Power supply idea maybe
Hi UFO@all
Thankyou for the video
Was looking for a power supply for my battery charger for lipo's found this in the RC Groups Forum.
Could you use this?
Two mainframe power supply units to supply 24v/47 Amps. So could you wire up another one to get 36v/47 Amps. Not 50 amps but close.
Or just three of these for 36v/72Amps
IBM pSeries 1050W AC Base or Redundant Power Supply 39J5638 42R7854 | eBay
and for the Ultracapacitor Bank
Ultracapacitor Diesel Engine Battery Starter Booster Car Ultra Super Capacitor | eBay
and No I dont work for E-Bay
Hi UFO@all
Thankyou for the video

Was looking for a power supply for my battery charger for lipo's found this in the RC Groups Forum.
Could you use this?
Two mainframe power supply units to supply 24v/47 Amps. So could you wire up another one to get 36v/47 Amps. Not 50 amps but close.
Or just three of these for 36v/72Amps
IBM pSeries 1050W AC Base or Redundant Power Supply 39J5638 42R7854 | eBay
and for the Ultracapacitor Bank
Ultracapacitor Diesel Engine Battery Starter Booster Car Ultra Super Capacitor | eBay
and No I dont work for E-Bay
