Definitively something very bright coming up...
Hello My Friend,
At least I, never had, even the slightest doubt that you meant ALL of Us to have access to your "Sudden Illumination" on Toroidal Magnetic Structures and Interactions...On the is very smart to post those Diagrams here, with dates on each one...avoiding any Patent start a "Greedy Race" to the Patent Office...
It is the way to do...whenever there are "Illuminations" that all the sudden come up to our get them ASAP in matter what time it matter if you are asleep...wake up, have some coffee and start drawing on has happen to me many times...And even though...many would not "believe" in "Channeling Possibilities" in the Space...I do.
I am sure You will continue this tests like that latest, whenever you get Four Coils...then feed them with some small voltage AC from any transformer...then place again that compass right in the, you will see how that compass needle will become a Fan Blade...
...On the other hand...another interesting test...would be to feed independently those Four Coils aligned at 90º each...and feed them with your Four Monster Pulsers...with our Off Phase DC Pulses...then watch results...
Like I wrote before...I like Toroidal I believe they brake all "standards" when it comes to Energy Generation through Induction...compared to "all" we have so far...when we "Face to Face" frontal magnetic Fields at "Induction Time"...creating a very disappointing magnetic drag when loading order that only the "herculean farting machine" could be able to rotate it so far...I believe you are getting to the "Final Destination"...when your Toroidal Drum...even not being that strong of a Motor...however, would be assisting instead of reversing/counter rotating/dragging at Heavy Load Times...Your "Beast" Imperial Asymmetric Machine...
Nikola Tesla discovered the "Benefits" of using "Independent" (Asymmetrical) Energizing Circuits/Coils to be set on BOTH...Motor and Generator...and ONLY through Independent Asymmetries it would be further on EXCHANGE and utilize COMMON or INTERCONNECTED COILS between Motors and Generators...In order to produce what He called "Progressive Shifting" that would be in favor of rotation of both Machines, creating a very PRECISE SYNCHRONOUS MAGNETIC MOVEMENTS just like MECHANICAL GEARS DO...and NOT the way we all have been taught so far...where our Symmetric Motors would be completely isolated or Independent from Generator Coil Induced Circuits we have no other recourse than to use the Farting Gas Dinosaurs up to this produce Electrical Power...
So You all would understand better...WHY...Nikola Tesla "Material" was completely VOIDED from ALL Electric Engineering Schools in our Planet...A Global Oil Conspiration?...Nah...
Some words from his Patents (Here are shown His MULTIPLE WAYS to Inter Connect Motor-Generator) to help you "Debunk Tesla"...
Fragments from Patent 381 968 "ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR"...
Tesla Patent 381,968 - Electro-Magnetic Motor
"The practical solution of the problem of the electrical conversion and transmission of mechanical energy involves certain requirements which the apparatus and systems heretofore employed have not been capable of fulfilling. Such a solution, primarily, demands a uniformity of speed in the motor irrespective of its load within its normal working limits. On the other hand, it is necessary, to attain a greater economy of conversion that has heretofore existed, to construct cheaper and more reliable and simple apparatus, and, lastly the apparatus must be capable of easy management...
...My present invention is directed to the production and improvement of apparatus capable of more nearly meeting these requirements than those heretofore available, and though I have described various means for the purpose, they involve the same main principles of construction and mode of operation, which may be described as follows: A motor is employed in which there are two or more independent circuits through which alternate currents are passed at proper intervals, in the manner hereinafter described, for the purpose of effecting a progressive shifting of the magnetism or of the “lines of force” in accordance with the well-known theory, and a consequent action of the motor. It is obvious that a proper progressive shifting of the lines of force may be utilized to set up a movement or rotation of either element of the motor, the armature, or the field-magnet...
Now, and re-read this sentence very carefully...
"I am aware that the rotation of the armature of a motor wound with two energizing-coils at right angles to each other has been effected by an intermittent shifting of the energizing effect of both coils through which a direct current by means of mechanical devices has been transmitted in alternately-opposite directions; but this method or plan I regard as absolutely impracticable for the purpose for which my invention is designed—at least on any extended scale—for the reasons, mainly, that a great waste of energy is necessarily involved unless the number of energizing-circuits is very great, and that the interruption and reversal of a current of any considerable strength by means of any known mechanical devices is a matter of the greatest difficulty and expense..."
It would be easy to discern that He is referring to Motors where Coils are Energizing at "right angles to each other"...sounds like Symmetry?...absolutely....and further on He writes..."effected by an intermittent shifting" (understand reversing) of the energizing effect on both coils...through which a Direct Current by "means of Mechanical Devices" (understand DC Symmetric Commutators) has been transmitted in alternately opposite directions...(must refresh here that Symmetry reverses their coils at each quarter or half of revolution...)
Resuming, Nikola Tesla...back in 1888 concludes that..."this method or plan (Read Symmetry) I regard as absolutely impracticable"...
..."for the purpose for which my invention is designed" (His Purpose here is to "Fuse" an Electric Generator with an Electric Motor...)
1. The combination, with a motor containing separate or independent circuits on the armature or field-magnet, or both, of an alternating-current generator containing induced circuits connected independently to corresponding circuits in the motor, whereby a rotation of the generator produces a progressive shifting of the poles of the motors, as herein described.
2. In a system for the electrical transmission of power, the combination of a motor provided with two or more independent magnetizing-coils and an alternating-current generator containing induced coils corresponding to the motor-coils, and circuits connecting directly the motor and generator coils in such order that the currents developed by the generator will be passed through the corresponding motor-coils, and thereby produce a progressive shifting of the poles of the motor, as herein set forth.
Machine...Note how Tesla uses a "Toroidal Motor Concept" here...
Now, for purposes of very "Clear Interpretation" of this Patent Application...We understand that the Generator cited here...would be "driving" the Motor by the creation of this "Progressive Shifting"...transmitted through "Independent Circuits" that are "Shared" between BOTH Machines...
Therefore, thinking that this Patent applies "only" to the way Generators should produce an ISOLATED "Shifting Phase Order" (Interpret as not SHARING Circuits/Coils between Motor-Generator) to run a remote Tesla AC Induction Motor is completely absurd.
Now...for those who still have "any doubts"...let me remind you all... that Nikola Tesla was the Inventor and CREATOR of the First AC Poly Phase Generators mounted on Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric...that...for the FIRST TIME illuminated the US Chicago World Fair in 1896 in a Joint Venture with George Westinghouse...before...they were using the dimming and shimmering yellow poor lighting...from Thomas Alva Edison/J P Morgan/GE Rip Off...Pole to Pole Battery powered DC Currents...
Warm Regards and sorry for the long post...but had to write this...
Originally posted by machinealive
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Hello My Friend,
At least I, never had, even the slightest doubt that you meant ALL of Us to have access to your "Sudden Illumination" on Toroidal Magnetic Structures and Interactions...On the is very smart to post those Diagrams here, with dates on each one...avoiding any Patent start a "Greedy Race" to the Patent Office...

