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Wardenclyffe - Tesla's true intention
remarks and stuff.
Tesla liked to brag about his inventions but the loading never saw. No pictures of lightwalls. I think he couldn't realize his sound theories with the technolgy at the time. Ernst could use a polyester bathtub or something to dump to load in.
Ernst wrote i don't understand that millions of readers don't understand Tesla's writings That should be; i seem the only one who understands Tesla.
Well i thought i had the schematic right, but the circuit doesn't deliver a watt extra. Could you repair it ?
It could be a very delicate piece of apparatus. And Murphy offcourse, tell me..I see here spherical electrodes are used. I used a sharp one. Could this be the fault ? I spent so much time in it and it looks thought thru.
I saw something from Robert Golka in my youth that made it a nice time. Look at this. Does this look like a one to one Colorado or not ? Nowadays we see alot of these powefull coils in action See pic 1.
This discription should have come earlier when the public interest was at its peak. One can't keep their attention for years and deliver nothing.
Jimmy Hendrix came to late at Woodstock and what kind of public was left there ? Most of them haven't had a decent technical education. Those people ignore important things they can't understand. And most stuff is to difficult for them. So result is nill.
This is Tesla mechanical switch. See pic 2. invention nr. 609.245
I did once use two highspeed drill machines. From the second one i removed the rotor and the stator coils. And with the commutator left i did connect two opposite ones to serve as a very high speed switch between the carbon brushes. Well the two machines coupled at the fronts with a piece of rod. And let the gearboxes do their work. I reached a mechanical switching speed of about 25000 cycles. Not bad but noise was far to loud to continue this. So i went electronic with this.
Is Ernsts pulse train nessessary ? Can it be done with a continues wave ?
How come your spark hits the ceiling and not the upper metallic contraption which is even grounded ? Tesla said something about 'they don't see each other.' Could you make some flashpictures ?
Also included is an interesting pdf i think. Well is this nice for a saturday or not ?
hey ernst.
i watched yuor videos and today i was rereading the tesla autobiography and i discovered this little bit that reminded mme of your experiments.
"One day, as I was roaming the mountains, I sought shelter from an approaching storm. The sky became overhung with heavy clouds, but somehow the rain was delayed until, all of a sudden, there was a lightening flash and a few moments after, a deluge. This observation set me thinking. It was manifest that the two phenomena were closely related, as cause and effect, and a little reflection led me to the conclusion that the electrical energy involved in the precipitation of the water was inconsiderable, the function of the lightening being much like that of a sensitive trigger.
Here was a stupendous possibility of achievement. If we could produce electric effects of the required quality, this whole planet and the conditions of existence on it could be transformed. The sun raises the water of the oceans and winds drive it to distant regions where it remains in a state of most delicate balance. If it were in our power to upset it when and wherever desired, this might life sustaining stream could be at will controlled. We could irrigate arid deserts, create lakes and rivers, and provide motive power in unlimited amounts. This would be the most efficient way of harnessing the sun to the uses of man. The consummation depended on our ability to develop electric forces of the order of those in nature."
Much more possibilities open up. Although I have not yet fully worked it out, I can now see the possibility of wing-less airplanes.
BTW. last week our patent got approved. If anyone wants to patent an (alternative) energy idea, it is worthwhile to do some research in advance. There are 2 different "models" being used. One is the registration model, which works fast because it registers your idea first and then starts researching whether it infringes on other patents and gives you an advice as a result of this research.
The other model does the research first, before registering your idea. The latter model is the most used globally, but the Netherlands, for example, uses the registration model. Much quicker and much easier. The only drawback is that until 18 month after registration you may get an advice to withdraw your patent. (I'm not worried)
Well, just a tip for anyone else who would like to get a patent....
Hi all,
I'm new here but I'm going to throw in my 2 cents about Tesla's wireless power.
I am going by what he said. The 1919 lecture revealed a lot.
The lecture is here.
"The True Wireless" by Nikola Tesla
In this lecture he references his previous 1892 lecture.
