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Tesla Stinging Impulse Rays

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  • #91
    Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
    Tesla coil must be grounded to work properly. An ungrounded Tesla Coil, is not a true Tesla coil. The ground connection is absolutely essential to the operation of these devices as described. To suggest the coil was not grounded, shows a complete lack of understanding of Tesla coils. Complete utter rubbish.

    Build an ungrounded and grounded Tesla Coil as described, and compare the magnitudes of the outputs. All high power transmitters are grounded or they do not work properly. Good luck with your ungrounded system. Just curious, To what do you connect the other end of the secondary, if not to ground???
    Who needs that stupid third ground prong anyway, just cut it off, haha.

    Realize the air path, is not the important part of a True Tesla coil. In fact, radiation through the air, is a LOSS, in a true Tesla Coil. Tesla worked to minimize radiative losses in his Tesla Coils. The Wardenclyff Tower, is not a Radio antenna, although its components are similar in construction. There are many differences. For example, a radio antenna has no use for a large spherical capacitance, this decreases effective radiative power. Far more energy can be transmitted through the ground.

    The patent shown is the Wardenclyff tower, however the components in the drawing are not in proportion nor to scale. Tesla's patents are accurate, but he modified the scales and sizes of components to make sure no-one could easily reproduce the device. As you have read by the description of the grounding system actually used, it was many times larger and more complex then what is shown in this simple patent drawing. Same with the capacitor. The spark gap is also missing from this patent.
    Well, I see lot of interesting comments you have posted during my absence. Some of them are about anti gravity which I would also want to comment but later...
    First, sorry for my bad English writing, it is not always easy for me to express my thoughts so maybe somebody take my words wrong.
    Second, I have never said that second coil is not grounded! Of course that it must be grounded in case "Wardenclyff tower". What I said is: "I think that Wardenclyff tower top spherical shape was not connected through extra coil and secondary to ground."
    What i wanted to say is that extra coil on Wardenclyff tower was not connected to top spherical at all, but second coil is connected to ground.
    Third, it is not professional to laugh somebody if you don't understand what was writer wanted to say or if you understand, still there is your opinion, from your point of view and mine.
    Fifth, these what we are writing here is just guessing, nobody is not quite sure what was the original design of that tower, everybody are trying to replicate it but without success. You have probably seen how huge coils are made in Russia, and do they work!?? They are made exactly like patent described, plus they experiment to add lot of spark gaps and condensers. They can produce high power but not like Wardenclyff tower, or they are definitely not tuned on right frequency to resonate.
    Six, it is good that you correct me, it looks like antenna but it is not. I agree with that saying and confirm your opinion, i think the same but i didn't write correct.
    Seven, I still believe that Tesla Patent 1,119,732 is good but still weak, if you want more power, you must come to daddy and build Wardenclyff tower because its construction allow that.



    • #92
      Hi Harish,

      I saw that video as either deliberate misinformation, or a demonstration of incomplete understanding.

      I see the Villes Research as again incomplete understanding, though also with interpretations making it appear like a new belief based science (which has gone nowhere). Almost cultish, so why ?

      Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
      If I may, I'd venture to say, there is a need to add a new element to the mix which could (theoretically) be a positron. Just my thought process gone wild.
      ChemTeam: Writing Positron and Electron Capture Equations

      Like inducing non-radioactive dissociation of matter ?
      A couple of Patents for this do already exist, though there I'm not sure that positrons are indicated, just (resonant) EM relations driving electrons into the nucleus.

      Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
      Could light be the result of these two coming together and interacting on each other ? as in a lightning discharge ?
      Light is the quantum stream energy return from electron energy level collapse w.r.t. many individual atomic centres;- the photonic emission from matter; with its highest EM frequency (colour) related to the temperature inducing atomic centres vibration w.r.t electrons, and thus the various (equal-opposite-reaction-electron energy w.r.t. nucleus) electron level changes thus induced.

      Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
      There is some science behind magnetism being two counter rotating vortexes at play.
      Magnetism relates to the induced or permanent spin alignment of the electrons of matter; either electrons alone temporarily, or molecular/ atomic centre aligned electron orbits permanently. The electron charges orbiting molecular/ atomic centres are as like microscopic turns of an enerised coil.

      Remember how an identical charge flowing between parallel conductors will draw the conductors together, well this is what identically rotating electron orbits do regarding magnetic attraction, or conversely - opposition of reverse spins apparent at the ends of like poles turned to face each other; eg. N to N, where if you look into the pole face the electron spin orbits are identical, but opposite if turned to face each other.

      This is why a soft iron keeper will cling to a permanent magnet: Its electron orbits will remain aligned and physically attempting to minimise distance between like orbit rotations for as long as the free orbits remain aligned by the permanent orbits.

      That YT video is homopolar like generated fluid motion polarly influenced by the permanent electron spin field alignment within the magnet.

      Cheers ........... Graham.
      Last edited by GSM; 08-12-2012, 09:54 AM.


      • #93
        Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
        Someone requested some links. There are so many great minds who have been cast aside, where should I begin? I would suggest you read some of Walter Russell's works. They are difficult to put in context, but give a remarkable picture of our Universe. Tesla remarked, "Walter Russell should hide his ideas from humanity for 1000 years till we are ready." My bibliography would take up a hundred pages.
        I am out of time for today - have been trying to catch up on the threads since hurting my back, again, LOL (got to laugh or I'd cry).
        Need a stooping smiley with a walking stick !

        I was following the 'Wardenclyffe' thread, and when hurt there is time to think through being incapable of doing anything else, and Tesla/ Walter Russel were exactly what came to mind with regard to longitudinal EM radiation and the ['c' x Pi/2] conundrum. Is this a conundrum because all we 'see' and measure is the 'c' based EM we have been 'steered' to study and calculate mathematically; 'c' being the supposedly 'transverse wave' based, not the full ['c' x Pi/2] nature of EM radiation, and of course EM radiation NOT being "waves" at all !

        I need to come back on this, but my imaginings are still beyond what could be deemed as 'joined together thinking', whereafter discussions influenced by the knowledge of those here more learned than myself might lead to useful clarification.

        Back soon.

        Cheers ............ Graham.


        • #94
          Oh yes.

          I've lost track of where I read this in a recent post, but someone claimed that Tesla was not injured by his sparks and radiations because they were different to other types of EM radiations known to cause injury.

          Surely scalar (said to be longitudinal) EM radiation (though quite different to a longitudinal electric charge induced longitudinal ionic wave through a medium) is every bit as likely to cause injury as any other photonic radiation, this depending upon photon quanta/ stream energy/ frequency, and the way this might damage biological cell/ hydrocarbon/ mineral electron bonding and level relationships within body tissues and telomeres ?

          'Stinging' being the direct photonic inducement of electric charge change at a sensory nerve cell, and which in other cells could also induce biological degradation !

          Cheers .............. Graham.


          • #95
            First, let me apologize to our Russian Comrade. I agree it is difficult to communicate these ideas between languages. You will find I have an open mind, but I need to base my beliefs on facts and real devices, not just theories.

            You describe a different connection for the top sphere, than what is commonly believed. Fair enough, but if top capacitance is not connected to extra coil or secondary, how is it connected????

            From my understanding, basic connection of all Tesla coil, is capacitive sphere to extra coil, extra coil to secondary coil, secondary coil to ground. It is certain the extra coil and secondary coil are connected together in series, this is shown in Tesla's Colorado Springs Notes. Tesla describes many times, these 2 coils are grounded at one end, and a large spherical capacitance in on the other end. Only room for change is in how primary circuit ground, connects to secondary circuit ground. This is what was modified in the Induction Coil experiment discussed earlier in this topic.

            I have tried to explain the reason for this is coil is mostly ELECTROSTATIC and not a normal electromagnetic coil antenna. In Tesla Coil the goal is to have pure electrostatic circuit, with no current flow, hence the need for large capacitance and ground, to reflect the voltage impulse.


