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Nitinol Heat Engines

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  • Nitinol Heat Engines

    Free Energy Nitinol Heat Machines invented in the early 1970.flv - YouTube


    This video is about Nitinol memory metal engines that are basically Stirling heat engines and work on a very low temperature difference.
    This technology can be easily scaled up into the KWatts range and drive a power generator to generate 50 or 60 HZ AC power. If you use solar power via Fresnell lenses to heat the hot water bath you can convert this heat energy into mechanical motion energy and then use a generator to generate 120 Volts 60 Hz AC or 230 Volts 50 Hz AC power.

    Too bad the oil industry killed this invention also as it did also kill the electric cars !
    In this report it is said, that 1 KWatts would require 600 US$ investment for the engine and that it is cheaper than PV and Nuclear power and this was in the 1970s. With todays alloy technology this price could be dropped dramatically and this would be a very cost effective technology.
    Also Nickel and Titan metals are not rare metals and it would be
    cheap to manufature without much maintainance...
    but Big Oil killed this technology long ago... What a shame... !

    Original video was found here:

    Nitinol - A New Free Energy System - YouTube

    It was a major threat to the oil barons as is proved in this documentary. So where is all of this hidden technology now?

    Prize winning 1982 CNN report by science editor Kevin Sanders:
    War & Peace - Kevin Sanders - UN NGO representative World Opinion Forum

    His follow-up articles on Nitinol in Science Digest are here:

    Update article on Nitinol Engines by Ridgeway Banks:

    Winston Brill - Articles

    Free Energy and Free Thinking

    Free Energy and Free Thinking

    Heatmobile - YouTube

    Nitinol Motor Experiment II - YouTube
    Last edited by Berg; 07-31-2012, 02:40 AM. Reason: Addition

  • #2
    Modern heat engines

    Hello Berg,

    "Big Oil killed this technology long ago... What a shame... !" Know the feeling. In 2000 DaS Energy began work using the natural refrigerant Carbon Dioxide Co2 to replace Steam. (This being encouraged by then Prime Minister John Howard) Toshiba steam turbine requires a drive force of 175 bar (one bar being 14.2 PSI). Water temperature raised from 100* Celsius to 550* Celsius produces 175 bar of pressure/force. CO2 rising from 10* Celsius to 100* Celsius produces 7,000 bar of pressure/force. Or in other words one 100* Celsius recycling CO2 Power Station replaces 200 Steam recycle Power Stations. John Howard in 2006 mapped the whole of Australia, Urban Geothermal placement of areas below 100* Celsius. However he and the technology were lost to the Coal avalanch of 2007 and todays government opposition to reducing Carbon emission any further than 20% and also bringing a new tax to keep monies from those who would other spend that money on converting to Clean Green Energy.

    Cheers Peter

