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Tesla Stinging Impulse Rays

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  • Hi Ken,

    Yeap I use 3/8inch carbon gouging rods for my electrodes on the bellerian device given their high melting point. I also have tungsten rods that can be used as electrodes as well, and if the idea is that one matter versus another matter has more energy to give up when stimulated, I think that idea is false.

    Now if the electrode is like a 1b22 tube that has radium doping on its electrodes in a vacuum, that one might provide some means of a better output at a lower input but this "gain" would be the result of the radiation on the electrodes sorta pre-doping the space in the gap so that it takes Less energy to break down that radiated vacuum gap.

    For there to be a gain, a coil would need to be in series on the lead going to the electrode so that the discharge would result in mutliple oscillations on that coil which then could be converted to dc via diodes and collected in a capacity.

    The idea of stinging rays resulting from switch Closure implies that the big wire network spread out over Acres and acres of land as the Distribution Grid has some complex inductive/capacitive properties... and since the wires are coherent as wires due the ambient state of their compressed energy into the form of the element we know it as, when that monster grid gets connected to a volt source that then forces the grids ambient wires into dephased energy oscillations from the source, that sudden reordering is likely what produced that energy event where the switch was making contact... as that would be the "localized" point where some huge power on local output leads makes contact with some huge strung out wires of the grid which were sitting at ambient over pretty big distances... (implying multiple different non-zero potentials having an gestalt of a zero potential until an externally applied potential forces order.)

    So I guess I'm not sure what getting those stinging rays would prove or disprove. (and I'm not sure one could get them without having some big spread out grid of wires that then get attached to a high energy source to order them... )

    Actually theres one other idea that comes from the recent reading on masers... If one was to fire a driving frequency that meshed at some multiple of the spectra emitted by the target electrodes, that *might* produce some gain... in masers the idea was to use a crystal matrix, in the context run thru it was ruby with .05% chromium ion doping in it... The input was fired into it from the side and that rf energy input would push the ruby lattice to higher metastable energy levels... once that state was reached a trigger signal would come in axially sharing the same frequency as the chromium ions and that orthagonal entry would cause the totality of amplified energy states within the rest of the ruby lattice to emit the same waveform as the trigger pulse, but in a sort of Batch discharge where all the waves from the rest of the lattice are of the SAME form in a sort of lamellar discharge... which ends up being seen as a coherent directional discharge of focused energy of specific waveform... So that idea might be applied to electrodes that are doped presuming one has a spectrum analyzer and can pick apart the best freq's to apply.

    Beyond that I'm not real sure how one would go about replicating such.

    Hope thats helpful tho.
    Take care!

    Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
    Ok, so I have several 1/4 inch copper clad carbon gouging rods and some larger 1 inch diameter (plain?) carbon rods. What kind of experiment should I set up to test if this hypothesis is correct (about spark gaps of Carbon producing greater energy than just standard gaps and for sure no gaps)? Should I also include some sort of test for stinging rays? How might I go about that test without exposing the person(s) running the tests to danger?

    Gene, what kind of experiments can you think of for your ion chair device that would help determine if we are even close to being right with this train of thought?

    I will dig around in my pile of failed OU attempts to see what I can ressurrect and adapt to this.


    • Thoriated electrodes are made radioactive to reduce the breakover voltage needed to facilitate a discharge in the spark gap. Same deal as the 1b22 tubes. (tho much less radiation from the thoriated tungsten electrodes, versus the 1b22 tubes, I have 4 of those kicking around which would set the gieger counter off till the geiger counter got cooked by the high E field by the ion chair.)

      Just fyi. You might take a pair of the thoriated electrodes, make a very tiny gap between whatever ends of the two electrodes and measure for AC and DC voltages on the electrodes themselves to see whats present from the ionizing radiation of the thorium. Radiation is usually a DC event... meaning whatever was on the thing under test was ejected and didn't come back to it.

      In truth DC is the cause for peoples confusion about heating or cooling as energy "types". The negative pole is the radiating pole... thus its the cooling pole. Something radiates, it cools itself in the process or tries to.

      The positive pole is a compressive pole, thus its the heating pole. Anything being compressed to greater densities would result in a heating of the thing being forced into a smaller space, as such implies a density increase unless the mass that didn't fit into that space was shed instead of compressed.

