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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • G'day John Stone
    I have almost finished my E-Bicycle

    It has a 250 watt 36v unmodified Chinese motor being driven with a 36v battery from China also I think from memory a lipo specially made for E- bikes.
    I have an oscillator built to the UFO circuit shown at the beginning of "MY Motors UFO thread" I have used this Oscillator on all my UFO projects so far even in the "Happy Motor Circuit".
    The potentiometer it uses is 50K ohms
    This is it here

    I use this Oscillator to drive your MONSTER 5.1 Mosfet driver It really works a charm does not get hot I can even stall the 250W motor for say 5 to 10 seconds and when I release the stall it immediately catches up to speed.
    Thanks very much for your ripper design

    Some time ago When I first decided to build this E-Bike I purchased the motor (only one they had to get more in) I also purchased a twist throttle
    Now when I go to use the twist throttle I find it is only 5k ohms when I purchased it I ordered a 50k ohms and expected that was what it was.
    I checked up and they only have a 5k ohms one.
    I have utilised the standard 50k pot one but it is not a twist/handle bar one.

    Please my friend I know you are really busy but I would at your convenience like to know IS it possible to modify the oscillator so that it works with 5k ohms
    I can then use it with the Twist throttle on my 1000w Tricycle I already have modded the motor just need to wind it
    I am taking the Bike to the Bike shop tomorrow and my friend there is going to alter my standard gears and hand grip also put on the right chain then I will have it working so I can take some photos and up load them

    Kindest Regards

    Kogs always working thinking
    Last edited by iankoglin; 08-17-2013, 04:49 AM. Reason: correction


    • Originally posted by JohnStone View Post

      The main question is what causes voltage in a secondarty coil: strength of stray field, speed of wave transition, what else still being unknown.
      If we fight Lenz successfully this would siffice for any load condition at secondary (see Figueras). No idea how it is related to stray field: strength, shape, vortex, .... any unknown property. We need to be aware constantly of unkonwn parameters in order to detect limits of formulas and thinking models.

      Only Lenz action forces us to add excessive flux (aka current). It is like driving a car with triple parking brakes being active all the time.
      Hi all,
      About our current law of induction I also think that we don´t really know the foundation in depth ( for example check the Faraday Paradox, even Richard Feynmann stated: " The "flux rule" does not work in this case. It must be applied to circuits in which the material of the circuit remains the same. When the material of the circuit is changing, we must return to the basic laws. The correct physics is always given by the two basic laws"

      Feynmann: "We know of no other place in physics where such a simple and accurate general principle requires for its real understanding an analysis in terms of two different phenomena. Usually such a beautiful generalisation is found to stem from a single deep underlying principle. Nevertheless in this case there does not appear to be any such profound implication"

      One equation is used for flux cutting by the wire ( E = B·v·l )and another equation is used in transformers for flux linking ( rotE=-dB/dt ).

      An interesting point which Eric Dollard comments in an old presentation (Youtube video) is that in the secondary of transformers the induced current is produced in the wiring WITHOUT being cut by the magnetic field. Most of the magnetism is supposed to be enclosed into the iron magnetic circuit and therefore no magnetism should cut the secondary winding, which is external to the iron and only encircles the iron. Can anyone explain it to me???

      Figuera stated many times that his discovery was very simple (he said that it was like the Egg of Columbus), he could not explain why none had found it before him. Figuera lit his house with his generator and he also lit some street around his house during the night. His generator had huge electricity production.

      Keep on the good work guys!! We are getting closer!!


      • Figueras

        Figueras worked with wave sines, such as the power of the House.
        In the picture there are two collector coils (Green) that
        collect the electricity generated by the magnetic fields of the electromagnet (blue and red) that is in the Middle,
        generating a sine wave, which with a transformer of a part of this electricity is fed again (in the image above is
        what he attempted to patent - 1902 to 1908. Clemente Figueras, increasing the voltage in an electromagnet and
        lower it into the opposite side.
        It's like zoom in and out a magnet to a coil, AC DC, he thought it simple but as one does not know that, it is the machine of infinite energy's Clement Figueras , who tried to patent, requesting
        reservation of patent for 20 years between 1902 and 1908. This suggests that the world knows it, spreading it now.
        "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
        Nikola Tesla


        • Motor Finds

          Looking to move on some things.

          Found a place in the neighborhood that has salvaged motors! Is this a goldmine or what?

          Found a Baldor DC 56 frame motor, just a bad bearing.

          Price is right, 4 stator, ought to be able to buy replacement/extra parts. Good substitute for an imperial? Think it can be made to do 3000+ rpm? What do you guys think?

