@ Ernst, i wound a perminant reciever into the coil, which increased the out put by atlease x2
No announcement yet.
Wardenclyffe - Tesla's true intention
"Tesla Describes His Efforts in Various Fields of Work" by Nikola Tesla
I told you I would get back on this one.
Well... Found it. And it adds to how I interpret the 1900 CM article.
Let me show you:
Originally posted by 1898As to the idea of rendering the energy of the sun available for industrial purposes, it fascinated me early but I must admit it was only long after I discovered the rotating magnetic field that it took a firm hold upon my mind.Originally posted by 1900This conclusion I reached, I think, in the latter part of 1883, when I was in Paris, and it was at a time when my mind was being more and more dominated by an invention which I had evolved during the preceding year, and which has since become known under the name of the "rotating magnetic field." During the few years which followed I elaborated further the plan I had imagined, and studied the working conditions, but made little headway.Originally posted by 1898In assailing the problem I found two possible ways of solving it. Either power was to be developed on the spot by converting the energy of the sun's radiations or the energy of vast reservoirs was to be transmitted economically to any distance. Though there were other possible sources of economical power, only the two solutions mentioned offer the ideal feature of power being obtained without any consumption of material. After long thought I finally arrived at two solutions, but on the first of these, namely, that referring to the development of power in any locality from the sun's radiations, I can not dwell at present.Originally posted by 1900But, whatever our resources of primary energy may be in the future, we must, to be rational, obtain it without consumption of any material. Long ago I came to this conclusion, and to arrive at this result only two ways, as before indicated, appeared possible—either to turn to use the energy of the sun stored in the ambient medium, or to transmit, through the medium, the sun's energy to distant places from some locality where it was obtainable without consumption of material. At that time I at once rejected the latter method as entirely impracticable, and turned to examine the possibilities of the former.
Originally posted by 1898The system of power transmission without wires, in the form in which I have described it recently, originated in this manner. Starting from two facts that the earth was a conductor insulated in space, and that a body can not be charged without causing an equivalent displacement of electricity in the earth, I undertook to construct a machine suited for creating as large a displacement as possible of the earth's electricity.
This machine was simply to charge and discharge in rapid succession a body insulated in space, thus altering periodically the amount of electricity in the earth, and consequently the pressure all over its surface. It was nothing but what in mechanics is a pump, forcing water from a large reservoir into a small one and back again.Originally posted by 1900This we could do by placing in the lake a tank, and pumping all the water out of the latter. We know, then, that the water, if allowed to flow back into the tank, would, theoretically, be able to perform exactly the same amount of work which was used in pumping it out, but not a bit more.Originally posted by 1898Primarily I contemplated only the sending of messages to great distances in this manner, and I described the scheme in detail, pointing out on that occasion the importance of ascertaining certain electrical conditions of the earth. The attractive feature of this plan was that the intensity of the signals should diminish very little with the distance, and, in fact, should not diminish at all, if it were not for certain losses occurring, chiefly in the atmosphere.
Originally posted by 1898As all my previous ideas, this one, too, received the treatment of Marsyas, but it forms, nevertheless, the basis of what is now known as —wireless telegraphy.— This statement will bear rigorous examination, but it is not made with the intent of detracting from the merit of others. On the contrary, it is with great pleasure that I acknowledge the early work of Dr. Lodge, the brilliant experiments of Marconi, and of a later experimenter in this line, Dr. Slaby, of Berlin. Now, this idea I extended to a system of power transmission, and I submitted it to Helmholtz on the occasion of his visit to this country. He unhesitatingly said that power could certainly be transmitted in this manner, but he doubted that I could ever produce an apparatus capable of creating the high pressures of a number of million volts, which were required to attack the problem with any chance of success, and that I could overcome the difficulties of insulation. Impossible as this problem seemed at first, I was fortunate to master it in a comparatively short time, and it was in perfecting this apparatus that I came to a turning point in the development of this idea.
Originally posted by 1898I, namely, at once observed that the air, which is a perfect insulator for currents produced by ordinary apparatus, was easily traversed by currents furnished by my improved machine, giving a tension of something like 2,500,000 volts. A further investigation in this direction led to another valuable fact; namely, that the conductivity of the air for these currents increased very rapidly with its degree of rarefaction, and at once the transmission of energy through the upper strata of air, which, without such results as I have obtained, would be nothing more than a dream, became easily realizable.