      So do you want to engineer with the hot side or the cool side? its just an arbitrary choice. You can setup the source potentials so that both the + and - of the source are two negative poles just put in proper relation to force one to be seen as the positive of the two negatives. Inversely the same can be done by forcing two positives into specific relation which results in a seeming + and - as well.

      In those systems where cooling is noted, the systems ability to radiate the heat away from itself is better than the systems ability to localize the heating and not let it escape...

      On the ion chair, if I ionize it without having anywhere setup for that 50kvdc to breakdown, I feel a COOL breeze passing by me towards the ion chairs positive electrode... and the WHY for that is because when the positive electrode on the chair is sitting at +50kvdc (floating) I then become negative when considered in local relation with the positive electrode at that much higher voltage. Its the same idea as what negative ionizers do for air... it charges all the particulate in air negatively which is radiative and if its been made negative in the air/atmo, it then wants to attract to the thing more positive than itself which would be the earth or the walls or whatever is locally tied to the earth to give the negatively charged particles a place to go "null out" and find balance.

      Curious stuff huh.

      Take care!

      Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
      The best way to test the multi-spark experiment is by contacting Bill Alek and ask
      him if replication would be alright and if an increase from base voltage occurs using two 2% thoriated tig rods or stainless round stock without carbon or graphite.

      There is always risk and hazards so it is important to test using a standard gieger meter.
      about the hazard of emissions it is difficult for me to say. I personally believe in using precaution. A safe limit of power to me is being responsible in monitoring what is coming out even if it is just a small wimshurst modification. There are plenty of injuries that could be avoided by having a good safety plan. Please be careful.

      I sent a message to Bill at


      • Gene ok but I spent time sorting.

        So try to find all the charge separators and chain. yes there is a photo induced
        separator in the gap but my intuition suggests higher COP is due to a network. Here is a review of charge separation that does not fit on the bench the skill set is cross field.
        That is identify charge separators in the Alek experiment. Or why several 12 foot glass composite epoxy disks spinning at high speed would produce amperes.
        since the voltage divider dilemma may be solved which is on the cool side of the gradient.

        Find the Charge separators notice the ground polarity beneath cloud.
        cumulonimbus cloud: electrical charge distribution in a thunderstorm --*Kids Encyclopedia | Children's Homework Help | Kids Online Dictionary | Britannica

        A sample button from a smoke detector emits alpha from americium. Helium.
        The carbon to iron trans is already fact. The admixture of thorium to tungsten could be
        both a doped inclusion subject to energetics and an alpha assisted path.
        it's charecteristic properties in welding to increase the melting point and reduce arc dance.
        Another hazard possiblity of a low level emission might be soft xray.
        detection instrumentation of less known ion detection would improve if less intrusive
        possibility also of the two electrode assembly as a tuning fork interacting with static
        output of the charge separating disks maybe cylindrical flower of life pattern rather than
        a vortex simple form. Very well could be totally different without experimentation data
        even more difficult to determine.

        The stinging ray in a congested generator room in Pittsburg having carbon brushes
        and phase issues. The company said when the knife switch located closer to the HV DC generator
        along with improving the insulating quality of the panel. I think that the habit of using oil bucket as
        leads dump along with heavy coal dust, the long trajectory the induction field without beta
        and how the controversy of AC discouraged alternatives
        to electrical grid using esoteric fear control in order to monopolize electricity.

        Never the less micro model

        having much smaller stinging rays do exist. To help visualize imagine an ant
        dodging this notice the alligator clip for reference to size. The distance proximity
        relationship to increased activity. (why use a crab trap to catch flys) The amount of magnet, the 8kV
        the date. The dumbing down of Americans and disinformation.
        Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-11-2015, 11:42 PM.


        • Among the variety of discharges are the stinging rays.
          The video shows the exploding wire experiment. (As a visual that is close to the other stinging rays)
          Is there good reason to raises the question of just why they are special ?

          One author writes about Tesla's experience with these rays.
          He offers this document on why these Tesla rays are special.
          you have to page down to find this subtitle:

          ## The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla . (broken link)
          # The Original Discovery of ‘the Sparking Radiant Effect’


          Spark Gaps :: Radiant Effect


          • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
            Among the variety of discharges are the stinging rays.
            The video shows the exploding wire experiment. (As a visual that is close to the other stinging rays)
            Is there good reason to raises the question of just why they are special ?


