Hi everyone great work! Sorry to come out of left field here but has anyone tried wrapping a coil of wire around their motors to see if they get power.
No announcement yet.
My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostHi ALL,
please do not see any contradiction between Ufo's motors and Tesla's work. Great scientists state that human race is not able to comprehend the reality in one chunk. We all can see only some planes of a crystal at same time.
What Ufo detected and shares is such a cluster of plains. This does not contradict at all to other of Tesla's statements. Nevertheless the facts you Dr-Green mentioned is important to keep in mind in order to not miss the junction to other planes. As you Ufo state your teaching is not the end of knowldge - right!
@DadHav: Thanks for sharing these great tests!
@UFO: Your comment to DadHav's testing is overwhelming. In summary I understand the following (please correct if wrong):
- We can not measure the cold electricity with our meters.
- The input power of a motor measured is only one side of the coin.
- A battery supplying a radiant motor behaves different from the case of driving a symmetrical motor.
- We need to account for a consumption (drain) factor: i.e. BAttery 1Ah / If a asymmetric motor consumes (measured) 1A the effective battery drain might be 0.1A (drain factor 0.1). This means that we can see the battery as having 1Ah /0.1 = 10 Ah or we account for drain current 0.1 times current measured.
- Direct recharging of the drive battery might be not be successful but interchange of two batteries (one for drive and one for charge). Similar finding from Ed Grey, Bedini, Tesla switch .....)
- The mesaurement of the drain factor mentioned above is a viable test in order to account (measure) for cold electricity (similarities to Bedini!!!).
If the idea of the drain factor can be confirmed then we can calculate with it for OU / self runner: i.e.- Battery voltage 10V
- 1A hot current (measured) => 10Watt
- Drain factor 0.1 -> 1W real battery consumption
- The need for recharge of the second battery is 1Watt times charge factor - let's say 1.2 Watt. This allowes for losses in generator section and allowes mechanical power additionally.
- Then we get the second battery fully charged at the very same time when the primary battery is discharged. Change battery and continue operation. Or do the intechange on a regular basis -> see Tesla switch!
- Please consider that the self runner might be viable at bigger motors only because of higher effitiency.
@DadHav: I'm shure you own a device for measuring V/A/Wh for battery operation. So it would be an easy test for you in order to check for drain factor with symmetrical and assymmetrical motors idling and with mechanical load.
Question to Ufo:
What is the allowed load at the generator section of your motors. As far I understand the matter it shall not exceed the energy wasted in the windings normally. Exeeding this energy draw will possibly increase 1:1 the input power. So DadHAv you might be right - it's all a matter of impodance (mentioned by Bedini as well!)
rgds John
John H.
Hi Les,
It is very probable that your hooking a capacitor in parallel with the motor you created a parallel LC circuit from the motor 'residual' coil inductance + the cap, whereby the resonant frequency may have fallen near to the "frequency' of the RPM of the motor. IF this happened, then the LC circuit as THE load (instead of the earlier motor) increased its own impedance by becoming a parallel circuit and its loading effect got reduced while the reactive current inside the LC circuit got increased by Q times of the new load current.
Of course, this would not explain why you did not see sparking on the brushes... IT would be very good to reconstruct the same setup if that is possible and you still have the same capacitor.
Thanks, Gyula
Originally posted by Les_K View PostThis is very true John,
In building the G-field I found a bell curve in power output. At 2.11 ohms on the load I had about 35 watts. 2.3 or 1.8 and power output dropped off to something about 4watts..
Now here is where it got interesting was when I hooked a little motor like these to the output of my SSG. Let's see if I can describe this....
I unhooked the SSG from the power supply and hooked the motor up. Measured that it was pulling 180ma which happened to be the same as the SSG. I re-hooked the SSG and then hooked the motor on the output of the SSG and it ran the same as hooked to the power supply. Then for some reason I decided to hook a cap in parallel with the motor. The motor accelerated to such a high speed it was making a horrific screeching sound. No sparking on the brushes and no heat...
So if you follow that, You realize that the SSG with the same power as the motor running directly from the power supply freaked the motor right out...
