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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • Nice Play...

    Originally posted by prochiro View Post
    Hi All
    This is a vary slow day as I am waiting for fiberglass to dry on the stator. So I decided to write you guys a story about a broadway play.
    There was this play writer (UFO) who worked for many years on a story that he felt deeply about. He kept writing and changing untill he got the play just how he wanted it. After he finished it, he started to get a cast together to do the play, but there was a snag. The leading part was so hard that no one thought they could do it and would not try out for the part. Time went on and on and then one day, one brave man (Turion) stepped up and said he would do the part. Everyone was relieved about getting a leading man and went to work on there own parts. Practice went well, some good days some not so good but the day of the play opening came fast. Ufo was excited to see what the audience would think about his work. Turion was going over in his head his lines and knew he had them down even though a few lines were changed a day or two ago. That afternoon, a big storm came up with heavy wind and rain causing the power to go out. Everyone was upset but Turion convinced them that the play could go on if they all got their flishlights and used them to light the stage. Seven thirty came and all were in there places, the curtin went up and the play started. All went good for about fifteen minutes when the flashlights started to run down. Turion tripped over a stage prop in the dark and went rolling. At that time a member of the audience started laughing and shouting about how stupid the cast was. UFO, who was expecting something quite different, just hung his head. As you might imagine, the play was stoped and all went home to sleep.
    The story does not end here though.
    Later the next week, everyone knew that things had gotten off to a bad start and decided to try it again that next friday nite. The odds of another storm were not good and everyone decided that if another heckler came that he would be ignored. Well what do you know, the play went perfect. UFO was given the author award of the year. Turion went on to do other difficult parts in broadway. The audience will remember the play for the rest of their lives.
    Well it is time to check if the fiberglass is dry and apply another coat. Hope you all liked the story, now get to work.
    Hey Dana,

    I love Broadway Plays...
    You've got some great artistic talent to write them!...well you said before you are an it is expected...
    But you know what?...Last night...(in the middle of the Play)...there was a storm here...and Power DID went lost my post-response till this morning...when all was reset to normal...

    So...incredibly there was some "lights off" last night...


    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • air core stator pulsing

      Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
      Hello Adilu,

      I am glad you are beginning to understand..

      The Fiberglass Stator DOES manifests like a Static Stator (Permanent Magnets included) when fed Timeless Machine Video

      Ok, if we feed linear an Air Stator/Fiberglass or any Plastic Coil, the "HOT INDUCTION" manifests but very low, so low it will not have enough strength to induce Rotor Coils like it will if Stator would have a massive laminated Steel Core. In the case of the Permanent Magnet, its Ferrous Composition inside its core will enhance a Hot Magnetic Field to project therefore induce in Rotor Coils. However, that Induction will manifest opposite to Motor Rotation, creating drag or Counter Generator Action against Motor performance...

      Now, If we pulse the same Air Core Stator with a square wave...then it will induce highly on Rotor Coils (Only IF Rotor Coils are wound the same direction as Stator) at, exactly the Wave Off Times, and very robust. That Effect is due to Radiant Energy Field properties, it WILL induce through air like Hot will never do. Now, that Induction is "Positive" to our Motor Rotation...not will assist it.


      hi UFO
      tks for the answer
      i need time to chew it
      first part i essence a sharp electric pulse will create a radiant response at 90 degree to trajectory of that pulse(the sting effect Tesla talked about)...the "induction" is from radiant field not magnetic one.....this is where i was confuse .....niceeeeee!!! thank you UFO for explaining this to all like me.
      Now the hard part is how this effect creates movement in the rotor?
      if the coil is wound the same direction as stator then....... ?????
      it has to be a natural rule here regarding radiant intersecting the copper wire....
      the big question is (in my head ):how radiant wave(it is a longitudinal wave no?) affects matter(copper)???
      damn this is difficult to comprehend
      in romania is late now and i'm tired so i will dream this tonight

      anyway many thanks UFO


      • Three pole Asymmetric Machine---my learning tool

        @UFO & All
        I made a simple three pole machine using the same simple "learning tool" setup that I showed before. It runs but it doesn't generate correctly. It might be the brush/commutator configuration or the permanent magnets I'm using. Don't know. It runs super good as a motor though in all the different configurations. Here it is running on a 10F cap with 2.5 volts.

        Three Pole Asymmetric machine ---learning tool - YouTube

        I will be gone on sailing vacation for awhile but I will take a netbook computer with me. I might check in from time to time.



        • air core stator pulsing

          i'm stupid
          the radiant wave is actually affecting the magnetic field in rotor coils...not the wire itself ?????

          i'm very confused


          • tks

            Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
            @UFO & All
            I made a simple three pole machine using the same simple "learning tool" setup that I showed before. It runs but it doesn't generate correctly. It might be the brush/commutator configuration or the permanent magnets I'm using. Don't know. It runs super good as a motor though in all the different configurations. Here it is running on a 10F cap with 2.5 volts.