This appears all the more certain, as I found it quite practicable to transmit, under conditions such as exist in heights well explored, electrical energy in large amounts. I have thus overcome all the chief obstacles which originally stood in the way, and the success of my system now rests merely on engineering skill.Originally posted by 1900Another of these reasons was that I was led to recognize the transmission of electrical energy to any distance through the media as by far the best solution of the great problem of harnessing the sun's energy for the uses of man. For a long time I was convinced that such a transmission on an industrial scale, could never be realized, but a discovery which I made changed my view. I observed that under certain conditions the atmosphere, which is normally a high insulator, assumes conducting properties, and so becomes capable of conveying any amount of electrical energy. But the difficulties in the way of a practical utilization of this discovery for the purpose of transmitting electrical energy without wires were seemingly insuperable. Electrical pressures of many millions of volts had to be produced and handled; generating apparatus of a novel kind, capable of withstanding the immense electrical stresses, had to be invented and perfected, and a complete safety against the dangers of the high-tension currents had to be attained in the system before its practical introduction could be even thought of. All this could not be done in a few weeks or months, or even years. The work required patience and constant application, but the improvements came, though slowly. Other valuable results were, however, arrived at in the course of this long-continued work, of which I shall endeavor to give a brief account, enumerating the chief advances as they were successively effected.
The discovery of the conducting properties of the air, though unexpected, was only a natural result of experiments in a special field which I had carried on for some years before. It was, I believe, during 1889 that certain possibilities offered by extremely rapid electrical oscillations determined me to design a number of special machines adapted for their investigation. Owing to the peculiar requirements, the construction of these machines was very difficult, and consumed much time and effort; but my work on them was generously rewarded, for I reached by their means several novel and important results.
Originally posted by 1898Referring to my latest invention, I wish to bring out a point which has been overlooked. I arrived, as has been stated, at the idea through entirely abstract speculations on the human organism, which I conceived to be a self-propelling machine, the motions of which are governed by impressions received through the eye.Originally posted by 1900I was vainly endeavoring to form an idea of how this might be accomplished, when I read some statements from Carnot and Lord Kelvin (then Sir William Thomson) which meant virtually that it is impossible for an inanimate mechanism or self-acting machine to cool a portion of the medium below the temperature of the surrounding, and operate by the heat abstracted. These statements interested me intensely. Evidently a living being could do this very thing, and since the experiences of my early life which I have related had convinced me that a living being is only an automaton, or, otherwise stated, a "self-acting-engine," I came to the conclusion that it was possible to construct a machine which would do the same.Originally posted by 1898Endeavoring to construct a mechanical model resembling in its essential, material features the human body, I was led to combine a controlling device, or organ sensitive to certain waves, with a body provided with propelling and directing mechanism, and the rest naturally followed.
Originally posted by 1898Originally the idea interested me only from the scientific point of view, but soon I saw that I had made a departure which sooner or later must produce a profound change in things and conditions presently existing.
Why do I compare these articles in this way? Because it shows how Tesla is thinking and with this insight we will find the key to his "greatest invention".
Sorry, again my presence is required elsewhere.
Forgive me then dR-Green, for I thought the Renewable Energy Forum was a
Discussion on various alternative energy, renewable energy, & free energy technologies.
If not then I'm not really sure why someone would be here other then to throw a wrench in the gears or boost their own ego by putting people down. If one doesn't believe in alternative energy, then don't read about it here anymore, go read about solar panels or something. Otherwise it looks like nothing more than an ego who has decided to prove to the "free energy" crowd how wrong they are? If someone on this forum doesn't believe in alternative energy fine, thanks for your opinion,but now go talk on the conventional energy forum about how wrong you think "free energy" is because it serves no purpose here.
I see open minded people willing to think "outside the box", who provide quotes, references, links, photos and then I see people who just have opinions or are obviously trolling. I don't feed the trolls, but I do really enjoy the creativity of many people posting here and commend their efforts to discover new things by intelligent debate and discussion. Its really too bad some people feel the need to interject with egotistical opinions.
I have learned more about Wardenclyffe from some of the people here and I hope I have contributed something as well.
The Collective Consciousness is the common connection between all things great and small, from the large-scale universe to the subatomic quantum world.
