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Quadfilar, two Hi Voltage bifilar's in series (Cook Battery?)

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  • Quadfilar, two Hi Voltage bifilar's in series (Cook Battery?)

    I decided to finally video tape the Cook Battery charging effect. There's no measurable current output directly from the coil. A charge appears only when a capacitor and fast switching Shottky diode are wired in series with the coil leads! The Spiral coil shares the same Quadfilar features. I tried to communicate the unexplainable charge. The Spiral coil design might be a little too tricky for most people to want to replicate, but i got the same effect from a cheap skein of four piece Radio Shack Intercom wire. The attachment shows a wiring schematic of Daniel Mcfarland Cook's battery. Two Tesla Hi-Voltage bifilar coils in series!

    It's interesting that Daniel called this set of resonating coils a battery when it's an II tank! The capacitor completes an IIC tank circuit and supplies a virtual ground. Mcfarland's design required a storage componant as well, probably a capacitor. We can't know this for sure because those parts of his patent are missing; But that's probably how he got his to work. The charge rate grows amplified as the capacitor voltage climbs! Lazy 8 COP!

    Another feature I discovered and saw replicated on youtube was the rectifying effect of the Quadfilar. Pulse D.C. into one Hi-Voltage bifilar, and A.C. comes out the other! This is a very important discovery and deserves more attention.

    Intercom coil 2 1 - YouTube
    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-18-2017, 03:17 PM.

  • #2
    Nice work, Allen. Thanks for posting it. Going camping this week. I'll see if I can throw something together and sneak it out without my wife noticing .


    • #3
      Magnet Sphere Spinner Cannon.

      @Thank you Bob Smith,

      I re-uploaded the 7 minuite video. It's Hyperlinked in my last post. Towards the end I preview the Spin Cannon!

      I generate a charge from a single air core Hi-Voltage bifilar with a snug fitting neo magnet sphere in the air core. Capacitor discharged and magnet stationary. The coil leads once again wired in series to a capacitor and
      fast switching diode.

      The video shows what amounts to a new kind of cannon! The sudden pole reversal caused by the shorting of the output coil propel the magnet sphere out of the coil muzzle at very high velocity! Instantly coverts the rotational velocity into linear acceleration. This goes off with a crack. The instantaneous force in watts to the coil from the EMF must be in the tons. That's TONS of force!
      Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-02-2012, 04:32 PM.


      • #4
        Hi Allen, I watched the clip but don't understand was there no power supply?Why does the voltage continue to climb??
        strange but interesting shylo


        • #5


          The current theory is that it's recieving and rectifying Wi-Fi frequency radiation here at the motel.

          The "Cannon" was a Lenz delay failure. Who can find the obvious cause?

          Answer: The magnet wire output coil needs to be Hi-Voltage bifilar wound, serial wired too to cancel the formation of magnetic coil poles. Then I believee the neo sphere should accelerate under load!
          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-02-2012, 09:36 PM.


          • #6
            current theory

            so an "off the shelf coil of wires" will recieve and transform sound, or light waves, into usable energy??
            The bi-filar coil, are they wound opposite direction, but in the same coil,thereby causing pole cancilation??
            Not sure what"to cancel magnetic poles" means?
            I need to read up on Lenz law, equal and opposite reaction , but I think one side is always a little stronger..


            • #7
              Twin Trifilar Lenz Propulsion.

              I illuminated a cluster of 6, 120 volt LED's wired directly to the Spiral Quadfilar's secondary output series wired bifilar. The addition of the load causes the spinner to accelerate. The a.c. output is 220 volts. The bulbs read 1000 lux units, about 1/3 full brightness. Combined with Magnetman's primary B.E.M.F. illumination circuit, I believe this setup has a chance to go O.U.

              The Spiral bifilar output coil creates Lenz drag when wired in parallel while generating half the voltage as when series connected. The capacitive pole shift retardation speeds the neo sphere spinner up when the cluster of 6 120 volt LED'S is wired directly to the hi-voltage output leads, as Thane Heins has described.

              I am preparing a video.

              This video shows a 2" neo sphere running inside a Quadfilar and a bifilar spiral. The single bifilar is acting as an output coil looped back to source. You can see there's no drop in source battery voltage during the course of the video trial. That leaves the Q secondary hi-voltage bifilar, and the Lenz assist output I will demonstrate in my next video.

     - YouTube

              The output coil (Tesla Hi-Voltage bifilar) helps power the 2" neo sphere in this video. The output current is looped back to the primary battery through a FWBR. Wired in parallel, Lenz drag slows the spinner and generates merely half the voltage. Disconnected, the 2" spinner drains the source battery rapidly, the 10ths tick down on the second hand.

              Attaching the a.c. bulb cluster to the Q sec should help speed the ball up more and even begin to deliver a positive charge to the source battery. The loop back "Lenz Propulsion" 2 output coil combination, could be combined into a TWIN TRIFILAR spiral coil. A six wire spiral should generate the same two output coil OU propulsion. THE HEXFILAR SPIRAL!
              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-22-2012, 05:15 PM.