I think UFO is going to help us understand more about it, I simply found it interesting and moved on without ever realizing it's significance.
Originally posted by Les_K View PostThis is very true John,
In building the G-field I found a bell curve in power output. At 2.11 ohms on the load I had about 35 watts. 2.3 or 1.8 and power output dropped off to something about 4watts..
Now here is where it got interesting was when I hooked a little motor like these to the output of my SSG. Let's see if I can describe this....
I unhooked the SSG from the power supply and hooked the motor up. Measured that it was pulling 180ma which happened to be the same as the SSG. I re-hooked the SSG and then hooked the motor on the output of the SSG and it ran the same as hooked to the power supply. Then for some reason I decided to hook a cap in parallel with the motor. The motor accelerated to such a high speed it was making a horrific screeching sound. No sparking on the brushes and no heat...
So if you follow that, You realize that the SSG with the same power as the motor running directly from the power supply freaked the motor right out...
I think UFO is going to help us understand more about it, I simply found it interesting and moved on without ever realizing it's significance.
How were the coils in your G-field configured? Were they configured like the coils in the ferris wheel hub motor?
Originally posted by DadHav View Post..... I'd be glad to test any way I can as long everyone is willing to except the results as they are noted. ...
I am so sorry reading again and again those deavlish misunderstandings. Unfortunately this is a usual human behaviour. But just now contacts are kind and gentle in this thread.
Ufo tries to focus on some specific planes of the crystal and this is the playground (scope) of this thread. Nevertheless other planes exist and are related somehow - and need to be kept in mind. Fortunately a community owns a plurality of brains and they can keep this knowledge alive. And they can give hints at essential waypoints of such a thread.
I feel that the main reason for controversies is if we do not accept the scope of a project and if we feel rejected with our contributions being outside the scope. But that is a terrible misundesrtanding. We as humans are restricted in mind and need to focus on a specific playground and after we got some additional and specific knowledge we will look beyond the fence in order to complete the scope being up there.
Nevertheless all hints are worthy to read and remember but we have two hands only, 24 hours a day and restricted funds.
In summary: Your contributions are appreciated and show to everybody that direct COP measurements may not hit the goal as they would be too hasty.
I am am sorry that I am very restricted in time and rarely can add some practical work aside reading. For a non native English speaker it is sometimes very time consuming to follow different ways of expression and slangs. Nevertheless it is the best English course I ever hadThanks to all of you!!!
I would be very interesting to confirm a battery to behave different while driving asymmetric and symmetric motors.
1. Use motors as they are at constant voltage and measure the Ah drawn to the motors under load (air screw)
2. Control the rotation speed by PWM to be the same for both motors and measure again.
Conforming J.Bedini the batteries can be formatted radiant events so multiple cycles with same motor could be enlighting.
I feel those tests can tell us a lot in order to know how to proceed in future. Of course I ask Ufo and others if he can contribute some corrections or additions in order to have measurments on a agreed basis.
AND PLEASE: Do not contribute impossibilities (a bumblebee can't fly - scinetifically but furtunately it is no scientist) but help what we CAN do!
Warm Regards
JohnLast edited by JohnStone; 07-23-2012, 01:28 PM.Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by Les_K View PostThis is very true John,
In building the G-field I found a bell curve in power output. At 2.11 ohms on the load I had about 35 watts. 2.3 or 1.8 and power output dropped off to something about 4watts..
Now here is where it got interesting was when I hooked a little motor like these to the output of my SSG. Let's see if I can describe this....
I unhooked the SSG from the power supply and hooked the motor up. Measured that it was pulling 180ma which happened to be the same as the SSG. I re-hooked the SSG and then hooked the motor on the output of the SSG and it ran the same as hooked to the power supply. Then for some reason I decided to hook a cap in parallel with the motor. The motor accelerated to such a high speed it was making a horrific screeching sound. No sparking on the brushes and no heat...
So if you follow that, You realize that the SSG with the same power as the motor running directly from the power supply freaked the motor right out...
I think UFO is going to help us understand more about it, I simply found it interesting and moved on without ever realizing it's significance.
