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Tesla Stinging Impulse Rays

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  • I don't recall Tesla saying anything about millions of horsepower.
    Please see:
    Nikola Tesla Timeline 1907 - Tesla 25 Million Horsepower Magnifier
    Year: 1907

    May, 3rd: 25 Million H.P. Magnifier

    In an article entitled "Tesla's Tidal Wave To Make War Impossible," from "English Mechanic and World of Science," Tesla states that his magnifying transmitter has obtained rates of 25 million horsepower.
    Like I said earlier, I don't know how much energy is required nor do I know the conditions necessary, but if nuclear transmutation is happening with modest cold fusion experiments on a fairly regular basis, then something the magnitude ot Tesla's work should produce results that are electrifying at the least, and shocking to stinging truth at the greatest. (puns fully intended


    • I hadn't seen that article. Thanks. Just shows there's always more to learn about Tesla.

      Puns appreciated.

      There's far more work going on with antimatter than I thought. It raises the question, does antimatter fall "up"?
      Antimatter at CERN


      • Could be, but I'm reminded of bedinis growing a copper crystal experiment. You recall that one? Two ground rods driven into the earth some 10 meters apart. A copper lead run from either to a mason jar that has distilled water in it. The copper leads then connect to two pure silver rods that are what are put into the distilled water, held up off the bottom of the mason jar and then the mason jar is covered to keep the Light out... And over time on the bottom of the jar a silver crystal grows and forms... And this not at millions of horsepower but at fractions of a volt at some then inherent current induced by such volt potentials.

        The goal (for me anyways) is to be self sufficient huh. So we don't need millions of horsepower, but maybe 20 or so would be enough for a single house or so.

        At this point its best to work towards and design Peer to Peer power systems so that we no longer have a centrally controlled grid. Make it all peer to peer, then if one home has some issue, the rest of the homes can account for the delta until its back online...

        Are you able to convert the heat and plasma into electricity? or are you looking to apply the heating to some medium to transmit it to heating water or something? How do you plan to use the output from the APE?

        Thanks for the comment man! Take care!

        Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
        Well, didn't Tesla say he was operating in the millions of horsepower?

        I don't know how much energy is required to make anti-matter, but if small scale cold fusion experiments are creating or transmuting new materials with regularity, then a high powered device such as tesla's ought to do something really impressive, even if its just blasting through the water vapor in the air.


        • Thats cool. I think you might look into the E-cat and LENR as that setup is made to output Heat directly so it can be applied to a steam cycle to then drive a generator to produce electricity. I'm really not sure how one would take power off the APE to see if whats being consumed is less than the heat or plasma thats being caused.

          Another guy to recall would be Lawrence Rayburn and the TREC. Tesla Radiant Energy Collector. He had a bunch of posts on Evgray yahoogroup if someone is curious about what he setup. Claimed he could pull 120vac at 20-50amps without any input at all using nested coils and a tesla magnifying transmitter type setup.

          I have to admit theres something fun about seeing big arcs and smellin the ozone...


          Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
          Please see:
          Nikola Tesla Timeline 1907 - Tesla 25 Million Horsepower Magnifier

          Like I said earlier, I don't know how much energy is required nor do I know the conditions necessary, but if nuclear transmutation is happening with modest cold fusion experiments on a fairly regular basis, then something the magnitude ot Tesla's work should produce results that are electrifying at the least, and shocking to stinging truth at the greatest. (puns fully intended


          • Originally posted by genessc View Post

            Are you able to convert the heat and plasma into electricity? or are you looking to apply the heating to some medium to transmit it to heating water or something? How do you plan to use the output from the APE?

            Thanks for the comment man! Take care!
            Gene, we should discuss the APE on its own thread, but to answer your questions, these were the motivations for my APE experiment:
            This is a replication of Jean Luis Naudin's A.P.E. electrolisys cell experiment. This was done to look into the 4 following areas:
            Glow discharge anomalies perhaps related to EVO or cavitation.
            Radiation generation by either glow or plasma discharges.
            Transmutation of elements or creation of extra matter.
            Temperature effects on the above areas.
            Anomalous heat generation, or power production from the plasma concepts were not concidered as an initial concern or goal of the experiments.


