QUOTE=promt;246613]Don't waste your time here, erfinder; don't you see he's completely lost in this asscemetery scam.
G'day UFO and Team
I read all the posts and I did a search on asscemetery scam and the only thing I could find was this
Jessie Gerard Trail, Barkhamsted, CT - Our Mind Is the Limit[
Here it makes reference to the first pic:-
First, there is an old-ass cemetery, each grave marked by an upright, unnamed stone
somehow I cannot relate whatsoever how or what UFO and this thread has to do with this asscemetery which by the way does not in any way seem a scam
it only talks about an Ass Cemetery
These extraordinary posts only show that these Naysayers really do not know what this thread is really all about they are really
and therefore I will not make any more comments or replies to their posts
Kindest regards UFO and team

Kogs @ Cornboy Sorry I really could not resist

G'day UFO and Team
I read all the posts and I did a search on asscemetery scam and the only thing I could find was this
Jessie Gerard Trail, Barkhamsted, CT - Our Mind Is the Limit[
Here it makes reference to the first pic:-
First, there is an old-ass cemetery, each grave marked by an upright, unnamed stone
somehow I cannot relate whatsoever how or what UFO and this thread has to do with this asscemetery which by the way does not in any way seem a scam

These extraordinary posts only show that these Naysayers really do not know what this thread is really all about they are really

and therefore I will not make any more comments or replies to their posts
Kindest regards UFO and team

Kogs @ Cornboy Sorry I really could not resist