          Want to drive a small shaded pole motor as an induction generator to be driven by my QP10, would like to find out the capability of a smaller setup, something for demo purposes maybe, using the pulser. Since it runs at about 9000 rpm flat out, I want to get a motor that does 60cycles at a mid 3000s as opposed to 1750 or so, runs with 2-3amps. Small AC blower motors are in this work envelope. I found some pricey ones on ebay. Here is what this shop had.

          The one on the left is a 3 speed, not sure but I would assume the high speed is the one on the label, 1550. So I don't think so, unless the low rpm is the one listed. doubt it though. So I think I need to match my motor performance better. The one on the right is 3450 rpm but at 60 cycles it says 460v. I'd like to do 115v! Nothing I can do about that I guess.

          2 cents anyone?
          Up, Up and Away


          • Imperial.

            Hey Sampojo, i do believe you would be better off, with the imperial, its brand new, has room for 2 comms, heavy built, and i have found Baldor parts expensive.

            How's the Monsters going, have you populated any yet?

            Regards Cornboy.


            • Hello Sampojo, Hello All

              Originally posted by sampojo View Post
              Looking to move on some things.

              Found a place in the neighborhood that has salvaged motors! Is this a goldmine or what?

              Found a Baldor DC 56 frame motor, just a bad bearing.

              Price is right, 4 stator, ought to be able to buy replacement/extra parts. Good substitute for an imperial? Think it can be made to do 3000+ rpm? What do you guys think?

              Want to drive a small shaded pole motor as an induction generator to be driven by my QP10, would like to find out the capability of a smaller setup, something for demo purposes maybe, using the pulser. Since it runs at about 9000 rpm flat out, I want to get a motor that does 60cycles at a mid 3000s as opposed to 1750 or so, runs with 2-3amps. Small AC blower motors are in this work envelope. I found some pricey ones on ebay. Here is what this shop had.

              The one on the left is a 3 speed, not sure but I would assume the high speed is the one on the label, 1550. So I don't think so, unless the low rpm is the one listed. doubt it though. So I think I need to match my motor performance better. The one on the right is 3450 rpm but at 60 cycles it says 460v. I'd like to do 115v! Nothing I can do about that I guess.

              2 cents anyone?
              Hello Sampojo, Hello to All!

              Hey Joe, that is a good "Goldmine"!...

              Related to that has only two brushes, therefore you would not be able to apply the Quad Pulser...but "Dual Pulsers"...and yes, you could get it to go over 3000 RPM's...have to take it apart and run the "Routine Check"...
              1- How many poles at rotor?
              2-What are the Stator Angles?, meaning, how many poles do they comprehend?...could it be divided by Two/Four?...More likely a Two Brush will have to Big and "Bulky" Stators...

              Then , You would have to find out IF Commutators and Brushes+Brush Mounting Boards are still available and how much $$...Then ask to yourself...worth it?...versus the Imperial UFO Kit price?

              It is a low RPM Motor (1750) for the Voltage it takes (90V)...Remember, Imperial originally goes for 2500 RPM's with only 24V...but , over 100 Amps draw.

              Like I said before, a Two Brush...will never have the same Power/Speed as a Four Brush either Symmetrical or Asymmetrical Methods.

              So, what would it take, to make it a Four Brush Type?...Would You be able to find those sized Brush/Boards?

              Related to the AC Induction, yes, they could be used for Generators...not all of them though...There was a site/blog I was reading a while back to make your best choice for an Induction Motor to be a Generator...very interesting...Guy had videos and tests...However, He was using a Gas Engine as Prime Mover......But concepts and ideas for Generator were excellent...I would look for this info.

              It also has to maintain some "Magnetic Reminiscence or Residual Magnetism" on their Steel Laminated Rotor Drum....or you would have to "add it"...

              See if You could find in that "Mine"...a Four Brushed and Permanent Magnet or Four Wound Stators "Hefty" Body Motor...of Higher RPM's...that would mean their Angles are much wider, or could be work to be...

              Those are my two cents...

              Warm Regards

              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Baldor DC motor

                UFO, pretty sure it had 4 brushes/4 stators. I could see them, I think it was that one anyway. could not find any parts online for it yet. good question on # of poles. buy to find out ? looks kinda longish so maybe enough room inside and shaft long enough? Just a thought, I squeeze the buck sometimes...
                Up, Up and Away


                • Sam

                  Nitica was running a Baldor motor but not asymmetrical. It sounded smooth and had lots of power. It was also not a 56 frame, smaller. Search his posts and see if the video is still up. If not, I have a copy.
                  "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                  Nikola Tesla


                  • Congratulations UFO

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello to All,

                    In my Past posts I have been showing Diagrams of new structures to expand the Efficiency of our Asymmetrical Machines.

