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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • [QUOTE=Ufopolitics;201542]
    Originally posted by bbem View Post

    Many Thanks Bert!!

    Your description is awesome!!, you mention the opening where to run wires to, very smart to describe it!!

    Many warm regards friend!!

    Hello ufo thanks for your great work. Sorry to notice that your links to photbucket are missing or some how deleted.


    • Radio Shack motor replication---on a kitchen table

      I successfully built UFO's RS motor today. I used IndianaBoy's method of using a pipe cutter to cut the motor housings. I just did it by hand and it wasn't that hard. You have to cleanup the cut with a dremel to remove the curled edge on the inside. The housing distorts slightly but not bad and can be easily straightened. Leave the motor all together to keep it rigid when you cut and take your time.

      Winding the rotor is very hard if you have not done it before. Working with the dollar store three pole motor (thanks Brad) first really helped me understand what was going on. I used the instructions that John G. posted on page 5 post 334.

      Bottom line is that this is a very hard "kitchen table" project but it can be done.

      Testing is interesting just like with Brad's dollar store motor. I am trying to get my brain around what I am looking at. Yes it runs. But better than the stock motor??? Both of my builds are so imperfect, because of the way I made them, that the stock motors are beating them as far as power to watts go.

      I just got the RS motor running late today so I have more to do to get it tuned up right. At least it works and I did the whole build inside my house. It is a facinating project if you like challenges. It is hard.

      Last edited by Lidmotor; 07-19-2012, 02:18 PM.


      • Sorry Netica...

        Originally posted by Netica View Post
        Hi Ufo,

        So glad to see you still here.

        I have been looking over the 12 pole motor and commutator connections.
        I've noticed something that I need clarification with.
        You wrote in post #298 that
        "We just have to "blend" commutator elements in groups of Three, (just wire them up through the hooks)...then we will get Three separated continuous elements per commutator..."
        Shouldn't they be wired in groups of 4, being 3 groups of 4 commutators with the filing in between these sets.
        could we have 3 groups of 3 commutators connected together with one free unconnected commutator in between the groups of 3, then we don't have to do the filing, but there would be less contact time.


        Hello Netica,

        I am sorry, my mistake, the picture shows they are Four(4) per Coil Pairs, total Three...but I will restore my photo's soon, I know is not there...


        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


        • What Part Did They "miss" To Teach You?


          Oh, they "missed" to teach you the best part of Electrical knowledge, and I really feel bad when I have to write about it...I belong like many of you out there to a "Past Generation" ..and I know how it feels..all that knowledge not learned,and not being a Younger Generation any more...But the main reason I am doing this not for all the Old Guys here,like, We are too stubborn into the taught-learned it is very hard to change our minds...unless We open I did.
          This Knowledge goes primarily dedicated to All the New Generations to come...and the Ones here now.

          First let's go back in time...just a bit, Faraday Law of Induction...He discovered that passing-moving any Magnet around a copper will create an electrical flow...right? simple...Now is understood, if we pass either one in opposite direction will create a reverse flow to the one we originally created...That is How every Electrodynamic Machine works out there ...a Motor or a Generator...good, simple .

          Well, not really, Faraday exposed a "METHOD", a "PROCESS" to create Electricity?, No, we can NOT say that word...Energy is NOT created but...always transformed .
          Ok, so let's go to that simple Permanent Magnet and Copper wire set up, connected to a V Meter, well in those times they were called "Galvanometer" and study it again...

          Did you Guys have ever done a silly experiment?...just to check if that Permanent Magnet, at any point, lost "some energy" before and after pulling electrical flow from it? does not loose any strength on its field...And I am not referring to Magnetic loss decay over time, but just to those few minutes we moved it.
          So here comes my concern...where did that Energy came from?...

