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Wardenclyffe - Tesla's true intention

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  • @madhatter

    What I am describing is a very general case. Plasma of ions and electrons, is a special case, a much more complex case because we are dealing with masses.

    In very simple words;
    I am trying to show the fundamental process for creating a "whirl" is space, so to say, whereas plasma physics is the study of how "whirls" interact with other "whirls" once these whirls already exist.
    We can talk about building a car and what makes up a car, or we can talk about traffic flows in a busy city, but realize these are two separate cases. The second case is special, and depends on the properties of the more general case.

    Do not assume this idea is some eureka moment I had when I fell off the toilet and hit my head one day. There is evidence that just such a concept of Lorentz forces describes our Universe much more elegantly and simply then relativity. In fact this Lorentz theory, came before and led to Einstein's theory and is actually easier to visualize and understand then Einstein's relativity. Easier because, as you will see, to understand things in terms of Lorentz Theory, we must accept the existence of a "physical ether" just as Tesla says.

    Couple examples:
    Lorentz ether theory | Encyclopedia
    Dark Buzz: What Lorentz meant by the aether
    Lorentz and the Aether

    We can hardly admit that one and the same medium is capable of transmitting two or more actions by wholly different mechanisms, [so] all forces may be regarded as connected more or less intimately with those which we study in electromagnetism-Lorentz


    • I'm not a follower of Einsteins relativity, I'm also not a fan of the word aether as it's overused and for the most part used incorrectly. current "dark energy" just as irritating in phrase could be regarded as the aether as well, different name similar concept and hotly discussed/argued about.

      what is mass but moving energy, then what is energy? at a certain point we have no answer other than what we observe. the fundamental problem is we are 3D beings and have no way to conceptualize higher dimensions, we may observe the interaction they have with our dimensions but will always fall short of being able to accurately model it. no different than the example of 'flat land' 2d beings would not be able to grasp a sphere as it moves thru their plane it starts as a point and expands to a sphere that expands then contracts to a singularity and vanishes. In the same way a higher dimensional effect would move thru our 3 dimensional plane and exhibit truly strange behavior that we would have great difficulty in understanding.

      the fundamental energy of our universe may indeed be originating from a higher dimensional plane. the great triumph of relativity is that it provides a universal reference frame based outside of our dimensions, that is also it's flaw. it provided a pseudo answer to control the chaos of no reference frame, but the holes are there. classical physics doesn't need relativity so for the majority of science it's a non-issue. get into the quantum world and it gets even stranger. and don't even get me started on the nonsense of string theory or the new flavor M-branes.

      what I'm getting at is that matter is not a physical object but interacting waves of hyper-dimensional energy, I know, sounds all hippy dippy. I'm sparing the complex mathematics to try and keep it understandable, I hope

      electrostatic potential also causes acceleration and can do so without a poynting vector. mass and gravity, obviously are effects that relate to the fundamental energy of the objects, the trick is figuring out how. EM is a tension of those forces, however cutting further the magnetic field is a result of the electric fields movement in particular ways. So we are then left with the electric field being the fundamental field. is it a result of our 3 dimensions interacting with each other or is it a higher dimensional plane? gravity may be the result of our 3 dimensional world and the electric field may still be a Nth dimensional plane, or it could be the other way around.


      • why do you think there is such thing as 'mass' ? Only momentum exists like energy and forces, mass is a badly formulated idea of existence of a definition. It's like distortion of spacetime being gravity.

        Mass is our understanding of relation between volume and density, those two being experimentally verified common human experience...
        It's all because of force we call gravitation things got complicated.


        • Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post

          Realize, when we have an electric field, we create a magnetic field. Likewise if we create a magnetic field, we get an electric field. These fields will always be perpendicular to each other. However, further realize whenever we have an electric field and magnetic field, perpendicular to each other, we must always have a Lorentz force, due to those fields. Realize, the Lorentz force due to an electromagnetic field, is perpendicular to both the magnetic and electric fields.
          That is the Lorentz force, represents a 3 dimensional, orthogonal, relationship between momentum or force or motion and electromagnetism.

