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Radiant energy and electrolysis (ionic/colloidal silver)

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  • Radiant energy and electrolysis (ionic/colloidal silver)

    I'll stick this subject here since I do not know where else it might go and it sort of applies to alternative science.

    For the past few months I have been experimenting with production of ionic/colloidal silver (from now on CS), trying to get as high concentration in PPM as possible. Basically we are conducting electrolysis of pure silver (99.99%) in distilled water (DW) to create a solution of silver ions (Ag+). Ideally we are looking for highest ionic concentration possible or highest particular solution.

    If you look around there the Web, there are usual methods of creating silver colloid, either through DC (most common) or through AC current. Few weeks ago I got a crazy idea to try and use radiant energy as a power source for the process. So first thing I stumbled upon was JB's SSG and so decided to use that as a basic design and source of radiant potential. I liked the fact that the motor was self regulating to the load, so in this case it would figure itself out what it needs to provide for the electrolysis.

    A consensus among CS enthusiasts is that you need to supply constant current to the circuit to achieve good PPM. Various people have built various circuits that do this, using anything from 12V up to 160V and more. The amount of current is computed by factoring the surface of the electrodes, and usually for home setups is between 500uA to 2mA.

    Now I understand that in the orthodox approach a current is needed for the process but after seeing talks about Radiant H2O it made me think that RE could be applied in this case and possibly produce some results.

    Since most of you here have more experience with RE sources than me, I would appreciate feedback on what would be the best way of approaching this matter (electrolysis of silver for production of CS), things like what would be an ideal source of RE (right now I thought of using SG but if there is a better one please advise); what's your take on anything actually happening; should RE have to be rectified or not (pulses exist in both cases but one is DC and the other is AC potential, no?) ...

    If you need more details about CS here is a link I usually use as a reference or you can just google for colloidal silver and get tons of other links:

    SilverSol - Silver Ions in Solution

    Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

  • #2
    colloidal silver and radiant energy

    Hi Amigo,

    I'm happy to see you looking along these lines. Myself and others I'm sure have used Bedini's circuits to make colloidal silver. I can't vouch for the quality as I haven't had it analyzed...was mostly playing around several years back. But it can certainly be done.

    The #1 company in the world in my opinion making and selling colloidal silver or more properly termed "silver hydrosol" is Natural Immunogenics and their silver product is Sovereign Silver. I know the people who own the company and they are straight up, honest and they know silver in and out.

    "Smallest average particle size ever seen - 0.8 nm (nanometers) / 0.0008 microns / 8 Angstroms"

    .0008 micros is crazy small!! To my understanding that is only like 3-5 atoms big.

    Look at the links on this page for comparitive analysis at 100,000 X magnification!!


    PPM isn't the real key and the magic key on a good quality silver product is particle size. If your particle size is small enough, 10 ppm can outperform large particle size 100 ppm any day any time.

    You could have 1000 ppm but if the particles are too big, they can't do their job.

    Please search Movidyn in google:
    movidyn - Google Search

    " "Movidyn," they write, "is a form of colloidal silver, odorless, tasteless, and cheaper to produce than chlorine disinfectants." Only one part per billion of powdered Movidyn in water had a germicidal effect. "In a study of infected wells, it completely destroyed typhus, malaria, cholera, and amoebic dysentery. Drinking containers washed in Movidyn retained their germ-fighting abilities for several weeks." Not only was Movidyn a cost-effective prophylactic for most of the waterborne diseases that infect the Third World. "To the astonishment of the Soviet military, Movidyn also disinfected every germ warfare bacteria in the Soviet arsenal, even their newest designed poisons. In other words, Movidyn was too good."
    Because of its threat to Soviet supremacy in the area of germ warfare, the authors report, the entire Czech factory was disassembled and removed to the Soviet Union. "To this day, the Movidyn formula seems to have been suppressed from the world....""

    The only company in the world that is equal to or comes close to Movidyn quality is Natural Immunogenics in my opinion.

    The silver that they throw away in their process while keeping the high quality stuff is still better than other companies "good stuff." You might be able to find out if they have released how they do it or if they have patents that you could replicate for personal use. I would personally try to imitate the best and I believe they have it.

    Aaron Murakami

    Books & Videos
    RPX & MWO


    • #3
      Hi Aaron,

      Thanks for your reply.

      I am still not sold out on the particles theory doing the "job". As you probably know there are two schools of thought, one is favouring particles, while the other is talking about ionic silver, where particles are not as predominant factor.

