Although I have been busy lately, I still have the imperial sitting and waiting for me to hit it with about 150v 40amps.

Ok Ill stand up and say it.
My name is machine alive, I'm 43 years old and I have a learning addiction, I spend all my extra money on experiments, equipment, and books. I spend so much time in my other world, I also almost lost my real life business once, and now I have to focus a little more on that.

See, were all the same, lab rats of different shapes and sizes.
I sure do appreciate everything you've shared UFO, and sacrificed.

I've been tinkering with my sensors. Just finished a buffered ac volt/power meter, hopefully it works. Finished a nice little 2 phase generator(smooth), and am focused on the toroid and the big generator.
UFO, you said your imperial would just not beat the alte, almost. So, what was your data? Did you make a video? DUDE, COME ON.
Sorry, but I know my imperial works better then yours

So you gotta tell me what your results were, and as soon as I GET A CHANCE.

Maybe Ill drop one in a bike this spring, when it warms up, I'm sure midas will help. And You can bet your life, that I'm still working on the dual stator.
Regards my friends
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