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Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock

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  • #46
    From around 32 mins into the video Mr Babcock talks about something very important, the coil's "resistance to change in current" and his solution "zero stating the inductor" This is, put simply, pulsing the coil and collecting the inductive kickback in a capacitor until the coil is discharged so that you always start from a de-energized state in the coil. I have been doing this for some years now but still don't get the desired current I want. This could be because of two reasons as I see it...

    1) I am using commutators to provide the pulse and as the motor increases in speed the frequency changes. There does seem to be sweet spots in frequency but at these frequencies my motor does not have significant power as the speed is either too low or too high causing the motor to drop speed dramatically under load taking it off the sweet spot. This is suggesting that I do not have the right inductance for this mechanical setup.

    2) I am expecting too much power from the size of motor I am using.

    My motor is a 220v 2Kw universal motor but I am driving it with considerably lower voltage.

    Any thoughts on this guys?


    • #47
      Originally posted by mbrownn View Post
      I am aware of this method of using a bifilar coil but unfortunately it does not work as we loose the effect we want unless the coil is switched between a series and parallel state, it being parallel on the current rise and series for the rest of the cycle
      Hi Mike,

      I can give you a short answer, for I have not tested the coil setup with the capacitors in practice. What I figure from the patent is the coils may not behave as 'normal' bifilar coils do when connected either in series or parallel, the 'terminating' capacitors at the ends make the two coils strictly capacitive to an outside voltage source, so the input current is always 'capacitive reactive', still the coils behave as electromagnets.


      PS: Folks, sorry for the off-topic.


      • #48
        Recovering core losses

        Mr Babcock talked about recovering core losses and at first I thought that he had not said how he did it, having watched the video again I believe he said the core of his stator coils is or contains neo magnets Am I interpreting this correctly?

        If this is the case, it could be that any energy put into the core will be absorbed by the magnets and spit back out with little or no losses


        • #49
          Originally posted by peacepenguin View Post
          The main theme of the Magnetic Energy Secrets is that there is no correlation between the AMOUNT of magnetic flux generated and the input power consumed.

          Watt-second = Joule. Joule is actual power consumed.

          An easy way to visualize this is to look at an 8ft length of 2AWG wire.

          Connect the two ends of the wire to a 12v Battery and 2ohm resistor in series.

          Now current is flowing through the 8ft wire at 12v. If the resistance of the circuit is 2.01ohms then by ( Volts=Amps*Resistance ) we see that about 6 Amps is flowing through the 8ft length of wire. In 8ft, we have 5.97amps of magnetic flux all along the 8ft conductor.

          Now extend the length of wire from 8ft to 16ft. The ohm resistance of the whole circuit will not increase linearly with length. By doubling length we have only increased resistance by .01 ohm of copper resistance, which is negligible.

          Now do the same experiment, 12v Battery hooked to the 16ft length of 2AWG wire. 12v = Amps * 2.02 -> 5.94amps

          But now, for the same amperage and voltage, just LONGER CONDUCTOR, we have nearly DOUBLED the amount of magnetic flux that exists outside the 16ft conductor. By simply doubling the length of the conductor.

          This is also applicable to the workings of John Bedini's SSG motor. By simply using a large inductance coil, and pulsing it just for a tiny moment in time, the flux builds around the coil. It is then immediately removed from the power supply which causes the flux around the coil to collapse. If the wire in the coil is long enough, you will receive back more magnetic energy from the wire, than you had to put there to create it.

          These concepts are also visible in Peter Lindemann's Electric Motor Secrets Part II (2). There, Peter says you can make a no back-emf/reduced back-emf motor, simply by pulsing a 12V DC motor, with a 120V impulse. Because a 12V motor is also a 12V generator, the back emf is in the 8-12V range, which is not nearly enough to significantly reduce the input voltage of 120V. The instantaneous torque developed by a 120V impulse is plenty to give the motor a "kick" even though your not running a DC motor on DC anymore.