            • #96
              Some further ranting on my part;

              Something about this comment about Tesla not being injured by his sparks. First know that Tesla used Double Exposures to make many of his most spectacular images. He explains how and why in his Colorado Springs Notes. For the media impact and using a double exposure. Double exposure is done by photograph the sparks then turn off the machine, rewind film and photograph himself near the coil. So if this comment is in reference to these images, it is in error. Tesla's machine would have killed him on the spot, if he had ever gotten so close. The coil in these images is just far too powerful for the human to survive, but makes a great picture!!

              Tesla himself said this photo and others similar to it were done with Trick Photography!!


              On my Tesla page, is another photo Tesla took, which he specifically states was not done with trick photography. In this photo you can clearly see a small ball of lightning leaving the coil. Tesla says he saw these many times and they were very real. He seemed to think they were caused by rapid changes in the circuit power. One explanation he gave was the ball lightning was caused by magnetic swirls of some kind, formed when a second arc passes through the collapsing field causes by a previous arc.

              Some information about electric power and pain.
              I built a small Tesla Coil once, 20,000 Volts and 30 mA. What was interesting about this little coil, is you could stick your finger right into the spark, and feel nothing but a tiny hot pinprick sensation. If you held a coin in your fingers, and put the coin into the spark, nothing would be felt at all. I held light bulb to ground in one hand, and put my finger into Tesla Coil spark, and the bulb will light. Again you feel nothing. This is absolutely true. I would warn you from trying this at home though.

              Now electrical engineer will say, " Its the current that kills you not the voltage." Well easy to say. The primary of my circuit in this Tesla coil was 4000 Volts at 30 mA and I touched that by accident one day, hurt very much, could not move my arm for 5 min. Touching a neon sign transformer at 10,000 Volts at 30 ma, will be extremely painful, even if it is not lethal. So there is more to this than just Voltage and Current. Frequency plays a huge role in our perception of electricity or shocks. I learned this the hard way.

              My Tesla coil was high frequency, high voltage, low current. The rate of vibration, about 100,000 times a second. The rate of vibration in a neon sign transformer is 60 times a second. You can easily feel a 60 cycle vibration as a buzz or humm, if you have been shocked by 60 cycle, you will have felt the vibration personally. Your nerves cannot feel vibrations higher than a certain value, just like your ears cannot hear sounds above a certain value. So at 100,000 cycles you feel nothing, no vibration. Furthermore, at high frequencies and voltages, the power is being transfered as a surface wave, on the outside of your body, whereas lower cycles and higher currents can penetrate inside the body tissue.

              Voltage or charge, always moves to the outside of a conducting body. Van DaGraff generator applies this principle as does a Faraday Cage. As you may be aware a high voltage static shock, is only mildly painful, as it is so brief. The voltage in a static electric discharge is sometimes tens of thousands of volts, but limited in current and duration, so we feel little.

              I should point out "Stinging" means painful, like a bee sting, or needle prick.
              Tesla remarks, with later experiments he was able to produce pleasant sensations ( even something like a cool breeze )using much higher cycles.

              The "Stinging" sensation would only occur when Tesla was simulating a single Static Discharge on a Large Scale. A single impulse, one shot, one impulse per hour say, but with immense voltage and as little current and ringing as possible. Later Tesla would add repetitive cycles to this design, getting many impulses per second.

              Think about Van DaGraff generator. If we connect a battery to a metal sphere, why does it not become like a Van DaGraff generator? If we have a modern Tesla Coil and compare the sparks from it with a Van DaGraff Electrostatic device, we see differences. They are not the same. True Tesla Coil, is much closer to a Van DaGraff generator. With a True Tesla Coil, we could imitate Van DaGraff generator perfectly. This is the difference.