            • The previous post mentions EVO; yes evo Ken Shoulders work.
              I had forgot about Shoulders. The holes in target material and photography
              finding dark, grey and light levels of this species of energetic particles can in fact sting.
              A phenomena beyound an ion wind but having some almost mass less clusters.
              Some curious and unusual energy densities are reported some not quite nuclear.
              Related to cold fusion radiation not the same as nuclear and better termed psuedo-radiation.

              Aether as some have entertained seems to agree with his use of the term vacuum.
              Also his terminology evo (exotic vacuum object,,,small projectiles )some have called
              clusters I believe are what is the mystery entity driving some of our phenomena.
              The clusters are one of the more familiar geometries of basic radiant energetics.
              Ken uses a clever set up, complex that is to make and capture an evo projectile.
              Looking at some pictures it might be possible to use Tesla coil to make pin holes in aluminum foil.
              Website for EVO
              Index of /krscfs
              Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-01-2015, 01:18 AM.


              • Hi Mikrovolt,

                Thanks for digging through the posts and following up on possible related info.
                I readily admit my shortcommings with understanding much of this, and so what I say or reply is just my intuitive thinking about the subjects.

                So, walking the path of the EVO as being the cause of the "Tesla Stinging impulse rays", would we be correct to suppose that they are the result of Tesla's spark gap or plasma discharges from his coils, and not the source of the discharges or the source of his tremendous power?
                Generally, an EVO source is very easy to produce by a spark discharge in a gas.
                I suppose I could think about them being the source of the energy magnifying principle if I understood the EVO phenomena much better. You had mentioned:
                Some curious and unusual energy densities are reported some not quite nuclear.
                I understand from studying Leclair, that the clusters propagating in water from cavitation are operating at near superluminal speeds. If indeed these are self accelerating exponentially, I could see how energy could be magnified by building an apparatus around launching them, and then after traveling a distance, and accellerating to relativistic speeds, to use them to drive a collection or conversion device. How that would be arranged is beyond my vision at this point, but if the logic is sound, then there is certainly a way.

                Anyway, thank you for stretching my mind on this subject once again.
                Last edited by kenssurplus; 04-03-2015, 03:55 AM.


                • Mark Le Clair cautioned experimenters about exposure during his cavitation research.
                  The photo's are from the actual experiment. paging down down down


                  Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-03-2015, 11:52 AM.


                  • Ok gotcha. Shuttin up.


                    Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                    Gene, we should discuss the APE on its own thread, but to answer your questions, these were the motivations for my APE experiment:

                    Anomalous heat generation, or power production from the plasma concepts were not concidered as an initial concern or goal of the experiments.


                    • Originally posted by genessc View Post
                      Ok gotcha. Shuttin up.

                      HEY!! I just didn't think a detailed exploration of the APE experiments and theory fit very well with the "Tesla stinging impulse rays" thread, and I didn't want to derail the thread. At least I didn't think it fit very well, until Mikrovolt tied it together like that. Now I will have to look at all supposed OU devices which had a spark gap, vibration (sonic & ultrasonic), rubbing, or any of the other methodologies that Moray talked about, for signs of EVO or microcluster Modus Operandi.

                      Don't go shuttin up! We just broke open a huge wide field of stuff to yap about.


                      • Sometimes the path to discovery is not always straight.
                        So in discussing Tesla Stinging Rays we looked at
                        Ken Shoulder's EVOs and Mark LeClair's cavitation.
                        We reviewed a few Moray King lectures are always fun.

                        Now I want to try to address the use of narrow spark gaps
                        in going from static to EM using wimshurst and bipolar coil
                        This engineer's name is Bill Alek found at
                        ( The spark gap can be used successfully in different ways
                        but here it is several narrow gaps proposed carbon graphite trans )
                        We know graphite can be found in a hex config, a flat pattern, this may lend it's geometry
                        to a torus shape or at least flying pieces of toroid like fragments.

                        The point I would like to compare to stinging rays sort of follows
                        the flying plasmoid transmutation theory but more specifically the use of carbon
                        and oxygen in easily producing Iron. A small element carbon 6 to larger FE 26
                        The RX leaning toward the cold electrical or decreasing element size.

