Originally posted by soundiceuk
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- 5x More Current Out Than In - Validation Of Proof Of Concept -
Wow, that is beautiful! I hope that the building of that came after replication of results though!!!! If that was the case, the only thing that would make that better would be for the shell to be made in a nice Victorian styled wood finish.
If that is a replication, if ever a picture told a thousand words that would be it (sans varnish).
What doping material to use?
Hi Soundiceuk
Very nice looking build.
Re what doping materials to use, I can only go on what I have read; extract from the link I gave:
Doping The Soil
Salts may be added to increase the conductivity of the soil, but it is a temporary solution that must be renewed every year to maintain the elevated conductivity. Chemical ground rods can help capture the precipitation and direct it through the salts, creating a saline solution dispersed into the surrounding soil. It can also be fed from a timed drip system, if domestic water is available.
Chemical additives, such as Rock Salt, Copper Sulfate and/or Magnesium Sulfate, will help reduce the R (resistance) value so some dissipation can occur. (Remember, power is I2R.) This will dampen the ringing, transform the surge energy into heat and increase the size (volume) of the ground system. The latter two chemicals are less corrosive than Rock Salt. Magnesium Sulfate will have much less of an environmental impact than the other salts. All salts will lower the freezing point of the soil moisture, which is important at higher elevations. About 2 kilograms (kg) of salts will dope 2 meters of a radial run for one year. About 5 kg (minimum) is necessary for each ground rod. Make sure the salts are watered in or they may be blown away.
Encapsulation of radials in conductive gels or carbon materials is an alternative where little or no soil exists. Commercial products are available for this use. Acrylamide gel, Silicate gel, and Copper ferrocyanide gel are listed here in the order of increasing conductivity; however, all involve toxic and/or hazardous materials. An easy alternative is to use concrete to make a Ufer ground.
I would have thought adding magnesium sulfate (Epsom salts) to a concrete mix may be the way forward, as it is hydroscopic, and have copper rods set into that. Just out of interest, magnesium sulfate is the primary substance that causes the absorption of sound in seawater.
Tesla 1st to Discover Radioactivity
Great determination! Thanks for sticking with it Ash.
I thought anyone following the thread would find this interesting.
To the Editor of The New York Times:
You have given considerable space to the subject of cosmic rays, which seems to have aroused general attention to an unusual degree. Inasmuch as I discovered this wonderful phenomenon and investigated it long before others began their researches, your readers may perhaps be interested in my own findings.
The original idea was advanced and discussed by me in a series of articles on Rontgen rays and radioactivity, published from 1896 to 1898 in the Electrical Review. The results of my discoveries were reported all over the world through the Associated Press and found a powerful echo. But at that time scientific men were emphatically opposed to my theories, holding that the new actions were due to some kind of wave motion, while, according to my observations, they were produced by electrified particles of matter projected with great velocity. It was only years later that the views I then propounded were gradually accepted.
The experiments. I undertook in 1896 were greatly facilitated through my invention of a novel form of vacuum tube suitable for operation by currents of many millions of volts and yielding effects of transcending intensities. This instrument has since been adopted by other investigators and most of the progress in several fields was achieved by its use.
When radioactivity was discovered, it was thought to be an entirely new manifestation of energy limited to a few substances. I obtained sufficient evidence to convince me that such actions were general and in nature the same as those exhibited by my tubes. In these, minute corpuscles, regarding which we are still in doubt, are shot from a highly electrified terminal against a target where they generate Rontgen or other rays by impact. Now, according to my theory, a radioactive body is simply a target which is continuously bombarded by infinitesimal bullets projected from all parts of the universe, and if this, then unknown, cosmic radiation could be wholly intercepted, radioactivity would cease.
I made some progress in solving the mystery until in 1899 I obtained mathematical and experimental proofs that the sun and other heavenly bodies similarly conditioned emit rays of great energy which consist of inconceivably small particles animated by velocities vastly exceeding that of light. So great is the penetrative power of these rays that they can traverse thousands of miles of solid matter with but slight diminution of velocity. In passing through space, which is filled with cosmic dust, they generated a secondary radiation of constant intensity, day and night, and pouring upon the earth equally from all directions. As the primary rays projected from the suns and stars can pass through distances measured in light-years without great diminution of velocity, it follows that whether a secondary ray is generated near a sun or at any distance from it, however great, its intensity is the same. Consequently, if our sun, or any other, would be snuffed out of existence, it would have no appreciable effect on the secondary radiation. The latter is not very penetrative and is partly absorbed by the atmosphere. According to my determinations its intensity beyond the atmosphere is about 50 per cent greater than at sea level. The whole atmosphere being equivalent to about 36 inches of lead, it is easy to determine the intensity of this radiation by making a measurement of the penetration at any known altitude. This theory is borne out strikingly in experiments with my vacuum tubes, but even if I did not have such proofs I would consider it plausible.