      I think when we measure PPM in our home environments, we are actually measuring conductivity suggesting ions rather than particle concentrations. The only way to find out particle size and density would be under electron microscope and thus the company you mentioned claims 0.8 nm particle size - they had most likely done the electron microscope analysis.

      In any case, I would appreciate suggestions from you or anyone else reading this on what would be the best approach to generating RE and using its potential as an energy source in the CS process.
      Do I stick with SG motor and use that as a source, or are there better more suitable sources of RE? Should I rectify the potential or do I apply it directly without rectification?
      Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


      • #4
        My 2 Cents...

        Originally posted by amigo View Post
        Hi Aaron,

        Thanks for your reply.

        I am still not sold out on the particles theory doing the "job". As you probably know there are two schools of thought, one is favouring particles, while the other is talking about ionic silver, where particles are not as predominant factor.

        I think when we measure PPM in our home environments, we are actually measuring conductivity suggesting ions rather than particle concentrations. The only way to find out particle size and density would be under electron microscope and thus the company you mentioned claims 0.8 nm particle size - they had most likely done the electron microscope analysis.

        In any case, I would appreciate suggestions from you or anyone else reading this on what would be the best approach to generating RE and using its potential as an energy source in the CS process.
        Do I stick with SG motor and use that as a source, or are there better more suitable sources of RE? Should I rectify the potential or do I apply it directly without rectification?
        Hi Amigo,

        I built and sold Colloidal Silver Generators for over 10 years. This link takes you to an article I wrote for Borderlands Magazine back in 1997. Its a good background piece.

        Colloidal Silver Generators | "A Closer Look" by Peter Lindemann

        Please read this article before commenting further. It covers most of the issues you are discussing. I paid for the lab testing for particle size and total dissolved solids, and went back to the Chemistry books from 100 years ago to get the right answers.

        I completely agree with Aaron. Particle SIZE is the most important issue. It has to do with two very import realities. First, by making the particles smaller, the total SURFACE AREA of the silver's interface with the environment gets larger. There are also more particles for the same concentration. Second, by making the particles smaller, they can PENETRATE more different kinds of tissue in the body, and get to more locations, producing a better, all around benefit.

        Both John Bedini and I have experimented with making Colloidal Silver with his Radiant Oscillators. The particle size is super small and nothing ever precipitates after the solution is put in a brown bottle. The SG motor works fine, but the solid-state oscillators are simpler for this purpose. Use the standard, one diode, rectified output to the silver electrodes in distilled water.

        Its cheap, its easy, and the product is excellent.

        Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

        Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
        Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
        Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


        • #5
          Hi Peter,

          I have read that article awhile ago actually and the version I read had comments from a company, where they refute some of the claims made in the article. See for yourself:

          I also remember reading the excerpt from the "Practical Colloid Chemistry" book about "Colours of Colloidal Metals", again thanks to your find, that was an eye opener as well.

          My question now is does the constant current matter or not in your opinion and experience?

          I have built all kinds of circuits that regulated current, switched polarity and what not and ran dozens of tests with half a dozen brands of distilled water. I found that the more complex electronics was and more science involved lesser was the TDS/PPM of my solution - go figure.

          In the article you mention 30V as the best voltage for CS, so how would it work in the case of Radiant Oscillators or SG circuits that do not have fixed voltage per-se but are based on spikes?

          Also, where do I find information and circuits for the solid-state Radiant Oscillators you mention? Why is that most people (even those who sell CS generators) still use standard battery/DC methods with current limiting instead of Radiant energy sources?

          Many thanks!
          Last edited by amigo; 08-26-2007, 03:25 AM.
          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


          • #6
            Sea Clearly

            Very interesting! Please share whatever you can

            i am currently involved with a company that can produce Hyper-Colloidal minerals. this essentially means they are broken down as far as they can physically go. (monoatomic/diatomic sizes)

            this is only the beginning, as they can further compress the atomic structures into even finer sizes

            and ultimately we can even energize these into room temperature Quantum Conduits otherwise known as superconductors. (Crystalline Metals (muff)/ Metallic Crystals)

            please dont ask for proprietary info, we are not allowed to discuss technological details, only what can and cannot be done.

            we have an already proven technology that can make a 1" x 1" Quantum Conduit supply 3 volts virtually forever.
            Last edited by Aaron; 08-25-2007, 10:29 PM.