                    Asymmetrical Machines utilizes Independent Energizing of Groups or Single Coils to react with Stators, this "Interaction", generates unique shorting of Coils to turn them off "automatically" by their own Electromagnetic impulse or "Throw Out Forces"...This Forces, we have been using so far, apply to the old Symmetrical Motor Structures...and We have been using them "Half Way"...

                    In My Previous Display, I have shown a Dual Stators (Inner-Outer) Asymmetric Application...

                    Below I am displaying a Dual Rotor Armature, Asymmetrical Machine...with just one Row of Stators...

                    Another great advantage, that I will be displaying the capacity to add Capacitors per Pairs/Coils in the Outer Rotor exterior periphery...and we have as much space as we expand towards the exterior embodiment of Armature...since there are no Stators limiting space...

                    Warm Regards to All

                    Been away a while looking after family matters - just saw this new disclosure. Congratulations UFO. I can't help thinking that Ed Gray must be smiling My mind is spinning thinking about all the possibilities for this motor - mechanically and electrically. All the best,


                    • Finally I got today my MY10xxx motor housings being cut by lathe at shaft side down to magnets. Now I can continue to assemble the twin motor design.

                      That's my shining baby! NO, not stainless steel - just iron. Both motor housings were inserted (brush side at ends) in a 4" iron tube for stability and increased flux in iron. Length 27cm. Former power of both motors about 2HP.

                      Both endcaps were reused at both sides. The brush cap is adjustable while the shaftcap cap acts as bearing holder (bigger bearing). Bolt just for preliminary shaft symbol.

                      End caps removed. View to one of the twin housings being inserted in the 4" tube.

                      Both housings removed. View to the former shaft side - cut now.
                      Outer black paint was removed.

                      One housing reversed with view to brush side.

                      MY1020 motors have inside a 14mm shaft
                      MY1018 have inside a 12mm shaft
                      All other dimensions are identically!!!!
                      500W MY1020 and 500W MY1018 are very same motors with very same dimensions except shaft diameter.
                      If anybody intends to copy my build please use two motors MY1020 500W.

                      Next step: design of shaft and purchase at machine shop.
                      Last edited by JohnStone; 08-19-2013, 08:45 PM.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • Beautiful Machine!

                        Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                        Finally I got today my MY10xxx motor housings being cut by lathe at shaft side down to magnets. Now I can continue to assemble the twin motor design.

                        That's my shining baby! NO, not stainless steel - just iron. Both motor housings were inserted (brush side at ends) in a 4" iron tube for stability and increased flux in iron. Length 27cm. Former power of both motors about 2HP.

                        Both endcaps were reused at both sides. The brush cap is adjustable while the shaftcap cap acts as bearing holder (bigger bearing). Bolt just for preliminary shaft symbol.

                        End caps removed. View to one of the twin housings being inserted in the 4" tube.

                        Both housings removed. View to the former shaft side - cut now.
                        Outer black paint was removed.

                        One housing reversed with view to brush side.

                        MY1020 motors have inside a 14mm shaft
                        MY1018 have inside a 12mm shaft
                        All other dimensions are identically!!!!
                        500W MY1020 and 500W MY1018 are very same motors with very same dimensions except shaft diameter.
                        If anybody intends to copy my build please use two motors MY1020 500W.

                        Next step: design of shaft and purchase at machine shop.
                        Hello John,

                        Great work!, excellent machine that would be!

                        It is a 16 Poles right?...very powerful indeed!

                        I am very glad you are finally putting together your own Asymmetrical Machine...after all the contributions to Control them You have granted to all of Us...

                        Now you would be able to make all the complete testing...since you have the Controller side completely Mastered!


                        Warm regards

                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • On my End...

                          Hello to all,


                          I am fixing up, putting together...finally...My E-Bike, a 5000 Watts Brushless Hub Motor...NOT using its original Controller (very poor build)...but a superior quality one...a programmable (through USB) "Kelly" of 8000 Watts...Capacity recommended by Kelly in order to guarantee it...that's how much above Controlling Power should be above "Motor Power" order to stand the reverse spikes of a Symmetrical Out Runner BLDC wound in the "Y" Pattern , this way working in a better "relaxed" mode...Also I had to "Re Design" its BMS (Battery Management System)...adding appropriated Heat Sinks and Blower for the New Four IRFB4310 (300Watts FET'S) to be able to handle the "Driving Heat"...