                        Note: Bill's opinion is that the OU occurs after the spark gap in the bipolar coil
                        as a constructive interference. So where is the loop and
                        Which raises question of why all the Static fluff and transmutation ?
                        Or is it just a good combination ?

                        Multi-Spark Gap Experiments
                        There are many other experiments like this but Alek documented everything.
                        The COP for 90 turn 2 spark gap fig 14 - 15 a fairly good reciever of radiant event.
                        I always recommend making copies of the materials online.

                        Last edited by mikrovolt; 04-09-2015, 08:33 AM.


                        • All good man, I am happy to help, but also willing to shudup. I'm not offended or nuthin.

                          I'm playing with the ion chairs 50kvdc supply thru different coils in a sort of inverted tesla coil config, I'm just not sure heres the place to note whatnot.

                          Here maybe just watch this vid of mine.


                          I've ordered parts to build a second 50kvdc supply so I can play with "relative potential switching" between a pair of 50kvdc outputs.

                          I have yet to see about putting a transformer in series on the grounded "primary" of the setup in the above vid, to see what oscillations result there... I take the spray to be Current tho, not Volts... volts is plasma... this is directly shorted Current between just two turns... so its gonna have relatively little volts for the current apparent... It might be that it needs to be setup with coil triplets instead of the double which is generally the norm for most trafos/tesla coils. (like the bellerian apparatus config)

                          Anyways I don't want to distract, so by all means tell me to Cork up as needed.

                          Cheers Ken!

                          Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                          HEY!! I just didn't think a detailed exploration of the APE experiments and theory fit very well with the "Tesla stinging impulse rays" thread, and I didn't want to derail the thread. At least I didn't think it fit very well, until Mikrovolt tied it together like that. Now I will have to look at all supposed OU devices which had a spark gap, vibration (sonic & ultrasonic), rubbing, or any of the other methodologies that Moray talked about, for signs of EVO or microcluster Modus Operandi.

                          Don't go shuttin up! We just broke open a huge wide field of stuff to yap about.


                          • Carbon spark gaps

                            Ok, so I have several 1/4 inch copper clad carbon gouging rods and some larger 1 inch diameter (plain?) carbon rods. What kind of experiment should I set up to test if this hypothesis is correct (about spark gaps of Carbon producing greater energy than just standard gaps and for sure no gaps)? Should I also include some sort of test for stinging rays? How might I go about that test without exposing the person(s) running the tests to danger?

                            Gene, what kind of experiments can you think of for your ion chair device that would help determine if we are even close to being right with this train of thought?

                            I will dig around in my pile of failed OU attempts to see what I can ressurrect and adapt to this.


                            • The best way to test the multi-spark experiment is by contacting Bill Alek and ask
                              him if replication would be alright and if an increase from base voltage occurs using two 2% thoriated tig rods or stainless round stock without carbon or graphite.

                              There is always risk and hazards so it is important to test using a standard gieger meter.
                              about the hazard of emissions it is difficult for me to say. I personally believe in using precaution. A safe limit of power to me is being responsible in monitoring what is coming out even if it is just a small wimshurst modification. There are plenty of injuries that could be avoided by having a good safety plan. Please be careful.

                              I sent a message to Bill at


                              • Thank you Mikrovolt,

                                I will need to set up my lab computer and geiger counter. I am also thinking about setting up a remote control and a remote video feed from the lab, so that I don't have the same problems as Tesla's assistant, or LeClair's team.

                                I have also been thinking about magnetically quenched spark gaps. I know that there were some S.G. (spark gaps) made from a straw like glass or plastic tube with a bell end on one side. Air was blown through the tube to quench the spark. However, if the emissions are a stream of Beta particles then I would want an unimpeded path to a collector. I have a large C or horseshoe magnet with an opening of 3 1/2 inches diameter at the pole ends that I used for a MRA replication many years ago.

                                I might be able to set up the spark gaps inside the magnet's throat between the two poles. I think I would want to be able to re-position the S.G. in various orientations inside the magnetic field.

                                Any thoughts anyone?