          Fact: If a system creates perpendicular electromagnetic fields, it creates Lorentz forces, always.
          And, no matter what any individual might imagine as his/her fundamental model, this is why the atom related electron gyroscope remains a satisfactory model to me.

          So what does the Lorentz force act upon ?
          Is it not upon the charge carrier - the electron - the little magnetric gyroscopes within matter itself, and with forces exactly like those acting upon gyroscopes in a gravity field ?
          And what if the excitation leads to forces upon individual electrons becoming greater than those related to its orbit, and there is either electron capture by the nucleus, or temporay or total loss to the atom.

          Professor Eric Laithwaite gives a demonstration of a large gyro wheel - YouTube

          Of course we can view these situations more aetherially, or more 'scientifically', but does that lead us to any better place ?

          Cheers .......... Graham
          Attached Files
          Last edited by GSM; 12-30-2012, 11:44 AM.


          • I appreciate the responses. Some excellent minds on this forum.


            Yes, there is still use for a Gyroscopic theory. We must keep in mind though, a gyroscopic effect may apply directly to Space itself, proceeding the actual formation of anything we would call "mass"

            The important thing is the "angular momentum", which can exist in Free Space as well as within "mass". There is an advantage to seeing it in this more fundamental form.

            Lorentz force is related to electrons, yes. I pointed out though, we have the Poynting vector, which is essentially the Lorentz force, without electrons, in Free Space.


            Yes, exactly. We can define mass as "angular motion or angular momentum in Free Space" It is interesting within Relativity, mass is formally defined only as "resistance to acceleration"


            I understand your frustration with Einstein, relativity, aether and dark energy.
            I know of this concept you describe, in which gravity may be due to a higher dimension and the flat space seeing a sphere concept you mention. This reminds me a bit though of the scientists who claim, "We can never know how it works, because the answer is just beyond human comprehension, so do not bother trying" Yet, we will not stop trying will we?

            I would like to suggest, there is no reason why higher dimensions would not include and lead from laws and principles of lower dimensions. As in, by understanding the first dimension in sufficient detail, we learn the other higher dimensions are reflections and incorporate the rules of the lower dimensions, not necessarily the lower dimensions reflections of a higher dimension. The laws which apply to a single dimension, or scalar distortion in Free Space, will most likely have relevance no matter how many subsequent dimensions we divided Free Space.

            Similarly, the same forces are at work at our current physical Earth level of experience, as are at work at super-microscopic or super-galactic distances. It is most likely, the laws of the Universe do not change at various scales, but are Universal in scale. By knowing how things really work at this scale, we will know how things work at all scales, without having to atom smash or other such wastes of resources. There is no need to complicate concepts with ideas of higher dimensions, quantum probabilities, and other such difficult to observe concepts. I believe we have all the information we need, in front of our very eyes at all times, we just are never looking at it the right way to really understand it all clearly. This is in contrast to the opinion of some it seems.

            Remember the goal should be "Simplification". The simplest theory to explain the greatest number of observations. They called it "Unified Field Theory" for a reason. Uni = One. Unified = make into one.

            When you say madhatter, we can reduce Lorentz or Poynting forces, even further, to only special forms of electric forces. You are nearly hitting the nail on the head. You should know they have done similar work to show everything can be reduced to magnetic forces, too. The point is we can reduce everything to simply "one force", just the physical component alone. Mass, motion, energy are all forms of the same thing, Force in Free Space. We know there are regions in the universe without mass, but where I ask you, is there a region without Space or motion of that Space?

            So long as we think of Space between mass as "void" we will not understand. Volume cannot be "void". You just cannot have a volume of void. Its like saying zero cubed. If there is volume, there is space, something which defines said volume. We have to have something cubed.

            Call something whatever you like, but there is something.


            • Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
              I appreciate the responses. Some excellent minds on this forum.

