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  • Originally posted by bistander View Post
    I've worked with induction motors of the 1 to 100 kW size for the past few decades. My experience is that they are very efficient to the tune of nominally 85% at rated load and speed and for very large regions of the load-speed operational map. Within a percent or so, this efficiency does not change when driven from an inverter (PWM) compared to the mains connected operation. You can find NEMA rated efficiency figures for induction motors on the sales literature and web sites of the suppliers of these motors. Those figures support the high efficiency and are verifiable.

    Sorry to take your comments out of context but the source is linked and close by. Just trying to keep the post short.

    I totally agree with you, what I am suggesting is that the reason for this efficiency is the transformer action that powers the rotor.

    Is it free energy that is powering the rotor? It depends on your point of view, we did pay for it by putting the original current in the motor, so in that sense it is not free, but as work is done both by the current in the field coils and the current in the rotor we do have twice the working current for one input. I believe this transformer action to be very important as both the input and the output of a transformer is doing magnetic work.


    • Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
      I totally agree with you, what I am suggesting is that the reason for this efficiency is the transformer action that powers the rotor.

      Is it free energy that is powering the rotor? It depends on your point of view, we did pay for it by putting the original current in the motor, so in that sense it is not free, but as work is done both by the current in the field coils and the current in the rotor we do have twice the working current for one input. I believe this transformer action to be very important as both the input and the output of a transformer is doing magnetic work.
      We should keep in mind that transformer action is not limited to the magnetic sphere of influence....if there is even such a thing....

      Is it possible that all that we hold true concerning magnetism may be flawed...
      Last edited by erfinder; 06-30-2015, 10:17 AM.


      • Originally posted by Matthew Jones View Post
        So lets talk about how to amplify power, really amplify it. Lets talk about how to emulate a ground for the sole purpose of catching power, and routing it back to the front end.
        Here is how it would work out. You have a load capable of power up to 150 vdc at 10 amp. Maybe a motor, everyone likes motors. Because they are capable.
        So you feed 20 vdc @ 1.5 amp per second into the motor and it outputs 15 volt at 1 amp to ground, or in this case to ground emulation. Ground emulation being a set of caps that can hold around 150 +- vdc at 1500 joules, maybe 150k micro farad..... And by the way they need to be ZEROED OUT every second. From that cap we then discharge in time with input pulse and in serial to the original input power. So now we have a situation in which the serial or parallel power with starting power adds up to the full potential of our load. So now..

        20 vdc at 1.5 amp on the first round
        35 vdc at 2.5 amp on the second round
        50 vdc at 3.5 amp....ect...ect...ect.

        You see how that work to amplify the power we put in.

        I can almost see clearly how every device talked about in history added up to that and that alone. How small the input would need to be would depend on the efficiency of the ground emulation. Would depend on how much accumulated energy accountably stayed in the system and what its actual source ended up being, IE the input or the environment.

        True amplification is true conservation. And I am not talking to Carroll alone but all I have to say is, You haven't tried this yet?


        Cascading.... Who is paying attention?


        • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
          It's a curious phenomenon.

          If you tell someone something that they already happen to believe, they will accept your words without question.

          If you tell them something that is contrary to what they believe, they will argue against you and resist your words.

          Reality is irrelevant in either case, it depends entirely on what the person believes to begin with.

          This applies in general, but I find it particularly ironic when the most guilty are the ones who claim to be searching for the truth. As if you are the one who is trying to tell them lies.
          How many reading those quotes from Tesla concerning impedance are really considering whats being suggested by the author? Nodes? Really? Text books have us referring to impedance in a different manner, both are correct, however, that which is being suggested by Tesla we don't generally find in the literature.....why?


          • dR-Green

            It's a curious phenomenon.

            If you tell someone something that they already happen to believe, they will accept your words without question.

            If you tell them something that is contrary to what they believe, they will argue against you and resist your words.

            Reality is irrelevant in either case, it depends entirely on what the person believes to begin with.

