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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • Apology...

    Let me first apologize to You publically in this forum for PM you...It wasn't my intention to publically or privately cause you animosity towards my ability to ask questions... Also I didn't mean to cause you any nervousness about mentioning to Patrick Kelly who asked how I got the info and I told Him. Its not my practice to divulge any private info to anyone, anytime or in the future... I got the various info from doing google searches...
    After I saw the buildup of tensions between you and another I can appreciate the gravity of being cautious in the PM arena.
    I do too much web searching as it is ( parts, schematics and various other interests ) to go thru each posts ( and I may have to anyway ) to the point of hurting my eyes on a consistent basis...
    I am new to this forum ( as you know ) and I am not savvy to protocol procedures...
    With that out of the way...
    I am not sure back emf is our enemy/I'm not there yet.
    My electrician friend called it surge and He ( old school ) didn't care where it went or how it went...
    My electronic Engineer friend ( 84 ) who died this Xmas laughed at Free Energy and said its not possible... I agreed to disagreed and build according to what I believe is correct. As I stated before ( in the forum )your motors are what Tesla originally wanted...efficiency.
    As I stated to Patrick Kelly ( and this is the Last Time I use His Name here )
    I don't like having to coax the motor to work... I spotted Woopy ( sorry to use your name ) spin it to start the motor and I also saw Lightworker1 do it and I saw Lindemann do it...I just saw one of your vids and it was go from the start.
    Anyway I am grateful to your work and your willingness to help me/us and anybody who is interested in your motors...

    All the Best
    And my name is Randy :-)
    ps spent the morning looking at dremels and equipment


    • Post Data: Midaz...eventually, after they complete this testings...and decide to go for a "Glorified,Upgraded... P56 Model"...then We will drop a Full Video and CAD to make the Dual Rotor P56...then see if they could get a couple of "samples" to test them in our Racing CBR's...

      Yes, we're on the same page. Dana and I were talking about that last night!: Neodymium magnets, thicker shaft, shiny aluminum case, short fat wires connected directly to a miniaturize JS Monster house on top!

      Keep it Clean and Green


      • Hi guys!

        After 208 pages of this thread, we should see some proofs of something, i guess...

        Is there any proof of anything about this ufo's concept of avoiding b.e.m.f., and achieving better torque, better efficency or maybe even COP > 1?

        This is food for thought here also: Asymmetrical motor Replication .... not looking good for UFO politics ! - YouTube

        Has anyone disproved objections of this guy with multimeters and exact tests and numbers, after 208 pages of this thread?

        By now (after 208 pages) i would expect great celebration of ufo's team as a result of gaining ground on petrodollar slave owners, and i am not ironic at all, just sincere and curious as always...

        "There is no love without prayer - there is no prayer without forgiveness because love is prayer - forgiveness is love." Virgin Marry - Immaculate Conception ...The geologists say it's not in the ground, the airforce says it's not in the air, the astronomers say it's not from space, so we are running out of options...


        • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
          Hi guys!

          After 208 pages of this thread, we should see some proofs of something, i guess...

          Is there any proof of anything about this ufo's concept of avoiding b.e.m.f., and achieving better torque, better efficency or maybe even COP > 1?

          This is food for thought here also: Asymmetrical motor Replication .... not looking good for UFO politics ! - YouTube

          Has anyone disproved objections of this guy with multimeters and exact tests and numbers, after 208 pages of this thread?

          By now (after 208 pages) i would expect great celebration of ufo's team as a result of gaining ground on petrodollar slave owners, and i am not ironic at all, just sincere and curious as always...


          Sorry things haven't moved as fast as you would like it to. We all do this in our free time and use our own personal money. So time and/or money is very limited for most of us. Furthermore, gaining access to a professional state of the art testing lad is not easy to get. Through all adversity, we are still proceeding forward. This thread is an excellent opportunity to learn something new and interact with some very nice people. In the past, there has been friction and losses but things are smoothing out considerably. Everyone here tries to be as helpful and understanding as possible. I hope that you noticed, in a few post before your post, that a handmade UFO motor is on the test bench at the original OEM. Their engineers will give us some definitive answers and questions in the next few weeks. Please be patient.

          Keep it Clean and Green


          • Results

            I second the Last post...
            Its been over 100 yrs or so of the establishment sucking untold wealth off the backs of ordinary ppl...
            My hat goes off to the ppl here who are willing to share what they have made and learned...