Our mission is to develop a unified spiritual and scientific model that seamlessly uncovers the connections between consciousness, the infinite quantum potential, and the large-scale universe.
The practical application of this understanding leads way to quantum leaps in healing modalities and technologies, sustainable energy technologies, consciousness sciences, advanced learning methodologies as well as an integrated holistic viewpoint of our spiritual connection with the whole.
I apologise to Ernst for the inconvenience.
Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View PostSo apparently everyone on this forum topic should be willing to discuss such matters.
2. Solar panels? You are the one who's complaining about them. Free energy on a plate, but you're not hungry.
3. The sun's influence extends beyond direct sunlight. Refer to Tesla's theories. Study meteorology and geology.
4. "People who just have opinions" - demonstrate YOUR interpretation. Show us the free energy that you claim. Or do you have nothing but an opinion to speak of?
Originally posted by TeslaSecretsAs to the "crystal radio initiative".
This seems a joke to me. A contest to see who can get the most power from an AM radio transmitter, which of itself was never designed to transmit usable power, only signal. Most definitely this serves to detract from any real research into an actual power transmission system, rather than teach us anything new.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
New video
A preliminary test with an extra coil. This is the extra coil from my first 3-coil system.
Its wire is 5 meter too long. The wire is also too thin for this system.
And on top of all that I do not have the right top-load to get this into resonance.
Yet it does do something, as I explain in the description on youtube.
I will first check to see if/how I can get a 3x bigger top-load. Then tune and see how it goes.
After that I will design the actual extra coil (which requires an even larger top-load).
This system is getting a bit big-ish... Bigger than I first intended...
Still fits in a garage...
@ boguslaw,
I have quite a lot of experience with low power (digital) circuits. These require little understanding of electricity and they behave exactly as logic dictates as long as you stick to some simple rules. It is when I stepped out of the low power/low voltage circuitry that I noticed that things do not always behave as we are taught.
It is from there that I got in touch with Tesla's work and I noticed how he seemed to look for extremes. Extreme HV, extreme high current, extreme dV/dt.
I want to understand what he did, how he thought, and see what he had seen.
If I had access to the materials needed, I would rebuild his Colorado Springs lab right here.
But apart even from the materials, I think that might be asking too much from my family's understanding. I am pushing the limits already.
So no, I am not down scaling.
It is just that when my wife comes home, I get this "What on earth are you doing?!?"
And showing 1MV sparks will not make her much more enthusiastic.
Sometimes you can hear sound as from a machine gun on the street, coming from our house, that too does not induce much and
Oh well, sometime I hope to find something of value. And then...
I will get my lab!
I have been offered some space already!
(inconveniently far away from here)
and again, the telephone rings.
got to go.
Interesting paragraph from the Boys book of new inventions
The last paragraph from page 158...
"As the boy approached the power plant he was
impressed by the great size of the tower and its
circular top, as shown in the photograph. It is
this circular top, with its conductive apparatus
that gathers the electricity from the air and
from the dynamo, and sends it forth in great
waves both through the air and through the earth."
So here it states that Wardenclyffe was gathering electricity from the air. Any ideas on how this was accomplished??
I had expected not to be the only one who sees it now.
There are 2 more principles involved, the key to both we have now.
1 - transmit to receive, but in a much more direct way. Exactly as described in the 1900 CM article. Create a "sink" and let the energy flow in. But do not let it fill the sink, transmit this energy in order to receive more. This is what the 4th coil is doing.
This is why this device is called a Magnifying Transmitter; the same principle that is used to transmit the energy is the principle that causes magnification.
I suspect the frequency of the received energy to be low, in the order of Earth resonance (12.78 Hz) - Schumann resonance (7.5 Hz?) = 5.3 Hz.
But this is still an open issue. It can also be the frequency of the electric waves that we receive from "somewhere out there".
This 4th coil is set in motion in the way William Beaty describes, and the brilliance of this system is, that this system tunes itself. This is necessary because of the second overlooked principle, which alters the resonance frequency while in operation.
