The End of Entropy:
A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This
by Amaterasu Solar
A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This
by Amaterasu Solar
Entropy… That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disorderedly. A more difficult aspect to see is the entropy inherent in our social structure.
In Jeremy Rifkin’s seminal work Entropy, published in 1980, he does an excellent job of demonstrating that, because energy is at the base of life, itself, entropy can ripple through society, creating disorder even as we try to clamp down and control the order of things. In fact, he paints a very grim picture of what we can expect as we consume more and more energy, explaining that fascist tendencies are most likely to crop up in the efforts to overcome entropy in our society. Today we see more and more signs of encroaching fascism.
The reason why energy and its entropy are tied in to our social structures is made clear by Rifkin in his work (p. 89):
“… Every time we add our labor to a product or perform a service we expend energy and increase the overall entropy of the environment. Every time we exchange money for a product or a service, the legal tender we use represents payment for previous energy that we expend. Money, after all, is nothing more than stored energy credits.”
In fact, because of our limited available energy and the money system developed to account for it, it is clear why we have a “power” elite, as well as poverty and exploitation. Rifkin explains (p. 57):
“Energy is the basis of human culture, just as it is the basis of life. Therefore, power in every society ultimately belongs to whoever controls the exosomatic [external] instruments that are used to transform, exchange, and discard energy. Class divisions, exploitations, privilege, and poverty are all determined by how a society’s energy flow line is set up. Those who control the exosomatic instruments control the energy flow line. They determine how the work in society will be divided up and how the economic rewards will be allocated among various groups and constituencies.”
This all sounds hypothetical, a waste of time to contemplate even, to the average individual who has been told that we are stuck with the many entropic sources of energy we presently use (which also are sources we have to pay for). “Where is this miracle source?” they might ask.
And here is where I bring up the “Dark” Energy that is now heralded all over science shows about physics and cosmology. This energy, which has been called “radiant energy” and “cosmic rays” (Tesla), “orgone” (Wilhelm Reich), “Zero Point Energy,” and many others, is pervading space. It is within you and within me, around all of us, and is present anywhere we go. Interestingly, though we are told of this energy (usually as “Dark” Energy), no mainstream media (MSM) outlet has asked the most logical question: Can we extract this energy in usable form?
In fact, back in the 1950’s, the science of electrogravitics was being discussed openly in the aerospace literature, an industry that was studying electrogravitics at all the major players: Martin, Convair, Lear, Raytheon, Sperry, and many others. The discussion vanished in the latter part of that decade; it just wasn’t discussed anymore, despite the fact that so many companies had been drawn into the electrogravitics arena. Reports were that, “They want it secret for now.” Electrogravitics could draw on this energy and create overunity – free energy, in other words. So why was this a threat?
The reasons for these occurrences – that the media never ask if we can draw on the Dark Energy, that electrogravitics became highly classified – become clear when we look at the fact that those presently in power would have to give up their power over others (having already power over themselves). From the perspective of those few, they would “lose.”
Such an energy source would represent, at least, a virtually infinite source that is available to all. Any attribution of a negentropic aspect comes from reports from a number of sources suggesting that cold, not heat, is the defining characteristic of drawing on this source. These reports and the surrounding research and data have surely been suppressed – at least to the extent of not reporting on it and never, ever asking whether we can get something usable from “Dark” Energy. It would be a naïve position at best to expect the present power elite to ignore and NOT suppress and disparage any efforts to develop this source in usable form.
And so, it would appear that we have had methods of extracting usable forms of energy from the “Dark” Energy pool, called the plenum (opposite of “vacuum,” from a root which means “empty” – the root of “plenum” means “full”) for at least 100 years (Tesla seems to have developed such methods). And we might conclude that the power elite wish to remain in their place of power over others, else they would have released the means to extract usable energy to the public. (There is strong evidence of suppression of many “free” energy devices, from hydrogen-from-water devices through magnetic devices, as well as the Plenum Energy methods.)
The question now becomes, what would happen if we had this energy available to all of us? The answer depends on how we, as a planetary society, approach the matter.
Since we’re examining society, it helps to understand that it moves and emerges in fractal expressions from a relatively small seed set of parameters. Up until now, the fractal seeds of all societies in history have included scarcity of energy (which is reflected in the scarcity of goods and money), and thus we see emerging greed, conspiracy, poverty, power elite, wage slavery and many other ills. If we look for a seed that gives an overarching structure for a society’s development in the advent of having such a source of energy available, and take advantage of what media we can to raise awareness to the tipping point of the goals and precepts we define, the society that fractalizes out of that seed will be strong, healthy, and unrestrictive – provided the seed is geared to that end.
The key things that must be addressed are:
1. A code of conduct
2. Our approach to the Earth and how we bring forth the abundance she has to give
3. How open we will be on code and programs for our machines
4. How necessary work gets done
5. How we communicate and identify the primary issues
6. What focus in life should be stressed
If we seed our society with a code of conduct, calling to the fore the three Laws – which are:
1. Do not willfully harm or kill another Being
2. Do not willfully take or damage another Being’s property
3. Do not willfully defraud another Being
this sets one parameter of the seed to ethics. (A Being (cap the “B”) is a member of a sentient, sapient species.)
If we insist that all farming be organic – in its true sense, and not some trumped up legal definition – our food will grow ever better. If we insist that mining is done with a conscious awareness for retaining beauty and structure, our impact will be small and repairable. If we insist that manufacturing be done such that it is free of pollutants, our planet will remain healthy and abundant. If we are using the Plenum Energy, the energy we use will be clean (and fracture drilling, oil pumping, coal mining, rain forest clearing and other nasty behaviors and consequences associated with petrofuels will be eliminated). If we set this parameter of the seed with the drive to be thoughtful of our planet, our planet will thrive.
If we demand open-source in all technology, we remove fears of machines “taking over.” Code can be looked at, published on the web – and better code will be worked out by those whose bliss it is to program things. A distrust of proprietary code (or any other hidden thing) should be promoted. Such a setting in this parameter of the seed will bring forth the best we can create.
By creating robots to do all the necessary work no one wants to do (or not enough people), we release ourselves to do what we enjoy – we are released from slavery, having cast it off onto our machines. This seed parameter is one only now available to humanity. Never before in our history have we had the option to create mechanical slaves for every “dirty job.” Therefore, it, along with the addition of a negentropic energy source, will provide a frame for unique emergence, a new societal framework, a new consciousness.
With a central website, in forum style, to address major issues – divided into local sections, regional sections and global sections, with “votes” at a certain level elevating the problems and solutions to the next level to be voted on by a greater number – we can collectively coordinate to solve the issues of this planet, with stigmergic governance and no government. Social responsibility will be seen as spending 15 minutes a day (or more) reviewing the issues on this site. This seed parameter will see an emergence of human unity as a race and as a planet.
Setting a focus of fulfilling one’s own bliss, exchanging the “work ethic” for a Betterment Ethic, will see very much happier people, and far better results of efforts made – a job is done far better by someone who loves to do it than by one who feels compelled against their main desire. No job will be required to live well, but any job one wants to do is open to be done. I quote again from Rifkin’s Entropy (p. 210) to illustrate the differences between the scarcity paradigm and the new abundance paradigm, as it relates to work:
“… [T]he authoritarian structure of the workplace robs the individual worker of a chance to join in a community with his fellows to make decisions and develop his talents. Unable to join with others to explore his potential and creativity, the individual is forced to retreat into a shell in which he has neither meaningful rights nor responsibilities at his work. All he is left with is a job, a place to make money, and a degrading environment to which he must submit, eight hours of every day.”
(continued in next post...)