              I understand your frustration with Einstein, relativity, aether and dark energy.
              I know of this concept you describe, in which gravity may be due to a higher dimension and the flat space seeing a sphere concept you mention. This reminds me a bit though of the scientists who claim, "We can never know how it works, because the answer is just beyond human comprehension, so do not bother trying" Yet, we will not stop trying will we?

              I would like to suggest, there is no reason why higher dimensions would not include and lead from laws and principles of lower dimensions. As in, by understanding the first dimension in sufficient detail, we learn the other higher dimensions are reflections and incorporate the rules of the lower dimensions, not necessarily the lower dimensions reflections of a higher dimension. The laws which apply to a single dimension, or scalar distortion in Free Space, will most likely have relevance no matter how many subsequent dimensions we divided Free Space.
              Of course not it's within our nature to search such answers. I'm not claiming it to beyond our comprehension, any dimension beyond 3D is pure conjecture on our part, of how it 'looks' or the 'rules' that would apply. we don't divide up dimensions to create or introduce new ones, point singularity, line, sheet or plane, cube or sphere. our space is the cube or sphere, dividing it down we loose the 'space' and get reduction with loss of translation. taking that model forward then our 3d space is a reduction with loss of translation to the next higher dimension. classic example is the flat model of a sphere, there is no accurate way to draw a flat layed out map of a sphere, the Z translation causes expansion and contraction on the same vector, at best it would require mapping the 2d field as a function of velocity or time. draw the comparison to fields in electrodynamics and the use of a 3d matrix.

              Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
              Similarly, the same forces are at work at our current physical Earth level of experience, as are at work at super-microscopic or super-galactic distances. It is most likely, the laws of the Universe do not change at various scales, but are Universal in scale. By knowing how things really work at this scale, we will know how things work at all scales, without having to atom smash or other such wastes of resources. There is no need to complicate concepts with ideas of higher dimensions, quantum probabilities, and other such difficult to observe concepts. I believe we have all the information we need, in front of our very eyes at all times, we just are never looking at it the right way to really understand it all clearly. This is in contrast to the opinion of some it seems.
              the sought after universal unification will remain elusive as the mathematical models are based purely on 3d vector space.
              our current models are not accurate between all scales, from what I recall from an astrophysics course about 20yrs ago the mathematics don't work beyond our solar system. the reason there is higher dimensions and QED is because the basic model fails as the scale changes. experimental results point to dark matter and energy, coulomb forces are greater then gravitational mass in QED, etc..

              Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
              Remember the goal should be "Simplification". The simplest theory to explain the greatest number of observations. They called it "Unified Field Theory" for a reason. Uni = One. Unified = make into one.

              When you say madhatter, we can reduce Lorentz or Poynting forces, even further, to only special forms of electric forces. You are nearly hitting the nail on the head. You should know they have done similar work to show everything can be reduced to magnetic forces, too. The point is we can reduce everything to simply "one force", just the physical component alone. Mass, motion, energy are all forms of the same thing, Force in Free Space. We know there are regions in the universe without mass, but where I ask you, is there a region without Space or motion of that Space?

              So long as we think of Space between mass as "void" we will not understand. Volume cannot be "void". You just cannot have a volume of void. Its like saying zero cubed. If there is volume, there is space, something which defines said volume. We have to have something cubed.

              Call something whatever you like, but there is something.
              True enough, the magnetic dipole moment is intrinsic to the electron. it's not due to any movement though.
              no movement = no energy = void. space is not void thus there is always movement or energy.


              • Originally posted by TeslaSecrets View Post
                As to the "crystal radio initiative".

                This seems a joke to me. A contest to see who can get the most power from an AM radio transmitter, which of itself was never designed to transmit usable power, only signal. Most definitely this serves to detract from any real research into an actual power transmission system, rather than teach us anything new. Typical engineers who allow research into anything you like, as long as it stays inside their box of known theory.
                Tesla Wireless Transmission Of Signal And Power Through Bucket - YouTube

                Merry Christmas.

                "Knowledge is cosmic. It does not evolve or unfold in man. Man unfolds to an awareness of it. He gradually discovers it." - Walter Russell

                "Once men died for Truth, but now Truth dies at the hands of men." - Manly P. Hall


                • The Gravity, the Ether and some Cosmic Energies

                  Tesla seems to have conjugate Gravity and Ether and catalysed it via Cosmic Energies.