2 - Some people look at Wardenclyffe as a giant antenna for transmitting waves in the atmosphere, despite the fact that Tesla on numerous occasions says that it transmits through the earth. Other people, the more intelligent ones, look at what this tower does in terms of telluric transmission. Unfortunately BOTH groups do not see the complete picture. Everytime when Tesla gets into explaining his magnifying transmitter he also mentions that he discovered that the electrical properties of air change under certain circumstances. I remember having read that the earth mirrors electric currents in the ionosphere because these are capacitively coupled, so the other way round will work just the same: the ionosphere mirrors electric currents in the earth. So when the magnifying transmitter creates telluric currents, these are mirrored in the ionsphere.
Before leaving CS Tesla performed a number of experiments in order to measure the difference in capacitance when an conductor is raised or lowered. Why would he do so?
It is quite obvious that he is not moving the top of his MT up and down, that one remains at a fixed height. Yet something else happens: because of the operation of his tower the properties of air are altered, rendering it more conductive. This is effectively the same as "lowering the ionosphere", and this is effectively the same as raising the top-load of his MT. Thus the capacitance is altered. (someone once said something about "parameter variation" ?)
Well, let the shills eat their little hearts out on this first.
(just joking)
We are leaving square one...
Concerning flat spirals...
should link to a pdf in which I explain how, in my humble opinion, Tesla viewed inductance.
There may be more to it, but this is what I deduce from reading Tesla's own words.
Some people seem to have trouble accessing a google-drive, if someone has a better place to store this (other than the trash can, I will be one step ahead, in case someone gets this extraordinarily funny idea ), I am open to suggestions, or feel free to copy it yourself.
I believe Tesla displaced charge in Earth to top capacitor and then throw again into Earth core to produce stationary waves. That's why he tested the elevated capacitance and most particularly also he tried to find the best shape to avoid charge leakage to air, while of course air still was ionized to opposite (positive?) charge. Hmm...what do you think ? Is that the correct explanation how Tesla produced artificial lightning ?
Btw I'm more and more convinced that electric current is gravity or antigravity wave or just mechanical wave, pushing small magnets (electrons).OU is thus very simple indeed if you think about it.I will check your explanation of inductance. The remaining problem is to answer what is charge and how gravity is generated but I think we could together (and with TeslaSecrets) propose the complete general theory soon
Imho magnetic field is wave in ether or ether under tension and it's constrained in space in form of two opposite vortexes. (while direct constrained wave in ether would be electric field). This is the ambient source Tesla mentioned in his article. The sink is a device converting continuously this field into electric current of high amperage , low frequency or just DC current (I'm not sure yet exactly what kind).
Scientists and NASA would do the best thing accepting my propositions of experiments instead spending millions for CERN hadron collider, but of course they knew it's all a hoax for distracting people....
I believe Tesla displaced charge in Earth to top capacitor and then throw again into Earth core to produce stationary waves.
That's why he tested the elevated capacitance...
...and most particularly also he tried to find the best shape to avoid charge leakage to air...
while of course air still was ionized to opposite (positive?) charge.
Is that the correct explanation how Tesla produced artificial lightning ?
The way he did this, I believe was as follows:
- he used a 3 coil system, maybe 4 coils, but I think the lightning was produced effectively by 3 coils. The 4th coil was needed to take down the CS generator.
- as you can read in one of his biographies (I think Margaret Cheney's), Tesla stood outside and watched the discharges grow. This means, I think, that earth resonance was involved, otherwise the voltage would not increase slow enough to actually see this.
My opinion on electric and magnetic fields can roughly be read in the PDF that I just linked to. I do not really believe in a magnetic field as such, I think it shows the resulting force on ferromagnetic materials of a particular electric field. I too have a distinct feeling that gravity is related to electricity as well.
BTW, have you seen this video? Can you provide a link to the thread on this subject?
It is absolutely true that WAY too much money is wasted on all kind of colliders. I wonder why no scientist recognizes how ridiculous these experiments are! The energy that is put into the collision exceeds the energy represented by the "newly discovered particles" by millions of times! How can they be sure these new particles existed before the collision? It is much more likely that they did not. Just as with fusion, it is a ludicrous idea. I am not saying that nuclear fusion is impossible, we know from the H-bomb that it can be done.
But... we will never get controlled hot fusion and this is most certainly NOT taking place in our sun neither. If my solution to a number of other "mysteries from the past" is correct, we will have absolute proof of this fact before this year is over. Hoaxes, deception, smoke and mirrors, those are the times that we live in today. In a few years we will see that even the top of the deceivers-chain have been deceived.
