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Wardenclyffe - Tesla's true intention

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  • Originally posted by dR-Green View Post
    Yes, except for practical purposes it's convenient to make actual opposite wound coils otherwise it will be more difficult to work with and you'll need to do something to raise it off whatever surface when it's turned upside down. All the terminals will need to be reached from below etc, so if you're making two then you'd may as well save the hassle and just make them opposite to begin with. And they can be mounted vertically anyway.

    As you know the things will work when the coils are wound in the same direction with any combination of coils and sizes and geometries. All kinds of coils will work*. But be careful you don't get called a shill if you say these things

    *Disclaimer: Not necessarily at optimum performance/efficiency under such conditions.
    Yes you're right if the wires must come out of a certain side up or down would
    be most likely then they would be opposite in that respect. As for solenoids
    there can be advantages and disadvantages to doing it, i think it depends on
    the experiment and the way the coils are oriented in relation to each other if
    close. End to end is different to side by side ect. as is close to far.

    The thing is with a spiral it can be reversed by just flipping the coil but a
    solenoid is not like that, flipping a solenoid does nothing to the turn direction,
    to get an opposite wound solenoid it needs to be rewound.



    • Originally posted by Farmhand View Post
      Tesla coil test 2 - YouTube

      I also discovered a 2 meter by 300 mm aluminium plate suspended 13 mm from
      my concrete slab has about 800 pF of capacitance to the ground stake and I
      can couple a receiver to the ground with it for some effect. Have you
      measured the capacitance of a pot of dirt to the radiator system or some
      other ground dR ? Maybe an RC car could be coupled to ground with a under-body plate.

      Very nice No I haven't measured the capacitance between the bucket and earth, but it's very leaky. When I was using the 2N2222 amp I was able to couple the receiver to it using an aluminium plate about 20x25cm up to a distance of about 40cm, the load was the 6 "love hearts" LEDs. I could also do the same by replacing the aluminium plate with my hand. I could tune it, increase the distance, retune it, increase the distance, retune again etc until I reached the limit. It's easy to see the importance of magnification factor in this I think, among other things by doing this you know for sure the receiver is tuned spot on, the peak can be hard to find with direct connections and certainly when using a lot of power because it's "too easy" to make it work. Powering a motor this way (efficiently) should be quite a task though, I think that will at least require some dedicated coils not just "experimental" things. Size might be a problem. For another project we've discussed in the past I recently made two tiny receivers, a basic AM radio style adjustable inductor, the smallest is about 3cm length 8mm diameter. The size HAS to be small for the application, but even with direct connections I'm not satisfied with how it works. So that idea will need work for sure. Although this was totally experimental and built blindly on the basic idea with no particular specifications in mind other than it needs to be as small as possible so the only indication I was looking for was that it would work at all, which it did. But motors...
      Last edited by dR-Green; 03-20-2013, 02:31 PM.

      "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

      "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


      • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
        No, not in that way.
        The primary coil, capacitor(s), and spark-gap generate bursts of pulses of a pre-defined frequency. This frequency has to match the SRF of the secondary coil.
        With this frequency you can determine the wavelength.
        This you split into
        - 3/4 for the secondary coil, the extra coil and their connections combined
        - 1/4 for the fourth coil and its connections combined
        The extra coil amplifies the voltage supplied by the secondary, until the losses equal the supplied power. Which will happen rather quickly. The extra coil gets a small top-load so that a little charge (meaning little current) can produce extremely high potentials. This top-load will be the main point of losses in this system.
        In order to reduce these, you place this top-load inside a larger top-load connected to coil 4.
        Coil 4 will resonate at the same frequency and will always be in phase with the extra coil.
        Thus the potential of coil 4's top-load shields the extra coils top-load preventing discharges (=losses) and allowing it to reach a higher potential (see Carl Lindes process of air liquifaction). The high Q of coil 4 guaranties to maximize this effect.
        So coil 4 will oscillate in pace with the extra and its top-load will reach the same potential. But since this load is much larger, a greater current will run through this coil.
        I consider this puzzle solved. Anyone thinks he has build a TMT?
        Count your coils, less than 4? ==> NO TMT
        Creating OU? No? ==> NO TMT huhhuh how funny..
        One top-load inside the other one? No? ==> NO TMT
        Let me know if someone succeeds in replication. I'm still working on it.
        The man forgot one of his own arguments, the plasma. Just a detail...
        But i worked on it and it isn't the missing keystone sorry to say !