While the exploration of the upper regions of the atmosphere may yield many important results in other fields, I do not think that it will contribute considerably to our knowledge of the cosmic rays. In view of this, I believe that we will make much more rapid progress if those who are now taking interest in it will accept my theory and build further on this foundation, instead of embarking on useless errands in quest of mythical rays coming from nowhere.
Nikola Tesla
New York, Feb. 4, 1932
Nikola Tesla : Dr. Tesla Writes of Various Phases of His Discovery
Test asap, very busy with the newsletter ATM guys
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(tunable caps)
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this can go in a river (ground) and is portable, it picks up stray voltage ATM... more soon
Originally posted by soundiceuk View PostThis technology has been undermined by failed replications.
Graham you told me that replicators were not getting enough help. I have repeatedly asked you questions about your earth connection and you haven't replied.
Why does it seem that you seek to derail this technology?
I do not seek to derail this technology.
However you seem to be pressing on regardless !
High voltage tube circuitry (oscillators/ rectifiers) generate X-rays. Been there done that.
Triggered (non-sinusoidal) high voltage coils/ antennas radiate serious EM interference. Moray did that.
Yes Tesla knew about radioactivity.
He also knew about the tube generatable equivalent where energy is made to emanate from non-radioactive matter.
But you don't need expensive tube gear to do this - in fact we do not need ANY electronics at all - nor even a primary power source !!!!!
Hubbard and Hendershot showed everyone the way forwards with circuits like this -Last edited by GSM; 01-28-2014, 08:58 AM.
Originally posted by ashtweth View PostTest asap, very busy with the newsletter ATM guys
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(tunable caps)
ImageShack® - Online Photo and Video Hosting
this can go in a river (ground) and is portable, it picks up stray voltage ATM... more soon
Excellent idea.
Easy way to compare elavation readings.
Keen to learn more about using water as an earth, that's a new one to me.
Originally posted by GSM View PostHi P.
I do not seek to derail this technology.
However you seem to be pressing on regardless !
High voltage tube circuitry (oscillators/ rectifiers) generate X-rays. Been there done that.
Triggered (non-sinusoidal) high voltage coils/ antennas radiate serious EM interference. Moray did that.
Yes Tesla knew about radioactivity.
He also knew about the tube generatable equivalent where energy is made to emanate from non-radioactive matter.
But you don't need expensive tube gear to do this - in fact we do not need ANY electronics at all - nor even a primary power source !!!!!
Hubbard and Hendershot showed everyone the way forwards with circuits like this -
I don't know all the ins and outs of what is given off and what isn't.
I will ask Bruce to have a look at the thread again for his input.
That's an interesting circuit Graham.
Would you be able to describe its operation?
I think I get the bit about the magnet starting the oscillation and then it keeps going?
How powerful would the magnet need to be?
Where did you find the wiring diagram?
Best regards to all,
Why is it that I am so distracted and should need to dig so deep into my consciable mind to examine activities related to this thread; 'ion' technology - tube device - invisible/ unaccountable vendor - no scrutable validation - no explanation of understanding from an energy viewpoint ????
Hence I genuinely hope that my attempts to help and explain here prevent others from wasting effort, time and precious funds as I have.
Also it is not obvious to me that yourself and Bruce are putting yourselves at risk through selling anything so far revealed because you are not a threat to 'government' taxable energy supplies ! So why all the secrecy ?
FACT. Usable electric energy cannot be developed and transduced without precessing or fully rotating electron spin alignments (magnetic field) within matter.
FACT. Air ions carry insufficient energy to generate power with low antennas over low altitude terrain. Moray used an energisable radioactive ionising substance in series with his antennas; the released charge came from within his special components, and was circuit oscillated against an (EM noise radiating) antenna counterpoise in order to transduce his component released energy.
Regarding your 1932 dated Tesla link - and the information this great man so eminently clarified as a foundation upon which everyone could build upon;-
Tesla left there a message for all of us to take on board, and yet this energetic forum is full of folk still looking for something in a place where it does not - because it cannot - exist.
Where do 'the rays' of which Tesla writes about come from - the Sun and the Universe.
And what is it that the Sun and the Universe are - matter - whether highly electromagnetically energised, or less so.
So where do these energising 'rays' come from - from matter itself - any matter, and all matter - whether within a star - or space - or from within any substance on earth - it being the state of excitation of that matter, or added electromagnetic excitation to release energy from matter, which is important.
Radioactive matter gives off energy without need for excitation additional to that already solarly or universally permeating our Earth environment, but radioactive matter will give off even more energy if it is more greatly energised, as in a reactor.
Yet any matter around us is equally capable of giving off similar energy too - that is IF it is energised beyond the point at which it has come to exist at present-day relative elemental stability within our Earthly environment !
Ever ask yourself what 'the West' is doing attempting to run Afghanistan - Lithium - a form of matter more significant than uranium when it comes to future controllable release of energy from matter, though whether us 'Earthly plebs' will be deigned benefit from our sacrifices in that regard is seriously questionable.
Yes, tubes can be made to internally generate energy, but the transducible energy remains within the tube, with only the dangerous and unusable emanations radiating beyond its envelope into other matter (which it subsequently energises) unless the envelope is metalised to an extent that the body-tissue damaging 'rays' become filter suppressed, or, their radiative energy is absorbed in a thermodynamicly cycling water jacket.
In other words, both electron energising circuitry and resonant counterpoise arrangements must be of high impedance and high frequency in order to transduce energy from within a vacuum tube, and the COP cannot be useful lest causing so much internal heat as to induce irreversible tube degradation with premature failure or cathode poisoning through modification of the materials internally exposed to excited emanations.
Also - PLEASE - will readers of this thread - NOT poison their home environments with 'special ion earthing' chemical depositions. You can only cause long term damage by so doing.
What Tesla was doing with his tubes was energising external matter, as have Kapanadze, Hubbard, Hendershot, Meyer-Mace and others, and all have been obliged to critically tune their devices in order to make the matter they choose to use as fuel, give up its energy as it is induced to irreversibly or cyclicly change its elemental state.
Regarding the magnet for a Hendershot circuit - yes this must be powerful - and they have always been readily available, if expensive. The magnet provides a reference field for tuned resonance, against which the bar and solenoid cores cyclically saturate then release and reverse energy via the buzzer coils, thereby generating a waveform capable of coincidentally initiating synchronous HF oscillation in the main cores - which then cross re-energise each other via simultaneous buzzer controlled timing.
I started a thread here, but when I came to realise the potential power realisable - as had already been secreted via 'military authority' - I also withdrew from it.
There are significant unmentioned design and operating aspects for any Hendershot replicator to overcome, and whilst these are not insurmountable, woe will befall any individual who starts helping a wider public with their efforts here !!!!!
Hence I have no wish to be seen as such source of challenge to our present day 'establishment', even though I am so totally disgusted by their endless ammoral behaviours and wars, with their incessant encouragements for others to achieve like 'success' by behaving equally corruptedly.
Thus anyone wanting to work on this kind of already proven technology must study fundamentals as Tesla did, and not school/ uni physics, then construct replications - by themselves - for themselves.
All information necessary already exists, but is not openly stated in any one publication.
Cheers ......... Graham.
Originally posted by GSM View PostWhy is it that I am so distracted and should need to dig so deep into my consciable mind to examine activities related to this thread; 'ion' technology - tube device - invisible/ unaccountable vendor - no scrutable validation - no explanation of understanding from an energy viewpoint ????
Hence I genuinely hope that my attempts to help and explain here prevent others from wasting effort, time and precious funds as I have.
Also it is not obvious to me that yourself and Bruce are putting yourselves at risk through selling anything so far revealed because you are not a threat to 'government' taxable energy supplies ! So why all the secrecy ?
FACT. Usable electric energy cannot be developed and transduced without precessing or fully rotating electron spin alignments (magnetic field) within matter.
FACT. Air ions carry insufficient energy to generate power with low antennas over low altitude terrain. Moray used an energisable radioactive ionising substance in series with his antennas; the released charge came from within his special components, and was circuit oscillated against an (EM noise radiating) antenna counterpoise in order to transduce his component released energy.
Regarding your 1932 dated Tesla link - and the information this great man so eminently clarified as a foundation upon which everyone could build upon;-
Tesla left there a message for all of us to take on board, and yet this energetic forum is full of folk still looking for something in a place where it does not - because it cannot - exist.
Where do 'the rays' of which Tesla writes about come from - the Sun and the Universe.
And what is it that the Sun and the Universe are - matter - whether highly electromagnetically energised, or less so.
So where do these energising 'rays' come from - from matter itself - any matter, and all matter - whether within a star - or space - or from within any substance on earth - it being the state of excitation of that matter, or added electromagnetic excitation to release energy from matter, which is important.
Radioactive matter gives off energy without need for excitation additional to that already solarly or universally permeating our Earth environment, but radioactive matter will give off even more energy if it is more greatly energised, as in a reactor.
Yet any matter around us is equally capable of giving off similar energy too - that is IF it is energised beyond the point at which it has come to exist at present-day relative elemental stability within our Earthly environment !
Ever ask yourself what 'the West' is doing attempting to run Afghanistan - Lithium - a form of matter more significant than uranium when it comes to future controllable release of energy from matter, though whether us 'Earthly plebs' will be deigned benefit from our sacrifices in that regard is seriously questionable.
Yes, tubes can be made to internally generate energy, but the transducible energy remains within the tube, with only the dangerous and unusable emanations radiating beyond its envelope into other matter (which it subsequently energises) unless the envelope is metalised to an extent that the body-tissue damaging 'rays' become filter suppressed, or, their radiative energy is absorbed in a thermodynamicly cycling water jacket.
In other words, both electron energising circuitry and resonant counterpoise arrangements must be of high impedance and high frequency in order to transduce energy from within a vacuum tube, and the COP cannot be useful lest causing so much internal heat as to induce irreversible tube degradation with premature failure or cathode poisoning through modification of the materials internally exposed to excited emanations.
Also - PLEASE - will readers of this thread - NOT poison their home environments with 'special ion earthing' chemical depositions. You can only cause long term damage by so doing.
What Tesla was doing with his tubes was energising external matter, as have Kapanadze, Hubbard, Hendershot, Meyer-Mace and others, and all have been obliged to critically tune their devices in order to make the matter they choose to use as fuel, give up its energy as it is induced to irreversibly or cyclicly change its elemental state.
Regarding the magnet for a Hendershot circuit - yes this must be powerful - and they have always been readily available, if expensive. The magnet provides a reference field for tuned resonance, against which the bar and solenoid cores cyclically saturate then release and reverse energy via the buzzer coils, thereby generating a waveform capable of coincidentally initiating synchronous HF oscillation in the main cores - which then cross re-energise each other via simultaneous buzzer controlled timing.
I started a thread here, but when I came to realise the potential power realisable - as had already been secreted via 'military authority' - I also withdrew from it.
There are significant unmentioned design and operating aspects for any Hendershot replicator to overcome, and whilst these are not insurmountable, woe will befall any individual who starts helping a wider public with their efforts here !!!!!
Hence I have no wish to be seen as such source of challenge to our present day 'establishment', even though I am so totally disgusted by their endless ammoral behaviours and wars, with their incessant encouragements for others to achieve like 'success' by behaving equally corruptedly.
Thus anyone wanting to work on this kind of already proven technology must study fundamentals as Tesla did, and not school/ uni physics, then construct replications - by themselves - for themselves.
All information necessary already exists, but is not openly stated in any one publication.
Cheers ......... Graham.
I have read the forum from end to end (two days in all) and impressed with the research and progress...you guys are dedicated and I am proud to be associated. Can you recommend a schematic I should use (the latest) I could start with. There is a lot of reference to versioning but nothing to really follow. Almost needs a Wiki to manage progress and achievements. I would like to help and be part of future testing and development. Ultimately, I would like to explore the use of stacked aluminium plates (say, 2-50 x 750mm Diam) as an antenna atop a 40' tower (Bamboo). I would like to start small of course to see how I can help bring this technology to reality.
Originally posted by Gensan View PostGraham
I have read the forum from end to end (two days in all) and impressed with the research and progress...you guys are dedicated and I am proud to be associated. Can you recommend a schematic I should use (the latest) I could start with. There is a lot of reference to versioning but nothing to really follow. Almost needs a Wiki to manage progress and achievements. I would like to help and be part of future testing and development. Ultimately, I would like to explore the use of stacked aluminium plates (say, 2-50 x 750mm Diam) as an antenna atop a 40' tower (Bamboo). I would like to start small of course to see how I can help bring this technology to reality.
I look forwards to viewing your 'course', and especially your thoughts as to how 750mm diameter plates @ 40' agl. could be beneficial, for in this regard I can only warn you to read up on St Elmo's fire before you attempt to realise any such fabrication.
Cheers ........... Graham.