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how to distribute OU devices...

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  • how to distribute OU devices...

    Hello all,

    i haev often wondered, like many probably, if i ever was able to create a device to power a home for "free" or "very low cost" then what?

    from all i've understood, the patent market is corrupted, big business, namely, big oil, conspiring with "big" government, will immediatly bring any progress through sheer muscle to a halt, and the amount of MISinformation available through the net to "amateur" inventors and scientists leaves most of us dainted and confused as to where to begin...

    what's more, it seems like there is a very large chunk of videos taht SHOULD haev been the natural progression of experimentation is GONE! no where on the net, no videos, and plenty of accounts on youtube closed. are they being secretive smart, or cautiously threatened? if this is the case, then i understand WHY people WONT share any of their REAL findings with the world... it's like signing their own warrant.

    so, for arguments sake, lets say somebody DOES discover an OU device that can power our homes for example, how would that person get the info out in order to "better humanity"?

  • #2
    Originally posted by logos View Post

    1.plenty of accounts on youtube closed. would that person get the info out in order to "better humanity"?
    1. Many people get youtube accounts closed because they use
    copyrighted music without permission. There is a tie in with Itunes
    and there is automatic recognition of Itunes material. Answer: Don't do it.

    2. Use "Open Source" concepts that brought forward Linux, the operating
    system used by NASA where it matters, in flight. Then, you make money
    by writing the book, releasing the video, giving lectures and making special

    There are many millionaire made by open source. Look at linux Red Hat
    and Ubuntu which is funding space work:
    Mark Shuttleworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Last edited by wrtner; 07-30-2012, 03:02 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by wrtner View Post
      1. Many people get youtube accounts closed because they use
      copyrighted music without permission. There is a tie in with Itunes
      and there is automatic recognition of Itunes material. Answer: Don't do it.

      2. Use "Open Source" concepts that brought forward Linux, the operating
      system used by NASA where it matters, in flight. Then, you make money
      by writing the book, releasing the video, giving lectures and making special

      There are many millionaire made by open source. Look at linux Red Hat
      and Ubuntu which is funding space work:
      Mark Shuttleworth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
      Yeah, but they are sneaky bussinessmans not inventors. are you sure Linus Torvalds (creator of linux) is rich ?


      • #4
        I think that once an inventor encounters and kind of opposition from fed/corp interests he/she should publish all of the research and as much info as possible about what they are working on for their own safety and so the invention doesn't go to the grave with them. Once the information is out there is no reason to "keep you quiet".


        • #5
          Hi folks, Hi logos, first and most very important, we are not, "PERSONS".
          That term is used to label each sovereign man or woman as a corporate legal fiction, which we surely are not.
          Now, to address the cabal, if you allow fear to control your mind and thoughts, then you will be subject to them, otherwise one is sovereign and within the common law and closer to universal law.
          They will steer clear of you, each of you is far more powerful than you may realize, each should comprehend why they have create schools, media, newspapers, etc.
          It is mainly to put you in a box, their box, so your thoughts are in line with the control matrix that is currently crumbling.
          Once you start to live without fear, knowing you are a divine immortal unlimited consciousness being, then you will truly be in the world and not of it.
          This perception is based on first hand experience, one should come to the realization that one is not their body of flesh and bone, we are pure energy beings, the so called world follows our lead not the matrix illusion, that was only created by our conditioning since birth, because our creative powers and thoughts are that powerful.
          Believe and know that benevolent beings, earthly or otherwise, have the highest good of all at heart and only true love is real, then we will see the ways of this world change for the better overnight as it is already as humanity awakens.
          The technology is an effect of this benevolence, not the cause, one must come before the other.
          peace love light


          • #6
            Originally posted by boguslaw View Post
            Yeah, but they are sneaky bussinessmans not inventors. are you sure Linus Torvalds (creator of linux) is rich ?
            He is in a strange position as "the godfather" and not a real marketer
            of open source. But I would imagine that he does a lot of speaking and
            gets paid well for it.


