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Coral Castle - Ed Leedskalnin

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  • #61
    Nice, bryan
    I occasionally do some fasting, but then I do not eat anything except some vitamins and calcium. I drink a lot of water and keep doing it at least for a week. I also go to saunas and other healthy procedures. The interesting thing is, that after about 3 days you stop taking care of the food, you do not even want to eat anymore, because your stomach has accepted the fact, that there wont be any food for dome time. Then you can feel this light feeling in the head and body, like you were a feather Also you require much less sleep. That's my observations. I will try to get the sea salt and try out your method, because it's been a long time since I last fasted. I have piled up with junk
    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


    • #62
      The Yehidah book

      Hi Bryan,

      Thank you so much for posting the Sea Salt Cleanse. It is very similar to the Celtic Sea Salt cleanse that is recommended in the book The Master Cleanser. Excellent Fast as well.

      The Master Cleanse

      Also I want to thank you for the Yehidah book! I have not commented yet as I am still working on reading all of it!!! So far what I have read is truly fascinating!! I am the type that has four to five books at a time that I read, so it takes me a while to get through something like this!! But thank you again for all this wonderful information!


      • #63
        I was just in the shower and usually I take time reflect on things since the hot water is calming and relaxing. Long story short, I was thinking about this sea salt procedure and it dawned on me that it only takes care of the digestive system. The lymphatic and blood stream are still potentially congested with unwanted items.

        I wonder could this sea salt procedure be tied with some other procedures for cleansing lymph and blood, perhaps Bob Beck's pulse magnetizer and blood electrifier. The question in my mind is should these all be done at the same time or in a specific order because the body might be too weak-end if they were all applied at ones.

        I suppose I'm trying to devise a treatment but then again I'm not a medical doctor to begin with so this is something a person does out of their own accord with all cautions in mind.
        Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


        • #64
          from the Master CLeanse
          For a minimum of 10 days, you drink only the lemonade mixture, made with organic grade B maple syrup, fresh-squeezed lemon or lime juice, and cayenne pepper added to spring, distilled, or purified (NOT fluoridated) water.
          the mample syrup is only an energy source for this ten day cleanse. the lime/lemon is extremely acidic and could agitate ulcers, stomach lining, weaken teeth, and ENHANCE any forms of disease, cancer, bacteria etc. These things LOVE acidic solutions. the sea salt cleanse is much more alkaline and has all of the colloidals you need for energy in perfect balance. plus, it is only 24 hours, not 10 days (yuk!!)

          i could not get my wife to do it with me... good luck with the girlfriend.

          i recently did a SEVEN(7) day fast of ONLY SSE(sea salt electrolytes) and water. but remember, this 24 hour cleanse is NOT a fast.
          Saunas: if the sauna is using tap water you are poisoning yourself with deadly chlorine gas and flourides.


          I was thinking about this sea salt procedure and it dawned on me that it only takes care of the digestive system.
          HA!! not even close! sea salt has the ability to totally Kosher your entire body, including white fat, glands, blood, saliva, TEETH, bones, and organs, from molds, fungus, bacteria, liver flukes, stones(over a long period of time) worms, metals, toxins, parasites(if the SSE concentration is strong enough in the body) etc etc
          as you said before... there is more in sea salt than what we(you) currently know.


          • #65
            in the ebook it talks about how the salt affects both of those systems aswell. The salt does go into the blood stream and into the lymph.

            Using with the beck equiptment, it may make the elements in the salt more potent through electroporation so i would be careful with that. But I have heard there is a way to fix that problem so you could be on to something


            • #66
              all of the things you suggest have already been taken into consideration.
              the Sea Salt cleanse is written EXACTLY as you should do it.

              if you alter this is any way, you can endanger yourself, so please do not bring those things up here. (in this particular thread)

              we had the same thing happen three years ago when someone wanted to "enhance" the process(which was perfected back in 1985) by using a different type of "salt"... needless to say the guy ended up in the hospital from overdosing on sodium chloride and almost had a heart attack.

              another guy ended up in the hospital from dehydration because he wanted to make his solution super briny, used the wrong salt, and drank WAY too much. he could not stop vomiting and had severe gastro-intestinal pains because his body detoxified faster than his orifices could handle. (he was constipated)

              this brings up another point. if you have tendancies of constipation (normally)
              then i would suggest trying to move your abdomen as much as possible. left to right twists, toe touching, jumping jacks, sit-ups, flutter-kicks, crunches, or jogging in place to help distribute the SSE/water.


