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Coral Castle - Ed Leedskalnin

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  • #91
    Yes! There Is No Seperation!

    Originally posted by adam ant View Post
    there is a reason that i kept the info here, even though you might not see it now, there is a HUGE relationship to everything in this thread. hopefull one day we will be able to tie it all together.

    spirulina is awesome, and i was even a bit surprised to see it on the PATH site. ocean kelp is another that would greatly enhance these procedures. i think that PATHS should incorporate kelp in their program, it is loaded with omega acids.

    I Promise this will be my last post on this wonderful matter! I did the salt cleanse for 18 hours straight. I started at 1pm Thursday and ended at 6am on Friday morning. (I tested with my Chinese Energetic Medicine that I didn't need to continue, plus everything was very clear at that point) I drank my last 12ounces of Celtic sea salt at 6am and went to bed.

    I woke up at 8am and had some plain organic yogurt. I went back to bed. The most amazing experience was that at 6am I weighed myself and I was 10 pounds heavier. I felt great because I knew that each and every single of my trillion cells were having "fun at the beach". I knew that soon I would be flushing away all the toxins in my body.

    In a matter of hours (by 11am on Friday morning) I was five pounds lighter and by Friday Evening I was 11 pounds lighter! A pound lighter than when I had begun!!. Today Monday I am 12 pounds lighter than when I began the salt cleanse. My skin feels very soft, and I do feel as good as I did when I did the Master Cleanse Lemonade Diet. the only difference is I did not gain 10 pounds in one day with the Master Cleanse Diet!! But as I said I lost the water weight AND THE TOXINS just as quickly as I gained it!!

    THANK YOU Bryan this was a fun experiment for me and even though I enjoy both Cleanses I am enjoying my 4 ounces of salt water daily!

    One Last question, What is the optimum amount of ounces daily that one should take of the SSE?


    • #92
      wow Grace, that is exciting!

      the optimum daily dose... that is totally up to your body and it's needs. that is the wonderful thing about this. your body is naturally "in tune" with real salt, and it will tell you what, when and how much. whenever you get that potatoe chip salt type craving, you know it is high time to fill those cells back up. likewise, if you are drinking some in the morning, and you get a "full" feeling in reaction to it, simply stop until the next day, or later in the day... it is that easy.

      you mentioned skin, and im glad you brought that up. Sea Salt, along with water, is the proper electrolyte balance that you skin needs. this will reduce wrinkles, shrivel up many blemishes, and rejuvinate your natural skin tones/hues.

      here is another tip for the gorgeous ladies in the house... soak a rag in a hot Sea Salt/Water solution (not too strong, may burn the eyes) and set the rag on the face until it is cool. the warming action opens the pores and allows the minerals in, and the coolness recloses them, locking in those valuable vitamins/minerals. a word of caution though. if you are a heavy make-up person, you may have loads of dyes, chemicals, and heavy metals in your skin... which will probably purge in the form of pimples. once your skin is totally cleansed(sometimes takes weeks) the pimples will go away and your face will feel years younger.



      • #93

        What a surprise when I looked at this thread!

        I thought "there sure are a lot of posts going on about the coral castle...what's up with that?"

        Then I start seeing all these posts about the Sea Salt top load procedure.

        I am one month into a six month cleanse right now. However, when I am done with my current program I definitely am going to give this a go. It makes a lot of sense.

        On a related note....Bryan, what do you think about spending time in flotation tank? It is where you float in a tank of 100 gallons of water and 800 lbs of epsom salt?

        Samadhi Tank Co., Inc. First manufacturer of the floatation tank ( flotation tank ), sensory deprivation tank, float tank, John Lilly isolation tank

        I know the time that I have spent in one definitely leached toxins out of my body....I did not get it for that purpose, nor I have I done much research on it, but it seems related to what you have brought up here. Am interested in any info/research you might have in regards to this.


        PATHS For Healing
        Energetic Science Ministries
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        • #94
          when you look at that acoustic levitation chamber video the balls fly up after the sound has started but not straight away and not all at once. You can basically see the motion of the vortex inside the chamber.

          Also it is as if when floating and not spinng then they change the frequency the vortexäs diameter at the top shrinks which means the ball then get pulled in the swirling motion as its touches the sides


          • #95
            Kevin, we are actually working on a vertical flotation tank, just like the one Luke Skywalker was in, in Empire Strikes Back. complete with SCUBA type breathing apparatus and a few other "specialized" custom additions that i cannot talk about.

            Epsom salts are only a fraction of the full mineral spectrum. Sea salt would be the only logical choice.

            800 lbs of salt to 100 lbs of water is .902: 1 weight ratio... not too bad.
            (100gallons of water * 8.86# per gallon = 800/886 = .902:1)

            now try our current product (Sea Clearly)

            15 gallons(132.9#) of water to 200# of sea salt/132.9# = 1.5:1
            not only have we done that, all of the minerals have been broken down to nano-colloidal size.............................................. ................

            that is all im allowed to say about our product.


            • #96

              Pulsed electromagnetic fields in and/or coil wrapped around tank and pulsed infrared and red led's inside would be a great addition. You're describing something I have drafted out on paper.

