Whenever I decided to start Disclosing all my findings, I did it in such a "Fashion" that anyone could be able to reproduce them.
The Replications were done, and many started seeing exactly what I was posting.
The purpose of creating an Open Source Thread related to my Machines it was not only to verify what I tested was correct...but to also add and develop in order to make improvements, new concepts, other ideas, research and development of controllers etc,etc.
You have said you have a "clue" of what is going on wrong with my Machines according to your thinking...You could say you have replicated the RS Motor...You could write anything you want on this screen...however, it don't mean NADA...Nothing if You do not show facts, Proof, CAD's...Diagrams...Videos (And videos NOT of an Enclosed Motor...That, means also NADA, Nothing)...Doing like Dennis Miller...showing around an enclosed Motor...ran by a small battery...then trying to sell a DVD or a Book means nothing to People. I could have done that too, I have many, many motors that could do much better than that...but I decided to do it for free, in the "hints" RIDDLES, No secrecy on ANY of it.
Show Your Motors OPEN others how to wind them...just like I have done for more than a year here...taken thousands of hours and MY MONEY, to make it happen.
Telling someone else in an OPEN "PM" You in order to tell him How to make a Generator without the Lenz drag is NOT NICE!!...And You know you have done it many times.
If You do not want to open a Thread just to display your work...that's your prerogative, Fine, but DON'T COME HERE, To say that My Machines, My Theory is a flaw, that is wrong, or whatever...because everyone who have replicated them, know they work as I wrote...Therefore, no longer "A Theory" but a FACT...that they are not perfect?...of course not!...They need tons of development, and that is the main reason why I disclose them in their others could keep working and CONTRIBUTING like it has happened so far.
No One anywhere have ever built the "Perfect Machine"...
So, all your magnetic and atomic theories...put them in practice and SHOW US ALL...what you really mean...words could be written as you like...You could say you have this and also that...and bla,bla and babble bla's...get real man, make it happen, show me where are my mistakes to the point, no more "hints", no more "indirect clues"...
I will be the first to replicate your work, and admit if I was doing it wrong, no problem, I will admit your concepts DO work (If they do work, of course)...fortunately no one here will claim their Money Back for all those books and DVD's I have sold them in the Millions, right?...
So, put your "Models" up front, dismantle them in front of Us all the how to's in detail...then we could really talk.
Unless You do what I have mentioned above...please refrain from posting here, and much less to start arguing with my people here.
It is obvious you have created your own "reference" on this Thread as also in others, with all your tries and efforts to diminish, criticize all my work here for more than a year.
So, now my Machines are "Symmetrical"?...
...Wrong, it is obvious you have no idea what is Asymmetric and what is not.
Please do not reply to this post, as I will not respond, unless it is to discuss in the Open (No Private Mails) all the details on whatever you are talking about.
On my personal opinion about You...I don't like You Erfinder, I dislike your manners, Your behavior, and your hidden agenda's, your clues, your "hints"...not being openly truthful, and REAL...not showing absolutely nothing...just words and insults, criticism without funds of any kind.
Again, don't reply to this, because I will ignore you as I also recommend my friends here to do just that...Ignoring You here... would be your best "medicine" for your sickness.
Originally posted by erfinder
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Whenever I decided to start Disclosing all my findings, I did it in such a "Fashion" that anyone could be able to reproduce them.
The Replications were done, and many started seeing exactly what I was posting.
The purpose of creating an Open Source Thread related to my Machines it was not only to verify what I tested was correct...but to also add and develop in order to make improvements, new concepts, other ideas, research and development of controllers etc,etc.
You have said you have a "clue" of what is going on wrong with my Machines according to your thinking...You could say you have replicated the RS Motor...You could write anything you want on this screen...however, it don't mean NADA...Nothing if You do not show facts, Proof, CAD's...Diagrams...Videos (And videos NOT of an Enclosed Motor...That, means also NADA, Nothing)...Doing like Dennis Miller...showing around an enclosed Motor...ran by a small battery...then trying to sell a DVD or a Book means nothing to People. I could have done that too, I have many, many motors that could do much better than that...but I decided to do it for free, in the "hints" RIDDLES, No secrecy on ANY of it.
Show Your Motors OPEN others how to wind them...just like I have done for more than a year here...taken thousands of hours and MY MONEY, to make it happen.
Telling someone else in an OPEN "PM" You in order to tell him How to make a Generator without the Lenz drag is NOT NICE!!...And You know you have done it many times.
If You do not want to open a Thread just to display your work...that's your prerogative, Fine, but DON'T COME HERE, To say that My Machines, My Theory is a flaw, that is wrong, or whatever...because everyone who have replicated them, know they work as I wrote...Therefore, no longer "A Theory" but a FACT...that they are not perfect?...of course not!...They need tons of development, and that is the main reason why I disclose them in their others could keep working and CONTRIBUTING like it has happened so far.
No One anywhere have ever built the "Perfect Machine"...
So, all your magnetic and atomic theories...put them in practice and SHOW US ALL...what you really mean...words could be written as you like...You could say you have this and also that...and bla,bla and babble bla's...get real man, make it happen, show me where are my mistakes to the point, no more "hints", no more "indirect clues"...
I will be the first to replicate your work, and admit if I was doing it wrong, no problem, I will admit your concepts DO work (If they do work, of course)...fortunately no one here will claim their Money Back for all those books and DVD's I have sold them in the Millions, right?...

So, put your "Models" up front, dismantle them in front of Us all the how to's in detail...then we could really talk.
Unless You do what I have mentioned above...please refrain from posting here, and much less to start arguing with my people here.
It is obvious you have created your own "reference" on this Thread as also in others, with all your tries and efforts to diminish, criticize all my work here for more than a year.
So, now my Machines are "Symmetrical"?...

Please do not reply to this post, as I will not respond, unless it is to discuss in the Open (No Private Mails) all the details on whatever you are talking about.
On my personal opinion about You...I don't like You Erfinder, I dislike your manners, Your behavior, and your hidden agenda's, your clues, your "hints"...not being openly truthful, and REAL...not showing absolutely nothing...just words and insults, criticism without funds of any kind.
Again, don't reply to this, because I will ignore you as I also recommend my friends here to do just that...Ignoring You here... would be your best "medicine" for your sickness.