              Now if we have never had the opportunity to read Tesla's explanation of the photograph of him casual reading amongst electrical death, we could conclude he was magic. But if we actually READ what he was doing, we find it is a much different story. Especially different from the electrical engineers interpretation of what he was doing. Tesla's work may not be mainstream, but this doesn't make the idea magic. We can interpret Tesla's work successfully, if we interpret it with the correct model. We will not likely be able to interpret his ideas into a failed or incomplete model.

              The engineers point out Tesla calculation do not work properly and joke about his math sometimes. However, Tesla's math works perfectly for the case to which it was applied. Apply the math to a different case, and of course it will not work anymore.


              • #97
                Ogood is right, listen to him!

                First look here Tesla's ingenious design for the wireless transmission of electricity.

                Nice graphic but here is the explanation what is really going on :

                Electrostatic disruption of Earth charge.


                • #98
                  I cannot believe that i had read something like this document!
                  Thank you very much Boguslaw!!!
                  Finally i found that my understanding of Wardenclyff project is acceptable and maybe real. I had need a time to translate this document but I understand it well. Almost in each sentence i have found exactly description of that what is in my mind.
                  People, read this document which Boguslaw post it, read it necessarily because i believe that this is without fail.
                  Thank you Boguslaw, thank you very much.
                  Greetings from Serbia


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Ogood View Post
                    I cannot believe that i had read something like this document!
                    Thank you very much Boguslaw!!!
                    Finally i found that my understanding of Wardenclyff project is acceptable and maybe real. I had need a time to translate this document but I understand it well. Almost in each sentence i have found exactly description of that what is in my mind.
                    People, read this document which Boguslaw post it, read it necessarily because i believe that this is without fail.
                    Thank you Boguslaw, thank you very much.
                    Greetings from Serbia
                    Oh, no problem my friend I immediately knew you are right!
                    Still Tesla patent is correct but you all must remember that Tesla investigated two methods of energy transfer : one , and that was first was through ionosphere and second was through ground. So that patent is just a base of technology but not a working example as depicted in patent.
                    Mostly after 1895 accident Tesla was not eager to describe exact working devices. Something very important he had find that year. I think that was free energy and the key to understanding all forces in nature.Including gravity.


                    • Somewhere i had read that during his tests on Long Island, when Tesla activated his tower, everywhere around you could see electricity. Around grass, trees and even people. I is written that people looks like ghosts, everywhere around them were light blue color, like aura. It is written also that you can see that electricity goes from ground to up, that was probably test to transfer electricity through ground and definitely was successful. Maybe his tower was designed to transfer electricity through ground and ionosphere also, in same time. By pumping high voltage to the air, he accomplish to light up dark night. It is also written that at the midnight, sky was so bright and light that you can read newspapers on the bench in park. High voltage and diluted gas at high altitude... Looks familiar isn't!?
                      Next also everybody are connecting Tesla's experiments with disaster in Tunguzija (Tunguska). Some believe that Tesla save planet that day and destroy a great Armageddon which was planing to hit our planet, but other think that he has just testing his tower and its performance...
                      Did Tesla found free energy, yes i believe he did! But how to sell it!? He wanted to share knowledge with all people but it wasn't allowed.
                      He probably found much more than we think and know today. And about gravity... It is remarkable construction Coral Castle on Florida. How is it possible that one man cut shape and lift so giant stones!? Maybe John Hutchison discover something about it. Combining strong electrical field and radio waves he can force different objects to move or even change their structure. I believe that Tesla know that, at the end he is the father for all what we know and use today.


                      • @boguslaw

                        Yes, I must thank you for the information as well.

                        Sincerely apologize to Ogood who has shown us how to make the Daddy of Tesla Coils as he says!

                        The drawings seem somewhat rough, but I think the addition of another spark gap, between the secondary and capacitance is a valid idea. I would point out, in one of these drawings, they refer to this spark gap as a "rectifier" which I think is relevant to our conjectures that this device is a DC electrostatic device. The output of this system is a very high voltage, and I always considered rectifying this amount of energy difficult, but it seems Tesla figured out a way to do this. Possibly this upper, larger spark gap, was magnetically quenched as well, to create some type of extremely high voltage rectifier/diode?

