Yeap, Morins "stuff" is all in Morins head. When he gets to DETAILS he'll sort his own ignorance.
That doesn't really explain the oddity of the inversion of current draw via shorting on a transformer wired up backwards to that particular type of motor tho eh?
The 50watt trafo waveform had some curvature to the waveform but on the 800watt trafo that output waveform was nearly a perfect triangle wave.
To be sure I haven't done any more with it than I'd shared in the last video. It charges up capacities... probably a pulser could be used to discharge those charged capacities thru another transformer to produce Current pulses maybe that would be sent to recharge the source battery driving the DC motor thats turning the drain pump or something.
There was never a doubt in my mind that Morins methods were questionable. I've dealt with his Type before and they will not stick to a single context, they produce one, then when called out on that one they find a more expensive and harder to locate set of components (ala don smith and metglas) and spin that for a while... and then on to the next ...
It is nice seeing others are aware of it too tho... Quickest way to know is to do.
I'll go check that article out. Thanks for that!
Take care,
That doesn't really explain the oddity of the inversion of current draw via shorting on a transformer wired up backwards to that particular type of motor tho eh?
The 50watt trafo waveform had some curvature to the waveform but on the 800watt trafo that output waveform was nearly a perfect triangle wave.
To be sure I haven't done any more with it than I'd shared in the last video. It charges up capacities... probably a pulser could be used to discharge those charged capacities thru another transformer to produce Current pulses maybe that would be sent to recharge the source battery driving the DC motor thats turning the drain pump or something.
There was never a doubt in my mind that Morins methods were questionable. I've dealt with his Type before and they will not stick to a single context, they produce one, then when called out on that one they find a more expensive and harder to locate set of components (ala don smith and metglas) and spin that for a while... and then on to the next ...
It is nice seeing others are aware of it too tho... Quickest way to know is to do.
I'll go check that article out. Thanks for that!
Take care,
Originally posted by citfta
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