Hello Dear Bob
Hello Bob,
What does it do?...it "Humms"...or just absolutely noting happens?
It does a huge difference in this answer being Y/N
Check the motor for rotation freedom...is it moving?...beside magnetic pulse feeling...it does move?
If it would be touching a magnet it will make a noise...a different sound...
Possible faults
1- Commutators not aligned in a linear fashion and/or at the ANGLES related to Armatures POLES, as indicated in Drawing...
See Bob...the Commutator spaces and the contact elements create a pattern, either one (gap or metal contact) should line up either with very center of Pole or Gap between Poles...and that relates to BOTH COMM.
Make sure you do not have an inverted winding...it will humm but won't move...
Don't move to 5 yet...it is more complex...let's fix this one...
Originally posted by Bob Smith
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Hello Bob,
What does it do?...it "Humms"...or just absolutely noting happens?
It does a huge difference in this answer being Y/N
Check the motor for rotation freedom...is it moving?...beside magnetic pulse feeling...it does move?
If it would be touching a magnet it will make a noise...a different sound...
Possible faults
1- Commutators not aligned in a linear fashion and/or at the ANGLES related to Armatures POLES, as indicated in Drawing...
See Bob...the Commutator spaces and the contact elements create a pattern, either one (gap or metal contact) should line up either with very center of Pole or Gap between Poles...and that relates to BOTH COMM.
Make sure you do not have an inverted winding...it will humm but won't move...
Don't move to 5 yet...it is more complex...let's fix this one...
