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K.I.S.S. free energy machine

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  • K.I.S.S. free energy machine

    I know there is several methods to recapture the wasted energy we consume daily, heres a simple one I'm working on building. I live on a hill, every day I leave to work, my truck (F-250 powerstroke) about 7000lb. of pure kinetic energy, is going to make me free energy, its free because it is being wasted away right now by using breaks to slow down going down my drive way! THINK OF A HUGE GRANDFATHER CLOCK THAT YOU USE YOUR VEHICLE TO WIND. A large mass (like dirt or ? in a heavy duty container) is hoisted in the air via a cable attached to truck, going down hill and loads multiplied by pullys, lifting 20,000lbs should be no problem, if I want to use the trucks pulling capacity as well, I'm sure I could lift a object at least 50,000lbs in a short distance of 50' feet. A little effort of hooking up cable and unhooking provides huge returns in stored energy (Kinetic), now put it to use, geared down, running a 2000 watt generator during peak hours! During energy shortages, power company's triple their rate on peak hours, so no vehicle, no problem, just hoist weight into air with winch at off hours and start producing power on peak hours, they have to sell it back at the rate they give it. Until we have the E.V. Gray motor in every household (hopefully sooner then later), simple mechanical ideas like this can help offset the the Governmental power conspiricy/slavery/thievery/scandal. Its ALL ABOUT EMPOWERMENT-----------RIGHT?-------------
    Added: a simple devise from inventor Wilkinson shows the clock work portion wilkinson machine - YouTube I just found this link under "Energetic Science Ministries" called "Electronic multiplier machine" posted from One_Christian_warrior
    Last edited by Etherichead; 08-20-2012, 02:04 AM. Reason: want to add link showing clockwork

  • #2
    I am with ya brother... I have been looking at my driveway on the side of the hill for a long time.



    • #3
      Hi etherichead, thanks for sharing your idea.
      Or maybe something like this also.

      Uploaded with
      Or this.

      Uploaded with
      Or this.

      Uploaded with

      Uploaded with

      Uploaded with

      peace love light


      • #4
        Thank you Mr. SkyWatcher, very incitefull, another twist to this "Store Your Kenetic Energy idea" to just simply use water, pump water up during off hours into a storage container, and drain water back down through a peltier wheel during peek hours===$$$$$ from power company. Back in 1960 a friend of mine's dad worked for JPL and he built the Star Fire power plant that is still powering a third world country island to this day, it simply used mirrors that were encased to hold a vacumn, and with the proper vacumn the radius of the sun could be dialed in to focus the mirrors on a heat exchanger. The glass is flexable enough to do this using simple cheap mirrors and a vacumn cleaner. The heat exchanger heated water to super heated steam that in turn ran a 900cc Kawasaki motor cycle engine converted to run on steam (a simple conversion for any internal combustion motor) it actually becomes like a two stroke since pressure is forced through spark plug hole so both intake and exhaust valves become exhaust. Why don't we have these on the market 50 yrs. later? The Golden Rule---He who has the gold rules! and they will do anything to keep it. If they could block the sun, they would charge you for light, and I'm sure if they could, they would charge you for gravity too! Ever read "Atlas Shrugged" by Anne Rand? great book written along time ago about what we are going through


        • #5
          I have spoken many hours with a friend about something just like this etherichead. Why when I leave my driveway couldn't I hook up to a large weighted bag of sand or an engine block. Pull it up to the top of a pulley and let it clockwork its way down turning a generator. For that matter couldn't the same be done by human power with the same principle and get exercise at the same time. Just use smaller but multiple pulley generators as many times a day as possible.


          • #6
            Anything that produces an output of energy could feed into it. As long you can gear it enough to put the energy in. Just study the "Block and Tackle" for the basics of how to get it up.
            If the block and tackle were to take 20 lbs of force to lift the given weight, then you could use 19.80 lbs to anchor it and slow its descent. Use a gen and pulley then need that much torque to turn. You must have less as an anchor than it takes to lift it.
            Then all you need is a clutch system to engage or disengage for rewind.

            The right block and tackle you could lift 100k lbs with an exercise bicycle, or treadmill. Then even better you could use hydraulics.