              Also, output of an oscillator (not grounded so no shock) into the water would further enhance potential.
              Aaron Murakami

              Books & Videos
              RPX & MWO


              • #97
                I will just think loud here. So what if we want to combine two metals, say gold and silver. We know, that these two metals are harmonic to each other so we need only two frequencies. If we take a plastic cylinder and warp two coils around it to make a bifilar air cored coil (since no core material is able to magnetize and demagnetize very fast). Lets now put some silver and gold inside that coil. Now we oscillate one strand of the coil with one frequency (from the chart above) and other strand with the other frequency. What will happen to the material?
                We know, that each magnet creates a vortex in aether, so will this coil, only the vortex will change its polarity according to the frequency. So I guess that when the both vortexes that are created by the two frequencies interact with each other, that makes some kind of effect that could bind the gold and silver atoms together...
                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                • #98
                  jetijs can you give me a hint as to how to figure out the frequeinces from the chart

                  and good luck with the experiement


                  • #99
                    I do not know that, as I said I was just loud thinking about the concept. I am seeking the answer too, just like you
                    It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                    • ok
                      check this page out for a explanation of the chart History

                      and remember this page
                      Numare Spectralab Inc.


                      • Thank you for your links. In the first link I noticed this text:
                        Andersen logically concludes the harmonic frequency field of the chemical elements is between 2,000 and 5,000 Hertz. One set of frequencies spiraling upward at approximately 2,000 hertz and second set of frequencies spiraling downward at approximately 5,000
                        So If we use a bifilar air core coil and make two signal generators where each oscillates at specified frequency, what will happen in the coil? Maybe someone who has a signal generator could try this out? Also In your other link there is a resonant frequency for each element, we could use these in our coils. Could it be so easy?
                        It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                        • Originally posted by Jetijs View Post
                          Thank you for your links. In the first link I noticed this text:

                          So If we use a bifilar air core coil and make two signal generators where each oscillates at specified frequency, what will happen in the coil? Maybe someone who has a signal generator could try this out? Also In your other link there is a resonant frequency for each element, we could use these in our coils. Could it be so easy?
                          Is this coil wound on a torus or a cylinder? I guess torus so that the subject item is placed in the very center.

                          Otherwise, would you really need two signal generators? Perhaps easier and cheaper way is to use two NE555 or one NE556 to make two oscillators one at 2KHz and the other at 5KHz and hook them up to each of the bifilar coil leads.

                          What kind of a waveform are we propagating here: sine, square, real sawtooth or sharp rise/slow decline or slow rise/sharp decline?

                          How do we measure/know that something has happened, as far as I understand this, we are affecting sub-atomic structure so how do we peep into it?
                          Are the ravings of a lunatic signs of a genius?


                          • I been thinking a little bit about how these electron movements create the vortex in aether that manifests itself as magnetic fields. Here's a picture:

                            So we know, that electron has two poles, just like a magnet. We know that electron is spinning around its axis, just like earth. We know that by spinning, this electron also twists aether like a spinning ball in a bucket of paint. When an electron is being forced to move in linear motion, for example in a wire from battery - terminal to + terminal, it is also rotating around its axis at the same time, this twists the aether in a spiral way. I tried to make a visual example. So the small ball is an electron, the two poles are aligned to the direction the electron is moving (the green arrow). The purple arrow represents the direction of the electron spin. And the yellow arrow shows how the aether is twisted in a spiral way. That twisted box is supposed to be an square space of aether that is being twisted by the electron movement. Now just imagine these spirals go further in a spiral fashion (the small spirals create a greater spiral). Now we have a coil and can imagine how the aether is twisted in a coil. We can also visualize this using water flows instead of electrons, lets suppose we have a big transparent bucket of water, now if we could create little water stream that is shaped like a spiral and flowing from top to the bottom and also revolving around itself, that would create a vortex in that bucket
                            That's how I understand this, It may be incorrect, but maybe this will help someone
                            Last edited by Jetijs; 10-23-2007, 11:25 PM.
                            It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.


                            • Jetijs, if your experiment has any results, it will probably be powdered.... not the two metals combining.

                              as for the others hypothesis and ideas, i cannot really go much further into details. i can say that some of them are way off, and one or two are getting warmer.



                              • Bryan,
                                even if the powderizing was achieved, I would call that a good result, that means that we are getting somewhere. This counter vortex resonating reminds me of the coils Tesla used for capturing radiant energy:

                                This way we would get the countermagnetic vortexes, but both at the same frequency, or maybe the magnetic fields will just cancel each other out? I dont know. Also this reminds me of the Hutchison effect:
                                YouTube - hutchison effect
                                I believe you all have already seen this video. He also has achieved different results with his equipment - disintegrating stuff and diffusing a metal knife into another metal block. Also he can make object lose their weight (or cancel out gravity).
                                Just remembered that Tesla used different magnetic fields at an 90 degree angle to each other, when he demonstrated how disintegrate stuff. That's because Earth receives energy from two different sources - the sun and the central sun of our galaxy. The energy form the sun comes to us as a DC current, but the energy from the central sun of the galaxy comes to us in the form of high frequency AC current. The combination of those two currents supposedly creates gravity and gives atoms the spin (makes them alive). So I guess that If we could shield the atoms from this energy flow, they would stop spinning, separate from each other turning in monoatomic powder. Tesla did this by simulating the same effect how earth receives the energy. He just had to align his generators according to the sun, and where the AC and DC fields met, the matter disintegrated. I'm just theorizing here. Also this AC/DC magnetic field combination has antigravity effects, this matches exactly to this video about antigravity:
                                Stan Deyo - Anti-Gravity, Free Energy and the Technology of the New World Order
                                (great video by the way)
                                Last edited by Jetijs; 10-24-2007, 01:13 AM.
                                It's better to wear off by working than to rust by doing nothing.

