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Coral Castle - Ed Leedskalnin

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  • #76
    I knew it!!!



    • #77

      Another amazing WONDER of the World and Grace your's was the BEST piece of ART THERE!!!!!

      PS It was really Pamela's idea, she made me post this cause she wanted you all to think it was my idea....
      Blessings with Aloha Keoi
      <a href="" target="blank">Secrets of The Psychic State</a>
      Keys To Awakening Your Inner Psychic


      • #78
        The sea salt cleanse reminded me of another cleanse I had heard about a while back, when I first started learning about natural cures.

        Dr. Hulda's Liver cleanse gallbladder cleanse gallstones flush recipe

        This apparently works really well, though I haven't tried it. About the only thing I don't like about this guy is that he tries to say every ailment is the result of parasites, nothing else.

        In addition to cleansing the bowel, this also apparently cleanses the liver and gallbladder at the same time..
        It is a peaceful mind that makes a peaceful world.
        -We Are One-


        • #79
          Ewhaz, not everything is the result of only parasites, but molds, mildews, fungus, toxins, bacteria(parasite), virus(parasite).

          every known illness or dis-ease is the result of something blocking your bodies natural defenses. once that block is removed, healing commences.
          now we can get very deep here and say that ALL of these parasitic blockages are not really there, and ANY form of treatment that you FULLY believe in will work!! this is why the placebo effect is so strong.

          if you REALLY believe that eating a banana a day will cure cancer, it will.
          also, NOTHING can enter into your body without you letting it in. your focused attention in a parasite or dis-ease gives permission for it to enter. (Law of Attraction)

          all of this ties into the Busting Loose and Matrix Enrgetics stuff. ill let you do the research.(it is all here in these threads)


          • #80
            Grace that is really cool. you wont believe how much stronger you will feel with this cleanse. if, on the day of the competition, you feel confident in drinking a little more, take a full 8 ounces mixed to taste. make sure it is quite a few hours before though, just in case you have a spontaneous "flush".

            as you drink each glass, FEEL each any every one of the 1135 different colloidal physical binaries entering and empowering all 7 trillion cells in your body. this lines up so perfectly with your competition (as you said) because by that time, most of those cells will have a good deal of those colloidals in them. to fully fill them takes quite a long time, perhaps a year or two, but at least you will be well on your way.

            BTW, how did it go? did you make the full 24 hours straight? or did you sleep a little?


            • #81
              I'm well aware of the issue of beliefs in health and healing. If your into spiritual texts at all, the 'conversations with Seth' books illustrated beliefs very well for me. They even went so far to say that sickness was almost directly the result of beliefs. My current conundrum is just that, do I believe that I am healthy and thus am healthy or do I assume that more is needed for my health and go on with exercising and eating properly etc etc.

              But still, the gallbladder liver cleanse, weather or not it is the result of parasites, is still impressive. I'm thinking about doing some sort of cleanse, I just need to figure out which one.
              It is a peaceful mind that makes a peaceful world.
              -We Are One-


              • #82
                im not much on chanelling. too many windows for too many different influences, not all of which are looking out for our best interests.


                • #83
                  I just ordered some Celtic sea salt from ebay, will try the cleansing procedure. I wonder if I can use the sea salt if I am also taking spirulina? Or for the cleansing time I should avoid taking spirulina?
                  Also I think, that Aaron should split this topic into two separate ones, because we are a little bit off the topic here
                  It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                  • #84
                    Very Cool Results!!

                    I don't have much time at the moment, but I do have some results to post etc. I will do so asap (even though I said I wouldn't talk about it publicly!! ) very Cool indeed!



                    • #85
                      new thread

                      Hi Jetijs,

                      Anyone is able to start a thread without being a moderator.

                      The sea salt discussion would be appropriate in the health forum most likely.
                      Aaron Murakami

                      Books & Videos
                      RPX & MWO


                      • #86
                        there is a reason that i kept the info here, even though you might not see it now, there is a HUGE relationship to everything in this thread. hopefull one day we will be able to tie it all together.

                        spirulina is awesome, and i was even a bit surprised to see it on the PATH site. ocean kelp is another that would greatly enhance these procedures. i think that PATHS should incorporate kelp in their program, it is loaded with omega acids.


                        • #87
                          if im correct in the ebook there is something about the need for amino acids etc
                          along with the salt

                          going back to the starting theme of the thread for a moment i think this video is quite interesting
                          YouTube - Acoustic Levitation Chamber


                          • #88
                            notice how every item wants to spin.
                            spinning vortex = the natural state of all matter. (light, magnetism, sound, gravity, superconductivity, planets, weather, water)


                            • #89
                              "they speak of (walter)Russell's feats such as prolate or oblate the oxygen nucleus into nitrogen or hydrogen or vice versa. To change nuclei, they change the shape of a magnetic field. Although they used expensive analyzing equipment, it is basically tabletop science. No atom-smashing cyclotron needed; just a gentle nudge using the right frequencies. Focus and un-focus light-motion, create a vortex and control it."

                              the bolded quote seems to tie in some of the things you have been talking about


                              • #90
                                mums the word

