposed to be a parametric variation device, a solid state version of Cap's Parametric Electric Machine:


            This one has also been built by Chris Carson:

            Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Energetic Form Posts

            If you can get such an "electrostatic converter" working by mechanically changing the capacitance of an LC oscillator, one should also be able to do this solid state, by switching the capacitor in series/parallel and thus modulating the capacitance that way.

            When you want to use large capacitances and thus would like to use polarized electrolytic capacitors, it seems to me that the Tesla switch circuitry may use 4 capacitors instead of 2 in order to avoid problems with electrolytic caps being charged negatively.

            If this is correct, one should adapt the switching frequency to the natural LC resonance frequency of the circuit, and the "on time" of each of the series switches should be 25% of the whole cycle.

            Macpherson describes this cycle in his book (page 15 and on), whereby the modulation (==switching in the Tesla switch) of the capacitor, the "pumping", needs to occur at twice the natural resonance frequency of the system:

            Last edited by lamare; 07-30-2012, 09:05 AM. Reason: updated link to Minorsky book


            • I have done it between Capacitors. In fact at the moment I am running one attached to Solar panel. From just meter and minor scope readings it has about a 30% percent gain on output.
              I am not giving any detail about it though I will say the traditional switching pattern won't cut it. Under the rules switching a capacitor into serial is an automatic loss of 50% or more.
              So the circuit has to be set up as a boost circuit. So when you pass the power out of a 1 cap into the other you drive the voltage up. The voltage of the panel is Higher that both peaks on the cap.
              Switching is done on the the frequency of the capacitors rejection voltage (For lack of a better term, point of battery impedance). All capacitors including batteries will spit power back at ya after a large enough pulse is received in a real short period of time. You make the switch at the point.
              Of course the power is driven through a transformer to set output voltage. And the input frequency to the caps is varied based on the voltage of the panel.



              • Originally posted by nali2001 View Post
                Dead link...


                • Good day!

                  This is my Solid State version of Tesla switch. Please comment... thanks

                  All sizes | My version | Flickr - Photo Sharing!
                  Attached Files


                  • It's alot of switch's. If you use cheap Fets your going to knock the potential way down.
                    You can use 6 switch's total and do the same job.



                    • Hi to all,
                      May I use 6V batteries instead 12V in Tesla switch?



                      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
                        I have done it between Capacitors. In fact at the moment I am running one attached to Solar panel. From just meter and minor scope readings it has about a 30% percent gain on output.
                        I am not giving any detail about it though I will say the traditional switching pattern won't cut it. Under the rules switching a capacitor into serial is an automatic loss of 50% or more.
                        So the circuit has to be set up as a boost circuit. So when you pass the power out of a 1 cap into the other you drive the voltage up. The voltage of the panel is Higher that both peaks on the cap.
                        Switching is done on the the frequency of the capacitors rejection voltage (For lack of a better term, point of battery impedance). All capacitors including batteries will spit power back at ya after a large enough pulse is received in a real short period of time. You make the switch at the point.
                        Of course the power is driven through a transformer to set output voltage. And the input frequency to the caps is varied based on the voltage of the panel. Matt
                        This seems consistent with something I saw Bearden saying in a video a few years back. He basically said that in order to obtain energy from the vacuum with a SLA battery, it had to be pulsed with a frequency that was matched to its impedance.

                        The Tesla Magnifying Transmitter seems to me to function in a similar way. The entire structure resonates, creating an open dipole between its two terminals (ground and positive tower top). At the proper frequency, plentiful radiant energy rushes in from ground.

                        While a minimum voltage is required to drive a structure to resonance, I suspect frequency is most important in getting the entire setup to function in the desired way.


                        • A little bit more on impedance matching from Bedini-Bearden:
                          Not exactly the same setup being discussed, but it may stimulate some related synaptic potential


                          • The Berg Equivalent Captret Tesla Switch

                            The Berg Equivalent Captret Tesla Switch

                            Easy to build.
                            Last edited by Berg; 02-09-2013, 11:44 PM. Reason: update


                            • Originally posted by Rocketfuel View Post
                              I am not looking for handouts or to sponge of someone else's work . I am working hard to update my electronics knowledge but it is a difficult slog.
                              Is there anyone that can point me to something that I can build that actually works?

                              Unfortunately, we are on our own.

                              Seems like over last 150 years, hundreds of inventors have discovered a method to extract the radiant energy.

                              Most of them saw themselves as "the one", who would bring their method to market; becoming rich,.. and famous. Wow!

                              Many others 'sold-out' to the powers that be. And hey, who doesn't love a sell out? Those type are my personal favorite.

                              In the end, most inventors died with their method.

                              And here we are, all these years later and nothing has changed.

                              Who is "the one" today?
                              Who will be "the one" tomorrow, who becomes snared in the same old traps?

                              From an outsiders perspective, the future fate of an inventor who attempts to market the cold electricity is already known and expected.
                              Same fate as all the others.

                              Why should things change?
                              But the one who sees himself as "the one", secretly thinks he will hit the mega-billion lottery.
                              Alrighty, almighty "one".

                              So Rocket, It sucks to be on our own.
                              Apparently, many of our fellow men are too weak to be able to help us.

                              All we can hope for is someone strong, who can help us help ourselves.

                              I am willing to experiment. All I want is an extended range for my 500 watt Electric scooter using the Tesla's Switch, or it's "variations".
                              I want it for myself, for my own personal use with Zero.Zero plans of marketing or selling a product.

                              The Tesla Switch, (or it's "variations"), do not look overly difficult to build for persons like us.

                              Like you, all I have is an overview of electronics, with little practical experience.
                              However, I'm brimming with ambition and creativity.

                              And certainly, it will not cost thousands of dollars to create a functional Tesla's Switch, ( or one of it's "variations".)

                              Before I stumbled upon this thread, I was looking at the Tesla's Switch build here:
                              Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 5

                              Would someone who has saved All of the attachments on this thread, please post a download link for them?
                              Thank you in advance, for sharing your strength.



                              • Originally posted by Jason409 View Post

                                Before I stumbled upon this thread, I was looking at the Tesla's Switch build here:
                                Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 5

                                Would someone who has saved All of the attachments on this thread, please post a download link for them?
                                Thank you in advance, for sharing your strength.


                                I uploaded all I got on the Tesla Switch to my server:
                                Directory contents of /pdf/Reference_Material/TeslaSwitch/

                                Patrick Kelly's guide is now also hosted at my site. Chapter 5 can be found here:

                                Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices - Chapter 5

                                The Benitez patents, also describing a Tesla-switch like system, can be found here:

                                Directory contents of /pdf/Patents/Benitez/

                                From an outsiders perspective, the future fate of an inventor who attempts to market the cold electricity is already known and expected.
                                Same fate as all the others.
                                Not necessarily. We are in this all together and the only way to bring such kind of technology to the people is to use "open source".

                                I am currently working on replicating Meyer's system, because I am pretty sure I found Stan's "secret":

                                Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Stan Meyers Secret
                                Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Meyer WFC Replication Project

                                Currently working on software for an Arduino-based engine control system, which is not finished, though, but published "as is now":

                                Index of /WFCProject/var/Arduino/Engine_Control_System

                                I believe this is one of the most important systems to get working, because it allows us to convert our existing infrastructure to run "on water". Systems like the Tesla Switch and Edwin Gray's "fuelless engine" are very interesting, but they require substantial adaptions to our existing cars and other machinery.