            One author writes about Tesla's experience with these rays.
            He offers this document on why these Tesla rays are special.
            you have to page down to find this subtitle:

            ## The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla . (broken link)
            # The Original Discovery of ‘the Sparking Radiant Effect’


            Spark Gaps :: Radiant Effect
            Thanks for the link to the paper: “The Original Discovery of the Sparking Radiant Effect”.

            We know the stinging charge effect can manifest when we have a HV continuous (direct) current and a super sharp make – break switch or spark gap, which excludes air (for no air ionisation).

            One thing that has occurred to me recently, in that past experiments with this may have failed due to one small detail…

            For a DC circuit you have a positive and negative terminal. - It may make all the difference in the world, which polarity or terminal is actually switched.

            One might think why the hell would it matter, but it may be 100% critical to produce the “stinging effect”.

            I think it maybe the negative terminal which needs to be switched in order for the effect to manifest…
            "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


            • Hello Sputins,

              Finding the discharge and how it works may give some credibility to the paper.
              The references are not cited and the link was not working, whether there may be an
              equivalent setting to the Westinghouse dynamo station where someone can test
              theories on stinging effects may be difficult to find.

              Simply finding availability for an appropriate stinging ray emission would be a start.

              The relationship and persistence that light (photons) have by extension may give
              some understanding into dynamo arcing discharges that sting.

              The field emissions originated from a similar technology.
              It is possible to explore the original field emission equipment
              and circuit or modify it to get a demonstrable effect.
              Last edited by mikrovolt; 07-29-2017, 09:41 AM.


              • news paper article: THE SALT LAKE HERALD SUNDAY JUNE 27 1897
                Nikola Tesla and His Perpetual Motion Machine

                The article above names the Gramme dynamo at that time a magneto-electric type having
                some characteristics that of impulse DC current. The mass of iron gives more time to
                see effects of the varying magnetic field.
                Edison and others used these. Some of the criteria Tesla used came from these.
                Some of the old patents represent DC dynamo's with a generator symbol.
                Wheatstone having a few designs:
                note figure 8.2 the caption reads the waveform of the current. Below it showing how the current waves overlap.

                A paper called " shocking discovery" located about 1/3 down long page linked here
                shows how Tesla began to reproduce the radiant effects on the bench :

                Spark Gaps :: Zero Point Energy

                Another stinging ray paper ( no references given )
                Unraveling Nikola Teslas Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy
                Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-04-2017, 06:58 AM.


                • Puzzle

                  Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                  news paper article: THE SALT LAKE HERALD SUNDAY JUNE 27 1897
                  STRANGEST MAN IN NEW YORK
                  Nikola Tesla and His Perpetual Motion Machine

                  The article above names the Gramme dynamo at that time a magneto-electric type having
                  some characteristics that of impulse DC current. The mass of iron gives more time to
                  see effects of the varying magnetic field.
                  Edison and others used these. Some of the criteria Tesla used came from these.
                  Some of the old patents represent DC dynamo's with a generator symbol.
                  Wheatstone having a few designs:
                  note figure 8.2 the caption reads the waveform of the current. Below it showing how the current waves overlap.

                  A paper called " shocking discovery" located about 1/3 down long page linked here
                  shows how Tesla began to reproduce the radiant effects on the bench :

                  Spark Gaps :: Zero Point Energy

                  Another stinging ray paper ( no references given )
                  Unraveling Nikola Teslas Greatest Secret: Radiant Energy

                  The paper called "shocking discovery", seems to be pretty much verbatim of what Gerry Vassilatos wrote… ?

                  Anyway, the Stinging charge that’s described does exist, as a few experimenters have had the occurrence happen (rarely) without completely realizing it, or if so, not being able to reproduce it.

                  The Gramme dynamo is interesting. If one is considering experiments, a DC dynamo capable of producing a form of impulse current, would help with such experiments.

                  One would think that with all the experimenters around the world, this effect would present itself more and more, even if just by accident? - But it goes under reported…? - There must be certain very slim criteria which allows for it to happen.. So we have a few pieces of the puzzle, but not the full picture, nor all the pieces.

                  If someone can reliably produce the effect, even on a mini scale then, wow they would have Teslas’ Impulse Current. – It would be a cool party trick to amaze and scare your friends but may attract certain agency attention too!

                  I know it can be made to happen on a small scale as I felt it once, as previously stated...

                  It may be that the current needs to be in phase with the voltage, as which starts to occur with Dollard’s LMD transmission networks, or as certain DC dynamos may produce.

