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CO2 electric generator

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  • CO2 electric generator

    By adapting the principal workings of a Fridge a vey low ambient heat turbine drive can be had.

    Carbon Dioxide CO2 is now the Refrigerant R744.

    The technology posted changes in layout. For temperatures from -10*C to +32*C no boiler is used and the turbine is gas. Temperatures of +32C use the boler/cooler and the turbine needs be Hydro.

    Carbon Dioxide the weirdest gas ever. Begins as a block of Dry-Ice. Heat increase changes to gas, then to liquid, then to gas, then to Dry-Ice. It’s the only gas that behaves like liquid.
    CO2 gas at temperature above 31.2* will not convert to liquid no matter what compression is applied.
    The energies of CO2 are thousands time greater than Steam.
    Energy as a force is measure in bar, one bar being the equivalent of 14.2 PSI or one atmosphere.
    One litre of Water, Steam or Gas per second at 9 bar pressure passing through a turbine generator produces 720 watts. Any increase in bar pressure or volume per second increases the wattage output.
    Working from a base line of 0* Celsius Steam is beginning to format 100*C whilst CO2 has already reached 7,000 bar.
    The attached diagram operates in two different mode, the first below 31.2*C using the cooling loop of a fridge to cool the hot gas before going to the compressor which squeezes the gas into liquid before feeding it back in heating point.
    The other uses a boiler and exploits the fact CO2 at temperature above 31.2*C formats into Dry-Ice. At 100*C it’s 50/50. 50% Dry-Ice coats boiler ceiling and wall and the other 50% remains high pressure hot gas.
    This design does away with the fridge cooling loop and instead exploits the Dry-Ice field constant in the boiler. CO2 though gas but behaving like liquid is force drained from the bottom of the Boiler then piped back through the Dry-Ice field which cools the CO2 gas back to liquid. Hot gas exiting the Boiler forces the cold liquid at the same pressure of the gas exiting the boiler. The cold liquid at force then drives a Hydro turbine which empties into a screw pump Boiler feed. The technology is fully sealed and 100% recycling.

  • #2
    Originally posted by DaS Energy View Post
    By adapting the principal workings of a Fridge a vey low ambient heat turbine drive can be had.

    Carbon Dioxide CO2 is now the Refrigerant R744.

    The technology posted changes in layout. For temperatures from -10*C to +32*C no boiler is used and the turbine is gas. Temperatures of +32C use the boler/cooler and the turbine needs be Hydro.

    Carbon Dioxide the weirdest gas ever. Begins as a block of Dry-Ice. Heat increase changes to gas, then to liquid, then to gas, then to Dry-Ice. It’s the only gas that behaves like liquid.
    CO2 gas at temperature above 31.2* will not convert to liquid no matter what compression is applied.
    The energies of CO2 are thousands time greater than Steam.
    Energy as a force is measure in bar, one bar being the equivalent of 14.2 PSI or one atmosphere.
    One litre of Water, Steam or Gas per second at 9 bar pressure passing through a turbine generator produces 720 watts. Any increase in bar pressure or volume per second increases the wattage output.
    Working from a base line of 0* Celsius Steam is beginning to format 100*C whilst CO2 has already reached 7,000 bar.
    The attached diagram operates in two different mode, the first below 31.2*C using the cooling loop of a fridge to cool the hot gas before going to the compressor which squeezes the gas into liquid before feeding it back in heating point.
    The other uses a boiler and exploits the fact CO2 at temperature above 31.2*C formats into Dry-Ice. At 100*C it’s 50/50. 50% Dry-Ice coats boiler ceiling and wall and the other 50% remains high pressure hot gas.
    This design does away with the fridge cooling loop and instead exploits the Dry-Ice field constant in the boiler. CO2 though gas but behaving like liquid is force drained from the bottom of the Boiler then piped back through the Dry-Ice field which cools the CO2 gas back to liquid. Hot gas exiting the Boiler forces the cold liquid at the same pressure of the gas exiting the boiler. The cold liquid at force then drives a Hydro turbine which empties into a screw pump Boiler feed. The technology is fully sealed and 100% recycling.

    If this is a sealed unit, what replaces the dry ice?