        • Originally posted by Hobby Eon View Post
          The man forgot one of his own arguments, the plasma. Just a detail...
          But i worked on it and it isn't the missing keystone sorry to say !
          Ernst got it right ! You can find proof by analysing all Tesla articles for newspapers..... Tuning fork !!!


          • Thanks, Boguslaw!

            This thread has been a bit quiet, but I have been quite busy, and I have a little surprise for you folks.
            I can tell you now with 100% certainty that the 1900 CM artice contains a full and detailed description of the Magnifying Transmitter and how it is producing power.
            I have verified the principles and although some sound odd, it absolutely does work.
            I can hardly wait to show you and the entire world how it is done but the guy sponsoring my experiments asked me to file a patent first. I am trying to get that done this week, then, after that has been settled I would like to get the info out and all over the world in the shortest possible time.
            Why are we filing a patent? For one reason only: So that no one else can claim my work.
            The info will be freely available to anyone.

            If anyone has suggestions on how to proceed from here, please let me (+ sponsor = us) know.



            • Originally posted by Ernst View Post
              Why are we filing a patent? For one reason only: So that no one else can claim my work.
              Your work? I thought it was Tesla's work. It's already patented, so you can't do it. Unless you are doing something different (isn't that the problem).

              If you are genuine then good luck. If you are disinformant then you have fun times ahead.
              Last edited by dR-Green; 07-29-2013, 01:57 PM.

              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


              • Yes, Although I do not consider myself a disinformant, I certainly see fun times ahead!

                Let's just start. By the time we get to the MT the patent is filed anyway.