                        Since I am a Canadian, I found a Canadian source, Wilbert B. Smith, which seems to further validate our conjectures about electrostatic and electromagnetic field propagation as both being important.
                        The paper was not finished, you can read the partial paper here:
                        Wilbert B. Smith: The New Science
                        This "New Science" as Wilbert calls it, is remarkably consistent with what Walter Russell and Tesla seem to be describing. I quote from this paper with some addition (**):

                        "... so we may expect within the electric field two quantities, scalar and vector, or quantity and its manner of distribution. These attributes we recognize immediately as pertaining to the electric fields with which we have experience.

                        While the Tempic( *time like* ) field is purely scalar, the application of the Quadrature Concept( *squaring of dimensions* ) gave it an aspect which is vectorial in establishing the Electric Field, in that it now has "direction" as well as "quantity". In dealing with this parameter both these aspects should always be included. Otherwise the analysis is bound to be incomplete. In other words, mere vectorial summation is not sufficient and the scalar values must be integrated also. ... " - Wilbert B Smith

                        He specifically makes note that electric properties are BOTH scalar and vectorial and we must consider BOTH properties to get a complete picture of what electric action really is.

                        Here is another connection, between what we are discussing about electrostatic IMPULSES and the possible connection to gravity. Townsend Brown is a man worth further research if you are unfamiliar with his work.
                        He discovered a capacitor charged to a high voltage, will experience a force at the instant the voltage is applied. Unlike an ionic wind effect, this was an impulse effect which only occurred at the instant the high voltage was applied. By pulsing this applied high voltage, Mr Brown developed devices which could defy gravity. The key to the connection, we see is the effect concerns the part of the waveform, before current flows, exactly as we are discussing concerning Tesla's True coil. Mr. Brown's effect, is an electrostatic impulse effect, not an ionic DC wind effect as so many are claiming. This "electrogravitic" effect, is due to this "water hammer" like property of the electrostatic field, which resists or reacts to sudden changes or impulses in electric pressure( the scalar ).

                        Thomas Townsend Brown: British Patent # 300,311 -- Gravitator

                        Now, I am going to go way out onto a Fringe Limb here so to say, and discuss a device which has been utterly ridiculed by mainstream science. You can see the patent for the device I refer to here:
                        Hieronymus Radionics Device (Patent Info)

                        Science laughs at this machine, because if you look at the circuit, there is a very obvious open circuit in the device. Current cannot flow in the circuit of this device. Therefore it cannot be explained in terms of modern electromagnetic theory and science dismissed it as a fraud. However, in light of our new conjectures about an "Electrostatic Impulse" and "Zero Current" circuits, reconsider the operation of this device. It seems to be utilizing exactly the same electrical effect as described in all these cases.

                        There are many more examples and connections. The problem seems to be, the people who discovered this electrostatic "action" always make up their own name for it, because it seemed outside the current physics. If we disregard the crazy names some of these people used to describe this property of the electric field, and simply call it an electrostatic impulse, as Tesla did, then we we go a long way towards understanding electric "action".

                        These same concepts come up in the ancient works of Hermes Trismegistus and hermeticism and even in Genesis, the opening chapter of the Bible. I feel it extremely likely, what we consider as ancient science, is actually the remains of a much older,more accurate, much more advanced scientific/religious understanding then our own modern one. But all this may be taking it too far for most to grasp.


                        • Walter Russell makes two interesting claims,
                          "Light does not move" and "Motion is an illusion"

                          This is likely true, and I can explain this for the readers here in a very simple way, so everyone can grasp this important idea.

                          You need only consider the operation of a computer monitor, to understand what Walter Russell means by these statements. A computer monitor is composed of fixed pixels, which DO NOT MOVE. A pixel is a static element, a scalar, which can only vary in magnitude( a greyscale for black and white which is sufficient for this example ).