                          It can reach speeds above 65 MPH (Yeah, no one would get "desperate", trying to pass me... driving in back of me in a 45 Max MPH Gas Scooter, which I have Two Honda's)...... it is powered by a 72V Lithium Ion Cell Pack...gonna be using it to go to work I will be conducting all kind of read outs and tests as I possibly could while I enjoy the Ride...

                          Unbelievably, this Bike from factory did not come with an Ignition Relay and a 1KOhm/10 Watts "Pre-Charge Resistor" between Closing Positive HV Contacts from Batteries Source to, it eventually fried BMS FET's and Controller...(That is why they Donated this Bike to me, it did not run...and it was a 2011...)

                          The Company who sells this Chinese Bikes in US (Xtreme Green Products) located in La Vegas, Nevada...they call this Model the "X-Rider"...and its "Very Reasonable Price" ... $8900.00 US Tender Legal Notes...However, Xtreme Green 100% Electric Products...Does Not provide ANY Parts Supplies/Replacement, NOR Service Repairs Tech Support...Yes, You've got it right...they "just" sell you the Bike...and that's it, "good luck" ...The original Bike Owner and the friend of Mine, the Shop Owner who had it, trying to get it resolved/repaired...could not get them to replace the damaged parts (BMS, Controller and Hall Sensor Throttle)...while it was just a few months old...both gave up on it...I did not...

                          Now, there is an Australian Firm selling this Bike...(just in case Cornboy or Kogs want one...)...They call it the "E-Rider/Thunderbolt TD8 5000Watts"

                          eRider Thunderbolt TD8 5000 watt

                          Lately "Ali Baba .com"...have the original Chinese Factory (XIAMEN ZAP EV Manufacturering Co., Ltd ) offering its "Wholesale Deals"...$2080-3080 (minimum Two) buying 1000 Bikes a Month (Minimum "Floor Plan")

                          Our Scooter Provided 8 Years Warranty On Lithium Battery Sales, Buy Our Scooter Provided 8 Years Warranty On Lithium Battery Products from AU

                          Nice Scooter/Bike indeed...and I hope they are getting the "upgraded" Kelly Controller version, as a more robust BMS/FET's Ventilation/Heat Sink all the safety and recommended relays/Fuses and Cut Off Emergency Power required...

                          I am planning to run all required testing data, video them all...then would be swapping the whole Power Train Assy (basically Motor and Controller) based on a Quad Monster Pulser and an Imperial Chain driven to rear Wheel...BMS will remain the same...since it is a separate System in charge to run Digital Gauges, and maintain/Charge Battery also the DC-DC Converter (Buck Booster 72 down to 12V) in charge to run accessories (Lights,Turn Signals,Horn, etc).

                          Many things I have learned...My Dear working on this EV...I will be reporting in detail all diagrams so we could start developing our future Motorcycles, Cars and Air Crafts...


                          MotoCzysz Puts the Sizzle in Electric Motorcycles | Autopia |


                          Badass Electric Motorcycle Gets 185 Miles on a Charge : TreeHugger

                          Nice Electric Bikes Uh?...The Prices are just..."Untouchable"...

                          Warm Regards

                          Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-20-2013, 01:44 AM.
                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Biker.

                            Hey UFO, that's great, cant wait for a real life application.

                            I am positive the latest designs would suit a bike application, they could be made flatter pancake style, , now where can i find a late model Harley with no motor?

                            All the Best UFO,

                            Warm Regards Cornboy.


                            • That's what I'm talking about!!!!!


                              Those bikes are great! The Motoczysz bike is the "Isle of Man" 3x champion in a row! The Isle of Man is the most Prestigious race in the world. They beat Mugen-Honda "Shinden Ni"(pic below) by 1 second this year. Taking our bike to the "Isle", next spring, is what I think about all day, every day! There are 7 top electric Race circuit bikes in the world. We need to be the 8th, "Wonder"

                              The Imperial needs to be put in a bike. Then, it could be dyno-ed at a motorcycle shop. A motorcycle dyno is around $50. A Dyno would really clear the air!

                              Dana and I are developing a concept for the Imperial as it is. We think it's do-a-ble!

                              Keep it Clean and Green
                              Last edited by Midaztouch; 09-12-2013, 07:07 AM.


                              • Imagine...

                                Hello to All,


                                A Twenty Eight Poles Dual Rotor Asymmetric Imperial P 56...

                                Am putting together a 3D Animated "Assembly" by "Exploded View" of each part required...basically outer rotor , a different way to support PM Stators...and a wider outer casing/end a few more bolts.

                                Regards to All

                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