                The Problem of Increasing Human Energy - With Special References to the Harnessing of the Sun's Energy.
                By Nikola Tesla
                Century Illustrated Magazine, June 1900
                Of all the endless variety of phenomena which nature presents to our senses, there is none that fills our minds with greater wonder than that inconceivably complex movement which, in its entirety, we designate as human life; Its mysterious origin is veiled in the forever impenetrable mist of the past, its character is rendered incomprehensible by its infinite intricacy, and its destination is hidden in the unfathomable depths of the future. Whence does it come? What is it? Whither does it tend? are the great questions which the sages of all times have endeavoured to answer.
                ----/ /----
                We all know that Tesla's focus was always on electricity. He was fascinated by it and tried to unlock its secrets. Why then, would he devote one of his largest articles to something so abstract as “human energy”? Isn't it much more likely that this article is about electrical energy? I say it is.
                ----/ /----
                Modern science says: The sun is the past, the earth is the present, the moon is the future. From an incandescent mass we have originated, and into a frozen mass we shall turn. Merciless is the law of nature, and rapidly and irresistibly we are drawn to our doom. Lord Kelvin, in his profound meditations, allows us only a short span of life, something like six million years, after which time the suns bright light will have ceased to shine, and its life giving heat will have ebbed away, and our own earth will be a lump of ice, hurrying on through the eternal night. But do not let us despair. There will still be left upon it a glimmering spark of life, and there will be a chance to kindle a new fire on some distant star. This wonderful possibility seems, indeed, to exist, judging from Professor Dewar's beautiful experiments with liquid air, which show that germs of organic life are not destroyed by cold, no matter how intense; consequently they may be transmitted through the interstellar space. Meanwhile the cheering lights of science and art, ever increasing in intensity, illuminate our path, and marvels they disclose, and the enjoyments they offer, make us measurably forgetful of the gloomy future.
                ----/ /----
                This looks like just an intro, but there is more to it as we shall see later.
                ----/ /----
                Though we may never be able to comprehend human life, we know certainly that it is a movement, of whatever nature it be. The existence of movement unavoidably implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it. Hence, wherever there is life, there is a mass moved by a force.
                ----/ /----
                Though we may never be able to comprehend electricity, we know certainly that it is a movement, of whatever nature it be. The existence of movement unavoidably implies a body which is being moved and a force which is moving it. Hence, wherever there is electricity, there is a mass moved by a force.
                ----/ /----
                All mass possesses inertia, all force tends to persist. Owing to this universal property and condition, a body, be it at rest or in motion, tends to remain in the same state, and a force, manifesting itself anywhere and through whatever cause, produces an equivalent opposing force, and as an absolute necessity of this it follows that every movement in nature must be rhythmical. Long ago this simple truth was clearly pointed out by Herbert Spencer, who arrived at it through a somewhat different process of reasoning. It is borne out in everything we perceive—in the movement of a planet, in the surging and ebbing of the tide, in the reverberations of the air, the swinging of a pendulum, the oscillations of an electric current, and in the infinitely varied phenomena of organic life. Does not the whole of human life attest to it? Birth, growth, old age, and death of an individual, family, race, or nation, what is it all but a rhythm? All life-manifestation, then, even in its most intricate form, as exemplified in man, however involved and inscrutable, is only a movement, to which the same general laws of movement which govern throughout the physical universe must be applicable.
                ----/ /----
                Electricity, then, even in its most intricate form, is only a movement, to which the same general laws of movement which govern throughout the physical universe must be applicable.
                ----/ /----
                When we speak of man, we have a conception of humanity as a whole, and before applying scientific methods to, the investigation of his movement we must accept this as a physical fact. But can anyone doubt to-day that all the millions of individuals and all the innumerable types and characters constitute an entity, a unit? Though free to think and act, we are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable.
                ----/ /----
                When we speak of electricity, we have a conception of it as a whole, and before applying scientific methods to, the investigation of his movement we must accept this as a physical fact. But can anyone doubt today that all the millions of electrons and all the innumerable types and characters constitute an entity, a unit? Though free to move and act, they are held together, like the stars in the firmament, with ties inseparable.
                ----/ /----
                These ties cannot be seen, but we can feel them. I cut myself in the finger, and it pains me: this finger is a part of me. I see a friend hurt, and it hurts me, too: my friend and I are one. And now I see stricken down an enemy, a lump of matter which, of all the lumps of matter in the universe, I care least for, and it still grieves me. Does this not prove that each of us is only part of a whole?
                For ages this idea has been proclaimed in the consummately wise teachings of religion, probably not alone as a means of insuring peace and harmony among men, but as a deeply founded truth. The Buddhist expresses it in one way, the Christian in another, but both say the same: We are all one. Metaphysical proofs are, however, not the only ones which we are able to bring forth in support of this idea. Science, too, recognizes this connectedness of separate individuals, though not quite in the same sense as it admits that the suns, planets, and moons of a constellation are one body, and there can be no doubt that it will be experimentally confirmed in times to come, when our means and methods for investigating psychical and other states and phenomena shall have been brought to great perfection. Still more: this one human being lives on and on. The individual is ephemeral, races and nations come and pass away, but man remains. Therein lies the profound difference between the individual and the whole. Therein, too, is to be found the partial explanation of many of those marvellous phenomena of heredity which are the result of countless centuries of feeble but persistent influence.
                Conceive, then, man as a mass urged on by a force. Though this movement is not of a translatory character, implying change of place, yet the general laws of mechanical movement are applicable to it, and the energy associated with this mass can be measured, in accordance with well-known principles, by half the product of the mass with the square of a certain velocity. So, for instance, a cannon-ball which is at rest possesses a certain amount of energy in the form of heat, which we measure in a similar way. We imagine the ball to consist of innumerable minute particles, called atoms or molecules, which vibrate or whirl around one another. We determine their masses and velocities, and from them the energy of each of these minute systems, and adding them all together, we get an idea of the total heat-energy contained in the ball, which is only seemingly at rest. In this purely theoretical estimate this energy may then be calculated by multiplying half of the total mass—that is half of the sum of all the small masses—with the square of a velocity which is determined from the velocities of the separate particles. In like manner we may conceive of human energy being measured by half the human mass multiplied with the square of the velocity which we are not yet able to compute. But our deficiency in this knowledge will not vitiate the truth of the deductions I shall draw, which rest on the firm basis that the same laws of mass and force govern throughout nature.
                ----/ /----
                Electricity is mass urged on by a force. Its energy is given by ½mv2. Tesla then states that there is internal (heat) and external (moving canon ball) kinetic energy. We may not be able to measure its mass or speed, but that does not change the fact that the same universal laws must apply.
                ----/ /----
                Man, however, is not an ordinary mass, consisting of spinning atoms and molecules, and containing merely heat-energy. He is a mass possessed of certain higher qualities by reason of the creative principle of life with which he is endowed. His mass, as the water in an ocean wave, is being continuously exchanged, new taking the place of the old.
                ----/ /----
                Electricity is something higher than the mass that it moves. It gives 'life' to electrons that manifest this electricity. In an electric current or charge, individual electrons may come and go but the electrical effects remain.....

                And that is a most interesting point. Think about it.