It is the way to do...whenever there are "Illuminations" that all the sudden come up to our get them ASAP in matter what time it matter if you are asleep...wake up, have some coffee and start drawing on has happen to me many times...And even though...many would not "believe" in "Channeling Possibilities" in the Space...I do.
I am sure You will continue this tests like that latest, whenever you get Four Coils...then feed them with some small voltage AC from any transformer...then place again that compass right in the, you will see how that compass needle will become a Fan Blade...

Like I wrote before...I like Toroidal I believe they brake all "standards" when it comes to Energy Generation through Induction...compared to "all" we have so far...when we "Face to Face" frontal magnetic Fields at "Induction Time"...creating a very disappointing magnetic drag when loading order that only the "herculean farting machine" could be able to rotate it so far...I believe you are getting to the "Final Destination"...when your Toroidal Drum...even not being that strong of a Motor...however, would be assisting instead of reversing/counter rotating/dragging at Heavy Load Times...Your "Beast" Imperial Asymmetric Machine...

Nikola Tesla discovered the "Benefits" of using "Independent" (Asymmetrical) Energizing Circuits/Coils to be set on BOTH...Motor and Generator...and ONLY through Independent Asymmetries it would be further on EXCHANGE and utilize COMMON or INTERCONNECTED COILS between Motors and Generators...In order to produce what He called "Progressive Shifting" that would be in favor of rotation of both Machines, creating a very PRECISE SYNCHRONOUS MAGNETIC MOVEMENTS just like MECHANICAL GEARS DO...and NOT the way we all have been taught so far...where our Symmetric Motors would be completely isolated or Independent from Generator Coil Induced Circuits we have no other recourse than to use the Farting Gas Dinosaurs up to this produce Electrical Power...
So You all would understand better...WHY...Nikola Tesla "Material" was completely VOIDED from ALL Electric Engineering Schools in our Planet...A Global Oil Conspiration?...Nah...