          I know what the heavy trained school advocates are gonna say...The Mechanical Moving Energy...That is where our Symmetrical Physics hold on to explain this Phenomena...Well, I am very sorry to say, that is NOT the whole "process" involved there...
          And before we step into more clever movements, let's just analyze this fact...along with my explanation.
          Can We measure our hands moving either one, Energy, versus the current produced in that conductor?
          How much energy we "lost" by making a simple move around that magnet a few times?, versus storing that small amount of energy which IS "measurable"??
          No we can not measure now let's move to an easier to see "set-up" to add a bit more "logical sense" into this Analysis...
          Let's get a free spinning wheel, unbalanced by nicely set weights, and finely mounted in excellent rotating bearings, maybe magnetic bearings, in order that will deliver a very long time of "Free Rotational Spinning Energy", thanks to the great Physical discovery of "Inertia-Mass Gravitational Forces"...and set it in order that the Magnet passes through a nice Coil of magnetic wire ...Then let's apply a good spin to that wheel...and observe how much energy we get out in the "Free Wheel Spin" time...lot's of it...we are getting free electricity, for those seconds of free, still believe we have to consider the mechanical force "ONLY" as the main cause that transformed all that Electrical Energy?...or should we all "disregard it?...since that's nothing!! Physics does?

          I took the First choice...I did NOT was there, no matter how many seconds...there were a portion of "Time" we got Electricity for free, thanks to Inertia Forces...

          My Decision took me where I am now...I chose to believe in those few seconds firmly...

          The Energy Forces to move either conductor or magnet...are "Part of the Transforming Process" in the origination of the Electrical flow, in that conductor, in that Coil, and not the "main cause" that "made it occur"...
          That Energy was subtracted, taken, from the Magnetic Field, through that "Process" (Induction) that Comprises-Requires, the Moving Energy, the Magnetic Field Energy presence, and the Conductor or Coil...those Three Elements do the subtracting-transforming-converting Energy from the Magnetic Field.

          ...And which Energy is located in the Magnetic Fields?

          Search Wikipedia...

          Radiant Energy is the energy on Magnetic Field Waves, either on a permanent magnet or generated magnetic field also in other magnetic patterns...

          It has always been there...

          Now this "derives" into a wide open horizon of multiple phenomena some have been experimenting and demonstrating all along a few Decades back that add more than a Century...from Maxwell, Oliver Heaviside, Johnston, Poynting to Nikola Tesla, Pier Luigi Ighina, and many more Contemporary Scientists, as some did not had a "Happy Ending"just for finding this facts ...however, still kept in the "Dark side of the Moon"...

          Now my final tests that "Drop to Ground" all those False Theories that has kept Us from learning about this Beautiful Energy...

          I have Rotated a heavy Steel Motor Armature, inside a Fiberglass Core, wounded with just, ONE SINGLE COIL OF BIFILAR WIRE...
          It is not "supposed" to rotate based on just One Coil of Our Hot Pulsed Magnetic Field, where the Armature is located at the very center of the Pattern...however, it does moves.

          And that Armature was Asymmetrical however, I have done it also with Symmetrical Armatures...connected to Brushes, and Energized, and pulsed both Stator Single Coil and Armature Coils by Parallel spins heavily.

          Coil creates Two Pulsing Magnetic Fields Inside...Right on the Center of that Coil...

          Everything Resumes to "Electromagnetic Patterns" we Armature Coils...or at Stator Coils...and according to those patterns we get less or more Radiant Energy Converted from the magnetic field Waves.

          The Separation of two completely different Fields starts, and gets more radical here, Hot and Cold Electricity...Hot, well you all know how it works...The fact is , we can get to rotate heavy machinery, at heavy torque by means of a Radiant Energy Magnetic Field making the higher part of the "work"...

          Let's get back to my simple Three Pole Arrangement...and let me tell you that it is the best ratio you get out the Three Poles Modular set-up, is Huge...

          In that design, we Pulse with our Hot just One Single Coil at a time...while the other Two are assisting the rotation...2 to 1 Ratio...??


          But Why, if the two Coil-Inductors retains the same Magnetic Polarity when they spin freely (according to Physics Inductance Laws)...Motor was not suppose to even move...It is Two to One Force!
          Now the "No Field Presence" or None Field Theory, turned off, will create a terrible magnetic drag from more steel inert mass on those two "dead" Coils Cores, than one "activated"...but it goes faster as we pulse...just like a "Typical Symmetrical One" but with MORE TORQUE??!!