            • #7
              I have been thinking about this one too.
              Tyson makes a very good point here, but there is something more to it...
              Remember that with such a device you are fighting money, big money.
              And when you are fighting money, you can not allow yourself to be controlled by it in any way shape or form.
              So free yourself of the idea that your device will make you rich. It will not! At least not in financial terms. You will get rich in far more important ways.
              Also be aware that such a device will make the entire (=global) monetary system collapse.
              Trust me it will! And then, all that money won't be worth anything anyway!
              That is why the obscenely rich few will be fighting you.
              But they are ony a few, remember Frank Zappa's poetic words:
              "there is more of us ugly moth*****ers than you are! Hey! So watch out!"
              That is my message to them.

              Be immune and win!
              Some day (hopefully soon) we will win anyway.



              • #8
                There is much more at play than money and power. Its much more about control than either of those. Society is as fragil as a straw hut, in a hurricane. Thats due to the fact that we are a slave society. Think you are free? Quit your job then watch as everything is taken from you. This will never change so long as earth has finite resources with unlimited populations along with encouraged expansion and growth.

                Disclosing free energy would fundamentally transform entire fields of science. Which would ultimately lead to the public discovery of the far more advanced technolgies currently being tightly controlled. Remember Atlantis? Do not think history cant repeat itself. Free energy is only the tip of the ice berg. They know this.

                You cant even imagine the technology they have. Anyone who tries to commerically release free energy will be lucky to live.

                They dont need to hire people to read forums. What they have is AI. Artificial Intelligence, computer software that can scan every post in every thread within every targeted forum. Computers with the power of petaflop processing, software with the intelligence to comprehend the desired outcome of identified key words, phrases and paragraphs.

                They dont even need to access the website, they can packet sniff the transmission from the servers crack open the encryption like a fresh egg
                and obtain all of the information just as they do with all emails. One advanced computer can do the work of 100,000 people. Every encryption can be cracked, thats fact.

                By the way, these same computers do the exact same thing with your phone lines. Why do you think stores in america dont get blown up by "terrorists" wearing bombs? They are caught before they hang up the phone.
                Last edited by jdodson; 07-31-2012, 04:25 AM.


                • #9
                  I do not have very vivid memories of Atlantis, but I believe you have a too high opinion of 'them', jdodson.

                  Even petaflop CPU's (if they exist) can not crack 4096 bit RSA keys within the (assumed) life span of the universe. This is probably why MS software does not allow for this type of encryption. Open source software does.

                  Funny that you mention their AI to control us. Actually it was my AI programs (doing stock market analysis) that showed me that 'they' do exist.

                  Relax, have faith and we will see a world with free energy.



                  • #10
                    Well,well.... I thought you have in America the one basic sentence :
                    "In God we trust"

                    As Tesla said World is badly upset already.


                    • #11
                      I dont even know weather atlantis existed or not but we all know the tale and understand the point.

                      Which website uses the 4096 bit key? The only thing companies are concerned with stopping are the everyday random hackers trying to steal.
                      They dont need keys that big to do that job.

                      Dont rely on what the public has to base your opinion on whats possible.
                      We are dealing with misguided education being taught world wide.
                      Beyond that, no public institution has 10's of billions of dollars to sink into the R&D necessary to develop such technology.

                      AI doesnt control us. A free individual can still release any break through publically and get it out before they have any chance of being stopped. I agree its inevitable for free energy to be released but weather or not we will be the ones to see it is not a certainty.


                      • #12
                        I dont even know weather atlantis existed or not but we all know the tale and understand the point.
                        True. Just kidding you there. Thought we should lighten up a bit.
                        Which website uses the 4096 bit key? The only thing companies are concerned with stopping are the everyday random hackers trying to steal.
                        They dont need keys that big to do that job.
                        The CLS dept. of the ABN-AMRO bank, for one. This is for sending ForEx transactions between banks. These are multi-million USD transactions. They are not just concerned about 'everyday hackers'.
                        And I have been using it personally to encrypt my emails. Not that they contained anything of value, I just wanted to give those kind of people something to chew on.
                        Think positive!
                        We WILL see that day when everyone has access to free energy!



