Originally posted by prochiro
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Testing is going well and fast now. Yes there will be four heat sinks and a fan. Thanks Zardox... Its been running for four hours with a small load and no heat. Will increase the load after work tomorrow and if all is still well will probably get Imperial attached Thursday.
Testing is going well and fast now. Yes there will be four heat sinks and a fan. Thanks Zardox... Its been running for four hours with a small load and no heat. Will increase the load after work tomorrow and if all is still well will probably get Imperial attached Thursday.
I am glad to hear that...now, one thing I have learned over time on this research and development/Forums/ Opinions/ Comments/ Testings/Failures...etc,etc...IS: DO NOT EVER, give to yourself DEADLINES...As to expect, to completely finish and be successful...you never know in this "Experimenting Fields"...what NEWS will be "showing up" her Ugly...or Beautiful Face...never know my friend...But then you've got "The Audience" all excited...waiting to see, to APPLAUD...or Criticize the heck out of you...so, please, do not give "Bob Hopes"...till you've got everything wrapped up/tested, making sure is right... and ready to go/show...
We ALL have been waiting for 133 long years...sunk into a locked symmetric model...while they told Us that Tesla's "Theories" never worked out...following a SCAM...To keep OIL up front...so...waiting...one week more...one Month...or ten years...makes US STILL...as the ONES WHO DISCOVERED AND TESTED ALL THE LIES...
Good luck in your testings...do everything slowly, carefully checking every possible error...and "play always on the safe side mode"...DON'T EVER RUSH ON WHAT WE ARE DOING HERE...After all we are opening New Horizons to everyone here...and for free...

I am still working in "A" Machine...that NO Symmetrical Generator on this Planet...could "brake/stop/drag"...no matter IF at Top Surge Outputs...

Take care friend