I was trying to do this same hook up earlier this week using the modified motor and could not get my little motor to spin. when you say you had it hooked up to the output, do you mean you just replaced the output battery with the motor?
I have placed a coil in series w/ the output battery pos, hooked up just like a node, then place the coil on the wheel for increase in RPM using the paramagnetic core.
my thought in hooking up the mod motor to the SSG output was the talk on pulsing the power in. I'll try again. my tests on the mod motor this weekend are consistent with Dadhav's - the efficiencies I reported in an earlier post were due to the different magnets and taking the motor out of the case. I have to say... the mod motor has no sparks on the commutator and the non mod does. need to complete one more true mod to hook up as UFO suggests....
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostHi,
I am so sorry reading again and again those deavlish misunderstandings. Unfortunately this is a usual human behaviour. But just now contacts are kind and gentle in this thread.
Ufo tries to focus on some specific planes of the crystal and this is the playground (scope) of this thread. Nevertheless other planes exist and are related somehow - and need to be kept in mind. Fortunately a community owns a plurality of brains and they can keep this knowledge alive. And they can give hints at essential waypoints of such a thread.
I feel that the main reason for controversies is if we do not accept the scope of a project and if we feel rejected with our contributions being outside the scope. But that is a terrible misundesrtanding. We as humans are restricted in mind and need to focus on a specific playground and after we got some additional and specific knowledge we will look beyond the fence in order to complete the scope being up there.
Nevertheless all hints are worthy to read and remember but we have two hands only, 24 hours a day and restricted funds.
In summary: Your contributions are appreciated and show to everybody that direct COP measurements may not hit the goal as they would be too hasty.
I am am sorry that I am very restricted in time and rarely can add some practical work aside reading. For a non native English speaker it is sometimes very time consuming to follow different ways of expression and slangs. Nevertheless it is the best English course I ever hadThanks to all of you!!!
I would be very interesting to confirm a battery to behave different while driving asymmetric and symmetric motors.
1. Use motors as they are at constant voltage and measure the Ah drawn to the motors under load (air screw)
2. Control the rotation speed by PWM to be the same for both motors and measure again.
Conforming J.Bedini the batteries can be formatted radiant events so multiple cycles with same motor could be enlighting.
I feel those tests can tell us a lot in order to know how to proceed in future. Of course I ask Ufo and others if he can contribute some corrections or additions in order to have measurments on a agreed basis.
AND PLEASE: Do not contribute impossibilities (a bumblebee can't fly - scinetifically but furtunately it is no scientist) but help what we CAN do!
Warm Regards
Would it matter if the tests where done with LAB, LiPo or low self discharge NiCad. Capacitors is an option also. The high KV of the Mod might make a lower voltage battery a better option. That might limit the use of LAB's. Also a change of the duty cycle could have a big difference in how the coils react to their on off state, No? Should the RS Mod be connected with both commutators so the KV would be similar to the RS Mod? There certainly must be a difference in the motor when there is a load on the output or the output coils are used in the series connection for run mode. John my time is greatly limited also, especially in the summer, but I'll see what I can get to.
UFO would know this answer: I wonder how to identical R/C speed controls would work for the project?
John H.
Back to UFO..
Originally posted by DadHav View PostLes, I remember you telling me about that. Man, I think you should re-visit that experiment. It sounds like it could be important.
gyula, I think you might be on to something....
If you have access to monopole_2 you can look into the photos section and see the whole thing. PM me if you would like more info as I don't want to distract from the thread.....
Yes, I replaced the charge battery with the motor.
As usual, I have been thinking too much, but as I look at the five section stator that you are going to wind with ONE wire, and the wound armature that has to have commutators at both ends with two sets of brushes, and all those wires, I can't help but wonder if a configuration change would be possible in this motor, and thought I might bring it up here and see what you thought. In all probability I still do not understand the geometry of this setup and am out in left field, but I seem to spend a LOT of time there, and have grown quite comfortable.
Anyway, would it be possible to use a SINGLE wire on the armature so that you have a solid commutator at each end (for your plus and minus). The wire could be separated into sections with coils that have spaces in between each one, but are still one long wire. Then all the MAJOR wiring would be on the stator. Several different wires which are pulsed through mechanical or other means (simple switches possibly??)