    • #3
      Originally posted by larryross View Post
      If this is a sealed unit, what replaces the dry ice?
      Hello larryross,

      My appologies for not replying sooner. I am not a computer person but learning. Got it wrong waiting for noticification of reply not all sites do that.

      I much appreciate your question.

      Carbon Dioxide as you may see by attached is an odd gas. Commencing at - 40* it does not first thaw to liquid but gas, then further heating causes that gas to turn to liquid due to pressure increase, then further heating turns the liquid to gas that no amount of pressure will liquify, further heating and the gas turns into Dry-Ice. Not in entirety but certainly large scale. Formation of Dry-Ice commences at temperature above 31.2* Celsius.

      Another odd feature of CO2 is that as gas it behaves as a liquid hence the pressure being drawn from the bottom of the turbine.



      • #4
        Fascinating reading, but how practical is this? I've just read in Wiki - who intriguingly never really explain co2's multi-phase nature - that equipment needs to able to withstand up to 130 bar, which they consider "considerable" pressure, yet you are talking about pressures of 7000 bar at 100DegC!!! And at that temperature/pressure, only half of the co2 has reverted back to the solid state - how much dry-ice would form at 32DegC or 78 bar (if Google is correct)? This also seems pretty close to the 130 bar Wiki cites so I guess 'regular' refrigeration equipment would be a no-hoper for this.

        I never considered it till now but wouldn't dumping a non-empty refrigeration compressor into a fire result in an almighty bang? Discarded fridges used to be everywhere when I was growing up - how come I never heard of any of these co2 bombs going off???


        • #5
          champagne heat pump

          This idea is really interesting to me. It reminds me a little of the
          champagne heat pump..... found here.....

          I am not an engineer so some of the technical details elude me. But I would like
          to see this thread continue.
          Last edited by wyndbag; 08-13-2012, 09:54 PM. Reason: typos


          • #6

            Hello Sprocket my appologies for late reply.

            7,000 is not mid range pipe pressure in mining. All parts ar cut and weld of
            pipe. Asside the Dry-Ice -40*C cooling further assistance is needed, this being done by an expansion chamber. (see how a fridge works)

            CO2 at 32*C 64 has not moved into Dry-Ice formating. The inserted deals with such temperature and lower.

            Regular refrigeration parts are not recommended.

            Dumping CO2 into extreme heat will only cause a bang if the casing not hold.

            Fridges of today are just beginging to use CO2 which may explain discarded fridges not going bang. Also whilst fridges do work at high pressures it not be at 7,000 bar

            Cheers Peter


            • #7

              Hello wyndbag,

              My appologies for late reply.

              Thank you for the link to champagne heat pump.

              Champagne heat pump absorbs the CO2 into a liquid. DaS turbine is all CO2 in liquid and gas state.

              For domestic purposes the heat feild is reduced to a maximum of 32*C thereby reducing the pressure to 64 bar on the high side and 6 bar on the low side.

              To produce you need pipe and a welder, very simple to make.

              Cheers Peter


              • #8
                can you post photos of a working unit? the explanation is simple enough, it is a simple rankine-type heat engine with CO2 as the working fluid, but does it really work?


                • #9
                  Hello velacreations,

                  Fully agree technology could not be simpler.

                  The technology is more like the Steam turbine than Rankine heat engine.

                  Turbine acts as boiler feed pump. High pressure gas then heat created driving the turbine. Hot gas released to cooling then condensate pumped back into boiler.

                  Sorry text book modelling only. Pension funding stalled all thing CO2 at Das valve (see internet).

                  Entire device including turbine constructed by cut and weld of pipe.

                  It known the turbine at 9 bar pressure/force of one litre per second produces 720 watts. Size of chamber needed for heating and cooling varies with activation heat.

                  CO2 heated from 32*C to 100*C provides 7,000 bar pressure/force.
                  CO2 heated from 0*C to 32*C provides 64 bar pressure/force.

                  CO2 at temperature above 32*C will not condensate no matter what pressure applied.

                  Cheers Peter


                  • #10
                    If you tell me how to do it, I will make a working model.

                    I've seen the Das Valve diagrams, but never a working model.

                    I am a good welder, have lots of materials on hand. I could put it together, if it was going to work. I also have lots of low-grade heat available (solar, compost, geothermal, etc)

                    So, tell us how to put it together!


