AC motor converts easily to AC generator
Hey ewizard, I have looked into converting an AC induction motor (aka shade pole motor aka squirrel cage motor) to generation in my post #5389. Almost got it working after a couple different hookups and shocks to get some residual magnetism. Here is the link that I used, was trying to see how much power I could get out of a smaller asym DC motor build I made, but my AC generator selection was too big for it. I burnt up a brush set. I have a downsized AC motor I will try it again sometime soon, but concentrating on a bigger build now. Save this How to Convert An Induction motor to a generator link to a keeper file, although its been up for almost 15 yrs.
Don't know if you can convert phases, its a winding coil wiring design thingy. you want single phase generation, use a single phase motor, etc.
Originally posted by ewizard
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