            This applies in general, but I find it particularly ironic when the most guilty are the ones who claim to be searching for the truth. As if you are the one who is trying to tell them lies.
            Pretty interesting and revealing post.

            Why is it not enough to just state what you see? Give up attachment to outcome in favor of what might be novel and new. Otherwise YOU set up exchanges that suggest only one end point, rather than discovering a new path.

            Its like your chapter and verse regarding Tesla, and all other inventors you consider disinformation.

            You act like words only have one meaning, and that only you and Tesla are privy to the truth. Newsflash - there are infinite truths. There are infinite ways to any end point.

            It would be much easier to hear your perspectives if they were not so colored with what you consider absolutes.

            "The largest body of innovations yet exist in the counter-intuitive."


            • Originally posted by citfta View Post
              Hi Matt.

              Let me see if I understand correctly what you are suggesting. I don't have time right now to draw it up but will later if you think I need to. You are going to have a power source like a battery connected to a motor or other load. And the return is going to charge a cap. Similar to the way we use the third battery in the 3BGS. Then on the next cycle we would connect that first cap in series with our battery and run the motor on the higher voltage and the return this time goes to another cap to charge it to an even higher voltage. Then on the next cycle we use the second cap as a series voltage source and charge the first cap back up again to an even higher voltage. Did I get that right? And no I have not thought of trying that. You may remember I told you before I am not a very good original thinker but if you give me the idea I can usually figure out how to make it work. I can see how this idea could certainly have the potential to increase the use of the power you have. Like you said you have to conserve power in order to amplify it. I need to sit down and try to come up with a way to do this. It would be easy to use relays to test the idea but in the long run they wouldn't last long. So solid state would be best. Or a commutator might work pretty good too.

              Thanks for the idea. Have you tried it yet?

              Take care my friend.
              Remember there is a lot more to the process than just filling the cap. The cap will equalize quick so the power will only flow hard for a fraction of the the time based on the caps capacity. So you have to make it flow.

              Battery (Source), Motor, Boost, 3 caps in serial (Charged to 3x source voltage).
              Then turn the motor off, Parallel the caps together, then serial or parallel to the source. And swing it from side to side.

              Amplification!! Conservation..



              • coil shorting and cap switching and dumping

                Hi, I hope Im not intruding into a where I should not. Several years ago, I was working on a outrunner generator. I had set up 3 phase coil shorting through mechanical brushes.

                Since it was a 4 pole motor, I used 4 shorting contacts per rotation.

                The results were bright plasma arcs from the brushes

                and quite high spikes from the shorting.

                So, I thought of a way to catch the spikes into caps and then once per revolution, to isolate the caps out of the circuit, and dump them in series, thus boosting the voltage 3 X.

                I never did finish and test the cap switching from circuit system, but if it helps anyone with ideas, then here it is.


                • Originally posted by DavidE View Post

                  Pretty interesting and revealing post.

                  Why is it not enough to just state what you see? Give up attachment to outcome in favor of what might be novel and new. Otherwise YOU set up exchanges that suggest only one end point, rather than discovering a new path.

                  Its like your chapter and verse regarding Tesla, and all other inventors you consider disinformation.

                  You act like words only have one meaning, and that only you and Tesla are privy to the truth. Newsflash - there are infinite truths. There are infinite ways to any end point.

                  It would be much easier to hear your perspectives if they were not so colored with what you consider absolutes.

                  "The largest body of innovations yet exist in the counter-intuitive."
                  There are no infinite truths. Unless you are talking about such trivial things as the time according to a clock in different time zones, there is only one truth.

                  I have no attachment to any outcome. Hence I said "I'm not searching for other sources" - get it? I am in no way attached to any outcome.

                  You are the one who is upset that I'm not attached to any outcome, which you stated through accusing me of having my own agenda. You want me to be searching for "ambient energy", then you would listen to what I have to say. Then I could tell you any old rubbish I wanted and you would lap it up without question.