                    • #11

                      Hello valcreations,

                      Thank you, deal done. Step by step.

                      Please read all first.

                      Two pipe x and xx. Plate. 100 bar safe.
                      Split x pipe into four and weld to x pipe more the better but in odd number.
                      Weld to allow x pipe to extend as shaft. Cut two plates, circle same diameter xx pipe. Centre drill hole same size as x pipe. XX pipe cut hole same size x pipe with top at three oclock. Weld length x pipe to plate.

                      Directly below xx pipe is welded to plate with x pipe elongated centre hole to allow maximimun suction extending to bottom of expansion chamber. Having x pipe shaft end internal or extend requires bearing or internal seal fiited prior to welding disk to xx pipe. Seals available. Ceramic, Glass, Magnetic, Metal.

                      Other disk is then fitted with seal or if alternator affixed no seals and welded to xx pipe. After a hole has been cut x pipe top at 3 oclock and also 10 oclock to 8 oclock and welded to length x pipe.

                      X pipe runner fitted into grinding powder smeared xx pipe and plates welded to xx pipe. X pipe shaft rock then spin to alow 1-1.5 mm slip.

                      Other. Expansion chamber 6 bar minimum - 1 degree 1 litre, 0.5 degree 2 litre, 0.25 4 litre exectra and requires bottom drain plug and top plug for vacuuming and fluid filling.

                      Place turbine on side and flush all grinding paste and fully drain. Tigthen drain plug and return upright the turbine. Spin shaft 60 RPM and water fill by top plug till pump action delivers full runner cup of water to 10 oclock

                      Stop. Place turbine so all fluid drains and measure volume. Tighten drain plug. Weld heat collector to 10 oclock xx pipe.

                      Top plug vacuum the more the better. Fill with measure liquid CO2.

                      Rotate shaft to liquid/gas cup turbine runner exposed at 10 oclock.

                      [B]CO2 is expedential pressure past 32* Celius. The technology of metal against an energy so powerfull it makes us breath, does not go bang, its whoomph.

                      At the second one they nicknamed me the professor.
                      Last edited by DaS Energy; 09-20-2012, 09:34 AM.


                      • #12

                        Hello valcreations,

                        Thank you, deal done. Step by step.

                        Please read all first.

                        Two pipe x and xx. Plate. 100 bar safe.
                        Split x pipe into four and weld to x pipe more the better but in odd number.
                        Weld to allow x pipe to extend as shaft. Cut two plates, circle same diameter xx pipe. Centre drill hole same size as x pipe. XX pipe cut hole same size x pipe with top at three oclock. Weld length x pipe to plate.

                        Directly below xx is welded to plate with elongated centre hole to allow maximimun suction extending to bottom of expansion chamber. having x pipe end internal or extend requires bearing or internal seal fiited prior to welding disk to xx pipe.

                        Other disk is then fitted with seal or if alternator affixed no seals and welded to xx pipe. After a hole has been cut x pipe top at 3 oclock and 10 oclock to 8oclock and welded to length x pipe.

                        X pipe runner fitted into grinding powder smeared xx pipe and plates welded to xx pipe. X pipe shaft rock then spin to alow 1-1.5 mm slip.

                        Other. Expansion chamber 6 bar minimum - 1 degree 1 litre, 0.5 degree 2 litre, 0.25 4 litre exectra and requires bottom drain plug and top plug for vacuuming and fluid filling. Temperature differential 32*C to 2*C. Shaft force 60 bar. 9 bar 82% efficient hydro turbine, 720 watts. 60 RPM. 4800 watts-60 bar.

                        Place turbine on side and flush all grinding paste and fully drain. Tigthen plug and return upright the turbine. Spin shaft 60 RPM and water fill by top plug till pump action delivers full runner cup of water to 10 oclock

                        Stop. Place turbine so all fluid drains and measure volume. Tighten drain plug. Weld heat collector to 10 oclock xx pipe.

                        Top plug vacuum the more the better. Fill with measure liquid CO2.

                        Rotate shaft to liquid/gas cup turbine runner exposed at 10 oclock.

                        [B]CO2 is expedential pressure past 32* Celius. The technology of metal against an energy so powerfull it makes us breath, does not go bang, its whoomph.

                        At the second one they nicknamed me the professor.