              • #67
                The Master Cleanser by Burroughs

                Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                from the Master CLeanse

                the mample syrup is only an energy source for this ten day cleanse. the lime/lemon is extremely acidic and could agitate ulcers, stomach lining, weaken teeth, and ENHANCE any forms of disease, cancer, bacteria etc. These things LOVE acidic solutions. the sea salt cleanse is much more alkaline and has all of the colloidals you need for energy in perfect balance. plus, it is only 24 hours, not 10 days (yuk!!)
                Hi Bryan,

                I definitely benefited from "The Master Cleanser" fast. I was on it for 10 days and it did more for me than when I was on a watered down juice fast for 14 days. I have tried different types of fasting since I was in my late 20's and the Master Cleanser has been the easiest and most beneficial to me so far. I exercised while on the Master Cleanse, and carried on with life in the same way without much difference. I did make sure I got extra sleep as suggested but I didn't feel tired! I also did not feel hungry. I just missed the joy of chewing!

                Here is an excerpt from the book "The Master Cleanser" by Stanley Burroughs

                Is the Lemonade Diet Also a Reducing Diet?

                As a reducing diet it is superior in every way to any other system because it dissolves and eliminates all types of fatty tissue. Fat melts away at the rate of about two pounds a day for most persons, and without any harmful side effects.

                All mucus diseases such as colds, flu, asthma, hay fever, sinus and bronchial troubles are rapidly dissolved and eliminated from the body, leaving the user free from the varied allergies which cause difficult breathing and clogging of the sinus cavities. Allergies exist as a result of an accumulation of these toxins and they vanish as we cleanse our body. People who are over-weight often experience these difficulties, and the more they continue to eat the toxic fat producing foods which cause their obesity, the more their other ailments multiply.

                Mucus disorders are brought about by the eating or drinking of mucus-forming foods. In other words, if you have these diseases, YOU ATE THEM! As we stop feeding our family mucus-forming foods, we can eliminate their mucus and allergy diseases for the rest of their lives.

                The types of disease which are a result of calcium deposits in the joints, muscles, cells and glands are readily dissolved and removed from the body. Cholesterol deposits in the arteries and veins also respond to the magic cleansing power of the lemonade diet.

                All skin disorders also disappear as the rest of the body is cleansed. boils, abscesses, carbuncles, and pimples all come under this category. These conditions are, again, Nature's effort to eliminate poisons quickly from the body.

                All types of infections are the result of these vast accumulations of poisons being dissolved and burned or oxidized to produce further cleansing of the body. Therefore, rapid elimination of the toxins relieves the need for infectious fevers of all kinds. Infections are not "caught" they are created by Nature to assist in burning our surplus wastes.

                Yes, the lemonade diet is a reducing diet, BUT MUCH MORE. Just as many other disorders also cleared up at the same time when it was used to heal ulcers, when it is used as a reducing diet, other ailments are also corrected in the process.

                People build strong, healthy bodies from the correct foods or they build diseased bodies from incorrect foods. When disease does become necessary, the lemonade diet will prove its superior cleansing and building ability.

                Here is his version of the Sea Salt Cleanse which he calls "Internal Salt Water Bathing":

                This is a superior method to cleansing the colonic tract without harmful effects. This method will cleanse the entire digestive tract.


                Prepare a full quart of luke-warm water and add two level teaspoons of uniodized sea salt. Do not use ordinary iodized salt as it will not work properly. Drink the entire quart of salt and water first thing in the morning. This must be taken on an empty stomach. The salt and water will not separate but will stay intact and quickly and thoroughly wash the entire tract in about one hour. Several Eliminations will likely occur. The salt water has the same specific gravity as the blood, hence the kidneys cannot pick up the water and the blood cannot pick up the salt. This may be taken as often as needed for proper washing of the entire digestive system.

                If the salt water does not work the first time, try adding a little more or a little less salt until the proper balance is found; or possibly take extra water with or without salt. This often increases the activity. Remember, it can do no harm at any time. The colon needs a good washing, but do it the natural way - the salt water way.

                It is quite advisable to take the herb tea laxative (smooth moves by traditional medicinals is the one I used) at night to loosen, then the salt water each morning to wash it out. If for some reason the salt water cannot be taken in the morning, then the herb laxative tea must be taken night and morning.




                • #68
                  Lots of invaluable advice here, thank you all and please keep the information flowing
                  Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                  • #69
                    perhaps this is the way my Two Pointing is working on this particular subject. ill give it a go... thanks!


                    • #70
                      More Info Please!

                      Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                      i recently did a SEVEN(7) day fast of ONLY SSE(sea salt electrolytes) and water. but remember, this 24 hour cleanse is NOT a fast.

                      Hi Bryan,

                      I am interested in trying the 24 hour SSE cleanse. My questions are:

                      1. What were your results from only taking cat naps and taking 1/4 cup of the SSE for 24 hours with light food but not much sleep( ) vs a 7 day fast (no food I am assuming) and going about life as normal (with sleep )?

                      2. Why a 7 day Fast, is this the magic number or can you do up to a 40 day fast on SSE for example?

                      3. What is the reason for staying up 24 hours straight (with occasional cat naps of 20-30 min) Is the ideal taking 1/4 cup every ten minutes or can I drink 12 ounces every hour or 6 ounces every 30 minutes etc?