          So the Only reason is due to Radiant Energy, at the Stage where SHE Reverts Polarity "Naturally" is NOT our pulse...our pulse is the Prima Fascia Move, the Prime Phase brake-start the whole process...If you just tests this Motors under will be they already develops speed we reduce to lower pulsing on our side , and will "leave it" at those high speeds and high torque (something that Physics says we can't have both in one)...get the feeling when you do it with a nicely designed oscillator or Signal Generator...and observe it.

          Now this Three Poles could be expanded to any size you like...with a Single Coil Stator, a very simple arrangement right? watch it perform...

          The other part is...We do not need laminated steel for Radiant Flux to thrive, as a matter of fact, to grow and produce a very Robust and Strong Radiant Magnetic SHE comes from there..., SHE Converts back and forth from Magnetic Field to Electrical Flow, faster than Neutrinos* (I still believe they are faster than light photons... ) it is enough that we create a small Air Core Coil Magnetic Pattern for our Hot Pulsed Field...then SHE magnifies and take over the Machine Magnetic-Electrical Transfer Operation both ends Armature and it Grows we "reduce" our duty and our frequencies, instead of amplifying it like we do with just Hot. It is the Natural Reversed Process taking over.
          The Singled Air Coil Stator, transfers Radiant Energy to the Armature Coils through HER AIR-SPACE INDUCTION, (our Heavy Flux from Hot Current Slows her Strength, just because it is opposed to her flow)

          The only "secret" here is very simple...Wind them all, Armature-Stator Coils, in the same direction, then SHE will move back and forth from Armature to stator freely, while we take all the excess energy out through?...a couple of diodes...

          Simple wasn't it?

          But We could not see her, blinded by Hot Symmetrical Systems, that kept killing HER every nano second of rotation reversal...while Stators were never "pulsed" but linearly fed, with Static Hot Fields spending Energy Galore...never notice HER presence that way, but She has been in every Coil of magnetic wire as She has been in our Planet and the whole Universe for Millenniums...

          Regards to all

          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


          • Pic

            Originally posted by Netica View Post
            Hi Ufo,

            So glad to see you still here.

            I have been looking over the 12 pole motor and commutator connections.
            I've noticed something that I need clarification with.
            You wrote in post #298 that
            "We just have to "blend" commutator elements in groups of Three, (just wire them up through the hooks)...then we will get Three separated continuous elements per commutator..."
            Shouldn't they be wired in groups of 4, being 3 groups of 4 commutators with the filing in between these sets.
            could we have 3 groups of 3 commutators connected together with one free unconnected commutator in between the groups of 3, then we don't have to do the filing, but there would be less contact time.


            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


            • Thank you UFO

              Thanks UFO for not leaving us.
              Your expertise and insights are very rare.
              BTW. The tutorial style is very cool..


              ps. Do not overwork your self now. Take it easy.
              Last edited by bbem; 07-19-2012, 11:28 AM.


              • 12 Pole Motor Commutator Clarification

                Originally posted by Netica View Post
                Hi Ufo,

                So glad to see you still here.

                I have been looking over the 12 pole motor and commutator connections.
                I've noticed something that I need clarification with.
                You wrote in post #298 that
                "We just have to "blend" commutator elements in groups of Three, (just wire them up through the hooks)...then we will get Three separated continuous elements per commutator..."
                Shouldn't they be wired in groups of 4, being 3 groups of 4 commutators with the filing in between these sets.
                could we have 3 groups of 3 commutators connected together with one free unconnected commutator in between the groups of 3, then we don't have to do the filing, but there would be less contact time.

                Thank you Netica for pointing that out.
                I built this setup, but missed that.
                I wound the Blue's and Green CW and the Yellow, Orange and Red CCW, hope that is correct.

                BTW. My motor does not run when I connect the power leads diagonally which make sense looking at the picture.
                Also noteworthy is the fact that the carbon brushes are perpendicular to the magnets in the picture!

                Last edited by bbem; 07-19-2012, 11:44 AM.