            Three Pole Asymmetric machine ---learning tool - YouTube

            I will be gone on sailing vacation for awhile but I will take a netbook computer with me. I might check in from time to time.

            hello Lidmotor

            thank you for the vid...i actually need this (for dummies)


            • Hello Vincevl!

              Originally posted by Vincevl View Post
              Received my Johnson motors off eBay yesterday. Can't wait to get started.

              I did some basic measurements. If you're interested you can watch here Asymmetric Electrodynamic DC Motor - YouTube

              If you think of any other measurements to take please let me know.

              Thanks again UFO!!


              Hello Vincevl,

              Last night I was watching your video, however could not completed because an outage here...

              I see you got'em and test'em in great detail, awesome!
              Are they three or five poles?
              What are your plans?...Are you gonna make two Mods and test them as Motor Generators assembled?
              Or just one Mod to test it against original spec's?
              Now here is a small test-measurement for you to make...

              On the motor to be stripped, before doing it, get armature out..and calculate a close to Half of their coils...(it should have two brushes...), then cut the wires at each extreme of the half section...clean the enamel from wire and measure resistance of those half armature series connected coils....then measure other side and compare them...they must be somewhere very close.
              This will give you an approximate of how much resistance you will need in your Mod, at Input terminals read out...meaning, if you have a Three Pole, then each coil should read that same resistance value.

              Now a Three pole I know it is difficult to "divide in half" all you do is measure each independent coil and just divide one in half and add it to one value...So you will have the 1 1/2 perfect measurement. So your Mod Single Coil will be 1 1/2 of One original one...


              Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


              • Great work as always!!

                Originally posted by Lidmotor View Post
                @UFO & All
                I made a simple three pole machine using the same simple "learning tool" setup that I showed before. It runs but it doesn't generate correctly. It might be the brush/commutator configuration or the permanent magnets I'm using. Don't know. It runs super good as a motor though in all the different configurations. Here it is running on a 10F cap with 2.5 volts.

                Three Pole Asymmetric machine ---learning tool - YouTube

                I will be gone on sailing vacation for awhile but I will take a netbook computer with me. I might check in from time to time.


                Hello Lidmotor!!

                Oh first...have a great Sailing vacation may the wind be blowing always in your a great weather follow you!!

                Nice little compact three pole armature!!...such nice detailed small commutators...great job.

                Now, below I am posting my three pole diagram...note how the magnets wrap around N-1 (Green Wire) being energized by M Brush (upper one only shown here) . While the other two are still also wrapped around the stators...And You said it in your video..."It must be the way the stators wrap around.."...As I believe your Commutators related to Coils are perfectly well positioned...since it rotates so great...

                Once you get Half wrap around will get higher some voltage gain at output...Since Your Static Magnetic Field pattern will be greater and comprehending almost the 360 degrees...


                Regards and have fun!

                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                • Seven pole


                  It's seven poles and I wound the coils starting around three pole at a time.
                  I made a CAD drawing of it before I wound it but I only have it as a .dwg file.
                  I have convert it to a .jpg file but its not perfect in your colors.
                  I did try the brushes at every 51.5 degrees and didn't get any movement even with a little help.
                  Here's a picture of it.
                  I will also be posting some pictures, in a minute, of my newly adopted twins..
                  Seven Pole Motor :: ufosevenpole2.jpg picture by AMP2000 - Photobucket
                  Thank you for looking at this.

                  Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                  Hello Dear,

                  Could you tell me how many poles are you doing there?...if three...could you show it open, without one brush casing...?
                  If it is a 3 pole...have you set brushes at 90 to stators, like in my diagram?

                  let me know




                  • UFO,

                    I added a few pictures to that CAD drawing.

                    Seven Pole Motor pictures by AMP2000 - Photobucket

                    Originally posted by Ufopolitics View Post
                    Hello Dear,

                    Could you tell me how many poles are you doing there?...if three...could you show it open, without one brush casing...?
                    If it is a 3 pole...have you set brushes at 90 to stators, like in my diagram?

                    let me know




                    • [QUOTE=Ufopolitics;205298]Member:

                      This "People" are like "Predators" flying around watching and waiting to see some rotten meet...some spoiled flesh...just to then make their "Debut" to show their stinking smell...



                      It is politically incorrect to use this word as it is very close to the good Welsh family name of Pugh.

                      You are probably aware that in Italy you use Di or De in front of a name to indicate "son of", in Scotland it is "Mac", in Ireland it is "O"

                      Well in Wales it is "Ap" or " Ab". Over time the "A" was not pronounced, so son of Owen became Bowen, son of Harry became Parry, son of Richard became Pritchard and surprise surprise son of Hugh became Pugh

                      I hope you all enjoyed the lesson,



                      • What I can see...