(drifting off topic...)
some relevant info for those who may be interested.
at high enough frequencies the dielectric becomes conductive, it's called dielectric leakage. A problem with klystrons, gyrotrons and wave guide tubes.
high frequency capacitors are made of glass, special properties of course but glass is best, though highly expensive for such condenser banks. used primarily in space vehicles and satellites.
the point Tesla makes of directing the pickup point anywhere one desires with simple trig is easier to understand when you realize that the earth is the conductor or antennae and by utilizing a frequency modulation or FM of the telluric current then you can put the node at any specific distance from the counterpoise which is the atmosphere that encircles the earth.
So as basic as it may seem, it's the inverse of radio broadcast. not the opposite but the inverse, that's the key point.
the earth is viewed as the conductor for current, the atmosphere is the dielectric charge against the low pressure hydrogen/helium charge of space. the earth then is one plate of a condenser the other is space and the atmosphere is the dielectric, at high frequency pulses of DC the 'ringing' of earth will induce the dielectric breakdown leakage to occur.
how to go this safely is highly complex. there was a weather based project that attempted to harness the potential delta between the upper atmosphere at the earth, it was basically a short to ground and resulted in massive amounts of energy being released very quickly. another attempt in low earth orbit on an STS mission nearly destroyed the shuttle as they lost the antennae as it shorted the atmosphere to space and went flailing out into orbit. shorting the two is not the best approach. Tesla and Dollard recently have proposed how to utilize the earth in this manner, it's not simple as it also entails the rotation in a mathematical sense of the magnetic field to be in plane with the electric field, this generates the longitudinal wave needed to 'grasp' the dielectric.
Ernst you said:
Yet something else happens: because of the operation of his tower the properties of air are altered, rendering it more conductive.
at high enough frequencies the dielectric becomes conductive
I've thought about why the AM radio in my car doesn't overload when I am sitting across the street from their 100 kW transmitter. Even if there were no resistors in the tank circuit, it wont overload. Which is the same problem essentially your proposing with your crystal radio initiative. I pointed out the solution I came up with, was the components in the car radio, were just two small to handle any reasonable amount of power. I realized, we can make a large capacitor and coil, which would still have the same natural frequency as the small capacitor and coil in the car radio. Such a thing wouldn't overload either when near the transmitter, but it absolutely would allow you to tap far more power, then the little am radio in the car, or a crystal set for that matter.
The capacitance of a capacitor 10 feet across, with plate separation of feet, can have the same capacitance as a capacitor 1 inch across with a plate separation of 50th of an inch. However, the power handling of each case is much different.
I don't think this is illogical nor does it show a lack of knowledge of the concepts involved.
Master Hsüan-sha once described the existential situation: “We are here as if immersed in water head and shoulders underneath the great ocean, and yet how piteously we are extending our hands for water!”
Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View PostErnst you said:
and madhatter points out:
All I am saying is Space itself is known to be a dielectric and likely Tesla knew he was not just modifying the properties of air, but of Space itself. He was onto something very fundamental about the properties of Space and Electric Field itself. Something which may or may not have led him to understand energy, differently then we do today. Because of this of course I am not certain, but Tesla's words and descriptions seem to suggest their was much more to his work then at first appears.
I've thought about why the AM radio in my car doesn't overload when I am sitting across the street from their 100 kW transmitter. Even if there were no resistors in the tank circuit, it wont overload. Which is the same problem essentially your proposing with your crystal radio initiative. I pointed out the solution I came up with, was the components in the car radio, were just two small to handle any reasonable amount of power. I realized, we can make a large capacitor and coil, which would still have the same natural frequency as the small capacitor and coil in the car radio. Such a thing wouldn't overload either when near the transmitter, but it absolutely would allow you to tap far more power, then the little am radio in the car, or a crystal set for that matter.
The capacitance of a capacitor 10 feet across, with plate separation of feet, can have the same capacitance as a capacitor 1 inch across with a plate separation of 50th of an inch. However, the power handling of each case is much different.
I don't think this is illogical nor does it show a lack of knowledge of the concepts involved.
The same is true of energy.
also keep in mind that a radio is receiving the Hertzian wave that has very high losses (square distance function), the ground current is very different.