                  The DC charging of an oil capacitor may also be a necessary component.
                  The make / break switch is important too. – An instant make / break without pre air ionisation, likely at the correct timing against an incoming phase.
                  It may be necessary to try either or both terminals at once. – Make break the positive, or the negative or both simultaneously?

                  Experiment - Readers do try this right now... - Take an ordinary plug-pack transformer of output say 10 DC volts or so. Plug it in, switch it on. - Take the positive lead wire (expose the copper) and hold it between your damp fingers in your right hand. Take the negative lead wire with your left hand (expose the copper) and touch your nose with the exposed negative wire… What happens?

                  Now reverse the situation, negative in you right hand and touch the positive wire to your nose… What happens?

                  This is why the make / break terminal polarity may be important - !?
                  Last edited by Sputins; 08-04-2017, 07:27 AM.
                  "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                  • You need disruptive discharge of capacitor in kV range and in nanoseconds or picoseconds range.Or a quick set of such discharges repeated in very exact manner, though the repetition should be at low frequency. You need the proper antenna construction and the effect is easy to replicate.
                    However it is very scary and has impact on living organism. I don't know but it could be the way Tesla photographed bones with his x-Rays. The antenna emits some radiation like the invisible force field around (like those magic shields in fantasy films)


                    • Both good comments, sort of background on what Dollard's aquaintances at Bolinas
                      might have used when they started new with the Alexanderson generator.
                      @Sputins I will try to explain in my own words what I recall reading and my experience regarding polarity.
                      When the ground is connected to the negative terminal
                      and the positive to the positive terminal we call this reverse polarity with respect to
                      the heat being on the ground side. Also as DC is unidirectional sort of. The material is deposited from the positive side when an arc is established there is fusion that forms a cone. The vertex of this cone is located on the positive side. As we adjust the voltage up the amperage follows and the base of the cone narrows. The amount of material from the emitter and the velocity emitted increases with voltage. The gap having a fixed length uses a high
                      frequency pulse that preeceeds briefly that insures ionization so the impulse is measured
                      with adequate ions during the event.
                      In Joseph Henry's experiments he used a battery that was intensified by having a short primary permanantly fixed to mercury dish. Contact was made by momentarily dipping the bare end of the long secondary into the mercury. It has been described that the positive side emits a brush (cone). Also it was found that using a different arrangement the negative side would emit stars this also has a slightly smaller cone with it's vertex at the negative
                      pole. Later Further experiments showed that when multiple gaps used each gave
                      brush on the positive and stars on the negative side. ____*
                      Last edited by mikrovolt; 08-06-2017, 09:51 AM.


                      • Originally posted by mikrovolt View Post
                        Both good comments, sort of background on what Dollard's aquaintances at Bolinas
                        might have used when they started new with the Alexanderson generator.
                        @Sputins I will try to explain in my own words what I recall reading and my experience regarding polarity.
                        When the ground is connected to the negative terminal
                        and the positive to the positive terminal we call this reverse polarity with respect to
                        the heat being on the ground side. Also as DC is unidirectional sort of. The material is deposited from the positive side when an arc is established there is fusion that forms a cone. The vertex of this cone is located on the positive side. As we adjust the voltage up the amperage follows and the base of the cone narrows. The amount of material from the emitter and the velocity emitted increases with voltage. The gap having a fixed length uses a high
                        frequency pulse that preeceeds briefly that insures ionization so the impulse is measured
                        with adequate ions during the event.
                        In Joseph Henry's experiments he used a battery that was intensified by having a short primary permanantly fixed to mercury dish. Contact was made by momentarily dipping the bare end of the long secondary into the mercury. It has been described that the positive side emits a brush (cone). Also it was found that using a different arrangement the negative side would emit stars this also has a slightly smaller cone with it's vertex at the negative
                        pole. Later Further experiments showed that when multiple gaps used each gave
                        brush on the positive and stars on the negative side. ____*
                        Thanks for your descriptions.

                        There are some nice descriptive text and on Positive vs Negative brush discharges in JJ Thomson’s book, “Notes on Recent Researches in Electricity and Magnetism”, which I’ve been reading a bit of recently..

