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My Asymmetric Electrodynamic Machines

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  • We will get there...

    Originally posted by jeffy39 View Post
    Howdy UFO, SIR!,
    Have been 'lurking' quite a while, eagerly trying to absorb all the good info.
    Truly appreciate the shared knowledge.
    I, (along with Kenny) am most interested in your ideas for an E.V. Gray-like
    design. What would you propose for the 3-brush set and comm.?
    Also shape of coil tops. (15 deg 'bevel'?)
    Any additional info highly appreciated.
    Thanks much for all you and fellow forums members do.
    Sincerely, jw

    Hello Jeffy,

    We will get friend, be patient...
    In the meantime do some of the many replications diagrams I have posted will help you greatly to understand this new Methodology...

    I do not have the time right now as it will bring this point
    Have you done at least the Three Pole Design yet?


    Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


    • Thanks Dave!

      Originally posted by David Fine View Post

      You have a great thread here. Thanks for sharing all this wonderful information with all of us. We really appreciate it.

      Best Regards,
      David Fine

      Hello Dave,

      It is always great to see you coming around here...and giving Us your kind words...believe me...they DO help Us a lot.

      Many thanks and warm regards my dear friend!

      Principles for the Development of a Complete Mind: Study the science of art. Study the art of science. Develop your senses- especially learn how to see. Realize that everything connects to everything else.― Leonardo da Vinci


      • Hello Friend

        Originally posted by Ufopolitics
        You guys will take over easy!!...
        Thank you for your kind words, we learn from some of the best.

        Best wishes,
        Last edited by codeboundfuture; 10-18-2012, 04:58 PM.


        • Thanks UFO and Prochiro

          Hi UFO and Prochiro!

          UFO thanks for the detailed reply and Prochiro thanks for your suggestions & explanations too!
          I am still absorbing the information in the messages.

          Best regds



          • Dyno

            Hello All
            I stripped the rotor of the delco dyno and learned something today that may be helpful. The rotor was wired with the generator coils put on first, then last the motor coils so as to be close to the stator. There was a total of 16 motor wires running thru each groove. That means that with overlapping of other coils that there was only 8 or maybe less wires in each coil. Now one might think that if those motor coils were going to push three other generator coils the dyno might run slow but it was vary fast. I was going to put the motor coils on the rotor first and test it out but that now seems maybe the wrong order. I remember what UFO said about the coil center being stronger but I related that to only a regular wound coil. Bob an I were getting 600 volts inside our coils back then and maybe this machine has good potential wound the same way. It also gives me a better way to change the outer coils on the rotor without winding all the others again.
            "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
            Nikola Tesla


            • John,

              I am buying components to make your PWM FET driver. Dana said that you prefer certain caps. Can you telll me what kind? I can't find the post that talks about that. Also, will any PNP transistor do, or does it need to have certain properties? Will a 2N4403 do OK?

              I want to try something that Tom Bearden told me about that requires switching at one micro second. Will the driver handle this? Any suggestions?

              Thanks for all that you've done. You are adding so much to UFO's work.

              Thanks again,



              • Hi,
                given that you address me JohnS I am one of a bunch of Johns here.
                - Please ask more specific: Generator or FET driver?
                - Do you refer to my last PDF - there are no transistors there but NE555 and FETs?
                - You talked of µs -> I'm shure you mean ns! That is far outside our skills. Steep ns pulses will be built by a mix of frequency components up to GHz range. That is a matter of radar science. Hutchinson bouhgt his equipment from navy surplus.

                I do not prefer any caps - I am friend with all of them - but there are different makes dedicated to different performance. Wound electrolitics do not accept higher frequencies. (if pulsed they may exhibit superiour cold / hot conversion (who knows). Ceramic ones absorb frequencies eagerly. Sometimes it is advisable to cluster different makes in order to perform as team. i.E NE555 needs 100nF ceramic and 10µF electrolitic in order to perform correct. Some caps are lossy and others not (i.e. mica). Losses are important at high power flow like motors and high frequencies.