                • brushless

                  Hey Ufo

                  Glad to have you around :-)

                  What would you say of this idea:
                  Suppose you put a small coil in the shaft, and place a coil on top of it? So from the outside to the inside you encounter a primary coil, then a secondary coil and then the shaft. The sec-coil is going to send the power to one (moor) coil, and if you mirror the idea you can pulse a coil on the other side as well. Perhaps you can now run a motor without brushes?

                  ps: I started thinking of this, as I was triggered by you saying you'd like to use opto couplers. Thinking out of the box, I was thinking of a motor with a small battery on the shaft, an opto receiver some electronics and then coils. Meaning you could send on/off pulses via the opto coupler. But I thought placing a battery on the shaft was perhaps not a good idea (or is it?), thus I was thinking, how do we get some power whilst turning around? The magnetic pulsing will not interrupt the magnetic lines of the motor (being perpendicular to them).

                  Any how, I am not much of a builder, more of a brainstormer. I like to share this thought, and you -or who wants to- may answer this. But I mainly address this to you, since this new system needs far less amperage and you may predict if it'll work or not.

                  (1) ps: most of your ideas mix up nice with what I had been thinking of in the past. I to have been pulsing DC motors. On the other hand, I do wonder what we can do with the cold electricity that comes out. Driving 5 CFL bulbs is nice, but I don't think I will be riding around on my electric scooter like a Christmas tree, now would I?

                  (2) pps: did you say you were driving on your scooter with the Bosch motor? if so, please share with us, is it going faster, does it speed up faster, etc etc.

                  (3) ppps: being dutch and so, I am having a hard time to read your stories. I am more a man of 'to the point' like most Dutch people tend to be. I dropped most of what I learned a while ago, and am open for new info. But some condensing in the info would help me a lot. From what I get of your last explanation is that a motor (without magnets) being pulsed is like a big wheel which you only need to tap every now and then (perhaps like Bedini), and in return after the pulse did some work, you get it back as radiant energy and now need to look for an application to use it.



                  • Direction of windings

                    Originally posted by bbem View Post
                    Thank you Netica for pointing that out.
                    I built this setup, but missed that.
                    I wound the Blue's and Green CW and the Yellow, Orange and Red CCW, hope that is correct.

                    BTW. My motor does not run when I connect the power leads diagonally which make sense looking at the picture.
                    Also noteworthy is the fact that the carbon brushes are perpendicular to the magnets in the picture!

                    G'Day Bert
                    I have not wound any motors as yet, I am still awaiting deliveries

                    But UFO has stated that we must wind all the coils all the same way either CCW or CW not mixing them up otherwise the coils will counteract with each other and the motor will not work
                    I am sure this is correct If not someone will correct me

                    Kindest Regards

                    Kogs Still working at it


                    • Oh, please do not discuss proof or not! It is worse than the question what was first: egg or chicken? Of course it is important but one after another please! I'd like to explain:

                      Any discovery began by playing and applying logic thoughts first. Any proof can be done only on a setup done before. Did Tesla had any proof before he built his setups? NO!! He just built in order to test his ideas out!

                      So let's agree for the following notions:
                      • Proofs are important - of course
                      • Proofs can be done on a setup only
                      • Setups need to be built before.
                      • There is a great natural uncertainity inbetween building a setup and devising measurements.
                      • Setups may fail to prove - that does not mean automatically a disprove.
                      • Building setups is voluntary on own risc and everybody pays his party himself.
                      • Everybody is aked to perform reviews regularly in order to decide for continuation or termination.
                      • Everybody is asked to demonstrate his setup conforming his possibilities.
                      • The best proof is if independent replications are demonstrated.

                      There is a big dead lock in our scientific landscape by asking at any given time for mandatory proofs first. Of course this is important (especially for those paying the party) but there is an intermediate time where proofs need to be grown up.
                      It is like asking constantly for adult workers while not accepting that they begin their life at conception time while sitting in a completely different realm not being enabled to do any work. Life is highly unscientific!
                      Last edited by JohnStone; 07-19-2012, 01:31 PM.
                      Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                      • background user

                        Hello UFO & all

                        i read for years this forum from background
                        is the first time i post

                        this is the best thread ever and your work UFO is inspiring
                        finally i can dream of my self suficiency

                        chears from Romania

                        sorry if bad english



                        • Originally posted by bbem View Post
                          Thank you Netica for pointing that out.
                          I built this setup, but missed that.
                          I wound the Blue's and Green CW and the Yellow, Orange and Red CCW, hope that is correct.