                        Also from observing silver electrolysis in action, there is silver deposited from the anode (+) to the cathode (-), (via electrolyte) so the deposits are left at the negative electrode, while material is lost at the positive electrode. The so called electrical flow is going opposite to the direction of the metallic formation / deformation, the current is from negative to positive, but leaving behind a metal deposit…

                        So there are some peculiar differences between positive and negative discharges, so with regard to producing stinging rays when a circuit is opened or closed, (closed as we generally mean a capacitor being used in the disruptive circuit).

                        Back when I felt the sting through the air and right through my long sleaved shirt, I had a rusty metal grill. One side of the capacitor was connected to the grill, (I think it was the positive side). The other wire, the negative, I had attached a small nail to the alligator clip, while holding the insulation carefully.

                        The rusty grill had formed small little “rust blisters” all over it (as it had been left out in the rain). So I had my LMD network charging the capacitor and I was just poking the nail into the rust blisters and they would go pop! It was kind of fun, exploding these small blisters. Exploding several of these small blisters, I felt nothing at all and no material was felt as it disappeared into oblivion with the capacitor discharge.

                        Then all of a sudden I hit another blister with the nail, but this time, WHACK! It was like the grill shot out its entire surface out at me, which I felt right through my clothes, with myself being directly in front of the grill. The feeling was nothing like I felt before (and I have been zapped plenty in the past to know what it normally feels like) – This was different, it felt more like an electrostatic shock, but shot out right at me. – The shock felt was also disproportional to the amount of material that was contained within the small rust blister which I just popped. - So it could not have been electrified shrapnel, which wouldn’t go through my clothes anyway.

                        Something happened that released an electrostatic shock-wave from the grill, through the air, which I felt directly with a stinging shock.

                        Also as this happened or shortly after my audio amplifier running the LMD network, smoked the transistors, so maybe the incident or cause had something to do with that too??
                        Last edited by Sputins; 08-07-2017, 05:35 AM.
                        "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                        • Being a sort of quasi electrical noob hacking about here on this forum I do realize I really shouldn't say anything at all. Nevertheless, the fascinating stories told here have seemingly evident connections to mysterious on-going. This induces me to dare to inject the following at the risk of having to follow the old Russian proverb: "If the cap fits you must wear it." So I hope this isn't too off base or ..ah...stupid?

                          Now the first thing that struck me is the connection to the alpha particle detection referenced in the linked videos from the previous posts. These particles have a quality of high angle vectors, which is significant in relation to the following observed report. A winged unidentified vehicle observed near my own home by another person, and which strongly resembles the one I myself saw around the same time period. I didn't observe any sparkly discharges but I only observed it for about 2 or 3 seconds. It was motionless hovering almost over the house at the time. I therefore can attest to the validity of the reported sighting. This is a 100% real machine capable of speeds which appear to make the vechicle essentially vanish from a standing/hover position. Easily mach 6 if not far greater almost instantaneously. Additionally, a video of this same machine taken as it hovered over and around Mt. Baldy in CA was removed/scrubbed abruptly, the poster whom I personally questioned over the removal, asking if they were visited by men in black suits said to forget it, that he must have taken video of a balloon or swamp gas. This same site where the video was posted was also shut down without any warning. Formerly known as Alien Hub discussion forum. This is clearly a human
                          made machine. The following report is therefore a rarity since active measures are being taken to scrub information pertaining to this machine.
                          Washington witness describes UFO with fins |

                          In reading the link to "SHOCKING DISCOVERY " I couldn't help but notice the correlation to a dynamo and rotation which links back to a low rotating External Magnetic Field as a possible transport mechanism.

                          Two other things; electron avalanche boosting coupled with black light, or UV light.
                          Cold Electricity, Electron Avalanche and Electron-Positron Annihilation – by Gary Magratten, Oct. 12, 2006.
                          Spark Gaps :: Zero Point Energy

                          Electron Avalanche Boosts Current

                          During the process that allows the spark to cross the gap between electrodes (through open air),- special phenomena occur. One of these is called "Electron Avalanche." This occurs when the air between the electrodes breaks down into a conducting plasma. The high voltage electric flux begins to break loose electrons from the atoms of air molecules. A cascade then begins in which a few liberated electrons ionize additional air molecules via the emission of ultraviolet radiation. This photo-electric effect induces the release of even more electrons. The chain reaction continues and large quantities of free electrons are generated. A small number of these electrons are bound to the positive ions created, but most are drawn to the positive anode. Since current is defined as a flow of electrons the result is an increased current in the circuit.