                      For your posts!
                      IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                      • #71
                        the seven day fast has nothing to do with this SSE cleanse... please do NOT attempt this. i have been doing this for over three years, my cells are completely equalized with strong amounts of SSE. if you try this, you will probably kill yourself.

                        my results from doing the 24 hour cleanse with cat naps was VERY uncomfortable. every time i laid down gravity got the better of my bowels. and if i did manage to fall asleep, i would wake up with cramps. it is easier to stay seated, or standing if possible.

                        the trick to cleansing yourself easily is by taking small amounts as often as possible. if you gulp down 4, 8, 12 ounces in one shot, you will be "purging" that much harder.

                        my first time i was literally white knuckling the edges of the toilet seat. (i was gulping down larger amounts)


                        • #72
                          Thank you Bryan!

                          Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                          the seven day fast has nothing to do with this SSE cleanse... please do NOT attempt this. i have been doing this for over three years, my cells are completely equalized with strong amounts of SSE. if you try this, you will probably kill yourself.
                          Thanks again Bryan,

                          I have already done the master Cleanser Fast for 10 days earlier this year. So I am not planning to attempt any Fast again for awhile (plus I certainly know It is not my time to leave this world! ).

                          When I did the salt water internal bathing as Burroughs calls it, I took the laxative tea before going to bed and upon awakening on an empty stomach I chugged a whole quart of the Sea Salt and water solution. I definitely stayed close to home for the following hour, but it was fine after that. I did this daily for all 10 days I was on the Lemonade/Grade B Organic maple Syrup Fast.

                          At 1pm eastern time today I started the 24 hour Salt Cleanse you have posted and for two hours now I have been taking 2ounces every ten minutes.
                          I plan to try four ounces every 20 minutes because the results have been very easy going so far!

                          Staying up all night with just a few cat-naps will be interesting to experience. I have already started making Chinese Energetic Medicine Corrections to facilitate this matter. I think this will be a grand achievement on my part if I can get past 3am without passing out!!

                          I have had yogurt for breakfast and a piece of chicken boiled in organic vegetable broth for lunch. I don't feel hungry at all and I usually eat much more than this.

                          I know it is because of my experience with the Sea Salt Bathing that taking larger amounts will be fine for me. I don't plan to make any more posts about this as I think I have said too much already! I usually don't even like to discuss these things with my close friends much less on a public forum!! I already know that when Pamela Sweda reads this post she is going to tease me mercilessly!!

                          Thank you again Bryan for posting back so quickly!! I appreciate it greatly!
                          IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                          • #73
                            awesome Grace!

                            you know, a flush about one week before a competition, plus 4 ounces a day until the "day" you will have far more energy, stamina, and strength than ever before.

                            good luck!


                            • #74
                              Thank you Again Bryan!!

                              Originally posted by adam ant View Post
                              awesome Grace!

                              you know, a flush about one week before a competition, plus 4 ounces a day until the "day" you will have far more energy, stamina, and strength than ever before.

                              good luck!

                              Wow I wasn't even thinking about my competitions coming up!!

                              I have qualified to enter in Walt Disney World's Wild World of Sports which will be filmed on ESPN2 for the Martial Arts Festival (Classical Okinawan Karate Discipline). I will be in three separate Sparring tournaments and two Kata tournaments. This will be happening on Friday October 26th and Saturday the 27th.

                              What perfect timing!! I will definitely drink 4 ounces daily until Friday the 26th!!

                              What is interesting is I wondered why I "tested" strong to do this cleansing NOW when I had already done one so similar only months earlier!

                              And here you are giving me the answer!!!
                              Last edited by Grace; 10-19-2007, 08:17 AM. Reason: spelling
                              IMMENSE LOVE AND GRATITUDE ~ GRACE



                              • #75
                                Keoi made me do it...

                                Holy Moly, She's at it AGAIN???

                                So Grace... I see you have been trying to keep your new 24-hour Sea Salt, Electrolyte Cleanse a BIG SECRET from me , but it looks like the cat is out of the bag, Baby-Doll, and I am afraid I AM going to tease you mercilessly!!!

                                Keoi has also decided to join me in this merciless tease and we have found a FABULOUS contest for you to enter as you experience this "cleanse"!: You know how much I LOVE anything artistic, right, Honey? Well, here's YOUR chance to create a FABULOUS piece of art AND quite possibly win a PRIZE!!!

                                Here you go, my Grace... Enter and WIN!!!

                                Salt Lick City | Salt Lick Contest | Blocks, Center, Art, Entries, Crossroads


                                I Love You, Honey!!!

                                Oh...Grace...Make sure you check out this page so you can see some of the other entries, okay? These examples should provide some "delicious" inspiration for you!

                                Salt Lick City | Pictures from the Exhibition | Bid, Salt, Block, Lick, Place

                                With Much Love and Gratitude,

                                Last edited by Pamela; 10-19-2007, 03:35 AM.
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