Imperial basic measurments
Hello UFO
Measuring Ohms from front brush to rear brush is an average of (0.7)Ohms. This should be 1/2 pair.
This runs at 2650 RPM and 14 Amps.
This runs at 2325 RPM and 12 to 13 amps.(Bouncing between the two)
Brushes are lined up straight.
I am waiting for your reply...
Hello UFO
I do not know either your resistance per Pair (average)
First, run Motor straight from your 36V battery bank, (Use a 50 Amp Rated Switch or Higher...Do NOT use Contact Blades Switch!) feeding P1 and P15 Parallel...leave output Gates P8-P22 Open.
Second, run Motor straight from 36 V Bank BUT only feeding P15.
Brushes are lined up straight.
Let me know this readouts before you proceed testing with this pulser-set up, from my diagram.
