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Here is another video....These motors are INDEED ASYMMETRIC. Just to add clarity this video shows energy being transmitted through the ground strictly TESLA STYLE. Yes it isn't a very astounding amount of power but the concept is there. (max up to 12-15 watts is going into the motor) Also, as far as driving circuits go...I have blown MANY mosfets up....Currently working on what johnstone has posed in the other thread. (monster pulser) But to add, mosfets are basically pieces of crap when it comes to handling radiant....coincidence? I think not. There is a reason tesla used mechanical means of switching.....
Here we go getting deep into the electrical engineering or as known in the old time "True Philosophy"
We are dealing with the type of energy associated with all living things and the starting material of all things physical. This is a totally new area of research with very few americans or better yet everyone outside of Russia and Serbia knowing little to nothing. I will also say this stuff is really HARD work. I dont think harassing UFO for not helping is going to help ANYONE. He has already given us the concept? Study the concept and you will start to see how vortexes travel through space when the wind blows, when you pedal your bicycle, when there is any form of fluctuation in energy density. The recognition of asymmetric vertices/fractals will give you more study material than you can ask for. The goal here is to copy nature, not UFO. So in an effort to state how UFO is right in his thinking, that this is basically teslas design applied to new motors on the market...Trying to replicate it exactly is pretty hard without JP morgan funding away. So lighten up ehh?
This is as close as we can get to replicating tesla's concepts.
Still beaming up to space
Hi warrensk. In your video you have a capacitor between the coils to "simulate the capacitance through the air" because you "don't have HV", but this is not necessary. In reality each coil should be "isolated", I.E. no capacitor between them. The capacitance from the elevated terminal is to GROUND and it's self capacitance in space, not to the receiving coil. It's a reflecting capacitance, to reflect the wave back down through the coil. Not to couple the receiving coil through the air. The transmission medium is the earth.
If you want to play around with that I would recommend a bucket of soil as the transmission medium and replacing the capacitor between the coils with an elevated capacitance. A bucket of soil will be easier to get initial results to work/learn from. Also beware FCC regulations.
HV is not necessary. Primary supply in this case is +/-0.7 volts, or 1.4V peak to peak.
OMG!...I am so scared!... ...Go for it, by all means
Oh!, but now no Diagrams?...No Photos either!...Oh what a bummer!
So you are gonna just show a Dennis Miller enclosed motor...testings and all in a finished hidden windings?
What good is that for all of Us?
You guys tell me...but, still, go for it!
Sorry can't say the same , don't admire you, your attitude of hints and hidden stuff, PM Messages in open forums...nope, don't like.
but then again...it may be just me and my ego...
I will be waiting...and not holding my breath...
Hello Ufo as of this unfortunate time the noise from various individuals is once again disrupting the flow of useful work. I am going to make one fact clear as to why I came to join UFOPOLITICS REPLICATIONS OF VAROIUS PROJECTS.
Prior to that for some time, I was working on the Don Smith Tesla Experiment on my own.
One day I came across your radiant coil experiments and was greatly impressed with your desire to share freely all you knew and your time. Not many in this greatly greedy world has such an exemplary quality of character. The time is one capital we have which is fixed. The money can come and go.
You never asked anyone for donations or made any sales pitch to buy anything from you. Not even made any attempt for a private communication via SKYPE. All the agents of dark do not like to do their work in the broad day light instead prefer to work like cockroaches that come out in the dark.
The world of today is about to change in a big way where money as we know today will not exist.
As for myself, I bought happily all the basic experimental starting apparatus through my on own desire to conduct replication of UFO experiments in my own time. That includes imperial motor kit. Sometimes projects may not move in time as expected, but thats life as we know. No sweat. Sometimes one has to go in tangent to solve some connected problem to the main project.
If anyone finds these experiments are over their budget limits please notice, you were never told that you have to do or buy.
As you correctly stated, “During the early stages of R&D phase it is expensive and once the goal is reached, the next phase is to make it cheap for the masses.”
Lets keep in perspective the nature of R&D.
When Thomas Edison was interviewed by a young reporter who boldly asked Mr. Edison if he felt like a failure and if he thought he should just give up by now. Perplexed, Edison replied, "Young man, why would I feel like a failure? And why would I ever give up? I now know definitively over 9,000 ways that an electric light bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp." And shortly after that, and over 10,000 attempts, Edison invented the light bulb. (N Tesla is my guy however)
Lets look back at some inventors such as Don Smith, Edwin Gray, and others. What they did was present a boxed up device simply to look for so called investers. These guys were hoping to make themselves fast millionaires BUT forgot one thing that they were in a pool where their were lot of other big sharks (big dirty stinking coal, oil, and other stuff who has no desire to give up their fortunes anytime soon) and not that do like competition. For these guys their greedy dreams came to ZERO, remained unfulfilled and their true purpose on this earth lost. Their sin was UMLIMMITED GREED and rightly said, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life.” No one except GOD is perfect and who knows all that was, is now, and all to come in the future.
We humans are said to be in his image. Sadly most who claim to be human are in essence little different than animals.
For it is said, “Man minus desire (greed) is God.”
Together as true human beings we can reach our goal much faster. If all humans became true humans there will be total peace on this earth.
Now after this message I am going upload new Arduino program to my experimenter gold mine dual pentagon motor Arduino(s) control rig. Looking forward to finally some results.