                          "The Mechanism Of The Electric Spark", Stanford University Press, Copyright 1941 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University, printed and bound in the United States of America by Stanford University Press.


                          In conclusion, then, could a rotational magnetic vortex be transporting the stinging ray, otherwise called an alpha particle or something similar?
                          The magnification of charges/stinging rays be the product of an avalanche cascade enhanced by UV rays/black light.
                          Photo-gravity effect
                          Last edited by Gambeir; 09-09-2017, 09:23 PM.
                          "The past is now part of my future, the present is well out of hand." Joy Divison "Heart and Soul LP."


                          • Originally posted by Gambeir View Post

                            In conclusion, then, could a rotational magnetic vortex be transporting the stinging ray, otherwise called an alpha particle or something similar?
                            The magnification of charges/stinging rays be the product of an avalanche cascade enhanced by UV rays/black light.
                            Photo-gravity effect
                            The Gravity Shielding Experiment from Chris Hardeman

                            No need for the Dunce hat, at least you’re giving it some thought…

                            IMO I don’t think the effect relates to the ‘Electron Avalanche’ as reported for an air spark gap. If you’ve seen Peter Lindemann’s TeslaTech video called “Tesla’s Radiant Energy” he strongly insists that the effect is made manifest when the air is excluded and no such pre-ionisation of the air is allowed to occur. It must be a sharp one-shot crack, with a super sharp rise time.

                            If it were to happen with a standard HV supply and air spark gap, reports of this effect would come from everywhere…

                            Tesla’s later circuit controllers were rotary mercury and oil contact devices and no such air breakdown existed.

                            As the singing effect is reported to penetrate all matter, including metals (and likely faster than light), the effect must have some kind of magnetic component or magnetic flux carrier. – As a magnetic field can penetrate all matter… – So I agree with what you said about “a rotational magnetic vortex transporting the stinging ray”…

                            It would seem to me that certain electro-magnetic or magneto-dielectric ratios and phase angles, well not phase angles perhaps, as it is DC but a certain current, voltage lead / lag situation and ratios of electric flux must be the major factor, together with an instant make/break point, likely on the negative side. - Perhaps this is why the effect was only seen in early-day HV DC generators and in my case, using a rectified LMD network as shown by Dollard, with the rust blister contact effectively excluding the air and preventing any pre-ionisation. (Rust contact (iron oxides) can also have a slight diode, unidirectional action too).

                            So it is true, there must exist a narrow window of electrical and magnetic flux parameters that must be met, in order for the un-shield-able stinging effect to manifest!

                            For the Coyote like experimenters there are these small puzzle pieces and clues to follow…

                            "Doesn't matter how many times you kick the coyote in the head, it's still gonna eat chickens". - EPD


                            • stinging rays are EMP pulses on Earth magnetosphere aka releasing bow shock effect

                              that explains why it cannot be shielded , but I think it can be dumped to ground (I hope so)


                              • There may be a correlation with vortices in spark gap and those in weather. A natural hurricane eye is small in comparison to the whole funnel
                                that we give general label vortex.

                                The Coriolis effect is important understanding the transition vectors in a dipole.

                                My best guess based on research and it is not my own work:
                                In the pdf on electric sparks posted above a general shape shown in figure 7b (the finger shape)
                                ( examining the charge cloud suggests a repusion therefore negative make at threshold.)
                                it might make a transitions to a toroid with a very small vortex .

                                Here is a summary hypothesis of what another scientist said about
                                weather with my own interpretation. Possibly a starting point in making such a correlation.

                                The charge separation in plasma vortex structures is driven by the polarization drift at the decay of electric fields.
                                The self-focusing of plasma vortices upon the condensation of moisture in the atmospheric cloud cover leads to an increase
                                in the energy of vortices. Therefore less cloud cover means less energy in natural vortices leading to larger dry zones.
                                The unnatural rotational fields focused by wave guides having cylindrical helix transitions.

                                Then possibly it could be a stinging alpha. On impact the ions takes on a higher energy state and releases energy on contact.
                                The insulation on the 25kV mains were primitive and could have collected dusty fly ash reacting during bemf.

                                It seems a lesson for nuclear graduates giving emphasis of a case of
                                hazardous discovery. The Edison sting problem may have been fixed by better insulation.
                                Last edited by mikrovolt; 09-13-2017, 03:41 AM.