          I think there are profound connections to be made to this concept of magnetic flux "appearing" around a wire with current moving through it. You pay for the current, not the flux that shows up around the wire. These concepts shown by Babcock can used to analyze Bedini's SSG, and the Lockridge type motor that Peter has shown in EMS part 2.

          My understanding of the workings of these devices is becoming more clear everyday. Time to start building I think.

          I have not seen the video, but have a question.

          If you double the wire length, and hence the inductance, do you not also double the time constant? Now it takes twice as long to reach 99% of its current ceiling dictated by ohms law. Its like people have forgotten to take time into account. Ill read more and try to see if he has already answered this.

          There was a fellow arguing this from the standpoint of ferromagnetic cores a while back. He said that simply placing a core within the inductor created a 10,000 fold increase in field strength. However he forgot to take into account the change and discharge time associated with inductors (5 time constants).

          inductive rise time.wmv - YouTube


          • #50
            @mbrownn, et al

            I've watched this video multiple times (5-10 thus far). Every time, I get something more from it. Keep watching!!

            He uses neo magnets.

            The device he shows - as of my current understanding - is a stationary ring, and above it a moving ring.

            The stationary ring is wrapped with multiple, distinct coils.

            The moving ring (above the stationary ring), I think, holds neo's.

            I understand him to say that the coils on the stationary ring are digitally sequenced at about 400Hz.

            At any one moment, a neo is sitting above one coil, with one coil behind, and one coil in front. 3 coils are involved at any one instant.

            The coil that is directly underneath the magnet is turned off (open) at that moment, hence, cannot suffer from Lenz.

            The coil behind the magnet is energized to create a magnetic field that pushes the magnet.

            The coil in front of the magnet is energized to create a magnetic field that attracts the magnet.

            Digital switching. Any coil on the stationary ring can be in one of three states - 1. off, 2. pushing, 3. attracting.

            The neo magnets do not travel "through" the coils - they travel above them and are affected by the magnetic fields produced by the coils below them.

            He likens the process to a chasing light display in a store front sign.

            All the neo's on the moving ring are arranged in the same direction, say, N to the right, S to the left.

            As a neo passes over a coil, that coil is "off", the one to the left is S (repulsive to the left side, S, of the neo) and the one to the right is S (attractive to the N side of the neo). As soon as the neo goes past that particular middle coil, the coil polarities are switched - the passed-over coil goes S, the next coil goes OFF and the next-next coil goes S.

            I haven't thought this through, nor have I experimented with it, but that is what I hear him saying at this time.

            He also says that the coil polarities can be flipped (N to S) by the digital sequencer. I haven't thought this through, but it sounds like there might be some added oomph by flipping the coils mid-way through a magnet pass. Suck the magnet in, then kick it out.

            I'd guess that the timing is based on the actual length of the magnets.



            • #51
              ... And the he says that he's blown 1200 transistors trying to find the right combination.

              When he turns one of the stationary coils OFF, he gets blow-back (BEMF).

              The digital sequencer anticipates the BEMF and slurps it off (to re-power the system?) before it can destroy his transistor(s).

              He mentions nano-second timing and anticipation. I think that this means that he has calculated (or experimentally determined) the exact time that BEMF happens, and opens a transistor/SCR just before it happens to recapture the BEMF, say, by pouring the BEMF into a capacitor.

              With the microprocessors we have these days, this sounds entirely feasible to me.



              • #52
                fast switching

                Originally posted by pault View Post
                I think that this means that he has calculated (or experimentally determined) the exact time that BEMF happens, and opens a transistor/SCR just before it happens to recapture the BEMF, say, by pouring the BEMF into a capacitor.

                With the microprocessors we have these days, this sounds entirely feasible to me.
                Paul has some of his switching methods patented. You'll be surprised at the elegance that it is not a "high tech" solution but a brilliant ways to use components that have already been around in a really cool way.

                Search his name or his company's name in the patent database.

                Talk about fast switching - Paul really has it figured out.
                Aaron Murakami

                Books & Videos
                RPX & MWO


                • #53
                  Originally posted by pault View Post
                  @mbrownn, et al

                  I've watched this video multiple times (5-10 thus far). Every time, I get something more from it. Keep watching!!