From what he said he intended to create a standing surface wave. We know know that these undoubtedly exist. You can call them Zenneck waves or surface plasmons or whatever.
These standing surface waves are the near field aka evanescent field.
The energy flux is orders of magnitude higher than far-field radiating waves.
So what he intended was doable.
How did he propose to do it though?
Quite simply by crating a capacitance WITHIN the wire at one end and holding it there till needed.
Read the 1919 lecture figures 3 - 6 and their descriptions as well as the patent for the transmitter.
Tesla didn't use a pump analogy for nothing.
i can't stand the silence
Did anybody else spot the discrepancy between the discription/schematic and the practical version ? And does anyone
know the patent-number of Ernst ? In this way somebody can have the schematic right and the realisation from it not working.
I know transistors all my life but to describe them in minute detail is an order to tall..Attached Files
Probably not, Hobby Eon, because there is none. In the picture you copied Ct has been removed, because otherwise you can not see Cd. I have tried various different shapes and sizes of Cd. In this picture you see a disc shape, but I am currently using a sphere of the same dimensions as Ce. This seems to give the best results, although the differences are not very large.
As to the patent I will attach part of the confirmation letter from the patent office where you can see the number: 1040320. The international number will probably get an NL in front.
After 18 months the patent will be visible in public databases, so any search for it now will be in vain. We have max 9 month during which we can make small changes in the patent text. The text is being reviewed legally and scientifically and to prevent anyone from finding holes in the text and quickly making use of it, I will not make the text public before that time.
But, I will show you the first 20 lines if you want, which is only some introduction text, stating the problem that I intend to solve.
The videos that I have put on youtube do provide sufficient information to replicate my work. And for those interested in where I got all this info from, I am working on this site.
Hope that answers your questions and doubts.
Ps.: I noticed that when I upload an attachment, it gets compressed to such an extend that it becomes difficult to read. But anyway, as the text is in Dutch most of you can not read it anyway.
Thanks for the constructive inputs. Question: would a copyrighted text be more handy? I've read something
about that somewhere. I want to give assistence with 'miniaturising' the devise in a compacter version.
The world was so ripe for receiving this four years ago. I have the feeling etc etc. Anyway lets not forget
our forerunner and the pioneer John Hutchinson from Canada. He is a really interesting and down to the ground
person who said some really interesting things about this field of technology. To be found on Ytube.
>I said: ..In this way somebody can have the schematic right and the realisation from it not working. <
The circuit could be sensetive to height above real ground or 'fake' grounds like groundplanes. Maybe the
device doesnt 'like' the real ground since Tesla went up a -rocky- (= isolator) mountain ?
Earth Resonance
Originally posted by Ernst View Post
The point about the timing to increase the power is, however, probably correct.
He orginally proposed transmitting power through the upper atmosphere where the air was rareified and much colder both of which are more amenable to conduction. He did a demonstration for a patent examiner where he used a vacuum tube between the transmitting and receiving terminals to simulate the rarified air at altitude. There is an image of it in the Colorado Spring Notes book by Aleksandar Marincic on page 12.
He went to Colorado springs to determine the parameters necessary to transmit power around the globe. There are notes about extracting hydrogen from the air presumably to maintain balloons at 30,000 feet as the transmission terminal. That altitude is stated in one of the transmission patents. You have to remember the times - there were no flying machines at that time so this seemed feasible. But there was another unknown that would have defeated him if he had attempted it - jet stream winds up to 250 miles an hour.
As far as I know he never attempted the elevated balloon terminal because he made a discovery which was detailed in his July 4, 1899 notes. Read it. It is enlightening, pun intended. Even at that time he believed the impulses traveled through the atmosphere and reflected back but I believe he later realized the reflection was occuring in the crust, not the atmosphere.
And there is still another problem. The theory of tectonic plates wasn't accepted until the 1960's so I'm not sure his idea would have worked. He did transmit power over some miles in Colorado but that wasn't across tectonic plate boundaries. Eric Dollard used an earth receiver to recieve signals in California from Colorado but that wasn't across tectonic plate boundaries either. If the signals were actually being reflected from a tectonic plate boundary and Tesla thought it was the diametric opposite pole of the earth, that might account for his superluminal speed of reflection calculation.