            • #7
              oscillator circuit


              This one
              oscillates and is basically the sg circuit with high resistance. you don't need all the cap pulsing stuff on the back end. Circuits meant to be oscillators are slightly different. Should be some floating around the internet somewhere.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #8
                Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                Very interesting! Please share whatever you can

                i am currently involved with a company that can produce Hyper-Colloidal minerals. this essentially means they are broken down as far as they can physically go. (monoatomic/diatomic sizes)

                this is only the beginning, as they can further compress the atomic structures into even finer sizes

                and ultimately we can even energize these into room temperature Quantum Conduits otherwise known as superconductors. (Crystalline Metals (muff)/ Metallic Crystals)

                please dont ask for proprietary info, we are not allowed to discuss technological details, only what can and cannot be done.

                we have an already proven technology that can make a 1" x 1" Quantum Conduit supply 3 volts virtually forever.
                Hi adam ant,

                Are these going to have solely energetic applications, because most things I've read about monoatomic elements was for healing purposes (ORMUS and such) but even then I am not sure how effective they really are.
                Though if I recall correctly, there were some hints that ancient Egyptians were using monoatomic elements for health or other non-energetic purposes?
                Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                  This one
                  oscillates and is basically the sg circuit with high resistance. you don't need all the cap pulsing stuff on the back end. Circuits meant to be oscillators are slightly different. Should be some floating around the internet somewhere.

                  thanks, though that looks like it still needs the magnetic wheel and if I understoodd what Peter meant, solid-state refers to having non-movable parts?

                  Although, that is interesting, due to the high-resistance it could be interfaced with human skin perhaps to deliver RE directly, just not sure how wise would that be.
                  Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                  • #10
                    Bedini Solid-State Oscillator

                    Originally posted by amigo View Post

                    thanks, though that looks like it still needs the magnetic wheel and if I understoodd what Peter meant, solid-state refers to having non-movable parts?

                    Although, that is interesting, due to the high-resistance it could be interfaced with human skin perhaps to deliver RE directly, just not sure how wise would that be.

                    The simplest circuit to use is based on the solid-state oscillator found on page 46 of Bearden's book Free Energy Generation. The trigger winding is connected to the transistor base with a 2k resistor, and the base is connected to the Emitter with a 10K resistor and to the collector with an 18K resistor. This arrangement sets the TRANSISTOR into oscillation. This is what John called his "self-oscillating" circuit. Not all transistors will oscillate this way, but some will. The BD234C is one that works. A single diode off the second winding (like the Simplified School Girl circuit) goes to the positive silver electrode and the negative silver electrode is connected to the top of the coil. The third coil and everything else can be eliminated.

                    This circuit makes excellent, small particle colloidal silver.

                    Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                    Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                    Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                    Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                    • #11
                      Methods to produce small particles....

                      Originally posted by amigo View Post
                      Hi Peter,

                      I have read that article awhile ago actually and the version I read had comments from a company, where they refute some of the claims made in the article. See for yourself:

                      I also remember reading the excerpt from the "Practical Colloid Chemistry" book about "Colours of Colloidal Metals", again thanks to your find, that was an eye opener as well.

                      My question now is does the constant current matter or not in your opinion and experience?

                      I have built all kinds of circuits that regulated current, switched polarity and what not and ran dozens of tests with half a dozen brands of distilled water. I found that the more complex electronics was and more science involved lesser was the TDS/PPM of my solution - go figure.

                      In the article you mention 30V as the best voltage for CS, so how would it work in the case of Radiant Oscillators or SG circuits that do not have fixed voltage per-se but are based on spikes?

                      Also, where do I find information and circuits for the solid-state Radiant Oscillators you mention? Why is that most people (even those who sell CS generators) still use standard battery/DC methods with current limiting instead of Radiant energy sources?

                      Many thanks!

                      Thanks for the link to my article "with corrections." Actually, the corrections are marketing statements to promote their constant current CS generator. My article was written in the spring of 1997. It was the first, authoritative article on the subject written to give the average person accurate information about how to make colloidal silver easily and safely AT HOME with a handful of batteries and some silver strips.

                      Clearly, the constant current units solve some of the batch consistency problems I was discussing, but it is NOT the only way to solve batch consistency and small particle size issues.

                      If the particles are so small that the CS remains clear and produces no Tyndall Effect when a laser is shined through it, then, technically, the silver particles are small enough to be considered "dissolved" and are beyond the official definition of a "colloidal suspension".

                      Back in 1998, we developed a method of making CS in distilled water that was treated multiple times with a Grander Water treatment system. This radically lowered the surface tension of the water BEFORE we made the CS. At that point, even using 30 VDC made particles so small they could penetrate every tissue of the body. A number of Doctors in Colorado developed a completely successful treatment for systemic Candida infection using this product. We sold this as a bottled product until the process was stolen from us by a major distributor.

                      So, I thoroughly reject the so-called "corrections" to my article. These statements are only relatively correct themselves and do not make my statements wrong within their context.

