All Coil in the Pair are wound just like being One Straight Coil, now, when you have to "continue" your coil (after first wound one) into the second one, you must look at previous direction you were winding in the first, and no matter how it is disposed in those poles to wind in, you have to Keep the Same direction.
Imagine you "break", separate, One straight coil in Two Parts...Second part would be the bottom of coil, and insert that part in the other poles. Setting in order that second part separated , its bottom faces outwards to Stators as the First one you did.
Originally posted by pmazz850
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All Coil in the Pair are wound just like being One Straight Coil, now, when you have to "continue" your coil (after first wound one) into the second one, you must look at previous direction you were winding in the first, and no matter how it is disposed in those poles to wind in, you have to Keep the Same direction.
Imagine you "break", separate, One straight coil in Two Parts...Second part would be the bottom of coil, and insert that part in the other poles. Setting in order that second part separated , its bottom faces outwards to Stators as the First one you did.