I don't have the graphics skills to do this in 3D but the following attachment will give you an idea. It's an animated GIF so it needs to ve opened in a browser. The forum converts this to a jpg file so it needs to be down loaded form here: GlobeAnimation
Thanx thx1138 for your artwork!
There are many things that we can never be certain of and only a few that we can.
Concerning the inner structure of the Earth, I would like to ask you to do some research on what supporting evidence geologists have. I have done so in the past and I am sure you will be surprised with what you will find. I will give you one example:
We "know" the inner core consists mainly of iron and nickel because:
- we find these elements in abundance in meteorites (that is correct, you have read it right).
- it may help in explaining Earth magnetism if we vote for metals that can be magnetised.
The first reason is downright ridiculous because it has nothing to do with the Earth, the second reason would explain the absence of magnetism on the Sun
As crazy as it may sound, these are the real reasons.
Concerning the timing, Tesla was absolutely sure of his measurements of 84 ms and this 'happens' to match 2 x Earth diameter / speed of light. In my experiments (on an entirely different tectonic plate) I find resonance at 21 ms (because I have difficulties getting far enough away of 20 ms (=50 Hz) to test 42 or 84 ms). As these numbers seem to match pretty well I think I have found the same resonance that he was talking about, but I must admit I do not yet have strong evidence.
The main problem I have with conduction through the crust is how do you explain the different velocities of propagation?
my question
Originally posted by Ernst View PostIn the picture you copied Ct has been removed, because otherwise you can not see Cd. I have tried various different shapes and sizes of Cd. In this picture you see a disc shape, but I am currently using a sphere of the same dimensions as Ce. This seems to give the best results, although the differences are not very large.
Does your circuit still work in that configuration ? I thought that Ct had a Faraday
function but it seems it just doesn't ?
I don't think people are taking into account the near field when they are thinking about how Tesla proposed to achieve this feat.
Power transfer is exponentially higher within the near field. His proposed wavelength according to the "PATENT 787,412 ART OF TRANSMITTING ELECTRICAL ENERGY THROUGH THE NATURAL MEDIUM" would have been 15 Kilometers. A 100 ft receiver would have been well within the near field.
I'm not sure if people know this but it has recently been demonstrated that "vibration" can tunnel through vacuum though it has no medium to pass through.
The flux was 10000 times higher than radiative heat transfer.
In the same patent also claims the group velocity is four hundred and seventy-one thousand two hundred and forty kilometers per second.
This is faster than light obviously. This has been observed in tunneling experiments.
Resonant tunneling was not even known about by him or anyone else AFAIK.
Some more evidence that Tesla's effect was do to tunneling of charge carriers.
How the conservation of charge can lead to a
faster-than-c eect: A simple example
R. Y. Chiao
Look familiar? i.e. Earth plus Magnifying Transmitter ...
Now the meat. (i had to put images because the pdf won't paste right)
I also recommend reviewing this.
Near-perfect tunneling and amplification of evanescent electromagnetic waves in a waveguide filled by a metamaterial: Theory and experiments
JD Baena, L Jelinek, R Marqués, F Medina - Physical Review B, 2005 - APS
We feel that a similar “perfect tunneling” will
take place in a symmetrical “perfect lens” experiment, when
the emitter and the receiver are identical.
@ thx1138,
Just found this in the last of the "rare notes":
Energy in strip considering superficial propagation will be similarly.
See my google-blog.
I am thinking that this kind of propagation may be an effect caused by the actual propagation which runs through the centre of the Earth. That would explain all the "anomalies".
I am referring to the effect first noticed and studied by Faraday and later by sir Oliver Lodge, that when you insert a charge into a conducting box (that means "inside" without touching it) this same charge can be measured on the outside of the box. So that could also imply that when you send a charge (current) through (the centre of) a sphere, this same charge can be measured on the outside of the sphere.
In short, I think both views may be correct.