                • Congratulations Ernst. You are lucky man,having support... for me all this is the source of pain and saddnes,everytime I'm disrupted by common day dutes and nobody really cares what I'm doing (or even they threat me as a madman). I could only dream about a patent, though I have 3 partially done inventions all of much importance , but I learned hard that the importance is very vague topic, when I found that salesman could sold even a total crap as a great solution
                  Here is what I think. All devices just work the same , thus really all patents after Tesla times are void. It is just the way to "keep resonance", be it Steven Mark, Kapanadze,Stepanov and others. The other way is a abrupt discharge from capacitor and thus current enlarged many times and captured many times - indeed both are just variations of the same and both used by Tesla. And finally you could but you are not forced to send it somewhere using a stationary waves. Earth or conductor it does not matter. Stationary wave in Earth or in LC circuit, the same. Just follow the nature, gravity is the same force just different medium...
                  I bet you know what I'm talking about. Just keep resonance , use Newton III law and "you are in bussiness" as Don Smith tended to talk.
                  I will explain in patent, if/when someday I will finish it


                  • great ernst!!! looking fwd to the development of oyur work!!!


                    • Thanks!
                      Yes, I know I am lucky in more than one ways. And I intend to share the fruits that luck with the world. Also because I know that that would have been Tesla's wish, and I am greatly indebted to him.
                      Yesterday I finished the final version of the patent text, today I signed the application. It will be filed either today or on Friday. Whether the patent will be granted or not is not relevant, because if they reject mine, then they will also reject similar patents by someone else. If they accept mine they will also reject similar patents by someone else. So in both cases I get what I want.

                      Let's go back to the article... With a genuinly twisted mind you can already see where this is going. But I doubt whether a mind can be twisted enough so let's continue going through the article.

                      ----/ /----
                      Not only this, but he grows propagates, and dies, thus altering his mass independently, both in bulk and density. What is most wonderful of all, he is capable of increasing or diminishing his velocity of movement by the mysterious power he possesses by appropriating more or less energy from other substance, and turning it into motive energy. But in any given moment we may ignore these slow changes and assume that human energy is measured by half the product of man's mass with the square of a certain hypothetical velocity. However we may compute this velocity, and whatever we may take as the standard of its measure, we must, in harmony with this conception, come to the conclusion that the great problem of science is, and always will be, to increase the energy thus defined. Many years ago, stimulated by the perusal of that deeply interesting work, Draper's "History of the Intellectual Development of Europe," depicting so vividly human movement, I recognized that to solve this eternal problem must ever be the chief task of the man of science. Some results of my own efforts to this end I shall endeavour briefly to describe here.

                      Let, then, in diagram a, M represent the mass of man (electricity). This mass is impelled in one direction by a force f, which is resisted by another partly frictional and partly negative force R, acting in a direction exactly opposite, and retarding the movement of the mass. Such an antagonistic force is present in every movement and must be taken into consideration. The difference between these two forces is the effective force which imparts a velocity V to the mass M in the direction of the arrow on the line representing the force f. In accordance with the preceding, the human (electrical) energy will then be given by the product ½ MV2 = ½ MV x V, in which M is the total mass of man in the ordinary interpretation of the term "mass," and V is a certain hypothetical velocity, which, in the present state of science, we are unable exactly to define and determine. To increase the human energy is, therefore, equivalent to increasing this product, and there are, as will readily be seen, only three ways possible to attain this result, which are illustrated in the above diagram. The first way shown in the top figure, is to increase the mass (as indicated by the dotted circle) (charge or current), leaving the two opposing forces the same. The second way is to reduce the retarding force R to a smaller value r, leaving the mass and the impelling force the same, as diagrammatically shown in the middle figure. The third way, which is illustrated in the last figure, is to increase the impelling force f to a higher value F, while the mass and the retarding force R remain unaltered. Evidently fixed limits exist as regards increase of mass and reduction of retarding force, but the impelling force can be increased indefinitely. Each of these three possible solutions presents a different aspect of the main problem of increasing human energy, which is thus divided into three distinct problems, to be successively considered.
                      ----/ /----
                      For the mathematically inclined (but not required to understand the principles of the MT):

                      Let us first take a step back and try to make some more sense out of this. Energy, he says, is ½mv^2 but in electrical terms we know this as E = P·t = I·V·t = Q·V. Charge (Q) can easily be related to mass, in fact if we see charge as a certain number of unit charges, i.e. electrons, then we can even make a good estimate of this charge; 1 Coulomb being 5.68562·10^-12 Kg. This shows us how to translate voltage to speed:

                      v = √(2VQ/m) = 593097√(V)