                      Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                      Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                      Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                      Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                      • #12
                        to aaron and amigo,

                        amigo, you are correct that the ancient egyptians, and also sumerians (and even beyond that) were involved with techniques that produced monatomic and duatomic elements.(that is, elements broken down to their single atom or pair of atoms)

                        one of the main people that i originally started with was Laurence Gardner and also Barry Carter. they have instituted the monatomic gold phenomina that is sweeping the internet right now.
                        HOWEVER!! it has been proven that gold CANNOT exist in it's monatomic form for more than a few moments, due to its odd numbered electron shell. the outer shell is incomplete as an odd number and MUST combine with another of its kind in order to exist.
                        also, they use lye burn methods which actually destroys the best parts of the product they are trying to create.

                        we have already proven that any form of burn, freeze, electricute, pound, or otherwise force to transmute elements is not cost effective, very difficult, and involves comples technologies. our understanding is in how all elements resonate according to a harmonic scale(cymatics), and can be GENTLY rattled into other elements. we basically "sing" to them in order to get what we want.(sing is a play on words, not literal)

                        transmutation can be done in room temperature conditions, with basic equipment that Mr. Lindemann, Mr. Bedini, Aaron and most others here probably have in their labs right now.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post

                          Thanks for the link to my article "with corrections." Actually, the corrections are marketing statements to promote their constant current CS generator. My article was written in the spring of 1997. It was the first, authoritative article on the subject written to give the average person accurate information about how to make colloidal silver easily and safely AT HOME with a handful of batteries and some silver strips.


                          So, I thoroughly reject the so-called "corrections" to my article. These statements are only relatively correct themselves and do not make my statements wrong within their context.

                          Hi Peter,

                          I get a feeling you got a bit upset about me using that article with "corrections" as a statement of fact, believe me that was not my intent. On the contrary, I did hope to get your perspective on the "corrections" because I knew that like any other vendor was trying to push their product and back it up by attaching themselves to a "known" name - in this case you.

                          Again, I apologize if I came on in a wrong way and I do appreciate your answers, clearly given from a volume of experience to help a n00b here

                          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                            to aaron and amigo,

                            amigo, you are correct that the ancient egyptians, and also sumerians (and even beyond that) were involved with techniques that produced monatomic and duatomic elements.(that is, elements broken down to their single atom or pair of atoms)

                            one of the main people that i originally started with was Laurence Gardner and also Barry Carter. they have instituted the monatomic gold phenomina that is sweeping the internet right now.
                            HOWEVER!! it has been proven that gold CANNOT exist in it's monatomic form for more than a few moments, due to its odd numbered electron shell. the outer shell is incomplete as an odd number and MUST combine with another of its kind in order to exist.
                            also, they use lye burn methods which actually destroys the best parts of the product they are trying to create.

                            we have already proven that any form of burn, freeze, electricute, pound, or otherwise force to transmute elements is not cost effective, very difficult, and involves comples technologies. our understanding is in how all elements resonate according to a harmonic scale(cymatics), and can be GENTLY rattled into other elements. we basically "sing" to them in order to get what we want.(sing is a play on words, not literal)

                            transmutation can be done in room temperature conditions, with basic equipment that Mr. Lindemann, Mr. Bedini, Aaron and most others here probably have in their labs right now.

                            That's just swell, adam ant, you wave a bone at us but won't let us chew on it

                            You said above that gold does not exist for long in monoatomic form, is that the ORMUS gold you were referring to that we see being sold on the Web by others, or the gold you produce as well?

                            If your gold is different, than is it diatomic, to compensate for the missing electron in the last orbit?

                            So, we can produce our own monoatomic elements using standard lab bench equipment? Are these applicable for healing purposes or is your field of research elsewhere?
                            Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post

                              The simplest circuit to use is based on the solid-state oscillator found on page 46 of Bearden's book Free Energy Generation. The trigger winding is connected to the transistor base with a 2k resistor, and the base is connected to the Emitter with a 10K resistor and to the collector with an 18K resistor. This arrangement sets the TRANSISTOR into oscillation. This is what John called his "self-oscillating" circuit. Not all transistors will oscillate this way, but some will. The BD234C is one that works. A single diode off the second winding (like the Simplified School Girl circuit) goes to the positive silver electrode and the negative silver electrode is connected to the top of the coil. The third coil and everything else can be eliminated.

                              This circuit makes excellent, small particle colloidal silver.

                              Hi Peter,

                              I do not have that book yet, would it be possible for you to post the circuit here instead? Does that circuit still need moving parts (motor assembly with magnets)?

                              Thanks again.
                              Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?

