FACTS + to make offset shaft in bearing
These appear to be the facts or claims based on Fernando's own words:
4 flywheels on 2 shafts offset on bearings so that the motion will be like a figure 8 as shown in the graphic.
The vertical lever with weight is the source of the multiplication and is needed to be placed over the axle connected to the INPUT wheel.
The output can be on a different OR SAME shaft as the input.
Wheels on the opposite shaft can counter-rotate - when the prototype is spun sometimes, the wheels can go in the same direction - so the axles are not locked to the bearing of course, you can move one and then force the other to spin so that they will move in the same direction - just get the bar in the right place and they will do the figure 8 configuration. That is the one needed for proper running.
Adding more parallel wheels can continue to increase the effect "exponentially".
The reaction of the lever does not counter the movement but assists in continued forwards movement.
Fernando improperly uses the term "force". He says gravity mass and distance when talking about the lever. Force is the mass times the acceleration. But the gravity x mass x distance is actual work dissipated or ENERGY.
On Eltimple's replication video - he says at 0:50 - "just cut a slot in the bar."
He is talking about the axle that goes through the bearing. So you push the rod through the axle and where the slot is, it will fall and go off centered, then tighten down the nuts on both sides and you then have the off centered bearing necessary to do this replication. Ok, that makes it easy.
At least that is my interpretation of what he is saying.
If so, then this "should be a piece of cake" to replicate.
I think I see now why this works - IF it works - when input shaft is rotated to where lever is slightly above level - the level is trying to tip towards the opposite axle using free gravitational potential to turn the opposite shaft. While it does that, it is simultaneously pulling on the input side relieving the work needed to turn the input section.
The skeptic can say it took work to lift it slightly above level to begin with on the input side, BUT while it is moving in that direction, the lever is tipped in the correct direction now so that free gravitational potential can do work on the rod to rotate it back up to the level or above level position.
So, I can see how Fernando is saying it appears to be always falling - it is completely apparent how he says this according to the drawing that Artoj did. This looks like it actually works at first glance based on what is now known.
When it is falling over the top to rotate the opposite shaft, it is simultaneously pulling on the input side in the SAME direction that it needs to go. When it is falling in the other direction, the same effect. No matter what, either direction helps to propel the axles in the "forward" direction either way so the reaction in the opposite direction is not happening here - all the reaction is in the forward direction - just like martial arts like what Fernando said.
These appear to be the facts or claims based on Fernando's own words:
4 flywheels on 2 shafts offset on bearings so that the motion will be like a figure 8 as shown in the graphic.
The vertical lever with weight is the source of the multiplication and is needed to be placed over the axle connected to the INPUT wheel.
The output can be on a different OR SAME shaft as the input.
Wheels on the opposite shaft can counter-rotate - when the prototype is spun sometimes, the wheels can go in the same direction - so the axles are not locked to the bearing of course, you can move one and then force the other to spin so that they will move in the same direction - just get the bar in the right place and they will do the figure 8 configuration. That is the one needed for proper running.
Adding more parallel wheels can continue to increase the effect "exponentially".
The reaction of the lever does not counter the movement but assists in continued forwards movement.
Fernando improperly uses the term "force". He says gravity mass and distance when talking about the lever. Force is the mass times the acceleration. But the gravity x mass x distance is actual work dissipated or ENERGY.
On Eltimple's replication video - he says at 0:50 - "just cut a slot in the bar."
He is talking about the axle that goes through the bearing. So you push the rod through the axle and where the slot is, it will fall and go off centered, then tighten down the nuts on both sides and you then have the off centered bearing necessary to do this replication. Ok, that makes it easy.
At least that is my interpretation of what he is saying.
If so, then this "should be a piece of cake" to replicate.

I think I see now why this works - IF it works - when input shaft is rotated to where lever is slightly above level - the level is trying to tip towards the opposite axle using free gravitational potential to turn the opposite shaft. While it does that, it is simultaneously pulling on the input side relieving the work needed to turn the input section.
The skeptic can say it took work to lift it slightly above level to begin with on the input side, BUT while it is moving in that direction, the lever is tipped in the correct direction now so that free gravitational potential can do work on the rod to rotate it back up to the level or above level position.
So, I can see how Fernando is saying it appears to be always falling - it is completely apparent how he says this according to the drawing that Artoj did. This looks like it actually works at first glance based on what is now known.
When it is falling over the top to rotate the opposite shaft, it is simultaneously pulling on the input side in the SAME direction that it needs to go. When it is falling in the other direction, the same effect. No matter what, either direction helps to propel the axles in the "forward" direction either way so the reaction in the opposite direction is not happening here - all the reaction is in the forward direction - just like martial arts like what Fernando said.