                Please understand electronics like our world of colours. If you focus on a green pasture you see green only. But if you take a photograph you will observe a blue shift from the blue sky.
                So at any dumb circuit ALL frequencies are potentially present but very often you can ignore them. As soon you have components which do not - you need to deal with that sensitive area.
                Remember Tesla's earthquake. He operated the buildings and their ground outside their intended performance. The wet sand below NY started moving......
                i.e. a NE555 timer perfoms up to 500kHz. Some single transistors inside the IC might do some strange things up to 5 MHz if stirred by some spurious noise - therefore proper blocking of power input.
                Same at FETs - performing inside much faster than the datasheet tells you - but they will peform not like you want them to. Therefore good push / pull driving very near to their gate. You put them on a short dog leash. Don't be surprised your dog jumping with a long leash.

                Please accept that all frequency generators discussed here and corresponding electronic components do not apply to ns pulses (GHz range) It is like comparing a slug with a jet plane. Look at cheap older frequency generators. Most of them end their range at 2 MHz sine. Now you know why. They were bild with components we discuss here.
                Of course you can buy at eBay DDS generators up to 30 mHZ - but that corresponds to 330ns - and sine not pulse.
                This drwback is of no major importance. Fortunately we do not talk of a single effect being elicited in excess but of a bunch of helpful effects, vibrating in concert.

                UFOs teachings relate to a viable research being tangible. Of course there are lots of other effects to be researched. But please do not perform like that guy who tried to save money in order to own a million bucks. Ten years later he sadly looked at his savings and decided to start the second million trial .......

                Compare OU mattes to the strange effects of giros see. A rotating mass exhibits less inertia (La Palma / US). Rotating masses defy most of Newtonian physics because Newton relates to a very special effect of masses being NOT in rotation.
                ALL of you shall watch those giro lectures in order to get a small glance on how narrow minded our standard science is. And you will get a glance of the opportunities we have in OU matters. They need to be researched and not shortcut.

                Originally posted by View Post
                I am buying components to make your PWM FET driver. Dana said that you prefer certain caps. Can you telll me what kind? I can't find the post that talks about that. Also, will any PNP transistor do, or does it need to have certain properties? Will a 2N4403 do OK?

                I want to try something that Tom Bearden told me about that requires switching at one micro second. Will the driver handle this? Any suggestions?

                Thanks for all that you've done. You are adding so much to UFO's work.

                Thanks again,

                Last edited by JohnStone; 10-19-2012, 10:56 PM.
                Experts spend hours a day in order to question their doing while others stopped thinking feeling they were professionals.


                • Hey JohnS,

                  Thank you for your help.

                  1) I am building the Frequency Generator (posted 06-024-12) which has a PNP called Q1 in Section "B". Can this be a 40v, 600mA PNP?

                  Concerning the switching speed, Tom specified one micro second. Ken More was with us and he didn't correct him, but joined in agreement with the speed and that this was well within the capability of the components available nowadays. Let me clarify... I need to be able to switch ON & OFF (the duty cycle) in a micro second, the frequency needn't be especially high except as it may facilitate a shorter duty cycle time.

                  2) The info you gave on the caps was just what I needed to know.

                  3) If the NE555 only goes up to 500kHz, will this effect the ability of the Frequency Generator to produce a duty cycle of less than a micro second, or will I be able to get a duty cycle of less than 50% at 500kHz?

                  6) The giros lectures are great.

                  Thank you for lending your expertise to this forum and allowing the electronically challenged, such as myself, to grow in this arena. UFO is very lucky to have your support.


                  Originally posted by JohnStone View Post
                  given that you address me JohnS I am one of a bunch of Johns here.
                  - Please ask more specific: Generator or FET driver?
                  - Do you refer to my last PDF - there are no transistors there but NE555 and FETs?
                  - You talked of µs -> I'm shure you mean ns! That is far outside our skills. Steep ns pulses will be built by a mix of frequency components up to GHz range. That is a matter of radar science. Hutchinson bouhgt his equipment from navy surplus.