                          Pixels do not move. Yet, miraculously, with this static grid of pixels, changing only in magnitudes over time, we can reproduce a 2-Dimension image of reality.
                          The videos you watch on a computer screen appear real in all their 2-Dimensional glory, even though at the heart of this is a scalar mechanism. What we see as forms, objects, or even people moving around in a video, are only a bunch of scalar values changing in magnitude, which themselves, are NOT moving. There is absolutely no reason we cannot apply this concept, to a 3-Dimensional system, where we have a three dimensional array of scalar units of some kind, changing only in magnitude, which gives the illusion of motion in 3-Dimensions.

                          The scalar field or dimension or property, is the space or fabric or medium, upon which the dynamic world exists. The dynamic world being an illusion of motion, because the underlying scalar entity, does NOT move. As Walter Russell puts it, the scalar is the cause, the dynamic reaction is the effect.


                          • Originally posted by GSM View Post
                            Hi Harish,

                            I saw that video as either deliberate misinformation, or a demonstration of incomplete understanding.

                            I see the Villes Research as again incomplete understanding, though also with interpretations making it appear like a new belief based science (which has gone nowhere). Almost cultish, so why ?

                            ChemTeam: Writing Positron and Electron Capture Equations

                            Like inducing non-radioactive dissociation of matter ?
                            A couple of Patents for this do already exist, though there I'm not sure that positrons are indicated, just (resonant) EM relations driving electrons into the nucleus.

                            Light is the quantum stream energy return from electron energy level collapse w.r.t. many individual atomic centres;- the photonic emission from matter; with its highest EM frequency (colour) related to the temperature inducing atomic centres vibration w.r.t electrons, and thus the various (equal-opposite-reaction-electron energy w.r.t. nucleus) electron level changes thus induced.

                            Magnetism relates to the induced or permanent spin alignment of the electrons of matter; either electrons alone temporarily, or molecular/ atomic centre aligned electron orbits permanently. The electron charges orbiting molecular/ atomic centres are as like microscopic turns of an enerised coil.

                            Remember how an identical charge flowing between parallel conductors will draw the conductors together, well this is what identically rotating electron orbits do regarding magnetic attraction, or conversely - opposition of reverse spins apparent at the ends of like poles turned to face each other; eg. N to N, where if you look into the pole face the electron spin orbits are identical, but opposite if turned to face each other.

                            This is why a soft iron keeper will cling to a permanent magnet: Its electron orbits will remain aligned and physically attempting to minimise distance between like orbit rotations for as long as the free orbits remain aligned by the permanent orbits.

                            That YT video is homopolar like generated fluid motion polarly influenced by the permanent electron spin field alignment within the magnet.

                            Cheers ........... Graham.
                            Hi Graham,

                            You should see the work of Ehrenhaft almost a century ago and Oersted two centuries ago. I take it's a well guarded secret.

                            Ehrenhaft continued:

                            "Microscopic observation shows that the magnetically evolved gas bubbles carry either a N or S magnetic charge... Each of these positive charged gas bubbles moves in a circle around the gap between the magnetrodes, through which a constant magnetic currnet flows, reversing its direction on reversion of the magnetic field, exactly as a single magnetic pole would circulate around the constant electric current, reversing its direction with the reversal of the electric field". (Ref. 8)

                            The ramifications of what Ehrenhaft discovered can only be guessed at:

                            "It is the belief today that there exist in nature only two general forces, the force of gravity and the magnetic action of electric currents. But we have here a third force, the electric action of magnetic currents". (Ref. 12)

                            In the same letter to the editors of Physical Review, he wrote:

                            "Oersted found... a vortex around the wire connecting the two poles of Volta’s pile. The phenomena here reported show that there is a vortex around the poles of an electro- or permanent magnet. In Oersted’s experiment, the pile lost its pole strength. In the experiment with the permanent magnet, the magnet lost its pole strength. In Oersted’s experiment, we have to deal with electrodynamic rotations. In the new case, we have to deal with magnetodynamic rotations. Both rotations are the result of the expenditure of energy, one from Volta’s pile, the other from the magnet.