                        • #13
                          Hi folks, Hi ernst, you said the magic words, "lighten up a bit".
                          Indeed, this is another key that will free humanity and release all the good stuff to humanity.
                          Yes i agree ernst about the illusion of making money from free energy, i was trying to keep my post shorter.
                          My post was mainly to point out to folks, that this is not about technology, this is mainly about, an invisible spiritual dance.
                          Our thoughts, words and actions as a whole collective have dictated the story line thus far and humanity has been awakening, so definitely a need to lighten up, as the future is bright, even though it may not always seem so.
                          I must also speak again about one aspect of this invisible to the eyes malevolent spiritual force, many have called this energy by different names, though one name is, "archons" or ankle biters, because it is a parasitic energy that manipulates the minds of humanity.
                          With this knowledge, one should now realize that most of the malevolent thoughts, words and actions that come from many human beings do not originate from them, they are planted in their minds to get them to act out these suggestions and create situations and emotional energies that sustain these ankle biters.
                          This knowledge of these parasitic ankle biters is needed to have a full comprehension of why the world is the way it is and precisely one of the main reasons why excess energy devices have not already been distributed on mass.
                          I can detect these parasites within people i meet and they are always trying to bring one and those around them into a state of fear, worry, anger, division, sadness and all other low emotional energy states.
                          Though they cannot stand the energy of true love, true joy, true happiness, true courage, true peace, etc. and will not stay around to be exposed to such energies.
                          Take what you will from these words, if they resonate with you, great, if not, place it into your filing cabinet for later consideration.
                          peace love light


                          • #14
                            The CLS dept. of the ABN-AMRO bank, for one. This is for sending ForEx transactions between banks. These are multi-million USD transactions.
                            I was relating to communication companies for emails and forums. They dont need to maintain top line security. Large banking transactions I can understand. Those companies have to probably guard against foreign governments cracking and rerouting transactions.

                            Its great to be wishful and hope for positive outcomes but we also have to be realistic to understand the fight we're up against. I certainly dont believe in negative spiritual forces affecting or manipulating anyone. I think its much simplier than that, people naturally are conditioned to live within the boundaries of our structured society.

                            Average people working 9-5 jobs trust that smart scientists know what they are doing and if they say free energy isnt possible...they take theyre word for it. Which leaves them with doubt and negativity when asked anything relating to free energy. Most people dont have the time or energy to invest in doing something they already think cant be possible.

                            On the flip side, there are unintended consequences with great power which i could explain but to keep the topic light i'll just leave it at that.

                            Ultimately if someone wants to distribute commerically, talk in person! lol. Get it out fast and hit the market like a hurricane.
                            Last edited by jdodson; 08-02-2012, 03:31 AM.


                            • #15
                              This post is just an attempt to bring more understanding between people with different views.

                              I believe that in older times people used more visual descriptions of things that they could not explain otherwise. People today who are used to more literal descriptions and interpretations will fail to see the value of those 'old time descriptions'.
                              Assuming that we are all here for a purpose and we must try to reach our goal, then think what happens if something bites your ankle. That cripples you, with the result that you are delayed in reaching your goal or even worse, you will not reach your goal at all.
                              So anything, any thought that enters your mind that restrains you, that keeps you from developing to your true potential, can be called an ankle-biter.

                              We must overcome these restraints. Everyone has his unique experience, and hence knowledge and capabilities that must be applied to make this a better world. And, looking at this world, almost every change will be an improvement, it can not get much worse.

                              So do not be afraid of anything. Do not accept anything restricting. And make your unique contribution to society.

                              (or does this sound a bit rebelious?)


