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Perpetual Motion Reality by Peter Lindemann

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  • #31

    Originally posted by madhatter View Post
    I like your call for an intelligent conversation
    I agree with your points and point out that thermodynamics is confusing enough to those who study it let alone the non-educated. The system is always assumed to be uniform, random scattering is impossible to calculate and thus is not. By starting out with an assumed 'smoothing' the answer is being manipulated before it's calculated. real world results are 'macro' systems that the equations can equal, but lets not forget that the system design was based on the equations to start with.

    by moving into the micro or quantum scale things go funny. I think that by designing and working on the quantum scale is where gains and progress can be made. Now I'm not talking about building quantum scale engines, no but designing and working on scaling the quantum interactions and not breaking into classical physics. Difficult for sure, it's that gap between classic and quantum that is still not bridged.

    I approach from the very fundamental 'building blocks' of nature to see why things behave the way they do. the problem is quantum vs macro, it's still an unknown. So onto the point, thermodynamics are large scale quantum interactions and to 'smooth' over this one will miss the ability to exploit the system properly.

    I like your simple idea and would offer this input, more than likely exotic materials are going to be needed to avoid a thermal equilibrium from building up. An interesting bit is at room temperature, all gases except hydrogen, helium and neon cool upon expansion by the Joule–Thomson process. I think that there is a fascinating connection to why, it has to do with the electrons!

    more later, need to get some other things done...
    Dear Madhatter,

    Thanks for the input. I agree that the introduction of exotic materials into this situation will be very beneficial. That is why I suggested introducing NITINOL into this. To be sure, this is a very exotic material! It's "shape memory" behavior is precisely one of those functions that operate in the middle ground between the Quantum and the Macro. The mechanical energy produced by NITINOL emerges from the MOLECULAR LEVEL, and not either of the "atomic" or the "macro" levels.

    From my point of view, I do not believe that the development of a "thermodynamic equilibrium" is possible in the Natural World. As long as the planet is rotating and any given location alternately faces, and then faces away from, the Sun, the development of a set of conditions where the temperature does not change is unlikely.

    This natural, thermal fluctuation so impressed Nikola Tesla, that he called it "the ideal energy source" for mass exploitation, especially in the middle latitudes.

    Thank you, again, for your input.

    Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

    Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
    Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
    Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


    • #32
      Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
      Dear Madhatter,

      Thanks for the input. I agree that the introduction of exotic materials into this situation will be very beneficial. That is why I suggested introducing NITINOL into this. To be sure, this is a very exotic material! It's "shape memory" behavior is precisely one of those functions that operate in the middle ground between the Quantum and the Macro. The mechanical energy produced by NITINOL emerges from the MOLECULAR LEVEL, and not either of the "atomic" or the "macro" levels.

      From my point of view, I do not believe that the development of a "thermodynamic equilibrium" is possible in the Natural World. As long as the planet is rotating and any given location alternately faces, and then faces away from, the Sun, the development of a set of conditions where the temperature does not change is unlikely.

      This natural, thermal fluctuation so impressed Nikola Tesla, that he called it "the ideal energy source" for mass exploitation, especially in the middle latitudes.

      Thank you, again, for your input.

      Peter, thanks for the response. I agree that an equilibrium never exists or the nature of the universe would be not only flat but still. not true of course so it's broken down do various states and specified 'regions'. doesn't make it anymore true but gives the engineers something to work with. My point of approaching an equilibrium needs further clarification.

      The Nitinol metal was a given, I was referring to the containment vessel, taking the simple arrangement of a cylinder and piston. the piston material and cylinder would need to be exotic materials. the surface of the piston could be a molecular sieve that filters one gas from another and acts as valved orifice depending on pressure. closed containment to use a specific gas that would enhance the thermal transfer and have a negative joule-Thompson curve. friction would be a problem so the use of coatings or 'gas' pressure bearings may be needed. As one can see this gets into areas where building a prototype in the garage is going to be difficult to impossible.

      I was grouping the system as a whole into the thermal equilibrium comment to point out that conventional materials and approach would render the efficiency to below that what it is capable of and the friction and thermal transfer of heat from the air and nitinol to the surrounding unit would cause losses and possibly bring it to a stop.

      I think that instead of starting with a specific arrangement in mind first that an approach where taking the materials in question and there properties and then arranging them so as to exploit the phase transition effect of Nitinol.