                      With 1 Volt we are pretty safe here, but with 1 MV we get a velocity of almost twice the speed of light. With these kind of velocities we should take relativistic effects into consideration. The mass of the electron will increase with such velocities according to: mv = mr / √(1-(v/c)^2) giving:

                      Q·V = ½·v^2·(Q/Qe) ·me / √(1-(v/c)^2)
                      which can be reduced to
                      Qe·V = ½·v^2·me / √(1-(v/c)^2)

                      if we substitute β = v/c and Ee = me c^2 = 8,19844 ·10-14 J and a = (Qe·V / Ee)^2 = 3.829 ·10-12 V^2 this gives us

                      β^2 =2(√(a^2+a) – a)

                      To fully understand this we should understand that when we talk about voltage we talk about a difference in electrical potential and so we talk about a difference in velocity. When we have a 1 Volt battery electricity leaves at one end and returns at the other end 593096 m/s slower. If we could generate 10 TV we could almost stop electricity!
                      Another observation is that charge relates directly to mass and voltage to velocity squared.
                      ----/ /----
                      Viewed generally, there are obviously two ways of increasing the mass of mankind: first, by aiding and maintaining those forces and conditions which tend to increase it; and, second, by opposing and reducing those which tend to diminish it. The mass will be increased by careful attention to health, by substantial food, by moderation, by regularity of habits, by promotion of marriage, by conscientious attention to children, and, generally stated, by the observance of all the many precepts and laws of religion and hygiene. But in adding new mass to the old, three cases again present themselves. Either the mass added is of the same velocity as the old, or it is of a smaller or of a higher velocity. To gain an idea of the relative importance of these cases, imagine a train composed of, say, one hundred locomotives running on a track, and suppose that, to increase the energy of the moving mass, four more locomotives are added to the train. If these four move at the same velocity at which the train is going, the total energy will be increased four per cent.; if they are moving at only one half of that velocity, the increase will amount to only one per cent.; if they are moving at twice that velocity, the increase of energy will be sixteen per cent. This simple illustration shows that it is of greatest importance to add mass of a higher velocity.
                      ----/ /----
                      This actually teaches us a new way to increase electrical potential. Have a look at Fig. 8 and the text below that picture. What is he suggesting?
                      ----/ /----
                      Stated more to the point, if, for example, the children be of the same degree of enlightenment as the parents,—that is, mass of the "same velocity,"—the energy will simply increase proportionately to the number added. If they are less intelligent or advanced, or mass of "smaller velocity," there will be a very slight gain in the energy; but if they are further advanced, or mass of "higher velocity," then the new generation will add very considerably to the sum total of human energy. any addition of mass of "smaller velocity," beyond that indispensable amount required by the law expressed in the proverb, "Mens sana in corpore sano," should be strenuously opposed. For instance, the mere development of muscle, as aimed at in some of our colleges, I consider equivalent to adding mass of "smaller velocity," and I would not commend it, although my views were different when I was a student myself. Moderate exercise, insuring the right balance between mind and body, and the highest efficiency of performance, is, of course, a prime requirement. The above example shows that the most important result to be attained is the education, or the increase of the "velocity," of the mass newly added.
                      ----/ /----

                      Ok, this is where I have to stop, I'm afraid.
                      I have to wait until the patent is filed. Then I will post the whole story.



                      • @Ernst
                        Am enjoying your interpretation of Tesla's writing!
                        Thank you sir.

                        Last edited by bbem; 07-31-2013, 09:35 AM.


                        • Patent is filed.
                          But my sponsor is asking me not to rush things before we get an official confirmation.
                          I am still working on the translation of (now) 66 pages of a full explanation of the article.
                          Pessimists may say "you promised to post the full story as soon as the patent got filed", which is true, so now I have to find a way to fullfill my promise and at the same time my sponsors request. No one can claim my work anymore, because I already have official proof that my patent was filed on july 31st.
                          What I propose is the following.
                          Every day I will reveal a bit of my work and on the day that we get the official confirmation (may take 2-3 weeks! ) I will post a link to the 66 pages explanation and an outline of the patent.
                          2-3 weeks is a long time, I know, so on this coming Sunday, that is 3 day from now I will post an analogy of the workings of the MT, so everyone can understand that it is possible to generate power from the environment. In that analogy I will show you how to let water run up-hill. It is a very close analogy to the workings of the MT so I am pretty sure that some of you will figure it out.