It would end up looking a little like the Bedini/Cole window motor. If this is not possible, I understand, but it would SIMPLIFY the building and replication process if it is. Especially for building home made armatures, which now become very simple. The complex part becomes the stator, which while now a little more complex to build, requires nowhere near the precision of the stator.
Dave“Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
—Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist
Originally posted by DadHav View Post......An RS motor and the Mod with the same load (air-screw) Each motor would be set to the same RPM by using PWM circuits. Two identical battery packs would be monitored for discharge rates or possible conditioning from a possible unmeasurable return of potential from the motor.
Would it matter if the tests where done with LAB, LiPo or low self discharge NiCad. Capacitors is an option also. The high KV of the Mod might make a lower voltage battery a better option. That might limit the use of LAB's. Also a change of the duty cycle could have a big difference in how the coils react to their on off state, No? Should the RS Mod be connected with both commutators so the KV would be similar to the RS Mod? There certainly must be a difference in the motor when there is a load on the output or the output coils are used in the series connection for run mode. John my time is greatly limited also, especially in the summer, but I'll see what I can get to.
UFO would know this answer: I wonder how to identical R/C speed controls would work for the project?
lots of questions. If you open one vessel you get lots of mosquitos flying around and they become vessels again and if you open one of them......
First of all we do not know what the real physics is and we do not know if SHE is afraid of PWM circuits. Probably not but who knows. Ufo's scooter runs well with PWM accellerator. But if we block her we might deviate from her for the rest of our life.
Therefore the first steps shall be run without additional electronics. The amps are not so trimendous different and if you are able to measure the Ah taken out of the battery the first test should be testing a load for i.e. 1 hour and measure the charging energy for recharge. This would be the most genuine operation and needs to be repeated 3 times in order to get a staistical valuable measurement. Then we will get the fist hint on where the magic can be expected and explored.
Regarding the battery type: J. Bedini recommends lead acid but he got the Tesla switch running with NiCd as well. ron Brandt did not succedd with modern types of lead acid batteries. So I would suggest to use a battery pack where we can measure the recharge energy most precisely - perhaps LiPo. Ufo uses them as well with great success.
Please understand that these tests are for valuation only in order to find out where to tease the setup (HER) most effectively.
BTW: I am a bit confused on how accurate the AH meters for DC really are. We need to have a look to it. We could get aliasing affects between motor frequency and measurement frequency. If you intend to have a giant choke in series you can use a heavy transformer (i.e. MOT) and connect the low voltage winding in series to your current (because of low ohms). Short circuit the high voltage winding. Then you can measure between battery and choke real DC current and voltage. But we will possibly do this in futher tests.
Question: Does anybody know a source for such a Ah meter for DC with USB connection. I found only one supplyer but the price is 270$ added shipping and VAT - not viable
Another good idea would be using a giant charged cap and measure the mAh taken out down to a certain voltage.
JohnStoneExperts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.
Originally posted by minoly View PostHi Les,
I was trying to do this same hook up earlier this week using the modified motor and could not get my little motor to spin. when you say you had it hooked up to the output, do you mean you just replaced the output battery with the motor?
I have placed a coil in series w/ the output battery pos, hooked up just like a node, then place the coil on the wheel for increase in RPM using the paramagnetic core.
my thought in hooking up the mod motor to the SSG output was the talk on pulsing the power in. I'll try again. my tests on the mod motor this weekend are consistent with Dadhav's - the efficiencies I reported in an earlier post were due to the different magnets and taking the motor out of the case. I have to say... the mod motor has no sparks on the commutator and the non mod does. need to complete one more true mod to hook up as UFO suggests....
Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
Regarding the battery type: J. Bedini recommends lead acid but he got the Tesla switch running with NiCd as well. ron Brandt did not succedd with modern types of lead acid batteries. So I would suggest to use a battery pack where we can measure the recharge energy most precisely - perhaps LiPo. Ufo uses them as well with great success.
Please understand that these tests are for valuation only in order to find out where to tease the setup (HER) most effectively.