      • #33
        Saw your video pretty good. I was hoping for some more details on my favorite free energy unsung hero: Bob Neal, but that is just me

        Plus I have been waiting on this tid bit that has whetted my appetite from you website for some time:
        "One such system that was tested in the 1970's produced 350 hp, measured on a Dynamometer, in a specially designed engine from just 100-sq. ft. of solar collector. The amount of energy it took to run the compressor (input) was less than 20 hp, so this system produced more than 17 times more energy than it took to keep it going! It could power a small neighborhood from the roof of a hot tub gazebo, using exactly the same technology that keeps the food cold in your kitchen.

        A comprehensive essay on this technology is being prepared for this page. Please check back soon for more information. "


        • #34
          Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
          Dear Madhatter,
          To be sure, this is a very exotic material! It's "shape memory" behavior is precisely one of those functions that operate in the middle ground between the Quantum and the Macro. The mechanical energy produced by NITINOL emerges from the MOLECULAR LEVEL, and not either of the "atomic" or the "macro" levels.
          Unfortunately its efficiency in converting heat into mechanical work is 5%, in the best conditions.
          This explained why it has been abandoned after the 70's. The modern thermocouples are much better. Even the thermal engines beat the nitinol.

          To obtain a useful work from differences of temperature is classical physics. If we want really enter the quantum world, we have to find the trick for a Maxwell demon. It is known that the second law of thermodynamics is circumvented for short time periods and a few particles only. A quantum device could make the particles to cooperate with one another and give macroscopic results.
          Last edited by exnihiloest; 09-18-2012, 11:40 AM. Reason: typo error


          • #35
            Thread Limitations


            Please respect the Thread Limitations as stated in the second post as follows:

            This thread is dedicated to an open discussion of any of the information that I presented in my recent presentation at the Conference. Please DO NOT post here if you have not seen the Lecture or were not at the Conference.

            Please do not post unless you have viewed the lecture Perpetual Motion Reality.

            Thank you for your cooperation.

            Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

            Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
            Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
            Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


            • #36
              Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post

              Please respect the Thread Limitations as stated in the second post as follows:

              This thread is dedicated to an open discussion of any of the information that I presented in my recent presentation at the Conference. Please DO NOT post here if you have not seen the Lecture or were not at the Conference.

              Please do not post unless you have viewed the lecture Perpetual Motion Reality.

              Thank you for your cooperation.

              I believed it was an "open discussion" about questions of science relative to the conference, and not about questions of faith in Perpetual Motion.
              Sorry to have corrected mistakes about what is asserted here!


              • #37
                No Corrections Required

                Originally posted by exnihiloest View Post
                I believed it was an "open discussion" about questions of science relative to the conference, and not about questions of faith in Perpetual Motion.
                Sorry to have corrected mistakes about what is asserted here!
                Dear exnihiloest,

                You only believed that because you were too lazy to read the 35 posts that came before. You have not corrected anything or anyone. Do not post in this thread again.

                If you insist upon voicing your support for the current "Laws of Physics" as they are force-fed to the young, start your own thread. I am an incurable heretic and find your efforts to "correct me" both rude and distracting.

                Please go away.

                Peter Lindemann, D.Sc.

                Open System Thermodynamics Perpetual Motion Reality Electric Motor Secrets
                Battery Secrets Magnet Secrets Tesla's Radiant Energy Real Rain Making
                Bedini SG: The Complete Handbook Series Magnetic Energy Secrets


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Peter Lindemann View Post
                  Dear exnihiloest,

                  You only believed that because you were too lazy to read the 35 posts that came before. You have not corrected anything or anyone. Do not post in this thread again.

                  If you insist upon voicing your support for the current "Laws of Physics" as they are force-fed to the young, start your own thread. I am an incurable heretic and find your efforts to "correct me" both rude and distracting.
                  To "correct you"?! What a funny idea! Nobody is expected to do the impossible.
                  I just use the free speech to point lies, fallacies and lack of facts.

                  Please go away.

                  Thanks for your kind advise.
                  Please notify us when you will have a real free energy device that works.


                  • #39
                    Stupidity is overcome with dilligence

                    I personally have been reading threads here and elsewhere for years and never replied or stated anything until I had firm conviction from empirical evidence of my own to cast into the conversation.

                    My own theories are in alignment with yours Dr. L and I, therefore must designate myself an incurable heretic.

                    Authoritarianism and herd mentality go together.

                    The great scientists of the past had to suffer indignities of idiots thinking the world was flat as well.

                    It's really too bad we can't tap into stupidity for an energy source.
                    It seems to be the most abundant resource on this planet.
                    The problems of today cannot be solved from the same level of thinking which created them.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by exnihiloest View Post
                      To "correct you"?! What a funny idea! Nobody is expected to do the impossible.
                      I just use the free speech to point lies, fallacies and lack of facts.