                  He uses neo magnets.......
                  Thats how I see it too

                  Thanks for the tip Aaron


                  • #54
                    Very good video. My advice....consider the topology.....before one dives too deep in trying to find whats inside the ring, first, consider the basic coil topology. Build a rig and test this topology!!! Do that first, the rest will fall into place. 1888 Nikola Tesla.



                    • #55
                      My advice....consider the topology.....before one dives too deep in trying to find whats inside the ring, first, consider the basic coil topology. Build a rig and test this topology!!! Do that first, the rest will fall into place. 1888 Nikola Tesla.
                      This? --
                      Patent US381970 - NIKOLA TESLA - Google Patents


                      • #56
                        Thank You for this very interesting thread I said long time ago that magnetic field around wire is so much interesting because it doesn't rise in time no matter how much energy IN TIME you pump into solenoid (at the same amperage). That means only one thing : magnetic field HAS TO BE DYNAMIC in time or in other case if you pump DC at constant amperage the field should GROW in time (new field produced on top of older one). It's like birth control Look again : amperage is a change of charge in time and thus magnetic field has to be correlated change of something in time. When amperage is constant , magnetic field around wire is also constant.

                        I see strong connections between ideas of Joseph Newman, Ed Leedscalnin and Don Smith...


                        • #57
                          Magnetic Energy Secrets Part 2

                          Today, we are releasing Paul Babcock's presentation, which is
                          MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS - PART 2! He continued right where
                          he left off last year so you can get even more of the science behind how
                          you can harness magnetism as a source of energy in electrical circuits.

                          Last year Paul revealed a few details of his highly efficient electric motor
                          design. This year, he got permission from his stockholders to actually show
                          a video of it running and discussed its operating principles from the patent
                          application on the motor!

                          If you thought last year's lecture was incredible, and it was, you'll be blown
                          away by what Paul shares in Part 2 of his MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS

                          On the following website, you can get your hands on a copy of Paul's talk.
                          If you already have Part 1, you can get Part 2 to complete your collection.
                          And if you don't have Part 1 yet, you can actually get both Part 1 & Part 2
                          as a Combo Package at a DISCOUNT!

                          Go here now: Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock

                          Aaron Murakami

                          Books & Videos
                          RPX & MWO


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by Aaron View Post

                            Today, we are releasing Paul Babcock's presentation, which is
                            MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS - PART 2! He continued right where
                            he left off last year so you can get even more of the science behind how
                            you can harness magnetism as a source of energy in electrical circuits.

                            Last year Paul revealed a few details of his highly efficient electric motor
                            design. This year, he got permission from his stockholders to actually show
                            a video of it running and discussed its operating principles from the patent
                            application on the motor!

                            If you thought last year's lecture was incredible, and it was, you'll be blown
                            away by what Paul shares in Part 2 of his MAGNETIC ENERGY SECRETS

                            On the following website, you can get your hands on a copy of Paul's talk.
                            If you already have Part 1, you can get Part 2 to complete your collection.
                            And if you don't have Part 1 yet, you can actually get both Part 1 & Part 2
                            as a Combo Package at a DISCOUNT!

                            Go here now: Magnetic Energy Secrets by Paul Babcock

                            Are these available on CD to purchase. Thankyou Hiwater


                            • #59
                              Magnetic Energy Secrets

                              Originally posted by Hiwater View Post
                              Are these available on CD to purchase. Thankyou Hiwater
                              They are available as digital downloadable videos.
                              Aaron Murakami

                              Books & Videos
                              RPX & MWO


                              • #60
                                Magnetic Energy

                                Paul Babcock interview - he reveals his secret method for making superior magnetic core material and it is so easy, anyone can do it! He discusses more about using magnetism as energy as well as answering some questions from the recent Bedini-Lindemann 2013 conference. Watch it now on youtube!

                                Paul Babcock Interview - Magnetic Energy Secrets - YouTube
                                Aaron Murakami

                                Books & Videos
                                RPX & MWO