Maybe we should use a capacitor bank for the battery. I think it would give more reliable results than LAB. We could shut it down when it reaches a particular drop in voltage. It would be much easier to measure actual power out of the C-bank for the amount of work done (Just math) and you don't even have to think about pulsing DC current and voltage for determining power in/out.
We could also have a capacitor bank for charging, and then we would know for sure the COP of the system. There are too many varibles with batteries.
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostHi DadHav,
lots of questions. If you open one vessel you get lots of mosquitos flying around and they become vessels again and if you open one of them......
First of all we do not know what the real physics is and we do not know if SHE is afraid of PWM circuits. Probably not but who knows. Ufo's scooter runs well with PWM accellerator. But if we block her we might deviate from her for the rest of our life.
Therefore the first steps shall be run without additional electronics. The amps are not so trimendous different and if you are able to measure the Ah taken out of the battery the first test should be testing a load for i.e. 1 hour and measure the charging energy for recharge. This would be the most genuine operation and needs to be repeated 3 times in order to get a staistical valuable measurement. Then we will get the fist hint on where the magic can be expected and explored.
Regarding the battery type: J. Bedini recommends lead acid but he got the Tesla switch running with NiCd as well. ron Brandt did not succedd with modern types of lead acid batteries. So I would suggest to use a battery pack where we can measure the recharge energy most precisely - perhaps LiPo. Ufo uses them as well with great success.
Please understand that these tests are for valuation only in order to find out where to tease the setup (HER) most effectively.
BTW: I am a bit confused on how accurate the AH meters for DC really are. We need to have a look to it. We could get aliasing affects between motor frequency and measurement frequency. If you intend to have a giant choke in series you can use a heavy transformer (i.e. MOT) and connect the low voltage winding in series to your current (because of low ohms). Short circuit the high voltage winding. Then you can measure between battery and choke real DC current and voltage. But we will possibly do this in futher tests.
Question: Does anybody know a source for such a Ah meter for DC with USB connection. I found only one supplyer but the price is 270$ added shipping and VAT - not viable
Another good idea would be using a giant charged cap and measure the mAh taken out down to a certain voltage.
Based on what you say I think the LiPo is a good choice because of the accurate charging capability. I have a computer charger that charges the pack probably within millivolts of its maximum ratings. While it does that it gives what is supposed to be an accurate reading of the miiliamps it took to charge. On the discharge side I happen to have an EagleTree logger which is old but provides a computer graph of the voltage amperage and watts. I think it still works. NiMh and NiCad could be a possibility although the peak detection used to turn the charger off might not be as accurate as the detection for the LiPo. I'd like to take an opportunity to mention something: Being cautious with the LiPo's especially older style or poor quality batteries is a must. These batteries can go into incineration just from a micro second short or over charging. I have experienced this personally. They can burn like a flare or even shoot across the floor or table. Please use them with caution. If you want to see what I mean go to YouTube and type in LiPo fires. OK I'll experiment a little bit. Let me mention what I like for a rechargable battery. There are several manufacturers making what is known as LOW SELF DISCHARGE NiMh batteries. These batteries unlike standard's will still maintain 80% or more of their charge after sitting on the shelf for a year. Their capacity is a little lower but you can put them in something and have it work when you need it. They are wonderful. They seem to charge depedably to a dection point as well. So maybe I'll try them. Oh man. That probably means I'll have to clean my table off to make some room.
Thanks John
John H.
Hello Dear John Stone
Originally posted by JohnStone View PostHi ALL,
please do not see any contradiction between Ufo's motors and Tesla's work. Great scientists state that human race is not able to comprehend the reality in one chunk. We all can see only some planes of a crystal at same time.
What Ufo detected and shares is such a cluster of plains. This does not contradict at all to other of Tesla's statements. Nevertheless the facts you Dr-Green mentioned is important to keep in mind in order to not miss the junction to other planes. As you Ufo state your teaching is not the end of knowldge - right!
@DadHav: Thanks for sharing these great tests!
@UFO: Your comment to DadHav's testing is overwhelming. In summary I understand the following (please correct if wrong):
- We can not measure the cold electricity with our meters.
- The input power of a motor measured is only one side of the coin.