                  Perhaps I am the fool for being aware of this and yet choosing not to use it against you to trick you?

                  If I was attached to an outcome then I would have an agenda. Not being attached to any outcome, I am free to consider all that makes sense. I am happy to take what comes along.

                  You, on the other hand, who already knows what you want to see, are completely blind to the truth because you already "know" what you're looking for. What happens when you don't find it?

                  It seems apparent that you simply want to distract people from rational thinking with poppycock. A real explanation is given, and you immediately post some rubbish that's intended to impress the beginners or ignorant.

                  Idiots on youtube who have absolutely no idea of anything are disinformants and are doing more harm than you could possibly imagine, perhaps. What amazes me is that you don't seem to care whether or not any of it is based on reality. All that you care about is if it sounds impressive. Are there any big or impressive words used. If YES, then you're onboard. If NO, then you are simply not interested.

                  Apparently you just don't get the point I've been trying to get across and are more interested in arguing about it and defending absolute trash that has no relation to reality. There's nothing more I can say.

                  Originally posted by citfta View Post
                  I suppose those people would go out to explore looking for an unknown area and refuse to look at any maps of the known area. So how are they going to know when they find an unknown area?

                  "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                  "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                  • cap switching commutator

                    Oh, here is the cap isolation and series switching commutator I built but never really tested. This build was not very sturdy, and would have taken a lot to stabilize the contact towers.


                    • Originally posted by kenssurplus View Post
                      Hi, I hope Im not intruding into a where I should not. Several years ago, I was working on a outrunner generator. I had set up 3 phase coil shorting through mechanical brushes.

                      Since it was a 4 pole motor, I used 4 shorting contacts per rotation.

                      The results were bright plasma arcs from the brushes

                      and quite high spikes from the shorting.

                      So, I thought of a way to catch the spikes into caps and then once per revolution, to isolate the caps out of the circuit, and dump them in series, thus boosting the voltage 3 X.

                      I never did finish and test the cap switching from circuit system, but if it helps anyone with ideas, then here it is.
                      Hi Ken,

                      That is a nice way of coil shorting and I like the commutator of your later post also. That commutator may give artv some ideas.

                      All technical ideas and projects are welcome in this thread. It is primarily for technical discussions although sometimes it gets into of why people want to believe in certain ideas and ignore others. And those discussions are OK also as long as they don't get personal. I enjoy discussions based on the technical reasons for why we should believe one thing instead of another.

                      Thanks for your input.

                      Just because someone disagrees with you does NOT make them your enemy. We can disagree without attacking someone.


                      • You can sleep safe and sound, knowing youtube scholars are around.

                        Trust in Me (English)- Jungle Book - YouTube


                        "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                        "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                        • dR_Green

                          There are no infinite truths. Unless you are talking about such trivial things as the time according to a clock in different time zones, there is only one truth.

                          I have no attachment to any outcome. Hence I said "I'm not searching for other sources" - get it? I am in no way attached to any outcome.

                          You are the one who is upset that I'm not attached to any outcome, which you stated through accusing me of having my own agenda. You want me to be searching for "ambient energy", then you would listen to what I have to say. Then I could tell you any old rubbish I wanted and you would lap it up without question.

                          Perhaps I am the fool for being aware of this and yet choosing not to use it against you to trick you?

                          If I was attached to an outcome then I would have an agenda. Not being attached to any outcome, I am free to consider all that makes sense. I am happy to take what comes along.

                          You, on the other hand, who already knows what you want to see, are completely blind to the truth because you already "know" what you're looking for. What happens when you don't find it?

                          It seems apparent that you simply want to distract people from rational thinking with poppycock. A real explanation is given, and you immediately post some rubbish that's intended to impress the beginners or ignorant.

                          Idiots on youtube who have absolutely no idea of anything are disinformants and are doing more harm than you could possibly imagine, perhaps. What amazes me is that you don't seem to care whether or not any of it is based on reality. All that you care about is if it sounds impressive. Are there any big or impressive words used. If YES, then you're onboard. If NO, then you are simply not interested.