                          BTW. My motor does not run when I connect the power leads diagonally which make sense looking at the picture.
                          Also noteworthy is the fact that the carbon brushes are perpendicular to the magnets in the picture!

                          Hi bbem,

                          I have just started looking at this 12 pole motor coil to learn, but am not building it at this time.
                          My understanding, for example, is that the blue and red windings are a pair 180 degrees apart and the other 2 sets likewise.
                          When winding these motors I find it best for me to wind one coil. - Then to wind its pair, for orientation, look straight down the shaft at it, then continue winding the relevant poles on the other side of the shaft in the same direction. They are just a continuation of each other split apart.



                          • Originally posted by Netica View Post
                            Hi bbem,

                            I have just started looking at this 12 pole motor coil to learn, but am not building it at this time.
                            My understanding, for example, is that the blue and red windings are a pair 180 degrees apart and the other 2 sets likewise.
                            When winding these motors I find it best for me to wind one coil. - Then to wind its pair, for orientation, look straight down the shaft at it, then continue winding the relevant poles on the other side of the shaft in the same direction. They are just a continuation of each other split apart.

                            I believe this could be incorrect way to wind. Same direction = turning same direction on to stator pole. Someone else mentioned exactly what you describe and I think that's wrong because to do it that way you are changing the direction you wind the wire onto the stator pole. I could be confused though, need UFO to verify.


                            • RS Motor

                              Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                              I successfully built UFO's RS motor today. I used IndianaBoy's method of using a pipe cutter to cut the motor housings. I just did it by hand and it wasn't that hard. You have to cleanup the cut with a dremel to remove the curled edge on the inside. The housing distorts slightly but not bad and can be easily straightened. Leave the motor all together to keep it rigid when you cut and take your time.

                              Winding the rotor is very hard if you have not done it before. Working with the dollar store three pole motor (thanks Brad) first really helped me understand what was going on. I used the instructions that John G. posted on page 5 post post 334.

                              Bottom line is that this is a very hard "kitchen table" project but it can be done.

                              Testing is interesting just like with Brad's dollar store motor. I am trying to get my brain around what I am looking at. Yes it runs. But better than the stock motor??? Both of my builds are so imperfect, because of the way I made them, that the stock motors are beating them as far as power to watts go.

                              I just got the RS motor running late today so I have have more to do to get it tuned up right. At least it works and I did the whole build inside my house. It is a facinating project if you like challenges. It is hard.

                              Hey Rusty It's good to see you involved. I agree it takes a little skill to get a good build out of the RS motors. If you're not satisfied with how your tests are going because of the build get in touch with me. I'll send you my motor. It's possible it may be better than the stock motor. I'd like to see your tests and comparisons even if others seem to discourage what some think are the important ones. There is something disappointing here. Some have bragged about having several working models with this technology yet aren't sharing any information. There still isn't one legitimate test anywhere by anyone on any kind of motor to qualify the posts for world wide circulation in all languages as was mentioned earlier. Circulating the principles with a suggestion to try, understand, build, improve and report would be a good idea maybe but when it comes to over unity and changing the world, well from the looks of things that's way down the line if possible at all. There just has to be something from someone to warrant that or even give a glimmer of hope. My credibility is damaged by my temper and inpatients here, I'm probably asking for it again by just saying what I did, but your's is good so let let me know if you want the motor. You know how to reach me.


                              • Winding discussion

                                Originally posted by pmazz850 View Post
                                I believe this could be incorrect way to wind. Same direction = turning same direction on to stator pole. Someone else mentioned exactly what you describe and I think that's wrong because to do it that way you are changing the direction you wind the wire onto the stator pole. I could be confused though, need UFO to verify.

                                When winding the 12-pole rotor, and holding it like a can of beer (yeah! ), how to wind the North and South coils?
                                (I wound it CW and CCW respectively)

                                Last edited by bbem; 07-19-2012, 02:17 PM.