                  I do not prefer any caps - I am friend with all of them - but there are different makes dedicated to different performance. Wound electrolitics do not accept higher frequencies. (if pulsed they may exhibit superiour cold / hot conversion (who knows). Ceramic ones absorb frequencies eagerly. Sometimes it is advisable to cluster different makes in order to perform as team. i.E NE555 needs 100nF ceramic and 10µF electrolitic in order to perform correct. Some caps are lossy and others not (i.e. mica). Losses are important at high power flow like motors and high frequencies.

                  Please understand electronics like our world of colours. If you focus on a green pasture you see green only. But if you take a photograph you will observe a blue shift from the blue sky.
                  So at any dumb circuit ALL frequencies are potentially present but very often you can ignore them. As soon you have components which do not - you need to deal with that sensitive area.
                  Remember Tesla's earthquake. He operated the buildings and their ground outside their intended performance. The wet sand below NY started moving......
                  i.e. a NE555 timer perfoms up to 500kHz. Some single transistors inside the IC might do some strange things up to 5 MHz if stirred by some spurious noise - therefore proper blocking of power input.
                  Same at FETs - performing inside much faster than the datasheet tells you - but they will peform not like you want them to. Therefore good push / pull driving very near to their gate. You put them on a short dog leash. Don't be surprised your dog jumping with a long leash.

                  Please accept that all frequency generators discussed here and corresponding electronic components do not apply to ns pulses (GHz range) It is like comparing a slug with a jet plane. Look at cheap older frequency generators. Most of them end their range at 2 MHz sine. Now you know why. They were bild with components we discuss here.
                  Of course you can buy at eBay DDS generators up to 30 mHZ - but that corresponds to 330ns - and sine not pulse.
                  This drwback is of no major importance. Fortunately we do not talk of a single effect being elicited in excess but of a bunch of helpful effects, vibrating in concert.

                  UFOs teachings relate to a viable research being tangible. Of course there are lots of other effects to be researched. But please do not perform like that guy who tried to save money in order to own a million bucks. Ten years later he sadly looked at his savings and decided to start the second million trial .......

                  Compare OU mattes to the strange effects of giros see. A rotating mass exhibits less inertia (La Palma / US). Rotating masses defy most of Newtonian physics because Newton relates to a very special effect of masses being NOT in rotation.
                  ALL of you shall watch those giro lectures in order to get a small glance on how narrow minded our standard science is. And you will get a glance of the opportunities we have in OU matters. They need to be researched and not shortcut.


                  • Improved 555

                    Hello JohnS and Everyone,
                    I have purchased and have partially tested some 555 timers, model TS555CN with 15ns rise and fall times.

                    I have used it with a single mosfet the IRF740, a 10 Ohm gate resistor and 4ns reverse bias 1N4148, I was able to get a 100ns rise and 15ns fall time(near perfect fall time due to diode). We have a lot of room for improvement shown by this 555 timer.

                    This 555 timer needs some beefing up to drive a good set of mosfets, at the switching speed shown by the diode at the gate. A totem pole using the pretty common 2N3904/2N3906 or 2N4401/2N4403 transistor NPN/PNP pairs, is something I have been considering, but I am very new to circuitry and would like some advice on how this may work out, and I would be happy to test this using the TS555CN as the PWM.

                    If this is a possibility it would provide a good option to have nice square waves at 200-400ns long pulses, and pushing the mosfet right up to the limit of it's spec sheet switching speed.

                    Here is a link to where I obtained these 555 timers and the spec sheet but from this source they have a 16 week time to arrival after order, currently.

                    Last edited by codeboundfuture; 10-20-2012, 12:28 AM.


                    • Hi Codebound
                      Mouser shows they are in stock @10 for .22 each. These things are really not that hungry.
                      "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                      Nikola Tesla


                      • HI

                        I'm new here.
                        Have read all the posts now, Really like this!
                        Haven't heard anyone suggest down gearing to help keep motor speed and reduce rpm for generator.
                        thanks for all the great info!
                        looking foreword to winding soon.