            Go replicators

            All the best


            • naysayers


              I viewed the video out of curiosity that you posted. I can name one fault with his build right off. He has the brush pairs permanently fixed. If you examine the successful builds here you will notice that the brush pairs have a slot and there is a very good reason for this. In all of ufo's instructions he talks about the need to get the brushes as close to the center dividing point of the stator magnets. He gives a rough position in his cad drawings but this has to be fine tuned in order to get the maximum torque out of the motor. I have done 5 successful replications of this motor both the r/s wind and the y wind or dual pentagon. In all of them I was unable to stop the motor with my finger tips, quite the opposite with the stock goldmine motors, I could easily stop them with my fingertips. Also the voltage that you can put through one of these rewound motors is easily double what you can safely put through a symmetrically wound motor. These motors when hooked up to a pulser drop down in amps draw considerably. The motors are much more efficient than the stock winds. I look forward to the testing that will be done at Imperial and I know that the motor will pass with flying colors. I am in the process of testing the motors I have with the pulsers and reworking the program to smooth out the action that I am seeing. Hopefully by the end of the week I will have made more progress in understanding the complications of the motor. But in spite of what you think each experimenter and replicator has made progress with their builds. We are not a bunch of sheep following the pied piper. We are adventurers that have seen solid results and are continuing because of those solid results. I really am not concerned about overunity at this point in my journey. I just want to build things that will beat the **** out of gas engines and not cost me a fortune in gas every time I take a trip. I believe if you continue to watch this thread with us you will see breakthrough after breakthrough.




              • Originally posted by Midaztouch View Post

                Yes, we're on the same page. Dana and I were talking about that last night!: Neodymium magnets, thicker shaft, shiny aluminum case, short fat wires connected directly to a miniaturize JS Monster house on top!

                Keep it Clean and Green
                Wow what a truly wild machine that would be with just simple available technology upgrades used in combination with the 125 year old buried knowledge. Can you imagine a modern corporation using readily available assets to break cleanly through with this forbidden technology, what a boon to its sales it should be. It would normally catch on like wildfire. Maybe this will sneak in under the radar...

                ps: Also add the BLDC elcetronics UFO just presented. Then another model with the double rotor especially since we would want an aluminum body:-)
                Last edited by sampojo; 02-17-2014, 01:35 PM.
                Up, Up and Away


                • Originally posted by cikljamas View Post
                  Hi guys!

                  After 208 pages of this thread, we should see some proofs of something, i guess...

                  Is there any proof of anything about this ufo's concept of avoiding b.e.m.f., and achieving better torque, better efficency or maybe even COP > 1?

                  This is food for thought here also: Asymmetrical motor Replication .... not looking good for UFO politics ! - YouTube

                  Has anyone disproved objections of this guy with multimeters and exact tests and numbers, after 208 pages of this thread?

                  By now (after 208 pages) i would expect great celebration of ufo's team as a result of gaining ground on petrodollar slave owners, and i am not ironic at all, just sincere and curious as always...

                  G'day Team
                  I just today received these 4 babies

                  They just did a 1000klm trip from Portland to Warrnambool to Ferntree gully
                  and back to Portland a round trip that cost $606.50

                  Tomorrow I will try to find where I can send the P56 beauty to get her tested if the trip was good for her and what she can do now.

                  In this order these babies will continue their journey
                  One of the smaller ones goes into my Bicycle the other probably sit as a spare the medium sized on is going into my Tricycle I have about half built, the P56 well she will eventually be connecting to my Mecc-Alte alternator head.

                  As you can see we are getting there but slowly these long trips always take Time.

                  @ cikljamas
                  Did you even spend $12.00 and do the modification yourself just do the first experiment for yourself and see what UFO had disclosed to us is real I see you watch other people who say they do not have any good results and would rather make videos to show they did not get any results instead of asking here what is going wrong. we here do have results.

                  I have tried to show my results to electrically qualified engineers they do not even want to see what I have achieved they just say it wont work.

                  I am sure if we showed this person where he is wrong do you think he would even listen to us.
                  We here are interested in progress not trying to disprove others its just a waste of time

                  But here we have people who do have results and are convinced enough to spend further $$$$$'s to expand on their findings if we were not seeing the results do you think we would waste our money and time.

                  So cikljamas spend $12.00 do some experimenting show us here what you have achieved if something does not go exactly right as you can see if you read through the threads that there is here help.

                  Kindest regards to all

                  Kogs progressing slowly


                  • Originally posted by iankoglin View Post
                    G'day Team
                    I just today received these 4 babies

                    They just did a 1000klm trip from Portland to Warrnambool to Ferntree gully
                    and back to Portland a round trip that cost $606.50

                    Tomorrow I will try to find where I can send the P56 beauty to get her tested if the trip was good for her and what she can do now.