                  As Gravity and Ether creates a free mass element, my understandings is that via cosmic energies he manage to get beyond Equipoise dynamism.

                  Un pour Tous, Tous pour Un... Solidarité Mutuelle
                  One for All, All for One.. Mutual Solidarity


                  • @madhatter

                    Yes I think using the words "divide" dimensions was not the right choice to express my meaning.

                    I think of this maybe more as a progression from one dimension to the next, through motion. As in a line is a moving point, a surface is a moving line and a volume is a moving surface. Moving in time. So the volume is still composed of moving points, or composed of the lower dimensional forms. So if there is a higher dimension, it would follow it is a moving volume in time, or some other such notion.

                    Yes, it seems we currently require different models for different scales, which is why I suggest these models may be in need of some revision, for I do not think the actual laws of the Universe are different at various scales, only our models. So maybe there is something wrong with the models? A true Unified theory must be valid at microscopic and galactic scope. Seeing Space as a physical medium, from which under certain conditions, matter can be formed, seems to hint at just such a unification. Everything is one thing, motion or energy in Space. Space becomes the material from which all other 'stuff" is composed.

                    In that all mass in equivalent to energy or motion of space, but not all energy or motion of space is equivalent to mass.


                    • Hi All,

                      I'm not making any more posts - instead I'm going 'hands-on'.
                      Enjoy 2013 folks.

                      Cheers ......... Graham.


                      • I think I am done on this topic as well.

                        One last bit of information to clarify the likely "magnification" process Tesla used. Magnification involves a process which makes something larger or greater, in Tesla's TMT cas, electrical energy.

                        He likely employed a feedback process, similar to the early process of air liquefaction, in which the cooled temperature is fed back into the system, to be further cooled in a repeating loop. Tesla foresaw he could likely create such a feedback loop, electrically.

                        For a simple example of feedback, you can see this image:


                        You can likely reproduce this effect yourself.
                        A computer camera is simply pointed at the computer screen which is displaying the image the camera sees. So the screen shows what the camera sees, but the camera is seeing the screen. Its a feedback loop.

                        In the image you see the feedback getting smaller, the image looks further and further away. However, if the camera can only see a small part of the screen, IE hold the camera alot closer to the screen, we can actually get a magnification effect. So feedback can be constructive or destructive.

                        It is quite genius to consider such a process could be applied to electromagnetic fields.

                        Heres an interesting question for the readers here. In the image linked above, What dimension are we looking at?


                        • Just to show that progress is being made....

                          primary system

                          I have come to understand the reason behind 'elevated capacitor experiments'...
                          In the rare notes you will see a ball that can be raised or lowered. This will make (small) changes in the total capacitance of the top-load. It thus regulates how far the resonance frequency of the secondary system differs from that of the primary and thus it regulates the magnification factor.



                          • a recap of my current understanding of the Wardenclyffe magnifying transmitter and a few details/pics from my project can be found here.

                            Thanks so far for sharing your thoughts.

                            In case of interesting news/developments, I will post it here... if I can still access this forum.
                            (it seems that for some reason my IP is blocked, I now have to use a proxy. But of course I will not continue posting through a proxy. So maybe this will be my farewell post )



                            • @Ernst

                              Great paper Ernst. I mirrored your paper here:


                              and put a link on my Tesla page

                              I found it especially enlightening you discovered Tesla originally called his "Magnifying" system "the self-regenerative resonant transformer".

                              I can hazard a guess why he changed the name.


                              • @ TeslaSecrets,

                                Nice site! A lot of good info. Didn't know it is yours.
                                Proud to be there

                                Just one thing....

                                I have updated the document (and will probably do so again sometimes).
                                There still is a lot more evidence in my head, than in that document and I intend to make the document as complete as possible. Also my replica is near completion...
                                (although my 4th coil may be rebuild a number of times, just like the other coils have been)