                        • Originally posted by prochiro
                          Hi Codebound
                          Mouser shows they are in stock @10 for .22 each. These things are really not that hungry.
                          Thank you prochiro,

                          Those are slightly different than what I would be using, I linked to jameco because that was where I got that exact model, which I had used for testing some of their potential. I have since switched to the 100ns NE555CN to preserve the minority of my 555 stock, the TS555CN version I linked to.

                          Thank you for another source, those are just as fast and still faster than many mosfets I have found and have interpreted as good candidates for our PWM output. The 555 you linked would also provide a fast enough switching to be under the 1us pulse width that bobfrench would like to experiment with.

                          Last edited by codeboundfuture; 10-20-2012, 01:35 AM.


                          • Hello everyone, I have some motors to seven poles. How should I rewind?



                            • Kogs Update

                              G'Day UFO
                              I hope your moving has not upset you tooo much and that you settle in OK

                              I intending to be away for about 2 months holiday with my wife Jill but on the first day while I was climbing from My vehicle I slipped and did an injury to my self its not too serious though just bit too much pain.

                              Meanwhile I have been trying to find where I can purchase Imperial Motor 56 Frame in Australia but not much luck
                              I have had a reply from
                              James Manoff
                              Technical Sales / Customer Service
                              Imperial Electric, Scott Motors, Euclid Universal
                              1503 Exeter Rd
                              Akron, OH 44306
                              I am hoping to purchase 2 complete motors with bare armatures and extra commutators, brushboards including brushes and springs

                              He has said it will take 3 to 4 weeks from order to despatch
                              Part Number Description Price (ea) Lead Time

                              P56MD003 4.0 HP, 2500 RPM, 36VDC $494.28 3-4 weeks
                              0567028C Slotted Comm, 56 Bar $56.21 1 week
                              0515032 Brush Board Assy $78.50 1 week

                              I am in the negotiation stage with him and I also may be able to purchase some from India so I have not as yet settles on where I will purchase.

                              Please UFO what size wire will we be using to re wind this machine
                              I have already purchased wire some time ago to replicate John bedini's ferris wheel only 4 foot diam not 14 foot diam You know the one that will not fit into a VW beetle mentioned some time ago. I never got round to finish replicating it And I do not know of any one else that has finished replicating it either as he only partially showed how to build it and left everyone to figure the rest themselves.

                              The wire I have is
                              3 large spools 1.5mmDiam AWG#14/15 in total 71.31kg 13,905 feet and
                              1 spool 1.0 mm AWG#18 22.67kg 10,200 feet

                              If I am able to use this wire it would be great
                              Now I am getting into some big toys

                              Please UFO would these motors power a Nissan Pulsar car 2.0 litre motor
                              Kindest regards


                              • Originally posted by lostbraincell View Post
                                I'm new here.
                                Have read all the posts now, Really like this!
                                Haven't heard anyone suggest down gearing to help keep motor speed and reduce rpm for generator.
                                thanks for all the great info!
                                looking foreword to winding soon.
                                Welcome lostbraincell,

                                Downgearing reduces the generator RPM while taking it easy on the motor. You could play with that idea with small motors but you will find that what you are actually reducing is the overall power you get from the generator, thus eliminating all advantages gained With UFO's motor. On a 56 frame motor, this is large, it is difficult to get it to run fast enough to have it run easy at 3600 RPM. Why 3600RPM? That is the speed that is required in a generator to reach 60 Hz. 60 Hz is required to match US current and run our stuff. So unless you had a motor running at say 4600 RPM, reducing generator speed is bad medicine.

                                3600 RPM motor + 3600 RPM generator =

                                3600 RPM motor + 2400 RPM generator =
                                Last edited by prochiro; 10-20-2012, 02:18 PM. Reason: sp
                                "Today's scientist have substituted mathematics for experiments and they wander off through equation after equation and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality."
                                Nikola Tesla