                    In this order these babies will continue their journey
                    One of the smaller ones goes into my Bicycle the other probably sit as a spare the medium sized on is going into my Tricycle I have about half built, the P56 well she will eventually be connecting to my Mecc-Alte alternator head.

                    As you can see we are getting there but slowly these long trips always take Time.

                    @ cikljamas
                    Did you even spend $12.00 and do the modification yourself just do the first experiment for yourself and see what UFO had disclosed to us is real I see you watch other people who say they do not have any good results and would rather make videos to show they did not get any results instead of asking here what is going wrong. we here do have results.

                    I have tried to show my results to electrically qualified engineers they do not even want to see what I have achieved they just say it wont work.

                    I am sure if we showed this person where he is wrong do you think he would even listen to us.
                    We here are interested in progress not trying to disprove others its just a waste of time

                    But here we have people who do have results and are convinced enough to spend further $$$$$'s to expand on their findings if we were not seeing the results do you think we would waste our money and time.

                    So cikljamas spend $12.00 do some experimenting show us here what you have achieved if something does not go exactly right as you can see if you read through the threads that there is here help.

                    Kindest regards to all

                    Kogs progressing slowly

                    That a perfect gift box! They look soo pretty! I wish my wife would gave it to me as a gift for Valentine's Day instead of an electric razor.

                    I think I may need one of the 1000w motors from you in the future. Im looking forward to seeing your bike in action soon

                    Keep it Clean and Green


                    • Beautifull kids there Kogs, looks like #56 needed some smoothing out, youngsters can be difficult, sometimes.

                      You Guys are the Best.

                      Warm Regards Cornboy.

                      PS. would love one of those DYNO's, Midas & DANA.


                      • Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                        Beautifull kids there Kogs, looks like #56 needed some smoothing out, youngsters can be difficult, sometimes.

                        You Guys are the Best.

                        Warm Regards Cornboy.

                        PS. would love one of those DYNO's, Midas & DANA.

                        You are our home run hitter! Get that mag motor ready by all means! Your up next!

                        Keep it Clean and Green


                        • @kogs
                          Those armatures look fantastically asymmetrical. Hope to see 9000 rpm coming out of those motors eh? Great work kogs keep it up.
                          When is your isle of man race scheduled? Seems like you and Dana have made great progress on the Imperial, how is the bike coming along is it ready for a heart transplant yet?? Can't wait for you to post the results of those torque tests.




                          • Hello All

                            Congrads on your work there...
                            That's very nice indeed.
                            Thanx for sharing.

                            All the Best


                            • [QUOTE=Cornboy 555;250857], looks like #56 needed some smoothing out,

                              Warm Regards Cornboy.

                              G'day Cornboy, et al
                              They told me that the p56 was the hardest to balance
                              I did tell them to balance the 3 smaller ones to 3-4000 revs but the largesr one to 9000 revs as when UFU was testing his machine he said it needs to have a no load speed of 9000
                              I am going to assemble all these beauties today or tomorrow or the day after I have sooo many things to do at the moment I think I will finish off my tricycle first. I hate starting jobs and then leaving them aside to do something else.
                              Kindest regards to you all

                              PS I sent my engineer friend an email with the IP address of my previous photos here and when they opened up the page they could not remove it as it said it was waiting for a reply so every time they open up their Mail there is my avatar still working

                              Kogs still here


                              • [QUOTE=iankoglin;250870]
                                Originally posted by Cornboy 555 View Post
                                , looks like #56 needed some smoothing out,

                                Warm Regards Cornboy.

                                G'day Cornboy, et al
                                They told me that the p56 was the hardest to balance
                                I did tell them to balance the 3 smaller ones to 3-4000 revs but the largesr one to 9000 revs as when UFU was testing his machine he said it needs to have a no load speed of 9000
                                I am going to assemble all these beauties today or tomorrow or the day after I have sooo many things to do at the moment I think I will finish off my tricycle first. I hate starting jobs and then leaving them aside to do something else.
                                Kindest regards to you all

                                PS I sent my engineer friend an email with the IP address of my previous photos here and when they opened up the page they could not remove it as it said it was waiting for a reply so every time they open up their Mail there is my avatar still working

                                Kogs still here

                                The green coating on the Imperial looks a little thick. Is it spinning freely inside. Then immediately test the imperial at 36v and 48volts. Must check for heavy sparking

                                Keep it Clean and Green

