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Vassilatos Debunked

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  • Vassilatos Debunked

    I googled dissipation of electricity and found this:

    After reading this, it becomes clear that Vassilatos (in my opinion) is a romantic science fiction author. Fun to read, but certainly taking poetic license to the extreme.

    The real Tesla article is also available from the same google search.

  • #2

    nothing is there dude


    • #3
      nothing is there dude
      Its there. Its a pdf file.


      • #4
        Well, that sums it up pretty well! Thank you!


        • #5

          Originally posted by Iotayodi View Post
          Its there. Its a pdf file.
          i have got it now


          • #6

            Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
            I googled dissipation of electricity and found this:


            After reading this, it becomes clear that Vassilatos (in my opinion) is a romantic science fiction author. Fun to read, but certainly taking poetic license to the extreme.

            The real Tesla article is also available from the same google search.
            i allways had a feeling Vassilatos was full of crap so is Bearden Meyl Bedini

            in fact most people who talk about tesla have no idea what their talking about.

            the best way to understand tesla is to read what he wrote in his life time

            anything anybody else has written on him is bull****


            • #7
              Originally posted by Aether84 View Post

              the best way to understand tesla is to read what he wrote in his life time

              anything anybody else has written on him is bull****
              Even with Tesla you must be careful to understand the language of the day.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Aether84 View Post
                i allways had a feeling Vassilatos was full of crap so is Bearden Meyl Bedini

                in fact most people who talk about tesla have no idea what their talking about.

                the best way to understand tesla is to read what he wrote in his life time

                anything anybody else has written on him is bull****
                If you can, get your hands on a copy of the Proceedings of the '84 Tesla Symposium.

                It actually contains Tesla's still-classified proposal for a particle beam weapon (to my knowledge, nobody has ever put this document on the internet). The same book also contains an article by Bearden with his theories regarding Tesla's "Death Beam" scalar wave nonsense. The difference is staggering. You absolutely can't take Bearden seriously after you compare the two articles. Bearden has done some valuable work in other realms, but not as it relates to Tesla.
                Last edited by JacobS; 06-28-2012, 12:26 PM.


                • #9

                  Originally posted by OrionLightShip View Post
                  I googled dissipation of electricity and found this:


                  After reading this, it becomes clear that Vassilatos (in my opinion) is a romantic science fiction author. Fun to read, but certainly taking poetic license to the extreme.

                  The real Tesla article is also available from the same google search.
                  Oh, self proclaimed enlightened one who has seen the beings of light...

                  If you are capable of comprehending it, Dollard recommended Vassilatos' Vril Compendium and considers it helpful. You haven't debunked anything as you're not even qualified to understand it to begin with. We know your history here and you have done not much else other than to be a sock puppet.

                  Where are your contributions first before you dismiss someone else's? You have a lot to say, yet you show nothing.

                  Vassilatos has contributed more to others learning than you ever have so you have no room to talk or judge. It doesn't matter that you put (in my opinion) as your disclaimer - calling a thread Vassilatos Debunked is a laughable joke.

                  You don't even know the difference between efficiency and COP and here you are debunking people???!!

                  And you have the audacity to post this in your signature? "and the parrots go squawk squawk squawk"

                  You are the quintessential parrot - in the Eric Dollard thread, that is all you do. Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk.

                  You should show some respect for those that came before you that were instrumental in helping to pave the way for this entire field as we know it. Your contributions add up to not much more than demeaning others. I guess your light beings taught you that.
                  Last edited by Aaron; 06-28-2012, 06:23 PM.
                  Aaron Murakami

                  Books & Videos
                  RPX & MWO


                  • #10
                    using common sense

                    Originally posted by Aether84 View Post
                    i allways had a feeling Vassilatos was full of crap so is Bearden Meyl Bedini
                    People aren't "full of crap" just because you're personally incapable of comprehending their work. The issue is with you, not them...

                    With Bearden, there is quite a bit I simply do not buy. But there is a lot he has contributed that is absolutely spot on. And to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" lacks any kind of common sense whatsoever.

                    If there is anything that is "full of crap", it is those that don't even have enough discernment to know the difference and they outright dismiss someone entirely because of this.

                    The problem with moving forward in this field is not a technological issue, it is a psychological one and you demonstrated this point perfectly.
                    Aaron Murakami

                    Books & Videos
                    RPX & MWO


                    • #11
                      Dollard says that Vassilatos is good for the beginning introduction to Tesla, but must be met with caution when trying to use the writings for engineering. Obviously, there is a picture painted by Vassilatos that is prettier than reality, but as far as I know, there is no other description of Tesla's work that is quite like it. Remember, you must all fine tune your BS sniffer. There are many sources out there that I don't agree with everything stated, however, I do take a little bit of everything that I read to piece together a bigger picture thru corroboration. Listen to what resonates as true with you and toss the rest in the garbage.



                      • #12

                        Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                        People aren't "full of crap" just because you're personally incapable of comprehending their work. The issue is with you, not them...

                        With Bearden, there is quite a bit I simply do not buy. But there is a lot he has contributed that is absolutely spot on. And to "throw the baby out with the bathwater" lacks any kind of common sense whatsoever.

                        If there is anything that is "full of crap", it is those that don't even have enough discernment to know the difference and they outright dismiss someone entirely because of this.