            Then open a gym, make the suckers pay to keep the lights on.
            Harvest the energy of the exercise addicted. LOL



            • #7
              power house gym

              Your absolutly right, with enough reduction ratio, you can lift huge amounts, I Love what you said about the gym, I want to open a gym where every exercise machine produces energy, call it the power house, members would pay a fee just like any gym, but when they produce energy, they get paid back, they pay for their membership, and then more! A percentage of the energy profits would naturally go back to the business to keep the doors open, and hopefully generate a profit. I'm a gerneral contractor, I would love to build the Kinetic power plant using the truck or bicycle or ? to lift the weight, its just I'm strugling to put food on the table for my family right now, If I could build a prototype, I'm pretty sure people would buy it, I think it would cost in the neiborhood of $10,000, but would pay for itself quickly, and then who knows, it might take off, and people around the would may buy the system. It's simple, easy to maintain, and reliable. Tons of people are wasting their money on expensive solar systems that wear out and cost a fortune to buy, Silicon photo voltiacs are not environmentally friendly, incredibly toxic to make, and toxic waste, this system would run a over the counter 220v generator alternator like what is on a 5kw home generator, simple, effective, power, hence the K.I.S.S. "Keep It Simple Stupid", just about any handyman could build and keep it going. If anyone wants one, contact me, (send me a private message, I will give email or phone #), best regards, Mike
              Last edited by Etherichead; 08-20-2012, 11:08 PM.


              • #8
                Maybe you should pitch this guy. He might build it.

                Savonius explanation.MOD - YouTube

                He is into some big stuff. The windmill is nice too. Watch the video.



                • #9
                  Thanks Matthew, absolutly beautiful design on turbine! I'm definately going to build one of those, judging from this guys yard, he doesn't need my help! His yard looks like mine, LOL, I'm just offering to build the trellis stand to support the large mass that has to be lifted, dig the footings with my excavator, and frame the tower, a heavy duty water tank stand design, that can withstand the forces of pulling the cable to lift the weight. The final drive very similar to a grandfather clock, is geared down with gears and pullys to provide a 1000'+ of radial travel for every 1/2" the weight lowers, it is a very solid concept, I'm almost considering taking out a loan to build one, if I can get it passed the warden (wife), its a go. And since it is a very simple mechanical design that only requires over the counter parts, I doubt the "Rulers of Power" will kill me for it. Thats why I wish someone with the funds would invest in one, until I can work up the capitol, its like I'm


                  • #10
                    Hi folks, hi etheric, think and speak things of freely sharing and the world will change and nobody will struggle to put food on the table.
                    Do you see, do you see, don't shoot the messenger.
                    Great ideas aside from the ideas of profit.
                    peace love light


                    • #11
                      Added: a simple devise from inventor Wilkinson shows the clock work portion wilkinson machine - YouTube I just found this link under "Energetic Science Ministries" called "Electronic multiplier machine" posted from One_Christian_warrior


                      • #12
                        Energy conservation law is wrongly understood. Energy can't be destroyed. Energy can do work infinitely if not escape.


                        • #13
                          Hi folks, Hi matt, awesome windmill video, that makes me want to build a small scale one for my porch and see how it works out.
                          Hi boguslaw, indeed, what is a satellite doing up there so long, hey.
                          What is a permanent magnet doing its thing, for so long for, etc.
                          I think the so called establishment likes to insinuate that "their" laws apply to things they actually do not apply to, so they can attempt to continue with these throw away societies they have engineered.
                          peace love light
                          edit: Hi etheric, and that video is cool also, too bad he didn't show it resetting itself. Good idea, even without the self reset mechanism.
                          Last edited by SkyWatcher; 08-20-2012, 04:51 PM.


                          • #14
                            Yep just like the "Wilkinson" machine. A basic block and tackle as Mathew said. Now that with a heavy weight and a lot more height to fall from would be interesting. Anyone know just how much of his gearing killed torque? As in being that geared down would he still be able to turn a generator?


                            • #15
                              Excited to test

                              I am very excited to test this "Grandfather clock generator" idea, I have several old generators from 2hp to 15hp to play with, and tons of transmisions, gears, pullys, etc., of course there will be a loss of torque due to the friction and amount of reduction, but by overcompensating with extra weight, I don't think it will be a problem. My main problem is construction is a foriegn word in California right now, so I'm in Hawaii building a restaurant, I only come home for two days every two weeks to see my family, no time to play with awsome ideas, kinda ironic, after all, this concept may be marketable, and save me from crazy travel! oh well, thanks for all the input fellows, so glad I found this site, I feel like I'm part of a family of super creative individuals who are extremely smart, helpful and kind...........Aloha Mike..............Much Mahalo's............P.S. I'll be home for good in 6 months, will build for sure, and share all my results!