                          For today I have....

                          Some Tesla humour:
                          Originally posted by Century Magazine 1900
                          Again, it is contended by some that the advent of the flying-machine must bring on universal peace. This, too, I believe to be an entirely erroneous view. The flying-machine is certainly coming, and very soon, but the conditions will remain the same as before. In fact, I see no reason why a ruling power, like Great Britain, might not govern the air as well as the sea. Without wishing to put myself on record as a prophet, I do not hesitate to say that the next years will see the establishment of an "air-power," and its centre may be not far from New York
                          Do you see it?
                          "Air Power", not far from NY? How about Shoreham? Wardenclyffe?

                          Another Wardenclyffe analogy:
                          Originally posted by Century Magazine 1900
                          To increase materially the productivity of the soil, it must be more effectively fertilized by artificial means. The question of food-production resolves itself, then, into the question how best to fertilize the soil. What it is that made the soil is still a mystery. To explain its origin is probably equivalent to explaining the origin of life itself. The rocks, disintegrated by moisture and heat and wind and weather, were in themselves not capable of maintaining life. Some unexplained condition arose, and some new principle came into effect, and the first layer capable of sustaining low organisms, like mosses was formed. These, by their life and death, added more of the life sustaining quality to the soil, and higher organisms could then subsist, and so on and on, until at last highly developed plant and animal life could flourish. But though the theories are, even now, not in agreement as to how fertilization is effected, it is a fact, only too well ascertained, that the soil cannot indefinitely sustain life, and some way must be found to supply it with the substances which have been abstracted from it by the plants. The chief and most valuable among these substances are compounds of nitrogen, and the cheap production of these is, therefore, the key for the solution of the all-important food problem. Our atmosphere contains an inexhaustible amount of nitrogen, and could we but oxidize it and produce these compounds, an incalculable benefit for mankind would follow.
                          This source of our electricity is to be found in our atmosphere, not in burning fuel. It is present in an 'inert' form, but it can be activated... Once activated we can 'fertilize' our Earth with it so that industries (plants) can grow. This is a beautiful analogy of his Wardenclyffe project.

                          You were doubting me, were you? Admit it!
                          (some may still doubt me... )

                          Also in this post I want to expose some disinformation.
                          This letter can be found in various places on the internet:
                          November 5, 1903

                          Dear Mr. Morgan:-

                          The enclosed bears out my statement made to you over a year and a half ago. The old plant has never worked beyond a few hundred miles. Apart of imperfections of the apparatus design there were four defects, each of which was fatal to success. It does not seem probable that the new plant will do much better, for these faults were of a widely different nature and difficult to discover.

                          As to the remedies, I have protected myself in applications filed 1900-1902, still in the office.

                          Yours faithfully,
                          N. Tesla
                          It is highly unlikely that this letter is actually written by Tesla:
                          - First as J.P. Morgan withdrew his support in July 1903, I do not see any reason why Tesla would write this letter.
                          - The “old plant” has been tested up to 600 miles, why say “a few hundred miles”, this does not sound like Tesla. 6 is more than "a few", I would say.
                          - Saying “apart from imperfections of the apparatus design there were four defects...” sounds even less like Tesla considering that he has been working on this for several years and “perfected this design” while in Colorado Springs.
                          - In 1904 Tesla writes: “The first of these central plants would have been already completed had it not been for unforeseen delays which, fortunately, have nothing to do with its purely technical features.”
                          - Odd? How about in 1905, he writes: “it is practicable to distribute power from a central plant in unlimited amounts, with a loss not exceeding a small fraction of one per cent, in the transmission, even to the greatest distance, twelve thousand miles—to the opposite end of the globe.”
                          An entirely different sound, or not?

                          More to follow...



                          • congrats Ernst
                            did you know there is a group of people that have allready replicated the Wardenclyffe project? their tower is smaller then wardenclyffe though. they say, that they need backing to build a full size tower, when it is built, it will be cappable of generating enough energy to power the world.
                            this was on tv so it is no lie, they want to prove that Tesla was correct in what he was doing
                            is your system a new design? or a replication?


                            • Originally posted by Gav View Post
                              this was on tv so it is no lie

                              I'm sorry, but what planet are you currently orbiting? It doesn't seem to be earth.

                              "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                              "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                              • hopefully not the same you are on miss green, i seen it in action with my own eyes is what i ment by it.