                        Originally posted by Rl2003 View Post

                        It's seven poles and I wound the coils starting around three pole at a time.
                        I made a CAD drawing of it before I wound it but I only have it as a .dwg file.
                        I have convert it to a .jpg file but its not perfect in your colors.
                        I did try the brushes at every 51.5 degrees and didn't get any movement even with a little help.
                        Here's a picture of it.
                        I will also be posting some pictures, in a minute, of my newly adopted twins..
                        Seven Pole Motor :: ufosevenpole2.jpg picture by AMP2000 - Photobucket
                        Thank you for looking at this.
                        Hello Mark,

                        Ok, what I can that Three poles in this configuration, and don't take me wrong, it looks awesome!...but all six poles that takes One Pair takes too much of the whole 360 degrees...So, what happens is that One Coil at pair may be repelled while the other is "anchor" at dead center of stator...So I recommend to take a closer look at it on your CAD...and rotate just watching one Pair versus Stators positioning.

                        We always need some degrees of freedom in this design, after they get energized...remember it is at idling where they reverse and we have to arrange for all this to happen within the 360 degrees.

                        Coils at Pairs while getting energized (brush sweep angle) can never get "too close" to dead center of you have to play that very avoid it.

                        Don't know if you understood me well, please let me know, it even sounded "confusing" for me, while trying to write it...

                        Anyways, My solution would be that each Coil wrap around Two Poles...not three, So the Pair will get involved Four Poles...can it be done that way??...I will try on my CAD...


                        Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-11-2012, 10:56 PM.
                        Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                        • Great, thank you Ron


                          This "People" are like "Predators" flying around watching and waiting to see some rotten meet...some spoiled flesh...just to then make their "Debut" to show their stinking smell...


                          It is politically incorrect to use this word as it is very close to the good Welsh family name of Pugh.

                          You are probably aware that in Italy you use Di or De in front of a name to indicate "son of", in Scotland it is "Mac", in Ireland it is "O"

                          Well in Wales it is "Ap" or " Ab". Over time the "A" was not pronounced, so son of Owen became Bowen, son of Harry became Parry, son of Richard became Pritchard and surprise surprise son of Hugh became Pugh

                          I hope you all enjoyed the lesson,


                          Hello Ron,

                          Very good to learn...every day I do...and I love it...Thanks!!

                          So my apologies to the Pugh Family!!


                          Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                          • Ok...Think this will work ...

                            Originally posted by Rl2003 View Post

                            It's seven poles and I wound the coils starting around three pole at a time.
                            I made a CAD drawing of it before I wound it but I only have it as a .dwg file.
                            I have convert it to a .jpg file but its not perfect in your colors.
                            I did try the brushes at every 51.5 degrees and didn't get any movement even with a little help.
                            Here's a picture of it.
                            I will also be posting some pictures, in a minute, of my newly adopted twins..
                            Seven Pole Motor :: ufosevenpole2.jpg picture by AMP2000 - Photobucket
                            Thank you for looking at this.

                            Hello Mark,

                            I re-arranged your two poles per coil/four per note it has more play to the point Motor Angle (Magenta) goes from P1 (Center) .is where You have to trigger P1, right at that Bisector-Angle related to Stators...
                            P7 is at dead center to south...not a good point to trigger it remains between P1 to P2 and could extend to P3...(I edit prior description, so Trigger Angle is from P1,P2,P3...NOT P7, therefore you could trigger Motor anywhere there or adjust it ( set correct timing )
                            Please note I ended Pair Coils definition lines right at Pole, in order to set there the <-P#->, but they comprehend the two poles before.

                            I just displayed Input (Motor) Angle, however note that P4,P5 will be at Opposite Generating Stage while you trigger P1...they are intersect at should work fine.
                            Wow!!, it is a "Very Asymmetrical One"...
                            Please let me know.



                            P.D: I believe Member Bbem (Bert) had a Motor like this one (7 Pole)...weird breed!!...and I did not had the time to figure it out for him when He ask me a while back...well here it is Bert!!
                            Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-12-2012, 12:42 AM.
                            Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


                            • Seven pole

                              All right you got me, Thank you. I was just working on this and you
                              already had it done. I think I was close as well, I just don't have the
                              pairs starting from different poles . I modeled it from the Five pole that you did early
                              on in this thread.

                              Thanks again, I will rewire this one..

                              Attached Files


                              • I tried that one...

                                Originally posted by Rl2003 View Post
                                All right you got me, Thank you. I was just working on this and you
                                already had it done. I think I was close as well, I just don't have the
                                pairs starting from different poles . I modeled it from the Five pole that you did early
                                on in this thread.

                                Thanks again, I will rewire this one..


                                Hey Mark,

                                I tried that one..sorry it will not work...Asymmetrical Geometry is not an "Easy Piece"...Look in your new drawing you trigger P1...So look at Pairs next to it...P2 North is at dead center with South stator, meaning Locked...and so is P7 South Coil...Repelled at dead center to South...You need a bit more "extra play"...extra room there...

                                Your "Room" to leave, jump one pole in between like in my it...

                                I corrected the Trigger Angle...



                                Last edited by Ufopolitics; 08-12-2012, 01:08 AM.
                                Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci

