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Wardenclyffe - Tesla's true intention
One note. Bear in mind that is the same energy which spin Earth and make all us alive and every life on this Earth. There is much more about it then electricity, it will allow controlling gravity and eliminating almost all diseases if used properly....
Originally posted by Gav View Postif trex = epd which im sure it does, why would someone with so much knowlage tell me that im stealing from the radio companys by gathering energy from the enviroment? if he really believes this, he must not know alot about Teslas work
Who do the power companies pay?http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
Originally posted by Ernst View PostI am trying to show how the article is describing the MT using analogies. Then you come along with a literal interpretation, pointing people away from what I am trying to show.
As for interpretations, I have already been called a shill and disinformant because I used a workable example to describe Tesla's "free energy" from "the medium".
You put fuel in your car and you drive it. Static charge builds up over distance. Miles Per Gallon output, Charge Per Mile input. You get out of the car and you get zapped. Did you pay for it?
The engine is also producing heat. What are you doing with that?
This is too accessible and accepted by science. The mystics don't like it.Last edited by dR-Green; 08-04-2013, 04:32 PM.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
Please. You are only disagreeing because you are blinded by your own mind and you want to perceive everything I say as if I'm the enemy. I already said "who do the power companies pay?" If you bothered to engage your mind to philosophise a bit and ask yourself the question, you would realise that the answer is no one. The energy is free. Get it?
Stop diverting from the root issue in the whole concept of "free" energy or otherwise. Do you think that money and bills are a part of reality, when "free energy" is something that you hope to get some day through some scientific miracle that doesn't yet exist? That's a back to front view of reality. The bills are a result of common agreement within society, the energy has been and always will be free, whether you choose to pay for it or not. You already have access to technologies that harness the ("renewable") energy from the environment. The energy source makes no difference as long as people cling to primitive concepts.
Originally posted by Gav View Postand not just that, how did tesla do it before radio was invented?Last edited by dR-Green; 08-04-2013, 06:13 PM.http://www.teslascientific.com/
"Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell
"Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall
You would better think about other example Tesla had given us. A lake in the mountainsI would not dare to patent this idea as idea, yet I could many years ago, except creating a working self-running prototype was too much for me alone. Again, I would not dare to patent anything not complete with working model....that is the Tesla way my friends... No patent will stop me because my idea is to help my local community - as a proof that energy can be used for benefit of ordinary and especially poor people, not just to fill the pocket of inventor and investors.
You are posting youtube links that people can barely see and disseminating tiny fragments at a time in video "parts" which you claim take a long time to make. Don't bother with the video, lay it all out for all to see in plain text. Otherwise no one is going to notice it anyway.
Where do I claim it takes a long time to make?
It will not go unnoticed, I am sure.
You are impatient, I can understand that.
The information I posted up 'till now, is really complete already. It surprises me that no one so far has figured it out. Or perhaps someone has, but he lets me set the pace (which I can appreciate, really!).
My sponsor has asked me not to do as you suggest, but give out the info piece by piece.
There are a number of good reasons actually, to do so.
I will give you one.
I want people at this forum to really understand this principle, as if it were their own idea.
I want you to be able to visualise it in every detail so that no one can tell you that it is not true and most of all so that this understanding will be a starting point for new development. Many more things must be possible.
When I was a student at the university, I was teaching high school math and science for some extra money and for the fun. I found that it does not work if you flood a student in knowledge. You have to give tiny bits at a time and make him think. Then just guide his way of thinking in the right direction, so that he arrives at the solution by himself.
Then he can forget all those formulars and 'tricks', and still get an A+ for his next exam.
Because he understands, not just knows.
The simple fact that no one here has yet figured it out (as it seems?) is strongly supporting this point.
If you disagree, just forget about this thread for 2 weeks and come back later, then you will have it all in one piece.
I'll be back later.
As I told you, it is important to read Tesla's own words.
Over the years I have collected articles, patents, letters, books, everything I could find written by Tesla. Most of it is OCR-ed, of some I only have scans. It has been especially difficult to get good quality images and drawings but, I think, I have found some really good ones.
I believe all relevant copyrights on this have expired a long time ago so it is safe to offer you links to these two files that I have put together:
Tesla Articles - about 30 MB
Tesla Patents - about 83 MB
(and these did take a long time to compile)
If someone has additional articles and wishes to complete these files (and make them available to everyone), let me know. I can make the source documents available as well. Then (for example) start a new thread to complete these.
Good idea? Someone?
OK Ernst, here my 2 cents theory about what you/Nikola are telling:
(Thank you for putting our brains at work Ernst).
Your posts made me think about the fact that we live on a giant capacitor (earth(-) and atmosphere(+) with a potential of appr. 100V per elevated meter).
In anology with the Hydrogen the Elektron (mass) will be repelled (force) by the Elektrons in the earth (and additionally attracted by the atmosphere) and will run upwards the tower to the dome.
Using few elektrons in the primary (sparkgap) we are able to adjust the bigger amount of elektrons running upwards. (Just like a transistor does).
(This in analogy with the little hole in the cylinder as Nikola drew)
So by adding induction to the capacitor (dome) we now can create resonance in the earth and harvest the energy.
Question remains what happens to the elektrons at the dome, are they used when ionizing the air?
BertLast edited by bbem; 08-05-2013, 06:25 AM.
@ bbem,
Thanks very much for sharing your thoughts. Your idea looks a bit like an advanced version of one of Tesla's examples, of which he says "it works, but you can only create a small current that way" (or words to that extend).
There is a better way, and one that is closer to the analogy that I gave you.
Read the article dated 1891-05-20 in which Tesla explains how he sees electricity.
(it is in the Tesla Articles pdf that you can download from my previous post)
@ Gav,
is it that the world would be really pi$$ed that they have been living a lie for the last thousand years?