                          Apparently you just don't get the point I've been trying to get across and are more interested in arguing about it and defending absolute trash that has no relation to reality. There's nothing more I can say.
                          Generally for me forums are for launching ideas, thoughts, possibilities... not debating personalities. But based on your posting record, you act as if there is only one truth and you spam it everywhere.

                          When you were five I bet you had a strong perspective. When you were eleven a new perspective, on and on. Each time what you believed (or you knew) was the truth at that space/time intersection. You didn't intend on buying into the illusion of the day, you did not realize the danger of acting as if your view, was the only view. Perspectives evolve, their is no absolute truth. Something speculatively commands the absolutes but it certainly isn't you or me.

                          It doesn't really matter what you think you are, it only matters how people observe your actions.

                          What is frustrating for me is your ceaseless spamming of all things Tesla. All other inventors, and experimenters in your eyes are idiots. So much for an open mind.

                          The source of all power is not through any inventor, it is through Mother Nature and the creation force, that is the source of all energetic building blocks.

                          If we can't agree on that, let's just agree to disagree.


                          • Originally posted by DavidE View Post
                            What is frustrating for me is your ceaseless spamming of all things Tesla. All other inventors, and experimenters in your eyes are idiots. So much for an open mind.
                            Nope. You are talking about Tesla's invention/discovery. So I give you Tesla's account/description. One would assume that under normal circumstances such a thing would be helpful, you see.

                            There is no need for ignorant people on youtube to devise nonsense theories and explanations, an explanation already exists. If they had any sense then I would have nothing to say. But, they are not even aware that Tesla's explanation exists such is their ignorance. And then they proceed to explain it "in their own words". Frankly I have zero faith and trust in their abilities and credibility. They have not done one thing to show that they know what they're doing or talking about, it's just nonsense. There is no difference between that and a science fiction writer, they are empty words and none of it even NEEDS to be based on reality. But you and others who are deliberately "searching for magic" are REJECTING the sensible explanation and preferring some nonsense that doesn't and can't make sense. That's the bit I'm responding to.

                            Also, as I have pointed out, a "Tesla coil" is all you need to start with single wire experiments, there's no need for anything else. You can complicate it as much as you like with useless information, but there's no need for any more than the basic setup. All the youtube trash WILL NOT teach you anything useful whatsoever if you have not learned the BASICS, they only will lead you further info confusion. Apparently you wanted to argue with me for saying such a thing, so here we are. I might also point out that it would waste a lot less of my time if I simply allowed the disinformants to run amok.

                            "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                            "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                            • Originally posted by youtube disinformant
                              …so in between the two capacitor dielectrics is only the dielectric side of electricity, right, which seems to really like resistors. And in fact, the resistor is pulling; what it’s doing, is pulling the dielectric or longitudinal or different terms for this energy, out of the environment, actually. That’s how it’s described by Tesla, Steinmetz, Heaviside. So if you disagree with what I’m saying, in these descriptions, you’re also disagreeing with Nikola Tesla, Oliver Heaviside and Charles Steinmetz…
                              Originally posted by Ernst View Post
                              So now we have Tesla's explanation in this thread, perhaps someone can point out the line where he says that this circuit "pumps energy from the environment"?

                              This guy is claiming to refer to Tesla for making his youtube video.

                              So let us also refer to Tesla.

                              Where is it???

                              It's not there, is it. He's lying to you. He's telling you absolute rubbish. But you don't care. Instead you will defend him and argue with me for pointing it out.


                              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                              • Hi Ken, I am shorting ,or trying to short , when the power coil is just turning off.
                                Collect the spike from power off, store it and , re-inject it to the supply.

                                Plus add in the generated power from the collector brushes.

                                I have to get my switch to work. As the charge builds from generation , if you short it , a big spike occurs, use the generation before the short and the spike is bigger.
                                Still trying to make my caps dump at the right time.

