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Had a dream about self running device.

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  • Had a dream about self running device.

    Hi folks, just last night, I had a dream about a self running motor/generator device.
    I was even taking notes on the thing, though I can't remember a whole lot of the dream.
    It seemed to have a motor, not sure if that part was the motor or a generator or both, it had the odd/even coil magnet geometry, like muller or romero.
    Then it had what I think was a generator with a pulley and belt attached to the muller type motor, i think it was stepped down in ratio, meaning the muller type motor part had a larger pulley, there also may have been another generator attached by belt and pulley to the second one also.
    When I switched off the main power source, it continued to run itself and a load, which was a music box of some kind.
    This may not be much help, though maybe someone has had a similar dream or will, or maybe someone has actually built this device in this world and I am picking up on it, in the dream state.
    peace love light
    Last edited by SkyWatcher; 07-10-2012, 11:11 PM.

  • #2
    Your Dream will come true My Dear Friend...

    Hello Tyson,


    I am very impressed with your the point I came in to post to you..

    Your mind and your dream was just is about to come true...Tonight.


    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • #3
      A few words hopefully of good advice, following a similar experience of my own

      Have you sketched out the device ?
      If not, do so quickly, because details will begin to be filled in that you 'think' 'should' be there later on.
      It's a good idea to record your vocal thoughts on the device as a reference for later too.
      If some people were to say something like the gearing is wrong or the coils are too small for the rotor etc, you may be tempted to reconsider the imagery you remember. However, if all is written down, drawn out and talked about on a recording, you can later go back and verify anything which now seemed to not quite fit.
      Try to record components, operating voltage, any readings seen on meters. Also peculiarities as well as similarities to known devices. Maybe it started strongly, exhibited less torque than you thought it would, things like that.

      Once all is recorded, take time to think back on websites you visited a couple of days back, videos watched, reports read on Rexresearch and other places. Does anything stand out ? could anything have formed the dream imagery ?
      Indeed, could anything have triggered a missing piece of knowledge, or (fancifully perhaps) link to an alternative state where such a machine already exists ?

      I'm sure many would like to see the drawing, that would be cool


      • #4
        I also had this dream yesterday or close to,

        IT WAS MY equipment here, i shorted some of the windings and it run up to smoke....

        The strange is that i'm not working on that effort exactly recently, but using the same equipment for other experiments...


        • #5
          Hi folks, thanks for the replies.
          @ufo, I look forward to you sharing your work.
          @slider, I didn't even remember the dream until many hours after I woke up, so only the basics of how the machine was setup remain in my mind and I'm not sure how everything functioned together, it seems someone in the dream was trying to prevent me from examining the device much.

          I can only guess at this point, that either the muller type motor/generator was powered by an external motor, with the external motor having a smaller pulley, or the muller type part was doing the driving.
          I had another dream many months ago about a solid state device, though it had some kind of mesh coils in a caduceus type arrangement and when i awoke, it was very hard to remember how it was put together, not to mention, I had little idea how it was supposed to function.
          It reminded me of how baskets are weaved.
          Anyway, at least it seems ufopolitics is responding, that the dream has some merit in this realm.
          peace love light


          • #6
            Your Dream Is Here...


            More details will come soon, however, the basics are here...

            I know most of You know must of the first "jump" to is just a Video with Animations...I have Your "Dreamed Machines" in Real Time...and I will teach you all how to make them.


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • #7
              WOW Ufopolitics !! Very nice video and explanation I think even I understood it. You said in the video you have built motors that work like this? Have you been able to make a self powered motor or self runner? While I think I understand this in concept it looks like it may be difficult to build. What are your thoughts on the difficulty level? Is it easy to modify a standard motor of some sort so it gets rid of the evil witch? LOL I like your way of putting it all out there.

              And a big Happy Birthday wish to the great Nikola Tesla

              Last edited by ewizard; 07-11-2012, 07:16 AM.
              There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


              • #8
                Real Models...

                Originally posted by ewizard View Post
                WOW Ufopolitics !! Very nice video and explanation I think even I understood it. You said in the video you have built motors that work like this? Have you been able to make a self powered motor or self runner? While I think I understand this in concept it looks like it may be difficult to build. What are your thoughts on the difficulty level? Is it easy to modify a standard motor of some sort so it gets rid of the evil witch? LOL I like your way of putting it all out there.

                And a big Happy Birthday wish to the great Nikola Tesla

                Hello Dear Ewizard,

                Thanks my friend!

                Oh, I feel so released inside is a calm I can barely describe ...but it is wonderful...I felt like I had a "weight" that made me walk slower...think dense, and do not function fast enough...not anymore Bob...

                Here are some pic's of a real deal Bob...

                Warm regards



                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • #9
                  UFOpolitics, That's great and glad you are relieved of that heavy load What type of motor was that you started with in those pictures? Is the Blue thing it's mounted in an old child's ride on or ride in type of car? If that's what I think how cool! Some little people are going to be some of the first free energy drivers

                  Ah I see now from your other thread that is an electric scooter and that you can ride on it. This can be so big for those who depend on electric scooters, e-bikes and mobility scooters etc. Of course that's only the start as this can obviously have uses anywhere an electric motor is used but I see the mobility scooters and e-bike types as be very fast to adapt to this new/old technology.
                  Last edited by ewizard; 07-11-2012, 10:06 PM.
                  There is no important work, there are only a series of moments to demonstrate your mastery and impeccability. Quote from Almine


                  • #10
                    UFOpolitics - That is the most straight forward and awsome thing that I have seen here so far. Please give us more.