- A battery supplying a radiant motor behaves different from the case of driving a symmetrical motor.
- We need to account for a consumption (drain) factor: i.e. BAttery 1Ah / If a asymmetric motor consumes (measured) 1A the effective battery drain might be 0.1A (drain factor 0.1). This means that we can see the battery as having 1Ah /0.1 = 10 Ah or we account for drain current 0.1 times current measured.
- Direct recharging of the drive battery might be not be successful but interchange of two batteries (one for drive and one for charge). Similar finding from Ed Grey, Bedini, Tesla switch .....)
- The mesaurement of the drain factor mentioned above is a viable test in order to account (measure) for cold electricity (similarities to Bedini!!!).
If the idea of the drain factor can be confirmed then we can calculate with it for OU / self runner: i.e.- Battery voltage 10V
- 1A hot current (measured) => 10Watt
- Drain factor 0.1 -> 1W real battery consumption
- The need for recharge of the second battery is 1Watt times charge factor - let's say 1.2 Watt. This allowes for losses in generator section and allowes mechanical power additionally.
- Then we get the second battery fully charged at the very same time when the primary battery is discharged. Change battery and continue operation. Or do the intechange on a regular basis -> see Tesla switch!
- Please consider that the self runner might be viable at bigger motors only because of higher effitiency.
@DadHav: I'm shure you own a device for measuring V/A/Wh for battery operation. So it would be an easy test for you in order to check for drain factor with symmetrical and assymmetrical motors idling and with mechanical load.
Question to Ufo:
What is the allowed load at the generator section of your motors. As far I understand the matter it shall not exceed the energy wasted in the windings normally. Exeeding this energy draw will possibly increase 1:1 the input power. So DadHAv you might be right - it's all a matter of impodance (mentioned by Bedini as well!)
rgds John
Hello Dear John Stone,
As always John, every time you render your opinions here, as also you have done in my other threads, they are full of positivism and excellent judgement calls for everyone to enter into a point, where we all meet in a level of harmonious understanding environment. And that is besides your excellent and endless knowledge in the world of semiconductors...I will always be eternally grateful to you, my dear friend.
Yes John, that is perfectly correct, this Machines Output MUST NOT be EVER, A SHORT CIRCUIT BASED LOAD, like a CRUDE, Incandescent Filament "Edison's Style" BULB, this will create a Heavy Demand of Drain from Machine's Input trying to stabilize its internal Flow, and of course, (DOUGH!!...) it will "reflect excessive consumption" in your DVM's.
The "LOAD" MUST BE A "BALANCED LOAD", not only NOT BEING a SHORT CIRCUIT, but like you have said, leaving this Coils with a minimum retention of Energy to "Land" at Input Modes, not creating a "FULL DRAIN DEMAND" at Input Gates...This could be easily resolved by adding small capacitors parallel to Each independent ends, to create a forced resonance and allow a forced fair distribution of charges per Pairs of Coils as we develop Higher Speeds.
And this is for ALL in General:
This Machines exist and perform DEFYING, "some" of Physics laws as you ALL know them and have learn them ALL so far, within a limited scope of MUTILATED DATA, that has existed back to 132 Years ago. And, please understand, it is absolutely, NOT My Fault, the fact that this has occurred before all our Generations Times altogether here...were even born.
This Machines uses BOTH FIELDS to run, one is ours, at very low levels if "administered" the right ways, meaning, by "Organized Doses" of their Input Drain, by means of Regulated Square Waves...The other FIELD within this type of Machines, is the Radiant Field -where most of you are completely ignorant about its existence so far- and it "takes over" a majority of My Machines Operation when "Operated Properly".
It would be completely understood that Two Energy Fields interacting within One Machine, will render Higher and Magnified Parameters, by simply adding the Flows and Potential of Both Fields, and even more "effectively" if read with a "dedicated instrument" LIMITED to just measurement of One of those Two Fields, OURS.
If We analyze this Machines, just like a Quality Control Engineer, analyze a CRUDE BATCH PRODUCT for His Company, before hitting a Production Line, seeking "Brand's design defects or abnormal behavior" in order to "take it out or leave it to reach Production Marketing"...This Approach is Completely Non Scientific, at all. And , Honestly, I never expected this right here, on this Forum, where I see so many Good Threads about Scientific Procedures.
