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Symmetric versus Asymmetric Electromagnetic Systems

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  • I think we all just witnessed the "change" that is coming!!!


    • Well thats for real.


      Would you mind explaining more about the assymmetry?




      • There is a crew here in Brazil which also claim this return energy from nature. I don't remember their name right now i'm trying to. However the prototype they shown was with a rotating permanent magnet...

        I would like understand why opening the circuit instead of reversing the polarity give this effect. Is that correct you are simply opening the circuit right?

        Still more questions in my mind...


        • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post

          Enjoy the Show...

          Cool stuff UFO! Thanks for sharing.

          Definitely going to enjoy the show.

          Just noticed that I got your Tesla video in my Einstein disproving article for quite some time:
          Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

          Thanks for that one also.

          And of course, our hero had it right all along:

          Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Tesla Prepared Statement80st Birthday
          According to the relativists, space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies. Granting a semblance of reality to this fantastic idea, it is still self-contradictory. Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and, producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible.

          And BTW, Quantum Mechanics is flawed, too. See my posts here:

          So, we're definitely going to see some changes.

          We will see the revival of the good old aether theory. Paul Stowe laid an excellent foundation for a Unified Physic theory, using nothing but the assumption that there is an aether and it behaves like a fluid. And then everything drops at it's proper place:
          Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Stowe Foundation Unification Physics
          Tuks Unsorted KieknWatTWordt Stuff : Stowe Personal E Mail

          I have determined that in my opinion all of physical processes can be defined in terms of the aether populational momenta (p). Such that,

          Force (F) -> Grad p
          Charge (q) -> Div p
          Magnetism (B) -> Curl p

          Gravity for example is Grad E where E is the electric potential at x. This resolves to Le Sagian type process as outlined in the Pushing Gravity models. The electric potential E in turn is created by charge which is Div p...

          My model is a direct extension of Maxwell's vortex model of interacting rings (the smoke ring model). I have been able to define all fundamental constants in terms of basic parameters, including the gravitational constant G. Further, G is, within this system, seamlessly integrated to all others, fitting into a unified system.
          Keep up the good work, bro!


          • Bosch Motor Testing, 750w/ran By Little Batt, 11v




            20090823173537 - YouTube



            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
              Hey Shanjag,

              I think you've got it all wrong dear, Farmhand and I go a long way back of long disputes , discussions and arguments, back and forth about FE and OU...and this I posted was a joke to him, He knows that...I know He will never change, no matter how many videos I will show...He will not trust any over-unity device, ever...

              So, reserve your "critics" about two "senior members" arguments...

              Cheer up, is real


              It is definitely possible to extract energy from the aether. In fact, charge carriers such as electrons do that all the time. They extract energy from the aether and emit it in the shape of electric and magnetic fields, which are movements in/of the aether.

              Prof. Claus Turtur made a straight forward calculation of the energy contained in the propagating electric field and shows that there is a constant energy exchange between charge carriers and the medium using nothing but Coulomb's law and the propagation speed of the electric field c.

              I started writing an article about thee fundamental theory, based on a/o Turtur and Bearden, in which I explain that the electric field IS an energy source:

              Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice - PESWiki

              So far, I have not been able to find a design for a practical device that can be reliably replicated within a tiny budget. The Tesla switch is promising, but requires a lot of work, because the details are still unclear. The Joule thief and variants are also promising, but so far I have not seen anyone driving a decent motor. Edwin Gray's device is still a mystery, but progress is being made there, too. Stanley Meyer's device is also not completely understood and pretty complicated to replicate. And Don Smith's stuff is not that well documented nor understood, so all these are not the holy grail yet.

              And now, out of the blue, we got a device that appears to work, appears to be well understood and appears to be relatively easy to replicate AND produce as well.

              So, I am intrigued by what I have seen so far, which is just the photographs and the animation. We may very well have a winner here....


              • Hi Ufo,

                Fantastic work, congratulations!

                How far out of left field would I be in saying that the device you have
                just demonstrated is what the lockridge device is.

                Generators wound with individual rotor windings and an additional brush
                set to create the configuration you show.

                Wonderful work.



                • Hello Penno

                  Originally posted by penno64 View Post
                  Hi Ufo,

                  Fantastic work, congratulations!

                  How far out of left field would I be in saying that the device you have
                  just demonstrated is what the lockridge device is.

                  Generators wound with individual rotor windings and an additional brush
                  set to create the configuration you show.

                  Wonderful work.


                  Hello Penno,

                  Have you seen my Asymmetry to Enlightenment Video?

                  ASYMMETRY TO ENLIGHTENMENT - YouTube

                  Regards and Thank You

                  Last edited by Ufopolitics; 07-12-2012, 09:56 PM.
                  Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                  • Congratulations! Thank You


                    • Originally posted by wings View Post

                      Congratulations! Thank You
                      Hi UFO, I wasn't being critical, or skeptical, I just was wondering why if you get
                      a C.O.P. of 2 or 200 % efficiency then why not show it. If you can't see the
                      value in people not "just believing" claims and asking for some validation, then
                      fair enough, just ignore me. For setups that claim to be efficient I'm
                      interested in efficiency and practicality. If no one ever questioned anything
                      there would be no balance. And there would be a big bias towards belief
                      rather than science. For setups that "do something" I'm interested in how well
                      they do it "Not necessarily efficiency".

                      I just asked if you were claiming over C.O.P. 1 and stated i would like to see
                      it. People keep saying things like "the gain cannot be measured", if that is the
                      case I don't see how can it be even detected.

                      Feel free to ignore me if you don't want to answer the questions, or feel free
                      to react any way you wish. But......

                      If we cannot ask for some in-out measurements then why are we here ?



                      • Yup!

                        Wow....."That's what I'm Talkin about"...



                        • Looks good! Everything in science is so abstract and disconnected from reality these days, it's mass-ively refreshing to see a practical, working example to put things into context. Kudos for breaking the mold


                          • Ready to Wind

                            Thanks for all the info UFO, Great work on all the videos.

                            I purchased some similar small motors to the RS, although it maybe a little larger,
                            same five pole conf. and I am going to cut off the end of the second motor
                            and weld it to the first. (picture below)
                            The picture you posted, of yours, is a little vague on the windings, as it appears one
                            coil wraps on two poles.
                            I drew it out and looks like each pole has two windings around it, as left of one
                            winding and right side of the other winding.
                            CCW direction for us northern hemisphere.. Right.
                            Can you please clearify, for all of us.

                            Thanks, Mark
                            Attached Files


                            • Hi Rl2003, the armature coil does wrap around 2 of the poles, then continue wrapping when done with that coil to the right or left, whichever direction you are choosing, start winding another coil over the next 2 poles to create the typical north on one end and south on other end.
                              These 2 coils are in series and will look like a pyramid or V shape when looking down shaft.
                              Hope that helps, as I intently studied all his videos and pictures and words.
                              peace love light
                              Last edited by SkyWatcher; 07-13-2012, 02:10 AM.


                              • Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                                Unfortunately John, yes, motors have to be stripped off all wires, clean...The Symmetry most popular winding is the "Lap winding"...where Coils are all connected in a continuous loop and just passing by the commutator hooks to "bite them", they have very little turns (since from end to end of brushes it adds up since they are in series...That is a reason why Motors should be chosen as not having the heavy epoxy resin in could become a nightmare...and more complicated process...some people boil them to strip them..The way to build a Motor the right way...after winding it, to epoxy high temp it, then get them in a vacuum all the resin is impregnated deep inside compacting all wires to the Core...avoiding vibrations and damping, must of times is better a cheaper motor...that was built without that expensive procedure.
                                Here is a document explaining a/o "lap winding" and explains that the coils are indeed put in series:


                                (copy: )

                                Double layer lap or wave windings are generally used for armature. Essentially all the armature coils are connected in series forming a closed armature circuit. However as the coils are distributed, the resultant voltage acting in the closed path is zero thereby ensuring no circulating current in the armature. The junctions of two consecutive coils are terminated on to the commutator segments.