                        The problem with moving forward in this field is not a technological issue, it is a psychological one and you demonstrated this point perfectly.
                        looks like someones been drinking the kool aid

                        you say Vassilatos has contributed more like what? he's bearden & bedini has never demonsted anything that works as they say it should all they do is blow a lot of hot air

                        every time someone out side of the vassilatos bearden bedini group has tested their inventions they have failed and please dont use ITS CONSPIRACY excuse

                        in science you have to be able to do repeatable results not only by yourself but by other sciencetists this is the way science has allways worked and allways will


                        • #13
                          Anger shows fear, fear shows lack of confidence.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Aether84 View Post
                            you say Vassilatos has contributed more like what? he's bearden & bedini has never demonsted anything that works as they say it should all they do is blow a lot of hot air
                            Have you tried replicating Bedini's scalar beamer or the Kromrey converter?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Aaron View Post
                              Oh, self proclaimed enlightened one who has seen the beings of light...

                              Why is it that you can't talk to me and ask logical questions or make logical statements. Everything has to be personal to you. You are so immature for what...30 something? And a scientist at that?

                              I never proclaimed anything except to have had some magical experiences and having been taught some object lessons. I have never claimed to be more than a mere mortal complete with all to the fallibility that come with that.

                              Why does it bother you so much that I have had these experiences?
                              We have been through this before and you just won't stop saying the same things over and over.

                              If you are capable of comprehending it,(just can't help yourself can you Aaron) Dollard recommended Vassilatos' Vril Compendium and considers it helpful.

                              Like I said, Vassilatos is fun to read. Dollard said he liked the pictures he included in the Vril Compendium.

                              I never said anything about Vassilatos except his quotes from the Tesla lecture are FALSE.

                              You haven't debunked anything as you're not even qualified to understand it to begin with.

                              Here we go again. What do I have to be qualified to understand to see bull**** in black and white? I didn't write the article. I didn't debunk Vassilatos, I merely shared an article that I found that clearly shows Vassilatos missed the mark. All I said was that in my opinion, Vassilatos took poetic license to the extreme. Why does that bother you Aaron? What part of wrong is wrong can you not accept without making this personal.

                              We know your history here and you have done not much else other than to be a sock puppet.

                              Do you know the meaning of the word sock puppet Aaron? I have one and only one log in. I am a real person. A person that has feelings. A person that is trying to learn as I go through life. I have no secrets to sell. I'm not trying to make money off the good people that come here. I just wish to learn.

                              Where are your contributions first before you dismiss someone else's? You have a lot to say, yet you show nothing.

                              I don't say that much. I don't have the money to do anything at this point. You are right I have nothing to show.

                              Vassilatos has contributed more to others learning than you ever have so you have no room to talk or judge. It doesn't matter that you put (in my opinion) as your disclaimer - calling a thread Vassilatos Debunked is a laughable joke.

                              Guess you didn't read the article. Vassilatos statements about certain things related to Tesla which I, as a fellow scientist, called into question, are clearly debunked by someone else, not me.

                              Are you trying to put a choke hold on the truth? I get that you don't like me, believe me I get it.

                              You don't even know the difference between efficiency and COP and here you are debunking people???!!

                              Again falsely accusing me of debunking when I have not.

                              Perhaps I used the wrong terminology, please clearly state your definition of OU, efficiency, and COP. I am always ready to learn.

                              And you have the audacity to post this in your signature? "and the parrots go squawk squawk squawk"

                              You are the quintessential parrot - in the Eric Dollard thread, that is all you do. Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk Squawk.

                              You should show some respect for those that came before you that were instrumental in helping to pave the way for this entire field as we know it.

                              Who Vassilatos? Really? You think he was instrumental in paving the way for this entire field. Really?

                              Even so, I showed no disrespect for Vassilatos. Like I said, he is fun read but a lot of it (in my opinion) is sci-fi. I can't say that? I can't have an opinion? Don't we have enough Fascism staring us in the face without fighting each other?

                              Your contributions add up to not much more than demeaning others.

                              Thanks Aaron, it is nice to hear you think I am a heaping pile of dog**** that just goes around with a desire to destroy truth. You have a young, immature, and very narrow view of things brother.

                              I guess your light beings taught you that.

                              Leave the light beings out of this. You really aren't qualified to judge them.

                              Really Aaron, has no one else ever told you how immature and self-righteous you are? Really? NO one? Ever?

                              And yes, Aaron, I have looked close, long, and hard at myself. Sometimes I don't like what I see, I try and change it.

                              I know what I see in you and brother, I don't want to know you. Did you get the **** kicked out of you all the time in school or were you the bully?

                              If you feel so strongly about me being worthless then go ahead, ban me. Sell your secrets in peace brother. More power to you.

                              While we are on that. You have such double standards here. What was it Dollard said....Oh yes.... Bedini Battery Bashers....coyote puke.

                              He has trashed Beardon and Bedini multiple times and not one word from you.
                              Much worse than anything I ever said and you attacked me relentlessly until I left last time. Hypocrisy in action. And now in this thread you chide Aether for saying something about beardon and bedini. tsk tsk tsk.

                              Same thing with water calorimetry. PhysicsProf says use it, you say nothing. Everytime I said it was The Only Definitive Way to measure output, you kept saying I wasn't qualified to understand what I was measuring....heat Aaron....everything of any use to us is convertible to heat. If you don't understand that, then you sir, are one who is unqualified here.
                              Just ban me already, I don't want another lecture about bouncing balls and heat pumps.

                              ten letters