IT SEEMS we dont need assymetric motors for overunity!!! THE U.S.A. has for the first time given a patent to a OU device in 2006!!! IT is a motor generator setup and here is the patent number and info and phone conversation with him. IT seems THE UNITED NATION has bought the patent and is sitting on it for SEVERAL years and still tells the guy "check is in the mail" Thesis: Poorly-worded US QMoGen patent 7,095,126 may make it difficult to enforce
IT SEEMS we dont need assymetric motors for overunity!!! THE U.S.A. has for the first time given a patent to a OU device in 2006!!! IT is a motor generator setup and here is the patent number and info and phone conversation with him. IT seems THE UNITED NATION has bought the patent and is sitting on it for SEVERAL years and still tells the guy "check is in the mail" Thesis: Poorly-worded US QMoGen patent 7,095,126 may make it difficult to enforce
Hello @esesenergy
Can you be specific. On this thread Asymmetric motor technology is unique with many advantages not found in the symmetric motors. Have you tried atleast building one simple asymmetric motor for about $10 and tested it. Show us your wares and reasons before making statements like, "IT SEEMS we dont need asymmetric motors for overunity!!! ... and so on"
if you read it several more times ,you will see i never talked down the assym motor.I SAID "we dont need assymetric motors for overunity!!!" how is that specifically?
Hello @esesenergy point taken and sorry for over looking on my part. But in all fairness this thread is called "my-asymmetric-electrodynamic-machines."
By all means if you wish you are free to start your own thread called (may be) "patent problems and overunity devices" and so on. Good luck.
That might be the solution and need for some people.
Here we are trying various asymmetric motor configurations and many thanks to UFOPOLITICS for his many valuable contributions for which we are greatly appreciative.
Hi Light.
If you have a new aurdino sketch for the dual pentagons I would be very much appreciate getting it. Perhaps you could share it in the other thread.
@Lightworker and Hitby...Yes, completely agree too much noise here!...let's get back to work...
Hitby: Great Model you are getting there!...and yes, what I did was to attach the little caps out of board with hard wires (the same type that comes their legs when you buy them new), I just use some heat shrink tubing with color codes.
Now, I highly recommend when you finish all four Pairs...to use 2.2 uF/100V...instead of originals that come rated at 50V
What happened to me was that they tend to retain milli-voltage even after disconnecting power completely...somewhere in the 0.390 to 0.400 V...This caused the Machine to start slowing down and incrementing the amp draw, and risking to blow the IC 276 which is rated to sink only 300 mA Max...
I have found another chip I will eventually locate and purchase...the WSH413, that can stand 0.500 mA and can stand up to 36V. So far I only have found them at Alibaba and some manufacturer in China...but not in US.
I find this model very easy to work with...as we could also Scope each coil output through some openings we could make in the back black frame...
I also wonder what would happen when we add some non polarized caps between each output and their positives...or an LC Tank Circuit...what speed...will we reach resonance?...may need protective diodes not to fry IC's...got to find out..any ideas Hitby?
Hitby, realize that P1 and P2 are driven by one IC...as when you get second IC to run P3 and P4 (Do NOT try to run them all in parallel Pairs with only one IC...you definitively blow it, since resistance will drop to like 14 ohms!) we will be constructing a "Modular" chain of interactions of Two Pairs/One IC...or Four Pairs/Two IC's...now, set them "flat" or linear in your mind...then adapt that Linear Module to any divisible by four number of poles bigger circumference machines...as also we could connect Pairs in series across at 180º to balance-stabilize Radial forces...as we will also add more resistance per Groups of Independent Coils...
Great work my friend!...I will be releasing the video of the Four Pairs later on.
Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Second, and most important, the patent reveals the quad-pole magnet structure, the concept of the dipole is in my humble opinion an intentional red herring. The dipole in "my reality" (following bread crumbs left behind by Nature) consists of two counter rotating ring vortex. This structure has four main points where flux enters and leaves the structure, the north-south points we are familiar with, and east-west points at the equator.
Perhaps Russells image can be of inspiration? I thought of this when I read the above.
The stage is set UFO, preparations are being made, you will get what you want on my terms, and trust me, you will not like what you will see. That house of cards you built around yourself for the last year.....will fall.
Don't waste your time here, erfinder; don't you see he's completely lost in this asscemetery scam.
Ambitious loser big time, seems recovering addict; but damage already done, it's noticeable.
He has no clue how "symmetrical" motor works, covers himself under Tesla's name and have nothing close to His ideas.
Waste of time, but what a show
Watch him screaming and spitting and scorching now
Hello UFO Et all, Please dont be Prompted to prompt, Promt.
Regards Cornboy.
No worries Cornboy, thanks..
I already submitted a report on above post violating forum rules, hope Admin and Moderators would delete it soon.
I don't know why this guys IP's have not been banned completely from logging in, on this Scientific Forum. They do not contribute to absolutely nothing more than insults, criticizing and disrupting the useful work of others...while I get a lot of requests from excellent researchers and developers from You Tube and Google Channels that they can not Log In nor Subscribe on this Forum.
Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
I already submitted a report on above post violating forum rules, hope Admin and Moderators would delete it soon.
I don't know why this guys IP's have not been banned completely from logging in, on this Scientific Forum.
OK, before they ban me by IP
I'm (we're) building electric motors for years, and they work in principle no close that you're implying, no any 24% efficiency or series connection, you're insulting whole industry. We built you version right away (as many others), and it's no any better, it worse!
And you KNOW it!
Why still pulling peoples legs? It's you who should be banned from "scientific forum"; get your own site and rule there who is bad who is not that bad
Apologize and return money for them who been fooled by you.
But, anyway, it's an open source, you like it or you not i don't care...
No regards, no respect.