The Machines I have Displayed so far here, through Diagrams, Pictures and Animated CAD designs in My Videos, show clearly the Different Flows revolving around more than just the "Typical 3D Axis" that We are ALL used to enclose them within.
And that I recall right, just ONE MEMBER HERE, posted here a comment, Comparing my machines Flow movement, with DNA Strands, now, that was an excellent Post, excellent comparison...
It is just a SHAME, I do not get those great comments and analysis more often...
1-The Electrical Input Flow A, travels from Positive terminal to Negative Terminal in a CW Fashion if Machine is observed at 10:40 On Asymmetry to Enlightenment Video track time. Axis of Rotation of this Flow is parallel to the Y,Z Plane and perpendicular to X,Z Plane.
2-The Electrical Output Flow B, travels from Positive Terminal to Negative Terminal in a CCW Direction, where its Axis, is also parallel to the Y,Z Plane and perpendicular to X,Z Plane.
Therefore, lets consider this Two Flows revolving in a 2D Plane. Based on a flat X-Z plane.
3-The Electrical Flow within Input Coil A, PAUSED at a fraction of its Input time only, in order to analyze its direction) Develops its rotation flow, around an Axis parallel to Plane X, but "Circling" on Plane Y, Again, looking in front of Machine, meaning it "revolves on Plane Y aiming outward our screen. Now based on this Movement direction it is rotating Clock Wise (CW) when looking at Axis defined by X.
4-The Electrical Flow within Output Coil B, PAUSED at a fraction of its Output time only, in order to analyze its direction) Develops its rotation flow, around an Axis parallel to Plane X also, but "Circling" on Plane Y, Again, looking in front of Machine, meaning it "revolves on Plane Y aiming outward our screen. Now based on this Movement direction it is developing a Counter Clock Wise (CCW) Rotation, when looking at Axis defined by X.
Up to here, We all have a Machine that comprehend Four Different Rotation Attributes, within a Three Dimensional Field. But this Analysis was "PAUSING" the Machine...However, when performing in its FULL DYNAMICS, We all know the Coils Flow suffer "other Dimensional behavior" related to translations within different planes of the Motion Paths of main Revolutions as also its Axis keep constantly changing within X,Y,Z Planes to complete a 360 Degrees into a Fifth Axis, Parallel to a Mechanically Revolving Shaft.
This Different Axis of Flow Rotations, not even mentioning the Flux Flow behavior of this Machines Coils, versus a Dynamic flow of an Stator Coil, In order not to complicate things even more to you guys...but, just this movements described above, sets All This Machines within an Specific Field of Physics...that allows all of Us to "see them" more clearly...
In the Field of ROBOTICS, where I originally developed certain types of Servo Motors, which are not just motors that rotate straight forward or reverse only, and, at different speeds, but a SERVO is a Motor that "Obeys" Certain Specific Commands -ordered by its SERVER-, to move to EXACT Positioning in ALL 3D Space Coordinates, called DOF (Degrees of Freedom), then it would be much easier to understand the Flow of My Machines disclosed above...
Regards to All,
And Specially Thanks again to You MR. John Stone!!!
Thank You all.
P.D: My call into our ignorance of this fields of Physics, was purely constructive criticism, not meaning to be offensive, disrespectful nor at personal levels either, since I was a "few days ago", with this same limited knowledge, til my findings lead me here, where I am very pleased to be sharing them with all of you.
UFOLast edited by Ufopolitics; 07-24-2012, 10:31 PM.Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci
Originally posted by Ufopolitics;Yes John, that is perfectly correct, this Machines Output MUST NOT be EVER, A SHORT CIRCUIT BASED LOAD, like a CRUDE, Incandescent Filament "Edison's Style" BULB, this will create a Heavy Demand of Drain from Machine's Input trying to stabilize its internal Flow, and of course, (DOUGH!!... ) it will "reflect excessive consumption" in your DVM's.
mattLast edited by codeboundfuture; 07-23-2012, 10:17 PM.