              • #8
                Spiral BEMF LED bulb.

                I'm compressing a new video. I connected a 120 volt a.c. LED bulb directly to the bedini charge terminals after disconnecting the charge battery. The bulb lit up with 70 Lux units of light, just hot wired to the charge wires, with no circuit components whatsoever. The bulb contains a rectifier, several transformers and smoothing caps. That's enough to convert the BEMF to real measurable power, not the elusive fluffy variety.

                Also, I relit the 6 bulb cluster off the Quadfilar hi-voltage seconday while running the 1&7/8's" neo sphere. One can see exactly how far overuniy this "HEXFILAR" loop back self running alternator would be in Lux units with the quick addition of the bifilar Spiral "LENZ DELAY" loop back output coil I featured in the above video.
                Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-22-2012, 09:53 PM.


                • #9
                  New video

                  The new video:

                  Hexfilar BEMF Bulb - YouTube


                  • #10
                    Lenz delay & Flywheel battery.

                    I plan to reattach the loop back spiral bifilar output coil and run the bulbs with zero source battery drain. Also I plan to wind a three twin speaker wire hexfilar spiral, and will video tape that together with the self runner.

                    The flywheel battery application would allow a vehicle to recover braking energy. One can see how the decelerating 1 & 7/8" spinner sends power back to the source battery.

                    Imagine a self running hexfilar spiral coil the size of an inflatable life ring, with a softball size neo spinner. I think this woul deliver several hundred horsepower to in wheel multiphse electric motors. We can mount this alternator in the CG of a motorcycle frame for inertial stability. Breaking into a turn with wheel motor Lenz drag, would send power to spin the rotor to very high velocity which would then send a super charged burst of power to speed out of the curve.

                    These power plants could run anything from airplanes to steamships.
                    Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-23-2012, 08:23 PM.


                    • #11
                      @ Allen Burgess

                      Please post diagram of your intercom coil power source with the wire colors noted when you do your video using it as a power source.


                      • #12

                        Don't anyone pop the corks. I have video of the two different size neo spinners speeding up both when I connect the loop output to the battery and again when I attach an 8 watt LED to the secondary. Clearly demonstrating Lenz Propulsion from both bifilar spiral output coils.

                        The limitations I encountered involved scaleing the 6 bulb cluster down to a 1 120 volt 8 watt LED with the feedback loop connected to get the propulsion effect from the secondary load. It appears that the secondary output can't exceed the loop back output. These outputs have to match and marry to deliver mutual and equal Lenz Delay propulsion. I don't believe it can achieve O.U. any longer. Pretty close to even though, as I believe the propulsive effect helps compensate for resistence loss.
                        Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-24-2012, 08:50 PM.


                        • #13
                          Interogatory from Zeropointfuel:

                          So you have two bifiler coils in series that would just be a quadfiler unless you have some type of center tap. am I understanding right you are saying this is pumping power into a cap if that is the case that is awesome. there are no other parts involved but a coil and cap? Also just to let you know you got a strong neodymium magnet setting on your laptop that is not a good idea, just fair Waring it can damage you hard drive,


                          You have to start it up. I shake a tube magnet up and down inside the coil core untill a strong enough charge builds in the capacitor to sustain the oscillation with the coils.
                          Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-24-2012, 08:50 PM.


                          • #14

                            Originally posted by xee2 View Post
                            @ Allen Burgess

                            Please post diagram of your intercom coil power source with the wire colors noted when you do your video using it as a power source.
                            The schematic is identical to the Cook battery sketch. Consider each colored wire a coil. Four wires four coils, each with a top and a bottem. Number the wires top to bottem and match them to the schematic. For example: The top coil right hand side goes to the top or right hand side of the third wire. The bottem of the third wire goes to the bottem of the first wire, or coil in the schematic, and so forth with the other two. You can see where to connect the capacitor in light blue print. A fast switching Shottky diode can help, wired between the positive side of the capacitor and the positive output side of the coils. Determine polarity with a multimeter. Don't forget, Cook's patent calls for magnet or ferrite cores. Just allow the unit to sit overnight with a tube magnet inside the core. If you filmed the capacltor charge, you might see the charge build then take off as the oscillation gained momentum. That's the power source! Thanks for the video tip.
                            Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-18-2017, 03:17 PM.


                            • #15
                              Thane Heins.

                              My experiment forces me to now conclude that Thane Heins's approach of adding multiple output coils to increase "Lenz Delay Propulsion" is futile. All the additional coils do is to divide the available output along with the "Propulsive Lenz Power".

                              Returning the secondary output to the source battery may produce a positive charge. Heins apparentlly accomplishes at least this much. Looping all the power back should reveal wether or not there's any sign of O.U. I plan to step the output from the secondary down from 220 to 25 volts by transformer, then half agin to 12.5 volts d.c. by rectifier, before I complete the loop.
                              Last edited by Allen Burgess; 07-24-2012, 03:40 AM.