Some words from his Patents (Here are shown His MULTIPLE WAYS to Inter Connect Motor-Generator) to help you "Debunk Tesla"...
Fragments from Patent 381 968 "ELECTROMAGNETIC MOTOR"...

Tesla Patent 381,968 - Electro-Magnetic Motor
"The practical solution of the problem of the electrical conversion and transmission of mechanical energy involves certain requirements which the apparatus and systems heretofore employed have not been capable of fulfilling. Such a solution, primarily, demands a uniformity of speed in the motor irrespective of its load within its normal working limits. On the other hand, it is necessary, to attain a greater economy of conversion that has heretofore existed, to construct cheaper and more reliable and simple apparatus, and, lastly the apparatus must be capable of easy management...
...My present invention is directed to the production and improvement of apparatus capable of more nearly meeting these requirements than those heretofore available, and though I have described various means for the purpose, they involve the same main principles of construction and mode of operation, which may be described as follows: A motor is employed in which there are two or more independent circuits through which alternate currents are passed at proper intervals, in the manner hereinafter described, for the purpose of effecting a progressive shifting of the magnetism or of the “lines of force” in accordance with the well-known theory, and a consequent action of the motor. It is obvious that a proper progressive shifting of the lines of force may be utilized to set up a movement or rotation of either element of the motor, the armature, or the field-magnet...
Now, and re-read this sentence very carefully...
"I am aware that the rotation of the armature of a motor wound with two energizing-coils at right angles to each other has been effected by an intermittent shifting of the energizing effect of both coils through which a direct current by means of mechanical devices has been transmitted in alternately-opposite directions; but this method or plan I regard as absolutely impracticable for the purpose for which my invention is designed—at least on any extended scale—for the reasons, mainly, that a great waste of energy is necessarily involved unless the number of energizing-circuits is very great, and that the interruption and reversal of a current of any considerable strength by means of any known mechanical devices is a matter of the greatest difficulty and expense..."
It would be easy to discern that He is referring to Motors where Coils are Energizing at "right angles to each other"...sounds like Symmetry?...absolutely....and further on He writes..."effected by an intermittent shifting" (understand reversing) of the energizing effect on both coils...through which a Direct Current by "means of Mechanical Devices" (understand DC Symmetric Commutators) has been transmitted in alternately opposite directions...(must refresh here that Symmetry reverses their coils at each quarter or half of revolution...)
Resuming, Nikola Tesla...back in 1888 concludes that..."this method or plan (Read Symmetry) I regard as absolutely impracticable"...

1. The combination, with a motor containing separate or independent circuits on the armature or field-magnet, or both, of an alternating-current generator containing induced circuits connected independently to corresponding circuits in the motor, whereby a rotation of the generator produces a progressive shifting of the poles of the motors, as herein described.
2. In a system for the electrical transmission of power, the combination of a motor provided with two or more independent magnetizing-coils and an alternating-current generator containing induced coils corresponding to the motor-coils, and circuits connecting directly the motor and generator coils in such order that the currents developed by the generator will be passed through the corresponding motor-coils, and thereby produce a progressive shifting of the poles of the motor, as herein set forth.
Machine...Note how Tesla uses a "Toroidal Motor Concept" here...

Now, for purposes of very "Clear Interpretation" of this Patent Application...We understand that the Generator cited here...would be "driving" the Motor by the creation of this "Progressive Shifting"...transmitted through "Independent Circuits" that are "Shared" between BOTH Machines...
Therefore, thinking that this Patent applies "only" to the way Generators should produce an ISOLATED "Shifting Phase Order" (Interpret as not SHARING Circuits/Coils between Motor-Generator) to run a remote Tesla AC Induction Motor is completely absurd.
Now...for those who still have "any doubts"...let me remind you all... that Nikola Tesla was the Inventor and CREATOR of the First AC Poly Phase Generators mounted on Niagara Falls Hydro-Electric...that...for the FIRST TIME illuminated the US Chicago World Fair in 1896 in a Joint Venture with George Westinghouse...before...they were using the dimming and shimmering yellow poor lighting...from Thomas Alva Edison/J P Morgan/GE Rip Off...Pole to Pole Battery powered DC Currents...

Warm Regards and sorry for the long post...but had to write this...
