Around this time yesterday, I had a strange mental-image pop into my head that I haven't been able to find the source of. I don't remember it perfectly, but I thought of two permanent bar magnets touching north-to-south & south-to-north, with a toroidal coil in between the two. (looking like the Green Lantern logo) I don't remember if the bar magnets themselves had coils wound around them or not, but I'm pretty sure pulsed DC was fed into the torus.
After that I had an idea for a motor, again using a toroidal coil, but with a rotor design I couldn't quite put my finger on. Again, two (possibly more) bar magnets, this time north-to-north OR south-to-south as to form a false-tripole.
Attached are two drawings I quickly scraped-together from google image results to help visualize what I'm trying to describe. If any of this rings a bell, please tell.
After that I had an idea for a motor, again using a toroidal coil, but with a rotor design I couldn't quite put my finger on. Again, two (possibly more) bar magnets, this time north-to-north OR south-to-south as to form a false-tripole.
Attached are two drawings I quickly scraped-together from google image results to help visualize what I'm trying to describe. If any of this rings a bell, please tell.