                            "If the single magnetic pole is fixed and alone in action, the opposite pole being remote as is done in Faraday’s experiment, and the wire conducting the electric current is free to move, the wire will rotate around the single pole. This is the principle of the electric motor...

                            "In the new case... we have two fixed magnetic poles with the electrically charged matter free to rotate around the magnetic current. This is, in principio, the magnetic motor. We are here using our third force. One cannot tell how a motor operated by this force can be utilized". (Ref. 12)
                            Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles



                            • Originally posted by harishsingh View Post
                              Hi Graham,

                              You should see the work of Ehrenhaft almost a century ago and Oersted two centuries ago. I take it's a well guarded secret.


                              Felix Ehrenhaft: Magnetic Current --- 9 articles

                              Thanks for your excellent links Harish.
                              More than I am able to read-up on are regularly being presented here in this forum.

                              In years gone by there were many ideas about magnetism - its actions - its 'secrets' - and thus writings about the N and S poles, or 'N' or 'S' 'currents', also field lines between same. These all became ingrained as if a separate scientific subject to be taught at school, and yet none of the early works nor teachings were capable of explaining what was being observed because the origin of the field was not dealt with at fundamental level. I was taught of magnetic domains within a magnet, and not that those domains encapsulated molecules possessing electron spin alignments which generated what we call the 'magnetic field'.

                              It is only when magnetism is viewed as axial electron spin rotational alignment looking into a pole face that all of the earlier 'magnet' work and disparate topics about same fall into place as having simple and fundamental electron/ electric relations within all matter (ie. not just magnets).

                              It is also the molecularly defined axial spin alignments which causes not only N+S attraction, but also the outlines of magnets to clip together with a minimum of overlap, such that rectangular faces do not click together across each other, but rectangle-to-rectangle unless restrained from doing so.

                              Cheers ......... Graham.


                              • Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
                                Walter Russell makes two interesting claims,
                                "Light does not move" and "Motion is an illusion"

                                This is likely true, and I can explain this for the readers here in a very simple way, so everyone can grasp this important idea.

                                You need only consider the operation of a computer monitor, to understand what Walter Russell means by these statements. A computer monitor is composed of fixed pixels, which DO NOT MOVE. A pixel is a static element, a scalar, which can only vary in magnitude( a greyscale for black and white which is sufficient for this example ).

                                Pixels do not move. Yet, miraculously, with this static grid of pixels, changing only in magnitudes over time, we can reproduce a 2-Dimension image of reality.
                                The videos you watch on a computer screen appear real in all their 2-Dimensional glory, even though at the heart of this is a scalar mechanism. What we see as forms, objects, or even people moving around in a video, are only a bunch of scalar values changing in magnitude, which themselves, are NOT moving. There is absolutely no reason we cannot apply this concept, to a 3-Dimensional system, where we have a three dimensional array of scalar units of some kind, changing only in magnitude, which gives the illusion of motion in 3-Dimensions.

                                The scalar field or dimension or property, is the space or fabric or medium, upon which the dynamic world exists. The dynamic world being an illusion of motion, because the underlying scalar entity, does NOT move. As Walter Russell puts it, the scalar is the cause, the dynamic reaction is the effect.
                                Hopefully I'm not going too offtopic here. As a "beginner" in terms of tesla and so on I'm very thankful for this thread with its many insights because of the nice people posting here. In the past I was very interested in searching for the 'truth in life' and came upon what some groups call nondual teachings in which it is stated that there is only awareness/god and in this awareness the world is projected. It amazes me that what you said above is exactly this in a technical concept spoken.

                                There are several books from Walter Russel at . Can you give me a hint at which book I shall beginn to read an learn ?

                                Again I apologize for being a bit off topic here. Thank you
                                greetings from germany