                      Thanks for your kind advise.
                      Please notify us when you will have a real free energy device that works.
                      ext, you are either a clown fool or a paid schill. not welcome here. can has a lively forum section, chat bout nasa's latest hoax there
                      Banned For Illegal Activities / Fraud


                      • #41
                        I have thought about perpetual motion for a very long time and come to the logical conclusion that 99% of the population is delusional. However delusion can be deceiving because of the well known fact that the only people who are truely crazy are the one's who believe they are not in some way.

                        For instance a person tells me "you cannot get something from nothing" and I ask can you tell me exactly where this nothing is?. Is it empty space because science tells us 1% of all space contains observable matter and the other 99% is filled with dark matter. As well there is those damn stars which radiate energy in every direction for as long as they exist so this energy must occupy every space everywhere inbetween each star should it not ... unless it has magically ceased to exist. I find it very peculiar that nobody can seem to tell me where this "nothing" they believe in actually is.

                        Another person tells me there is no such thing as perpetual motion because that is impossible and I ask do you believe in the Big Bang?. If you do then logically everything must be expanding from a singular point only to contract to another singular point at some distant time, is this not perpetual motion?. I ask them do you believe in science?, because the last couple of hundred years of science was spent proving that all matter contains particles which are in perpetual motion relative to one another.

                        As well these particles are always in transition from one place to another over varying degrees of time. In which case we must define time, if a single particle moves one mm in one hundred and seventy two million years, four point three months, nine days, one hour and thirty six minutes is it still in motion?. Well now we have a real problem don't we? because to say anything is not in perpetual motion is to say we know it must never move until the end of time which is a very very long time indeed.

                        I have to wonder how any person could know such a thing?, how could a person declare -- well yes I know as a fact that this particular particle will not move until the end of time thus it is not in perpetual motion. It just seems a little far fetched, a little way the hell out in left field in my opinion and yet ... and yet this is considered normal.

                        Now a person just has to ask how could anyone believe such things despite the facts?, how could anyone believe such things despite the science we know if not just plain old common sense. As I said I have thought on this for a very long time and nature would seem to make perfect sense however it's people I can't seem to understand.



                        • #42
                          The movement between Earth and Sun is a fine example of perpetual motion to me. When Earth slows down and stop rotating?

                          What makes celestial bodies display harmonic oscillation property for billions years?

                          Energy is constant is utter nonsense. I believe in physical universe is open system. It is simply delusional egocentric mind thinking we can draw invisible wall so that energy flows in one direction, total energy of any system is fixed.

                          If there are serious readers, I suggest study Ph. M. Kanarev's papers or Subquantum Kinetics by Paul LaViolette. They speaks with pure mathematics and laws of physics to explain impossible things in mainstream science.


                          • #43
                            You and I have spoken on the phone a few times, and I have continued my research into the Bessler wheel as well as my research in to alternate sources of power with the 3 Battery Generating System

                            I have come up with some ideas on the Bessler wheel that are proving out in the tests I have done, and now I am in the process of building a 5 ft working model. It is a simple design, but the build will take me a while as I have really no place to build it and other irons in the fire. But I thought I would share the concept and let the chips fly.

                            At different times I have posted ideas and videos here. Usually they are of a build that is under construction. I posted a while back some of my experiments with the 3rd dimension on my five foot wheel, which led me to some serious speculation about the need for a drum type wheel and what could be accomplished with a hollow wheel that had NO axle running through it to get in the way. Here is what I have come up with.
                            Bessler Wheel 3rd Dimension - YouTube

                            I am in the process of building a test model right now which will give me the data I need to prove or disprove my theory, but I have been successful enough with models on a flat wheel to understand that moving weights in the third dimension can make a significant difference. In the video I discuss raising the weight after it has traveled from the 12:00 to the 6:00 position, which can be done easily through leverage. BUT it is much easier to shift the weight to center when it is in the 3:00 position, since it takes hardly ANY weight at all to shift a 10 pound weight at that moment, which you will understand after watching the video. However, you only get the benefit of overbalance from 12:00 to 3:00, which may be significant, and is reason for lots of research. It is my sincere hope that this leads to some exploration in new directions for some of us. As you can see, it is an incredibly SIMPLE design.

                            Dave Bowling
                            EDIT: I should point out that in my testing, the lever arms have NOT been of the same length. With equal length lever arms you do not get the results I have gotten. Don't want to forget that important detail.
                            Last edited by Turion; 02-05-2013, 10:46 PM.
                            “Advances are made by answering questions. Discoveries are made by questioning answers.”
                            —Bernhard Haisch, Astrophysicist

